
This is xvtext.c in view mode; [Download] [Up]

 *  xvtext.c  -  text file display window routines
 *  includes:
 *      void CreateTextWins(geom, cmtgeom);
 *      void OpenTextView(text, textlen, title, freeonclose);
 *      void OpenCommentText();
 *      void CloseCommentText();
 *      void ChangeCommentText();
 *      void HideTextWindows();
 *      void UnHideTextWindows();
 *      void RaiseTextWindows();
 *      void SetTextCursor(Cursor);
 *      void KillTextWindows();
 *      int  TextCheckEvent(evt, int *retval, int *done);

/* Copyright Notice
 * ================
 * Copyright 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993 by John Bradley
 * Permission to use, copy, and distribute XV in its entirety, for 
 * non-commercial purposes, is hereby granted without fee, provided that
 * this license information and copyright notice appear in all copies.
 * Note that distributing XV 'bundled' in with ANY product is considered
 * to be a 'commercial purpose'.
 * Also note that any copies of XV that are distributed MUST be built
 * and/or configured to be in their 'unregistered copy' mode, so that it
 * is made obvious to the user that XV is shareware, and that they should
 * consider donating, or at least reading this License Info.
 * The software may be modified for your own purposes, but modified
 * versions may NOT be distributed without prior consent of the author.
 * This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
 * warranty.  In no event will the author be held liable for any damages
 * arising from the use of this software.
 * If you would like to do something with XV that this copyright
 * prohibits (such as distributing it with a commercial product, 
 * using portions of the source in some other program, etc.), please
 * contact the author (preferably via email).  Arrangements can
 * probably be worked out.
 * XV is shareware for PERSONAL USE only.  You may use XV for your own
 * amusement, and if you find it nifty, useful, generally cool, or of
 * some value to you, your non-deductable donation would be greatly
 * appreciated.  $25 is the suggested donation, though, of course,
 * larger donations are quite welcome.  Folks who donate $25 or more
 * can receive a Real Nice bound copy of the XV manual for no extra
 * charge.
 * Commercial, government, and institutional users MUST register their
 * copies of XV, for the exceedingly REASONABLE price of just $25 per
 * workstation/X terminal.  Site licenses are available for those who
 * wish to run XV on a large number of machines.  Contact the author
 * for more details.
 * The author may be contacted via:
 *    US Mail:  John Bradley
 *              1053 Floyd Terrace
 *              Bryn Mawr, PA  19010
 *    Phone:    (215) 898-8813
 *    EMail:    bradley@cis.upenn.edu

#include "xv.h"

#define BUTTW 80
#define BUTTH 24

#define TOPMARGIN 30       /* from top of window to top of text window */
#define BOTMARGIN (5+BUTTH+5) /* room for a row of buttons at bottom */
#define LRMARGINS 5        /* left and right margins */

#define MAXTVWIN    2      /* total # of windows */
#define MAXTEXTWIN  1      /* # of windows for text file viewing */
#define CMTWIN      1      /* cmtwin is reserved for image comments */

/* button/menu indicies */
#define TV_ASCII    0
#define TV_HEX      1
#define TV_CLOSE    2
#define TV_NBUTTS   3

/* constants used in textKey(), below */
#define TV_LEFT   0
#define TV_RIGHT  1
#define TV_UP     2
#define TV_DOWN   3
#define TV_PAGEUP 4
#define TV_PAGEDN 5
#define TV_HOME   6
#define TV_END    7

#define TITLELEN 128

/* data needed per text window */
typedef struct {  Window win, textW;
		  int    vis, wasvis;
		  char  *text;             /* text to be displayed */
		  int    freeonclose;      /* free text when closing win */
		  int    textlen;          /* length of text */
		  char   title[TITLELEN];  /* name of file being displayed */
		  char **lines;            /* ptr to array of line ptrs */
		  int    numlines;         /* # of lines in text */
		  int    hexlines;         /* # of lines in HEX mode */
		  int    maxwide;          /* length of longest line (ascii) */
		  int    wide, high;       /* size of outer window (win)   */
		  int    twWide, twHigh;   /* size of inner window (textW) */
		  int    chwide, chhigh;   /* size of textW, in chars */
		  int    hexmode;          /* true if disp Hex, else Ascii */
		  SCRL   vscrl, hscrl;
		  BUTT   but[TV_NBUTTS], nopBut;

static TVINFO   tinfo[MAXTVWIN];
static int      hasBeenSized = 0;
static int      haveWindows  = 0;
static int      mfwide, mfhigh, mfascent;   /* size of chars in mono font */
static int     *event_retP, *event_doneP;   /* used in tvChkEvent() */

#ifdef __STDC__
static void closeText      (TVINFO *);
static int  tvChkEvent     (TVINFO *, XEvent *);
static void resizeText     (TVINFO *, int, int);
static void computeScrlVals(TVINFO *);
static void doCmd          (TVINFO *, int);
static void drawTextView   (TVINFO *);
static void drawNumLines   (TVINFO *);
static void eraseNumLines  (TVINFO *);
static void drawTextW      (int, SCRL *);
static void clickText      (TVINFO *, int, int);
static void keyText        (TVINFO *, XKeyEvent *);
static void textKey        (TVINFO *, int);
static void doHexAsciiCmd  (TVINFO *, int);
static void computeText    (TVINFO *);
static int  tvChkEvent();
static void closeText(), resizeText(), doCmd(), drawTextView(), drawTextW();
static void drawNumLines(), eraseNumLines(), computeScrlVals();
static void clickText(), keyText(), textKey();
static void doHexAsciiCmd(), computeText();

