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/* $Header: /usr/people/sam/tiff/libtiff/RCS/tiffiop.h,v 1.39 93/02/03 16:57:02 sam Exp $ */ /* * Copyright (c) 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992 Sam Leffler * Copyright (c) 1991, 1992 Silicon Graphics, Inc. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and * its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided * that (i) the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear in * all copies of the software and related documentation, and (ii) the names of * Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics may not be used in any advertising or * publicity relating to the software without the specific, prior written * permission of Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS-IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY * WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * IN NO EVENT SHALL SAM LEFFLER OR SILICON GRAPHICS BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, * OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, * WHETHER OR NOT ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF DAMAGE, AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE * OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef _TIFFIOP_ #define _TIFFIOP_ /* * ``Library-private'' definitions. */ #include "tiffconf.h" #include "tiffcomp.h" #include "tiffio.h" /* * Internal format of a TIFF directory entry. */ typedef struct { #define FIELD_SETLONGS 2 /* bit vector of fields that are set */ u_long td_fieldsset[FIELD_SETLONGS]; u_long td_imagewidth, td_imagelength, td_imagedepth; u_long td_tilewidth, td_tilelength, td_tiledepth; u_short td_subfiletype; u_short td_bitspersample; u_short td_sampleformat; u_short td_compression; u_short td_photometric; u_short td_threshholding; u_short td_fillorder; u_short td_orientation; u_short td_samplesperpixel; u_short td_predictor; u_long td_rowsperstrip; u_long td_minsamplevalue, td_maxsamplevalue; /* XXX */ float td_xresolution, td_yresolution; u_short td_resolutionunit; u_short td_planarconfig; float td_xposition, td_yposition; u_long td_group3options; u_long td_group4options; u_short td_pagenumber[2]; u_short td_matteing; u_short td_cleanfaxdata; u_short td_badfaxrun; u_long td_badfaxlines; u_short *td_colormap[3]; u_short td_halftonehints[2]; char *td_documentname; char *td_artist; char *td_datetime; char *td_hostcomputer; char *td_imagedescription; char *td_make; char *td_model; char *td_software; char *td_pagename; u_long td_stripsperimage; u_long td_nstrips; /* size of offset & bytecount arrays */ u_long *td_stripoffset; u_long *td_stripbytecount; #ifdef YCBCR_SUPPORT float *td_ycbcrcoeffs; u_short td_ycbcrsubsampling[2]; u_short td_ycbcrpositioning; #endif #ifdef JPEG_SUPPORT u_short td_jpegproc; u_short td_jpegrestartinterval; u_char **td_qtab; u_char **td_dctab; u_char **td_actab; #endif #ifdef COLORIMETRY_SUPPORT float *td_whitepoint; float *td_primarychromas; float *td_refblackwhite; u_short *td_transferfunction[3]; #endif #ifdef CMYK_SUPPORT u_short td_inkset; u_short td_dotrange[2]; char *td_inknames; char *td_targetprinter; #endif } TIFFDirectory; /* * Field flags used to indicate fields that have * been set in a directory, and to reference fields * when manipulating a directory. */ /* multi-entry fields */ #define FIELD_IMAGEDIMENSIONS 0 #define FIELD_TILEDIMENSIONS 1 #define FIELD_CELLDIMENSIONS 2 /* XXX */ #define FIELD_RESOLUTION 3 #define FIELD_POSITION 4 /* single-entry fields */ #define FIELD_SUBFILETYPE 5 #define FIELD_BITSPERSAMPLE 6 #define FIELD_COMPRESSION 7 #define FIELD_PHOTOMETRIC 8 #define FIELD_THRESHHOLDING 9 #define FIELD_FILLORDER 