
This is xvgraf.c in view mode; [Download] [Up]

 * xvgraf.c - GRAF window handling functions
 * callable functions:
 *   CreateGraf()       -  creates a GRAF window
 *   InitGraf()         -  inits GRAF handles to reasonable defaults
 *   RedrawGraf()       -  called by 'expose' events
 *   ClickGraf()        -  called when B1 clicked in GRAF window
 *   GrafKey()          -  called when keypress in GRAF window
 *   Graf2Str()         -  copies current GRAF settings to a string
 *   Str2Graf()         -  parses an xrdb string into GRAF settings
 *   GetGrafState()     -  copies GRAF data into GRAF_STATE structure
 *   SetGrafState()     -  sets GRAF data based on GRAF_STATE
 *   InitSpline()       -  called to generate y' table for EvalSpline
 *   EvalSpline()       -  evalutes spline function at given point

/* Copyright Notice
 * ================
 * Copyright 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993 by John Bradley
 * Permission to use, copy, and distribute XV in its entirety, for 
 * non-commercial purposes, is hereby granted without fee, provided that
 * this license information and copyright notice appear in all copies.
 * Note that distributing XV 'bundled' in with ANY product is considered
 * to be a 'commercial purpose'.
 * Also note that any copies of XV that are distributed MUST be built
 * and/or configured to be in their 'unregistered copy' mode, so that it
 * is made obvious to the user that XV is shareware, and that they should
 * consider donating, or at least reading this License Info.
 * The software may be modified for your own purposes, but modified
 * versions may NOT be distributed without prior consent of the author.
 * This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
 * warranty.  In no event will the author be held liable for any damages
 * arising from the use of this software.
 * If you would like to do something with XV that this copyright
 * prohibits (such as distributing it with a commercial product, 
 * using portions of the source in some other program, etc.), please
 * contact the author (preferably via email).  Arrangements can
 * probably be worked out.
 * XV is shareware for PERSONAL USE only.  You may use XV for your own
 * amusement, and if you find it nifty, useful, generally cool, or of
 * some value to you, your non-deductable donation would be greatly
 * appreciated.  $25 is the suggested donation, though, of course,
 * larger donations are quite welcome.  Folks who donate $25 or more
 * can receive a Real Nice bound copy of the XV manual for no extra
 * charge.
 * Commercial, government, and institutional users MUST register their
 * copies of XV, for the exceedingly REASONABLE price of just $25 per
 * workstation/X terminal.  Site licenses are available for those who
 * wish to run XV on a large number of machines.  Contact the author
 * for more details.
 * The author may be contacted via:
 *    US Mail:  John Bradley
 *              1053 Floyd Terrace
 *              Bryn Mawr, PA  19010
 *    Phone:    (215) 898-8813
 *    EMail:    bradley@cis.upenn.edu

#include "xv.h"
#include "bitmaps.h"

#define GHIGH 147
#define GBHIGH 23
#define GBWIDE 30
#define GWIDE (128 + 3 + 4 + GBWIDE)

#define PW gf1_addh_width
#define PH gf1_addh_height

static int    pixmaps_built = 0;
static Pixmap gfbpix[N_GFB];

/* local functions */
#ifdef __STDC__
static void drawGraf(GRAF *, int);
static void drawHandPos(GRAF *, int);
static void drawGraf(), drawHandPos();

void CreateGraf(gp, parent, x, y, fg, bg, title)
GRAF *gp;
Window parent;
int x,y;
unsigned long fg,bg;
char *title;
  /* NOTE:  CreateGraf does not initialize hands[], nhands, or spline,
     as these could be initialized by X resources (or whatever),
     which takes place long before we can create the windows.

     InitGraf() sets those fields of a GRAF to likely enough values */

  int i;

  if (!pixmaps_built) {
    gfbpix[GFB_ADDH]   = XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData(theDisp, parent, 
				    gf1_addh_bits, PW, PH, 1, 0, 1);
    gfbpix[GFB_DELH]   = XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData(theDisp, parent, 
				    gf1_delh_bits, PW, PH, 1, 0, 1);
    gfbpix[GFB_LINE]   = XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData(theDisp, parent, 
		                    gf1_line_bits, PW, PH, 1, 0, 1);
    gfbpix[GFB_SPLINE] = XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData(theDisp, parent, 
		                    gf1_spln_bits, PW, PH, 1, 0, 1);
    gfbpix[GFB_RESET]  = XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData(theDisp, parent, 
				    gf1_rst_bits, PW, PH, 1, 0, 1);
    gfbpix[GFB_GAMMA]  = XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData(theDisp, parent, 
	    gf1_gamma_bits, gf1_gamma_width, gf1_gamma_height, 1, 0, 1);