/* HEXMODE output looks like this:
0x00000000: 00 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 - 88 99 aa bb cc dd ee ff  0123456789abcdef
0x00000010: 00 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 - 88 99 aa bb cc dd ee ff  0123456789abcdef

void CreateTextWins(geom, cmtgeom)
     char *geom, *cmtgeom;
  int                   i, defwide, defhigh, cmthigh;
  XSizeHints            hints;
  XSetWindowAttributes  xswa;
  TVINFO               *tv;
  int                   gx,gy,gw,gh,gset,gx1,gy1;

  mfwide = monofinfo->max_bounds.width;
  mfhigh = monofinfo->ascent + monofinfo->descent;
  mfascent = monofinfo->ascent;

  /* compute default size of textview windows.  should be big enough to
     hold an 80x24 text window */

  defwide = 80 * mfwide + 2*LRMARGINS + 8 + 20;   /* -ish */
  defhigh = 24 * mfhigh + TOPMARGIN + BOTMARGIN + 8 + 20;   /* ish */
  cmthigh = 6  * mfhigh + TOPMARGIN + BOTMARGIN + 8 + 20;   /* ish */

  /* creates *all* textview windows at once */

  for (i=0; i<MAXTVWIN; i++) tinfo[i].win = (Window) NULL;

  for (i=0; i<MAXTVWIN; i++) {
    tv = &tinfo[i];

    tv->win = CreateWindow((i<CMTWIN) ? "xv text viewer" : "xv image comments",
			   (i<CMTWIN) ? geom : cmtgeom, 
			   (i<CMTWIN) ? defhigh : cmthigh, 
			   infofg, infobg, 1);
    if (!tv->win) FatalError("can't create textview window!");

    haveWindows = 1;
    tv->vis = tv->wasvis = 0;

    if (ctrlColor) XSetWindowBackground(theDisp, tv->win, locol);
              else XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap(theDisp, tv->win, grayTile);

    /* note: everything is sized and positioned in resizeText() */

    tv->textW = XCreateSimpleWindow(theDisp, tv->win, 1,1, 100,100, 
    if (!tv->textW) FatalError("can't create textview text window!");

    SCCreate(&(tv->vscrl), tv->win, 0,0, 1,100, 0,0,0,0, 
	     infofg, infobg, hicol, locol, drawTextW);

    SCCreate(&(tv->hscrl), tv->win, 0,0, 0,100, 0,0,0,0, 
	     infofg, infobg, hicol, locol, drawTextW);

    if (XGetNormalHints(theDisp, tv->win, &hints)) 
      hints.flags |= PMinSize;
      hints.flags = PMinSize;

    hints.min_width  = 380;
    hints.min_height = 200;
    XSetNormalHints(theDisp, tv->win, &hints);

    xswa.backing_store = WhenMapped;
    XChangeWindowAttributes(theDisp, tv->textW, CWBackingStore, &xswa);

    XSelectInput(theDisp, tv->textW, ExposureMask | ButtonPressMask);

    BTCreate(&(tv->but[TV_ASCII]), tv->win, 0,0,BUTTW,BUTTH,
    BTCreate(&(tv->but[TV_HEX]), tv->win, 0,0,BUTTW,BUTTH,
    BTCreate(&(tv->but[TV_CLOSE]), tv->win, 0,0,BUTTW,BUTTH,

    BTCreate(&(tv->nopBut), tv->win, 0,0, tv->vscrl.tsize+1,
	     tv->vscrl.tsize+1, "", infofg, infobg, hicol, locol);
    tv->nopBut.active = 0;

    XMapSubwindows(theDisp, tv->win);

    tv->text = (char *) NULL;
    tv->textlen = 0;
    tv->title[0] = '\0';

  for (i=0; i<MAXTVWIN; i++) {
    resizeText(&tinfo[i], defwide, (i<CMTWIN) ? defhigh : cmthigh);

    XSelectInput(theDisp, tinfo[i].win, ExposureMask | ButtonPressMask | 
		 KeyPressMask | StructureNotifyMask);

  hasBeenSized = 1;  /* we can now start looking at textview events */


void TextView(fname)
     char *fname;
  /* given a filename, attempts to read in the file and open a textview win */

  int   i;
  long  textlen;
  char *text, buf[512], title[128], rfname[MAXPATHLEN+1];
  char *basefname[128];  /* just current fname, no path */
  FILE *fp;

  basefname[0] = '\0';
  strcpy(rfname, fname);