10 #define FIELD_DOCUMENTNAME 11 #define FIELD_IMAGEDESCRIPTION 12 #define FIELD_MAKE 13 #define FIELD_MODEL 14 #define FIELD_ORIENTATION 15 #define FIELD_SAMPLESPERPIXEL 16 #define FIELD_ROWSPERSTRIP 17 #define FIELD_MINSAMPLEVALUE 18 #define FIELD_MAXSAMPLEVALUE 19 #define FIELD_PLANARCONFIG 20 #define FIELD_PAGENAME 21 #define FIELD_GROUP3OPTIONS 22 #define FIELD_GROUP4OPTIONS 23 #define FIELD_RESOLUTIONUNIT 24 #define FIELD_PAGENUMBER 25 #define FIELD_STRIPBYTECOUNTS 26 #define FIELD_STRIPOFFSETS 27 #define FIELD_COLORMAP 28 #define FIELD_PREDICTOR 29 #define FIELD_ARTIST 30 #define FIELD_DATETIME 31 #define FIELD_HOSTCOMPUTER 32 #define FIELD_SOFTWARE 33 #define FIELD_MATTEING 34 #define FIELD_BADFAXLINES 35 #define FIELD_CLEANFAXDATA 36 #define FIELD_BADFAXRUN 37 #define FIELD_SAMPLEFORMAT 38 #define FIELD_SMINSAMPLEVALUE 39 #define FIELD_SMAXSAMPLEVALUE 40 #define FIELD_IMAGEDEPTH 41 #define FIELD_TILEDEPTH 42 #define FIELD_HALFTONEHINTS 43 #ifdef YCBCR_SUPPORT #define FIELD_YCBCRCOEFFICIENTS 44 #define FIELD_YCBCRSUBSAMPLING 45 #define FIELD_YCBCRPOSITIONING 46 #endif #ifdef JPEG_SUPPORT #define FIELD_JPEGPROC 47 #define FIELD_JPEGRESTARTINTERVAL 48 #define FIELD_JPEGQTABLES 49 #define FIELD_JPEGDCTABLES 50 #define FIELD_JPEGACTABLES 51 #endif #ifdef COLORIMETRY_SUPPORT #define FIELD_REFBLACKWHITE 52 #define FIELD_WHITEPOINT 53 #define FIELD_PRIMARYCHROMAS 54 #define FIELD_TRANSFERFUNCTION 55 #endif #ifdef CMYK_SUPPORT #define FIELD_INKSET 56 #define FIELD_INKNAMES 57 #define FIELD_DOTRANGE 58 #define FIELD_TARGETPRINTER 59 #endif #define FIELD_LAST 59 #define TIFFExtractData(tif, type, v) \ ((tif)->tif_header.tiff_magic == TIFF_BIGENDIAN ? \ ((v) >> (tif)->tif_typeshift[type]) & (tif)->tif_typemask[type] : \ (v) & (tif)->tif_typemask[type]) #define TIFFInsertData(tif, type, v) \ ((tif)->tif_header.tiff_magic == TIFF_BIGENDIAN ? \ ((v) & (tif)->tif_typemask[type]) << (tif)->tif_typeshift[type] : \ (v) & (tif)->tif_typemask[type]) typedef struct { u_short field_tag; /* field's tag */ short field_readcount; /* read count (-1 for unknown) */ short field_writecount; /* write count (-1 for unknown) */ TIFFDataType field_type; /* type of associated data */ u_short field_bit; /* bit in fieldsset bit vector */ u_short field_oktochange; /* if true, can change while writing */ char *field_name; /* ASCII name */ } TIFFFieldInfo; #define FIELD_IGNORE ((u_short)-1) /* tags processed but ignored */ #define TIFF_ANY TIFF_NOTYPE /* for field descriptor searching */ #define TIFF_VARIABLE -1 /* marker for variable length tags */ #define TIFF_SPP -2 /* marker for SamplesPerPixel tags */ extern const TIFFFieldInfo tiffFieldInfo[];/* table of field descriptors */ extern const int tiffDataWidth[]; /* table of tag datatype widths */ #define BITn(n) (((u_long)1L)<<((n)&0x1f)) #define BITFIELDn(tif, n) ((tif)->tif_dir.td_fieldsset[(n)/32]) #define TIFFFieldSet(tif, field) (BITFIELDn(tif, field) & BITn(field)) #define TIFFSetFieldBit(tif, field) (BITFIELDn(tif, field) |= BITn(field)) #define TIFFClrFieldBit(tif, field) (BITFIELDn(tif, field) &= ~BITn(field)) #define FieldSet(fields, f) (fields[(f)/32] & BITn(f)) #define ResetFieldBit(fields, f) (fields[(f)/32] &= ~BITn(f)) /* * Typedefs for ``method pointers'' used internally. */ /* #if defined(c_plusplus) || defined(__cplusplus) || defined(__STDC__) || USE_PROTOTYPES */ #if defined(USE_PROTOTYPES) #define USE_PROTO USE_PROTOTYPES #else #define USE_PROTO 0 #endif #if USE_PROTO typedef int (*TIFFVoidMethod)(TIFF*); typedef int (*TIFFIOMethod)(TIFF*, u_char*, u_long, u_int); typedef int (*TIFFSeekMethod)(TIFF*, u_long); #else typedef int (*TIFFVoidMethod)(); typedef int (*TIFFIOMethod)(); typedef