------------------- ELOQUENT 2.01 README ------------------- **** ABOUT ELOQUENT **** Eloquent is a full e-mail and news agent that caters to the needs of everyone from novices to power users. All your messaging needs - composing and sending e-mail messages and news posts, reading and filing e-mail, and reading Usenet news - can be done conveniently and easily with Eloquent. There is no need for a myriad of add-on programs and utilities. If you currently use other mail agents, making the transition to Eloquent is simple. Eloquent is compatible with NeXT's Mail.app and will read and write Mail.app mailboxes and addresses. You can exchange NeXTMail with other NeXT users, Sun mail with Sun Mail Tool users, or exchange MIME or uuencoded mail with users on other platforms. Pine and MH users can also use Eloquent with no trouble since Eloquent will read, write and create Pine-compatible mailboxes and addresss books. It will also use your existing MH mailboxes. Version 1.0 had many useful features that simplified user's lives, like sorting incoming mail, extended searching capabilities, the ability to save composed messages for later editing and delivery or posting, and smart mailboxes that would perform actions - such as replying to messages or redirecting them to another address - for you. A full listing of features in version 1.0 is given in the Eloquent 2.0 release notes. Now, Take 3 has increased the capabilities and usability of Eloquent in version 2.0. The first thing that you will notice in 2.0 is the new look. Many parts of the UI have been redesigned to make it more attractive and easier to perform common tasks. Eloquent extends the level of customization that is available to the sophisticated user, while decreasing the amount of configuration required. Version 2.0 introduces the Eloquent Browser. The Browser replaces the former Mailboxes and Newsgroups panels. Because of its hierarchical structure, you have access to mailboxes and newsgroups in multiple folders on your computer, or remote servers (through POP, IMAP and NNTP). The Browser is similar to the File Viewer in the Workspace Manager, so you're already familiar with the environment, and will be able to access mailboxes, newsgroups, local and remote hosts, and other files that Eloquent uses, as easily as you locate files in your own Workspace. The Browser also lets you create groups of unrelated items, so that they can all be accessed from one place. As connectivity becomes more important, it won't be unusual for you to need to use mail and new services on multiple hosts. Eloquent provides for this by allowing you to access mailboxes and newsgroups from more than one remote server at the same time. Eloquent will even retrieve your mail from multiple system mailboxes, and save your usernames and passwords (if you want!) so that it can log in for you. The viewer concept has also been expanded in 2.0. A shelf has been added to the viewer for easy access to commonly used mailboxes and newsgroups. There are more configurable options available - including changing which headers are summarized in the columns of the message list, reversing the order of messages, sorting messages by threads, and showing message sizes in a mailbox (with large sizes highlighted). Once you have a viewer configured the way you want it, you can save it, so that the same customized settings are then available for all your mailboxes and newsgroups. You can configure system wide viewers, or create specialized viewers and assign them to individual mailboxes. **** INSTALLING AND USING THE DEMO **** The copy on this ftp site has been archived with tar and compressed with gzip. Untar and ungzip it, and copy the Eloquent.app to an appropriate place (such as the /Apps folder in your home folder). If you have run Eloquent 1.0, read the Release Notes before installing this version. There are instructions in the Release Notes that you will need to follow to set preferences, read NeXTmail mailboxes, and use your previous address book. The Release Notes also list all the new features in 2.0. When you double-click to start up the application for the first time, Eloquent's license panel appears. Either enter your license key, or if you are running it in demo mode, click the Demo button. In demo mode, Eloquent adds text to mail messages and news posts you send, indicating that the message was sent with a demo program. It puts up a panel every three minutes that requires you to type in "demo" to continue using the program. No features have been disabled in the demo - it is fully functional. Before sending any messages, you will need to enter your e-mail address in the Send Preferences panel (Choose Info > Preferences from the main menu). To learn about using Eloquent, you may want to open the on-line Help, and start with the Introduction to Eloquent. There are some sample viewers included with this demo to provide examples of the different ways viewers can be configured. Copy the viewers to a permanent directory (such as ~/Library), and open them by double-clicking. (You may need to log out and back in after installing Eloquent before viewer files will be recognized by the Workspace Manager.) A mailbox or newsgroup can be opened in a viewer by dragging it from the browser over the area of the viewer just below the shelf. (See the Help entries "Open a newsgroup" or "Open a mailbox" for more information.) The software can be made fully functional by entering a license key obtained from Take 3. More information on licensing Eloquent is given below. Please direct any questions you may have to Eloquent_support@take3.com. (Use the pre-addressed message under Info > Support) We welcome comments and bug reports. Use the Info > Bug Report menu item to send your exciting suggestions or insightful observations to Eloquent_bugs@take3.com. We think Eloquent is a great app, but your suggestions will help make it even better. **** ORDERING INFORMATION **** The evaluation version can be made fully functional by entering a license key obtained from Take Three. Choose Info > license in the main menu to review the license agreement. Pricing: $175 We do not offer educational institution or student pricing. Contact Take 3 for volume discounts. Compatibility: Eloquent 2.0 is compatible with Intel, Motorola, HP-PA RISC and SPARC architectures running NEXTSTEP 3.1 or higher. There is also a version for Motorola running NEXTSTEP 3.0, available by request (contact Take 3). Technical Support: We will provide limited support at no charge for 30 days. Support after the initial 30 days will be charged a per-request fee. Send questions about Eloquent to Eloquent_support@take3.com. Payment: Take Three accepts Visa, Mastercard, purchase orders or International Postal Money Orders. All payments must be made in U.S. dollars. Sales Tax: Michigan customers add 6% sales tax. Use any of the following means to place your order: Phone 616.228.6556 (9 a.m. to 5 p.m. EST) E-mail Eloquent_sales@take3.com Snail Mail P.O. Box 40 Cedar MI 49621 Please provide the following information when ordering Eloquent: 1. Your name 2. Organization 3: Full mailing address 4: Telephone number 5. Fax number 6: E-mail address (also indicate whether or not you can accept NeXTMail, and the maximum message size) 7: Number of licenses you wish to purchase. For Visa/Mastercard Orders: 8: Name on the credit card 9: Card # 10: Expiration date For purchase orders: 8: P.O. or reference #: 9: Billing address (if different than above mailing address.) ****Return Policy**** If you aren't happy with your purchase of Eloquent for any reason, immediately discontinue use of Eloquent, send us your license key, media, and a request for a refund, up to 30 days after your initial purchase. We will happily refund your money, no questions asked. If you have a question that this document does not answer, direct questions to Eloquent_support@take3.com. Eloquent is a trademark of Take Three NEXTSTEP is a trademark of NeXT Computer, Inc.
These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.