  /* see if this file is compressed.  if it is, uncompress it, and view
     the uncompressed version */

  if (ReadFileType(fname) == RFT_COMPRESS) {
#ifndef VMS
    if (!UncompressFile(fname, rfname)) return;    /* failed to uncompress */
    /* chop off trailing '.Z' from friendly displayed basefname, if any */
    strcpy (basefname, fname);
    *rindex (basefname, '.') = '\0';
    if (!UncompressFile(basefname, rfname)) return;/* failed to uncompress */

  fp = fopen(rfname, "r");
  if (!fp) {
    sprintf(buf,"Couldn't open '%s':  %s", rfname, ERRSTR(errno));
    ErrPopUp(buf,"\nOh well");

  fseek(fp, 0L, 2);
  textlen = ftell(fp);
  fseek(fp, 0L, 0);

  if (!textlen) {
    sprintf(buf, "File '%s' contains no data.  (Zero length file.)", rfname);
    ErrPopUp(buf, "\nOk");

  text = (char *) malloc(textlen);
  if (!text) {
    sprintf(buf, "Couldn't malloc %ld bytes to read file '%s'", 
	    textlen, rfname);
    ErrPopUp(buf, "\nSo what!");

  if (fread(text, 1, textlen, fp) != textlen) {
    sprintf(buf, "Warning:  Couldn't read all of '%s'.  Possibly truncated.",
    ErrPopUp(buf, "\nHmm...");


  sprintf(title, "File: '%s'", BaseName(fname));
  OpenTextView(text, textlen, title, 1);

  /* note:  text gets freed when window gets closed */

void OpenTextView(text, len, title, freeonclose)
     char *text, *title;
     int   len,   freeonclose;
  /* opens up a textview window */

  int     i, oldone;
  TVINFO *tv;

  tv = &tinfo[0];

  /* kill off old text info */
  if (tv->freeonclose && tv->text) free(tv->text);
  if (tv->lines) free(tv->lines);
  tv->text = (char *) NULL;
  tv->lines = (char **) NULL;
  tv->numlines = tv->textlen = tv->hexmode = 0;

  tv->text        = text;
  tv->textlen     = len;
  tv->freeonclose = freeonclose;
  strncpy(tv->title, title, TITLELEN-1);

  computeText(tv);      /* compute # lines and linestarts array */

  anyTextUp = 1;
  if (!tv->vis) XMapRaised(theDisp, tv->win);
  else {
    XClearArea(theDisp, tv->win, 0, 0, tv->wide, 30, False);
  tv->vis = 1;

  SCSetVal(&(tv->vscrl), 0);
  SCSetVal(&(tv->hscrl), 0);

void OpenCommentText()
  /* opens up the reserved 'comment' textview window */

  int     i;
  TVINFO *tv;

  tv = &tinfo[CMTWIN];
  commentUp = 1;
  XMapRaised(theDisp, tv->win);
  tv->vis = 1;


void CloseCommentText()
  /* closes the reserved 'comment' textview window */

  commentUp = 0;

void ChangeCommentText()
  /* called when 'picComments' changes */

  TVINFO *tv;

  tv = &tinfo[CMTWIN];

  tv->text        = picComments;
  tv->textlen     = (tv->text) ? strlen(tv->text) : 0;
  tv->freeonclose = 0;

  if (strlen(fullfname)) 
    sprintf(tv->title, "File: '%s'", BaseName(fullfname));
    sprintf(tv->title, "<no file loaded>");

  computeText(tv);      /* compute # lines and linestarts array */

  if (tv->vis) {
    XClearArea(theDisp, tv->win, 0, 0, tv->wide, 30, False);

  SCSetVal(&(tv->vscrl), 0);
  SCSetVal(&(tv->hscrl), 0);


static char license[10240];

void ShowLicense()
  license[0] = '\0';

  /* build the license text */
#ifdef LC
#undef LC
#define LC(x) (strcat(license, x), strcat(license, "\n"))

  LC("XV License Info");
  LC("Thank you for acquiring a copy of XV.  I hope you enjoy it.");
  LC("XV is shareware for PERSONAL USE only.  You may use XV for your own");
  LC("amusement, and if you find it nifty, useful, generally cool, or of");
  LC("some value to you, your non-deductable donation would be greatly");
  LC("appreciated.  $25 is the suggested donation, though, of course,");
  LC("larger donations are quite welcome.  Folks who donate $25 or more");
  LC("can receive a Real Nice bound copy of the XV manual for no extra");
  LC("Commercial, government, and institutional users MUST register their");
  LC("copies of XV, for the exceedingly reasonable price of just $25 per");
  LC("workstation/X terminal.  Site licenses are available for those who");
  LC("wish to run XV on a large number of machines.  Contact the author");
  LC("for more details.");
  LC("Copyright Notice");
  LC("XV is Copyright 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993 by John Bradley");
  LC("Permission to use, copy, and distribute XV in its entirety, for ");
  LC("non-commercial purposes, is hereby granted without fee, provided that");
  LC("this license information and copyright notice appear in all copies.");
  LC("Note that distributing XV 'bundled' in with ANY product is considered");
  LC("to be a 'commercial purpose'.");
  LC("If you redistribute XV, the *entire* contents of this distribution");
  LC("must be distributed, including the README and INSTALL files, the ");
  LC("sources, and the entire contents of the 'docs' subdirectory.");
  LC("Also note that any copies of XV that are distributed MUST be built");
  LC("and/or configured to be in their 'unregistered copy' mode, so that it");
  LC("is made obvious to the user that XV is shareware, and that they should");
  LC("consider donating, or at least reading this License Info.");
  LC("The software may be modified for your own purposes, but modified");
  LC("versions may NOT be distributed without prior consent of the author.");
  LC("This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied");
  LC("warranty.  In no event will the author be held liable for any damages");
  LC("arising from the use of this software.");
  LC("If you would like to do something with XV that this copyright");
  LC("prohibits (such as distributing it with a commercial product, ");
  LC("using portions of the source in some other program, etc.), please");
  LC("contact the author (preferably via email).  Arrangements can");
  LC("probably be worked out.");
  LC("The author may be contacted via:");
  LC("    US Mail:  John Bradley");
  LC("              1053 Floyd Terrace");
  LC("              Bryn Mawr, PA  19010");
  LC("    Phone:    (215) 898-8813");
  LC("    EMail:    bradley@cis.upenn.edu");