long (*TIFFSeekMethod)(); #endif struct tiff { char *tif_name; /* name of open file */ short tif_fd; /* open file descriptor */ short tif_mode; /* open mode (O_*) */ char tif_fillorder; /* natural bit fill order for machine */ char tif_options; /* compression-specific options */ short tif_flags; #define TIFF_DIRTYHEADER 0x1 /* header must be written on close */ #define TIFF_DIRTYDIRECT 0x2 /* current directory must be written */ #define TIFF_BUFFERSETUP 0x4 /* data buffers setup */ #define TIFF_BEENWRITING 0x8 /* written 1+ scanlines to file */ #define TIFF_SWAB 0x10 /* byte swap file information */ #define TIFF_NOBITREV 0x20 /* inhibit bit reversal logic */ #define TIFF_MYBUFFER 0x40 /* my raw data buffer; free on close */ #define TIFF_ISTILED 0x80 /* file is tile, not strip- based */ #define TIFF_MAPPED 0x100 /* file is mapped into memory */ #define TIFF_POSTENCODE 0x200 /* need call to postencode routine */ long tif_diroff; /* file offset of current directory */ long tif_nextdiroff; /* file offset of following directory */ TIFFDirectory tif_dir; /* internal rep of current directory */ TIFFHeader tif_header; /* file's header block */ const int *tif_typeshift; /* data type shift counts */ const long *tif_typemask; /* data type masks */ long tif_row; /* current scanline */ int tif_curdir; /* current directory (index) */ int tif_curstrip; /* current strip for read/write */ long tif_curoff; /* current offset for read/write */ long tif_dataoff; /* current offset for writing dir */ /* tiling support */ long tif_col; /* current column (offset by row too) */ int tif_curtile; /* current tile for read/write */ long tif_tilesize; /* # of bytes in a tile */ /* compression scheme hooks */ TIFFVoidMethod tif_predecode; /* pre row/strip/tile decoding */ TIFFVoidMethod tif_preencode; /* pre row/strip/tile encoding */ TIFFVoidMethod tif_postencode; /* post row/strip/tile encoding */ TIFFIOMethod tif_decoderow; /* scanline decoding routine */ TIFFIOMethod tif_encoderow; /* scanline encoding routine */ TIFFIOMethod tif_decodestrip;/* strip decoding routine */ TIFFIOMethod tif_encodestrip;/* strip encoding routine */ TIFFIOMethod tif_decodetile; /* tile decoding routine */ TIFFIOMethod tif_encodetile; /* tile encoding routine */ TIFFVoidMethod tif_close; /* cleanup-on-close routine */ TIFFSeekMethod tif_seek; /* position within a strip routine */ TIFFVoidMethod tif_cleanup; /* routine called to cleanup state */ char *tif_data; /* compression scheme private data */ /* input/output buffering */ int tif_scanlinesize; /* # of bytes in a scanline */ int tif_scanlineskew; /* scanline skew for reading strips */ char *tif_rawdata; /* raw data buffer */ long tif_rawdatasize; /* # of bytes in raw data buffer */ char *tif_rawcp; /* current spot in raw buffer */ long tif_rawcc; /* bytes unread from raw buffer */ /* memory-mapped file support */ char* tif_base; /* base of mapped file */ long tif_size; /* size of mapped file region (bytes) */ TIFFMapFileProc tif_mapproc; /* map file method */ TIFFUnmapFileProc tif_unmapproc;/* unmap file method */ /* input/output callback methods */ void *tif_clientdata; /* callback parameter */ TIFFReadWriteProc tif_readproc; /* read method */ TIFFReadWriteProc tif_writeproc;/* write method */ TIFFSeekProc tif_seekproc; /* lseek method */ TIFFCloseProc tif_closeproc;/* close method */ TIFFSizeProc tif_sizeproc; /* filesize method */ }; #define isTiled(tif) (((tif)->tif_flags & TIFF_ISTILED) != 0) #define isMapped(tif) (((tif)->tif_flags & TIFF_MAPPED) != 0) #define TIFFReadFile(tif, buf, size) \ ((*(tif)->tif_readproc)((tif)->tif_clientdata, buf, size)) #define TIFFWriteFile(tif, buf, size) \ ((*(tif)->tif_writeproc)((tif)->tif_clientdata, buf, size)) #define TIFFSeekFile(tif, off, whence) \ ((*(tif)->tif_seekproc)((tif)->tif_clientdata, off, whence)) #define TIFFCloseFile(tif) \ ((*(tif)->tif_closeproc)((tif)->tif_clientdata)) #define TIFFGetFileSize(tif) \ ((*(tif)->tif_sizeproc)((tif)->tif_clientdata)) #define TIFFMapFileContents(tif, paddr, psize) \ ((*(tif)->tif_mapproc)((tif)->tif_clientdata, paddr, psize)) #define TIFFUnmapFileContents(tif, addr, size) \ ((*(tif)->tif_unmapproc)((tif)->tif_clientdata, addr, size)) /* generic option bit names */ #define TIFF_OPT0 0x1 #define TIFF_OPT1 0x2 #define TIFF_OPT2 0x4 #define TIFF_OPT3 0x8 #define TIFF_OPT4 0x10 #define TIFF_OPT5 0x20 #define TIFF_OPT6 0x40 #define TIFF_OPT7 0x80 /* NB: the u_long casts are to silence certain ANSI-C compilers */ #ifdef howmany #undef howmany #endif #define howmany(x, y) ((((u_long)(x))+(((u_long)(y))-1))/((u_long)(y))) #ifdef roundup #undef roundup #endif #define roundup(x, y) (howmany(x,y)*((u_long)(y))) /* #if defined(c_plusplus) || defined(__cplusplus) || defined(__STDC__) || USE_PROTOTYPES */ #if USE_PROTO #if defined(__cplusplus) extern "C" { #endif extern void* _TIFFmalloc(size_t); extern void* _TIFFrealloc(void*, size_t); extern void _TIFFfree(void*); extern int _TIFFgetMode(const char* mode, const char* module); extern const TIFFFieldInfo *TIFFFindFieldInfo(u_short, TIFFDataType); extern const TIFFFieldInfo *TIFFFieldWithTag(u_short); extern int _TIFFgetfield(TIFFDirectory*, u_int, ...); extern int TIFFNoRowEncode(TIFF*, u_char*, u_long, u_int); extern int TIFFNoStripEncode(TIFF*, u_char*, u_long, u_int); extern int TIFFNoTileEncode(TIFF*, u_char*, u_long, u_int); extern int TIFFNoRowDecode(TIFF*, u_char*, u_long, u_int); extern int TIFFNoStripDecode(TIFF*, u_char*, u_long, u_int); extern int TIFFNoTileDecode(TIFF*, u_char*, u_long, u_int); extern int TIFFFlushData1(TIFF*); extern void TIFFFreeDirectory(TIFF*); extern int TIFFDefaultDirectory(TIFF*); extern int TIFFSetCompressionScheme(TIFF *, int); extern int TIFFInitDumpMode(TIFF*); #ifdef PACKBITS_SUPPORT extern int TIFFInitPackBits(TIFF*); #endif #ifdef CCITT_SUPPORT extern int TIFFInitCCITTRLE(TIFF*), TIFFInitCCITTRLEW(TIFF*); extern int TIFFInitCCITTFax3(TIFF*), TIFFInitCCITTFax4(TIFF*); #endif #ifdef THUNDER_SUPPORT extern int TIFFInitThunderScan(TIFF*); #endif #ifdef NEXT_SUPPORT extern int TIFFInitNeXT(TIFF*); #endif #ifdef LZW_SUPPORT extern int TIFFInitLZW(TIFF*); #endif #ifdef JPEG_SUPPORT extern int TIFFInitJPEG(TIFF*); #endif #if defined(__cplusplus) } #endif #else /* !USE_PROTOTYPES */ extern void* _TIFFmalloc(); extern void* _TIFFrealloc(); extern void _TIFFfree(); extern int _TIFFgetMode(); extern const TIFFFieldInfo *TIFFFindFieldInfo(); extern const TIFFFieldInfo *TIFFFieldWithTag(); extern int _TIFFgetfield(); extern int TIFFNoRowEncode(); extern int TIFFNoStripEncode(); extern int TIFFNoTileEncode(); extern int TIFFNoRowDecode(); extern int TIFFNoStripDecode(); extern int TIFFNoTileDecode(); extern int TIFFFlushData1(); extern void TIFFFreeDirectory(); extern int TIFFDefaultDirectory(); extern int TIFFSetCompressionScheme(); extern int TIFFInitDumpMode(); #ifdef PACKBITS_SUPPORT extern int TIFFInitPackBits(); #endif #ifdef CCITT_SUPPORT extern int TIFFInitCCITTRLE(), TIFFInitCCITTRLEW(); extern int TIFFInitCCITTFax3(), TIFFInitCCITTFax4(); #endif #ifdef THUNDER_SUPPORT extern int TIFFInitThunderScan(); #endif #ifdef NEXT_SUPPORT extern int TIFFInitNeXT(); #endif #ifdef LZW_SUPPORT extern int TIFFInitLZW(); #endif #ifdef JPEG_SUPPORT extern int TIFFInitJPEG(); #endif #endif /* !USE_PROTOTYPES */ #endif /* _TIFFIOP_ */
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