#undef LC

  OpenTextView(license, strlen(license), "XV License", 0);

void HideTextWindows()
  int i;

  for (i=0; i<MAXTVWIN; i++) {
    if (tinfo[i].vis) {
      XUnmapWindow(theDisp, tinfo[i].win);
      tinfo[i].wasvis = 1;
      tinfo[i].vis = 0;

void UnHideTextWindows()
  int i;

  for (i=0; i<MAXTVWIN; i++) {
    if (tinfo[i].wasvis) {
      XMapRaised(theDisp, tinfo[i].win);
      tinfo[i].wasvis = 0;
      tinfo[i].vis = 0;

void RaiseTextWindows()
  int i;

  for (i=0; i<MAXTEXTWIN; i++) {
    if (tinfo[i].vis) {
      XRaiseWindow(theDisp, tinfo[i].win);

void SetTextCursor(c)
     Cursor c;
  int i;

  for (i=0; i<MAXTVWIN; i++) {
    if (haveWindows && tinfo[i].win) XDefineCursor(theDisp, tinfo[i].win, c);

void KillTextWindows()
  int i;

  for (i=0; i<MAXTVWIN; i++) {
    if (haveWindows && tinfo[i].win) XDestroyWindow(theDisp, tinfo[i].win);

int TextCheckEvent(xev, retP, doneP)
     XEvent *xev;
     int *retP, *doneP;
  int i;

  event_retP  = retP;     /* so don't have to pass these all over the place */
  event_doneP = doneP;

  for (i=0; i<MAXTVWIN; i++) {
    if (tvChkEvent(&tinfo[i], xev)) break;

  if (i<MAXTVWIN) return 1;
  return 0;

int TextDelWin(win)
     Window win;
  /* got a delete window request.  see if the window is a textview window,
     and close accordingly.  Return 1 if event was eaten */

  int i;

  for (i=0; i<MAXTVWIN; i++) {
    if (tinfo[i].win == win) {
      return 1;

  return 0;

/***                    INTERNAL FUNCTIONS                  ***/

static void closeText(tv)
     TVINFO *tv;
  /* closes specified textview window */

  int i;

  XUnmapWindow(theDisp, tv->win);
  tv->vis = 0;

  for (i=0; i<MAXTEXTWIN && !tinfo[i].vis; i++);
  if (i==MAXTEXTWIN) anyTextUp = 0;

  /* free all info for this textview window */
  if (tv->freeonclose && tv->text)  free(tv->text);
  if (tv->lines) free(tv->lines);

  tv->text  = (char *) NULL;  
  tv->lines = (char **) NULL;
  tv->numlines = tv->textlen = tv->hexmode = 0;

static int tvChkEvent(tv, xev)
     TVINFO *tv;
     XEvent *xev;
  /* checks event to see if it's a text-window related thing.  If it
     is, it eats the event and returns '1', otherwise '0'. */

  int i, rv;

  rv = 1;

  if (!hasBeenSized) return 0;  /* ignore evrythng until we get 1st Resize */

  if (xev->type == Expose) {
    int x,y,w,h;
    XExposeEvent *e = (XExposeEvent *) xev;
    x = e->x;  y = e->y;  w = e->width;  h = e->height;

    /* throw away excess redraws for 'dumb' windows */
    if (e->count > 0 && (e->window == tv->vscrl.win ||
			 e->window == tv->hscrl.win)) {}

    else if (e->window == tv->vscrl.win) SCRedraw(&(tv->vscrl));
    else if (e->window == tv->hscrl.win) SCRedraw(&(tv->hscrl));

    else if (e->window == tv->win || e->window == tv->textW) { /* smart wins */
      /* group individual expose rects into a single expose region */
      int           count;
      Region        reg;
      XRectangle    rect;
      XEvent        evt;

      xvbcopy((char *) e, (char *) &evt, sizeof(XEvent));
      reg = XCreateRegion();
      count = 0;

      do {
	if (DEBUG) fprintf(stderr,"   expose: %s %d,%d %dx%d\n",
			   (e->window == tv->win) ? "tv win" : "text win",
			   rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height);

	rect.x      = evt.xexpose.x;
	rect.y      = evt.xexpose.y;
	rect.width  = evt.xexpose.width;
	rect.height = evt.xexpose.height;
	XUnionRectWithRegion(&rect, reg, reg);
      } while (XCheckWindowEvent(theDisp, evt.xexpose.window,
				 ExposureMask, &evt));
      XClipBox(reg, &rect);  /* bounding box of region */
      XSetRegion(theDisp, theGC, reg);

      if (DEBUG) {
	fprintf(stderr,"win = %lx, tv->win = %lx, textW = %lx\n",
		e->window, tv->win, tv->textW);
	fprintf(stderr,"grouped %d expose events into %d,%d %dx%d rect\n",
		count, rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height);
      if      (e->window == tv->win)   drawTextView(tv);
      else if (e->window == tv->textW) drawTextW(0, &(tv->vscrl));

      XSetClipMask(theDisp, theGC, None);

    else rv = 0;

  else if (xev->type == ButtonPress) {
    XButtonEvent *e = (XButtonEvent *) xev;
    int i,x,y;
    x = e->x;  y = e->y;

    if (e->button == Button1) {
      if      (e->window == tv->win)       clickText(tv,x,y);
      else if (e->window == tv->vscrl.win) SCTrack(&(tv->vscrl),x,y);
      else if (e->window == tv->hscrl.win) SCTrack(&(tv->hscrl),x,y);
      else if (e->window == tv->textW) { }
      else rv = 0;
    else rv = 0;

  else if (xev->type == KeyPress) {
    XKeyEvent *e = (XKeyEvent *) xev;
    if (e->window == tv->win) keyText(tv, e);
    else rv = 0;

  else if (xev->type == ConfigureNotify) {
    XConfigureEvent *e = (XConfigureEvent *) xev;

    if (e->window == tv->win) {
      if (DEBUG)
	fprintf(stderr,"textview got a configure event (%dx%d)\n",
		e->width, e->height);

      if (tv->wide != e->width || tv->high != e->height) {
	if (DEBUG) fprintf(stderr,"Forcing a redraw!  (from configure)\n");
	XClearArea(theDisp, tv->win, 0, 0, e->width, e->height, True);
	resizeText(tv, e->width, e->height);
    else rv = 0;
  else rv = 0;

  return rv;

static void resizeText(tv,w,h)
     TVINFO *tv;
     int     w,h;
  int        i, maxw, maxh, hmax, hpage, vmax, vpage;
  XSizeHints hints;

  if (tv->wide == w && tv->high == h) return;  /* no change in size */

  if (XGetNormalHints(theDisp, tv->win, &hints)) {
    hints.width  = w;
    hints.height = h;
    hints.flags |= USSize;
    XSetNormalHints(theDisp, tv->win, &hints);

  tv->wide = w;  tv->high = h;

  /* compute maximum size of text window */
  maxw = tv->wide - (2*LRMARGINS) - (tv->vscrl.tsize+1) - 2;
  maxh = tv->high - (TOPMARGIN + BOTMARGIN) - (tv->hscrl.tsize+1) - 2;

  tv->chwide = ((maxw - 6) / mfwide);
  tv->chhigh = ((maxh - 6) / mfhigh);

  tv->twWide = tv->chwide * mfwide + 6;
  tv->twHigh = tv->chhigh * mfhigh + 6;

  XMoveResizeWindow(theDisp, tv->textW, LRMARGINS, TOPMARGIN, 
		    tv->twWide, tv->twHigh);

  for (i=0; i<TV_NBUTTS; i++) {
    tv->but[i].x = tv->wide - (TV_NBUTTS-i) * (BUTTW+5);
    tv->but[i].y = tv->high - BUTTH - 5;


  tv->nopBut.x = LRMARGINS + tv->twWide + 1;
  tv->nopBut.y = TOPMARGIN + tv->twHigh + 1;

static void computeScrlVals(tv)
     TVINFO *tv;
  int hmax, hpag, vmax, vpag;

  if (tv->hexmode) {
    hmax = 80 - tv->chwide;
    vmax = tv->hexlines - tv->chhigh;
  else {   /* ASCII mode */
    hmax = tv->maxwide - tv->chwide;
    vmax = tv->numlines - tv->chhigh - 1;

  hpag = tv->chwide / 4;
  vpag = tv->chhigh - 1;

  SCChange(&tv->vscrl, LRMARGINS + tv->twWide+1, TOPMARGIN, 
	   1, tv->twHigh, 0, vmax, tv->vscrl.val, vpag);

  SCChange(&tv->hscrl, LRMARGINS, TOPMARGIN + tv->twHigh + 1,
	   0, tv->twWide, 0, hmax, tv->hscrl.val, hpag);

static void doCmd(tv, cmd)
     TVINFO *tv;
     int     cmd;
  switch (cmd) {
  case TV_ASCII:   doHexAsciiCmd(tv, 0);  break;
  case TV_HEX:     doHexAsciiCmd(tv, 1);  break;
  case TV_CLOSE:   closeText(tv);   break;

static void drawTextView(tv)
     TVINFO *tv;
  /* redraw the outer window */

  int i, y;

  if (strlen(tv->title)) {    /* draw the title */
    y = 5;

    XSetForeground(theDisp, theGC, infobg);
    XFillRectangle(theDisp, tv->win, theGC, 5+1, y+1, 
		   StringWidth(tv->title)+6, CHIGH+4);

    XSetForeground(theDisp, theGC, infofg);
    XDrawRectangle(theDisp, tv->win, theGC, 5, y, 
		   StringWidth(tv->title)+7, CHIGH+5);

    Draw3dRect(tv->win, 5+1, y+1, StringWidth(tv->title)+5,
	       CHIGH+3, R3D_IN, 2, hicol, locol, infobg);

    XSetForeground(theDisp, theGC, infofg);
    XDrawString(theDisp, tv->win, theGC, 5+3, y+ASCENT+3,
		tv->title, strlen(tv->title));


  /* draw the buttons */
  for (i=0; i<TV_NBUTTS; i++) BTRedraw(&(tv->but[i]));


static void drawNumLines(tv)
     TVINFO *tv;
  int x, y, w, nl;
  char tmpstr[128];

  if (tv->hexmode) nl = tv->hexlines;
  else {
    if (tv->numlines>0 && 
	tv->lines[tv->numlines-1] - tv->lines[tv->numlines-2] == 1) 
      nl = tv->numlines - 2;      /* line after last \n has zero length */
    else nl = tv->numlines - 1;
  if (nl<0) nl = 0;

  sprintf(tmpstr, "%d byte%s, %d line%s", 
	  tv->textlen, (tv->textlen!=1) ? "s" : "", 
	  nl, (nl!=1) ? "s" : "");

  w = StringWidth(tmpstr) + 7;  /* width of frame */
  x = LRMARGINS + tv->twWide + tv->vscrl.tsize+1;     /* right align point */
  y = 6;

  XSetForeground(theDisp, theGC, infobg);
  XFillRectangle(theDisp, tv->win, theGC, (x-w)+1, y+1, (w-1), CHIGH+4);

  XSetForeground(theDisp, theGC, infofg);
  XDrawRectangle(theDisp, tv->win, theGC, x-w, y, w, CHIGH+5);

  Draw3dRect(tv->win, (x-w)+1, y+1, w-2,CHIGH+3,R3D_IN,2,hicol,locol,infobg);

  XSetForeground(theDisp, theGC, infofg);
  XDrawString(theDisp, tv->win, theGC, (x-w)+3, y+ASCENT+3,
	      tmpstr, strlen(tmpstr));

static void eraseNumLines(tv)
     TVINFO *tv;
  int x, y, w, nl;
  char tmpstr[64];

  nl = (tv->hexmode) ? tv->hexlines : tv->numlines-1;                 

  sprintf(tmpstr, "%d byte%s, %d line%s", 
	  tv->textlen, (tv->textlen>1) ? "s" : "", 
	  nl, (nl>1) ? "s" : "");

  w = StringWidth(tmpstr) + 7;  /* width of frame */
  x = LRMARGINS + tv->twWide + tv->vscrl.tsize+1;     /* right align point */
  y = 5;

  XClearArea(theDisp, tv->win, x-w, y, w+1, CHIGH+7, False);

static void drawTextW(delta, sptr)
     int   delta;
     SCRL *sptr;
  int     i, j, lnum, hpos, cpos, extrach, lwide;
  TVINFO *tv;
  char    linestr[512];
  u_char  *sp, *ep, *lp;

  /* figure out TVINFO pointer from SCRL pointer */
  for (i=0; i<MAXTVWIN && sptr != &tinfo[i].vscrl 
       && sptr != &tinfo[i].hscrl; i++);
  if (i==MAXTVWIN) return;   /* didn't find one */

  tv = &tinfo[i];

  /* make sure we've been sized.  Necessary, as creating/modifying the
     scrollbar calls this routine directly, rather than through 
     TextCheckEvent() */

  if (!hasBeenSized) return;

  XSetForeground(theDisp, theGC, infofg);
  XSetBackground(theDisp, theGC, infobg);
  XSetFont(theDisp, theGC, monofont);

  hpos = tv->hscrl.val;
  lwide = (tv->chwide < 500) ? tv->chwide : 500;

  /* draw text */
  if (!tv->hexmode) {     /* ASCII mode */
    for (i=0; i<tv->chhigh; i++) {    /* draw each line */
      lnum = i + tv->vscrl.val;
      if (lnum < tv->numlines-1) {
	/* find start of displayed portion of line.  This is *wildly*
	   complicated by the ctrl-character and tab expansion... */

	sp = (byte *) tv->lines[lnum];
	ep = (byte *) tv->lines[lnum+1] - 1;  /* ptr to last disp ch in line */

	extrach = 0;

	for (cpos=0; cpos<hpos && sp<ep; cpos++) {
	  if (!extrach) {
	    if (*sp == '\011') {   /* tab to next multiple of 8 */
	      extrach = ((cpos+8) & (~7)) - cpos;
	    else if (*sp == '\015') {   /* ^M not displayed */
	      cpos--;  sp++;
	    else if (*sp < 32) extrach = 1;
	    else if (*sp > 127) extrach = 3;
	    else sp++;
	  else {
	    if (!extrach) sp++;

	/* at this point, 'sp' is pointing to the first char to display.
	   if sp is a 'special' character, extrach is the # of chars
	   left to display of the 'expanded' version.  If sp>=ep, a blank
	   line should be printed */

	/* build up the linestr buffer, which is the current line, padded
	   with blanks to a width of exactly tv->chwide chars */
	for (cpos=0, lp=(byte *) linestr; cpos<lwide; cpos++, lp++) {
	  if (sp>=ep) *lp = ' ';
	  else {
	    if (*sp == '\011') {   /* tab to next multiple of 8 */
	      if (!extrach) extrach = ((cpos+hpos+8) & (~7)) - (cpos+hpos);

	      if (extrach) *lp = ' ';

	    else if (*sp == '\015') {  /* don't show ^M */
	      cpos--;  lp--;  sp++;

	    else if (*sp < 32) {
	      if (!extrach) extrach = 2;
	      if      (extrach == 2) *lp = '^';
	      else if (extrach == 1) *lp = *sp + 64;
	    else if (*sp > 127) {
	      if (!extrach) extrach = 4;
	      if      (extrach == 4) *lp = '\\';
	      else if (extrach == 3) *lp = ((*sp & 0700) >> 6) + '0';
	      else if (extrach == 2) *lp = ((*sp & 0070) >> 3) + '0';
	      else if (extrach == 1) *lp = ((*sp & 0007)) + '0';

	    else *lp = *sp++;

	    if (extrach) {
	      if (!extrach) sp++;

      else {  /* below bottom of file.  Just build a blank str */
	for (cpos = 0; cpos<lwide; cpos++) linestr[cpos]=' ';

      /* draw the line */
      XDrawImageString(theDisp, tv->textW, theGC, 
		       3, i*mfhigh + 3 + mfascent, linestr, lwide);
    }  /* for i ... */
  }  /* if hexmode */

  else { /* HEX MODE */
    for (i=0; i<tv->chhigh; i++) {    /* draw each line */
      lnum = i + tv->vscrl.val;
      if (lnum < tv->hexlines) {
	char hexstr[80], tmpstr[16];

	/* generate hex for this line */
	sprintf(hexstr, "0x%08x: ", lnum * 0x10);

	sp = (byte *) tv->text + lnum * 0x10;
	ep = (byte *) tv->text + tv->textlen;      /* ptr to end of buffer */

	for (j=0; j<16; j++) {
	  if (sp+j < ep) sprintf(tmpstr,"%02x ", sp[j]);
	            else sprintf(tmpstr,"   ");
	  strcat(hexstr, tmpstr);

	  if (j==7) {
	    if (sp+8<ep) strcat(hexstr,"- ");
	            else strcat(hexstr,"  ");
	strcat(hexstr," ");
	lp = (byte *) hexstr + strlen(hexstr);

	for (j=0; j<16; j++) {
	  if (sp+j < ep) {
	    if (sp[j] >= 32 && sp[j] <= 127) *lp++ = sp[j];
	    else *lp++ = '.';
	  else *lp++ = ' ';
	*lp = '\0';

	/* at this point, 'hexstr' contains an 80 column hex thingy.
	   now build 'linestr', which is going to have hexstr shifted
	   and/or padded with blanks  (ie, the displayed portion or hexstr) */

	/* skip obscured beginning of line, if any */ 
	for (cpos=0, sp=(byte *) hexstr; cpos<hpos && *sp;  cpos++, sp++);

	for (cpos=0, lp=(byte *)linestr;  cpos<lwide; cpos++, lp++) {
	  if (*sp) { *lp = *sp++; }
	  else *lp = ' ';
      else {   /* below bottom of file.  just build blank str */
	for (cpos=0; cpos<lwide; cpos++) linestr[cpos]=' ';

      /* draw the line */
      XDrawImageString(theDisp, tv->textW, theGC, 
		       3, i*mfhigh + 3 + mfascent, linestr, lwide);
    }  /* for i ... */
  }  /* else hexmode */

  XSetFont(theDisp, theGC, mfont);

  Draw3dRect(tv->textW, 0, 0, tv->twWide-1, tv->twHigh-1, R3D_IN, 2,
	     hicol, locol, infobg);

static void clickText(tv, x,y)
     TVINFO *tv;
     int     x,y;
  int   i;
  BUTT *bp;

  for (i=0, bp=tv->but; i<TV_NBUTTS; i++, bp++) {
    if (PTINRECT(x,y,bp->x,bp->y,bp->w,bp->h)) break;

  if (i<TV_NBUTTS) {
    if (BTTrack(bp)) doCmd(tv, i);

static void keyText(tv, kevt)
     TVINFO    *tv;
     XKeyEvent *kevt;
  char buf[128];
  KeySym ks;
  int stlen, shift, dealt;

  stlen = XLookupString(kevt, buf, 128, &ks, (XComposeStatus *) NULL);
  shift = kevt->state & ShiftMask;
  dealt = 1;  

  /* check for arrow keys, Home, End, PgUp, PgDown, etc. */
  if      (ks==XK_Left  || ks==XK_KP_4 || ks==XK_F30)

  else if (ks==XK_Right || ks==XK_KP_6 || ks==XK_F32) 

  else if (ks==XK_Home  || (ks==XK_Prior && shift))   textKey(tv,TV_HOME);
  else if (ks==XK_End   || (ks==XK_Next  && shift))   textKey(tv,TV_END);
  else if (ks==XK_Prior || (ks==XK_Up    && shift))   textKey(tv,TV_PAGEUP);
  else if (ks==XK_Next  || (ks==XK_Down  && shift))   textKey(tv,TV_PAGEDN);
  else if (ks==XK_Up    || ks==XK_KP_8 || ks==XK_F28) textKey(tv,TV_UP);
  else if (ks==XK_Down  || ks==XK_KP_2 || ks==XK_F34) textKey(tv,TV_DOWN);
  else dealt = 0;

  if (dealt || !stlen) return;

  /* keyboard equivalents */
  switch (buf[0]) {
  case '\001': doCmd(tv, TV_ASCII);   break;      /* ^A = Ascii */
  case '\010': doCmd(tv, TV_HEX);     break;      /* ^H = Hex   */

  case '\033': doCmd(tv, TV_CLOSE);   break;      /* ESC = Close window */

  default:     break;

static void textKey(tv, key)
     TVINFO *tv;
     int     key;
  int i,j;

  if (!tv->textlen) return;

  /* an arrow key (or something like that) was pressed in icon window.
     change selection/scrollbar accordingly */

  if (key == TV_UP)     SCSetVal(&tv->vscrl, tv->vscrl.val - 1);
  if (key == TV_DOWN)   SCSetVal(&tv->vscrl, tv->vscrl.val + 1);

  if (key == TV_LEFT)   SCSetVal(&tv->hscrl, tv->hscrl.val - 1);
  if (key == TV_RIGHT)  SCSetVal(&tv->hscrl, tv->hscrl.val + 1);

  if (key == TV_PAGEUP) SCSetVal(&tv->vscrl, tv->vscrl.val - tv->vscrl.page);
  if (key == TV_PAGEDN) SCSetVal(&tv->vscrl, tv->vscrl.val + tv->vscrl.page);
  if (key == TV_HOME)   SCSetVal(&tv->vscrl, tv->vscrl.min);
  if (key == TV_END)    SCSetVal(&tv->vscrl, tv->vscrl.max);

static void doHexAsciiCmd(tv, hexval)
     TVINFO *tv;
     int hexval;
  int i, oldvscrl, pos;

  if (hexval == tv->hexmode) return;    /* already ascii */
  tv->hexmode = hexval;

  oldvscrl = tv->vscrl.val;

  /* compute vals, as width and length of text has changed */

  /* try to show same area of file */
  if (hexval) {  /* switched to hex mode */
    if (oldvscrl < tv->numlines-1) {
      pos = tv->lines[oldvscrl] - tv->text;

      SCSetVal(&tv->vscrl, pos / 16);
  else {  /* switch to ascii mode */
    pos = oldvscrl * 16;
    for (i=0; i<tv->numlines-1; i++) {
      if (tv->lines[i+1] - tv->text > pos && 
	  tv->lines[i]   - tv->text <= pos) break;
    if (i<tv->numlines-1) SCSetVal(&tv->vscrl, i);

  drawTextW(0, &tv->vscrl);

static void computeText(tv)
     TVINFO *tv;
  /* compute # of lines and linestarts array for given text */

  int   i,j,wide,maxwide,space;
  byte *sp;

  if (!tv->text) { 
    tv->numlines = tv->hexlines = 0;  
    tv->lines = (char **) NULL; 

  /* count the # of newline characters in text */
  for (i=0, sp=(byte *) tv->text, tv->numlines=0; i<tv->textlen; i++, sp++) {
    if (*sp == '\n') tv->numlines++;

  /* +1 for start of line after last \n char, +1 to mark end of that line */
  tv->numlines += 2;

  /* build lines array */
  tv->lines = (char **) malloc(tv->numlines * sizeof(char *));
  if (!tv->lines) FatalError("out of memory in computeText()");

  j = 0;
  tv->lines[j++] = tv->text;
  for (i=0, sp=(byte *) tv->text; i<tv->textlen; i++, sp++) {
    if (*sp == '\n') tv->lines[j++] = (char *) (sp + 1);

  tv->lines[tv->numlines - 1] = tv->text + tv->textlen + 1;

  /* each line has a trailing '\n' character, except for the last line, 
     which has a trailing '\0' character.  In any case, all lines can 
     be printed by printing ((lines[n+1] - lines[n]) - 1) characters,
     starting with lines[n].

     Note that there is one more lines[] entry than the actual # of lines,
     so as to mark the end of the last line in the same way as all the
     others */

  /* compute length of longest line, when shown in 'ascii' mode.  Takes
     into account the fact that non-printing chars (<32 or >127) will be
     shown in an 'expanded' form.  (<32 chars will be shown as '^A' 
     (or whatever), and >127 chars will be shown as octal '\275') */

  maxwide = 0;
  for (i=0; i<tv->numlines-1; i++) {
    /* compute displayed width of line #i */
    for (sp=(byte *) tv->lines[i], wide=0; sp<(byte *) tv->lines[i+1]-1; 
	 sp++) {
      if (*sp == '\011') {   /* tab to next multiple of 8 */
	space = ((wide+8) & (~7)) - wide;
	wide += space;
      else if (*sp <  32) wide += 2;
      else if (*sp > 127) wide += 4;
      else wide++;
    if (wide > maxwide) maxwide = wide;
  tv->maxwide = maxwide;

  tv->hexlines = (tv->textlen + 15) / 16;

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.