    for (i=0; i<N_GFB && gfbpix[i] != (Pixmap) NULL; i++);
    if (i<N_GFB) FatalError("can't create graph pixmaps");

    pixmaps_built = 1;

  gp->fg     = fg;
  gp->bg     = bg;
  gp->str    = title;
  gp->entergamma = 0;
  gp->drawobj = NULL;

  sprintf(gp->gvstr, "%.5g", gp->gamma);

  gp->win = XCreateSimpleWindow(theDisp, parent, x,y, GWIDE, GHIGH, 1, fg,bg);
  if (!gp->win) FatalError("can't create graph (main) window");

  gp->gwin = XCreateSimpleWindow(theDisp, gp->win, 2, GHIGH-132, 
				 128, 128, 1, fg,bg);
  if (!gp->gwin) FatalError("can't create graph (sub) window");

  for (i=0; i<N_GFB; i++) {
    BTCreate(&gp->butts[i], gp->win, GWIDE-GBWIDE-2, 1+i * (GBHIGH + 1),
	     GBWIDE, GBHIGH, (char *) NULL, fg, bg, hicol, locol);
    gp->butts[i].pix = gfbpix[i];
    gp->butts[i].pw = PW;  
    gp->butts[i].ph = PH;

  gp->butts[GFB_SPLINE].toggle = 1;
  gp->butts[GFB_LINE  ].toggle = 1;

  gp->butts[GFB_SPLINE].lit =  gp->spline;
  gp->butts[GFB_LINE  ].lit = !gp->spline;

  if (gp->nhands == 2)          gp->butts[GFB_DELH].active = 0;
  if (gp->nhands == MAX_GHANDS) gp->butts[GFB_ADDH].active = 0;

  XSelectInput(theDisp, gp->win, ExposureMask | ButtonPressMask |
  XSelectInput(theDisp, gp->gwin, ExposureMask);

  XMapSubwindows(theDisp, gp->win);


void InitGraf(gp)
GRAF *gp;
  gp->nhands = 4;
  gp->spline = 1;
  gp->hands[0].x =   0;  gp->hands[0].y =   0;
  gp->hands[1].x =  64;  gp->hands[1].y =  64;
  gp->hands[2].x = 192;  gp->hands[2].y = 192;
  gp->hands[3].x = 255;  gp->hands[3].y = 255;

  gp->gammamode = 0;     gp->gamma = 1.0;

void RedrawGraf(gp, gwin)
GRAF *gp;
int gwin;
  int i;

  /* if gwin, only redraw the graf window, otherwise, only redraw the
     title and buttons */

  if (gwin) drawGraf(gp,0);
  else {
    Draw3dRect(gp->win, 0,0, GWIDE-1, GHIGH-1, R3D_OUT, 1, hicol, locol,
    XSetForeground(theDisp, theGC, gp->fg);
    XSetBackground(theDisp, theGC, gp->bg);
    XDrawString(theDisp, gp->win, theGC, 2, 1+ASCENT,gp->str,strlen(gp->str));

    for (i=0; i<N_GFB; i++) BTRedraw(&gp->butts[i]);

static void drawGraf(gp,erase)
GRAF *gp;
int   erase;
  int i,x,y;
  XPoint  pts[129], *pt;

  if (gp->entergamma) {
    char *str1 = "Enter gamma";
    char *str2 = "value: ";

    XSetForeground(theDisp, theGC, gp->fg);
    XSetBackground(theDisp, theGC, gp->bg);

    XDrawString(theDisp,gp->gwin, theGC, 10,30+ASCENT, str1, strlen(str1));
    XDrawString(theDisp,gp->gwin, theGC, 10,30+ASCENT+CHIGH+3, 
		str2, strlen(str2));

    x = 10 + StringWidth(str2) + 8;
    y = 30 + ASCENT + CHIGH + 3;
    i = StringWidth(gp->gvstr);
    if (gp->entergamma < 0 && strlen(gp->gvstr)) { 
      /* show string highlited */
      XFillRectangle(theDisp, gp->gwin, theGC, x-1,y-ASCENT-1,i+2,CHIGH+2);
      XSetForeground(theDisp, theGC, gp->bg);
      XDrawLine(theDisp, gp->gwin, theGC, x+i, y-ASCENT, x+i, y+DESCENT);
    XDrawString(theDisp, gp->gwin, theGC, x,y, gp->gvstr, strlen(gp->gvstr));


  if (erase) XSetForeground(theDisp, theGC, gp->bg);
        else XSetForeground(theDisp, theGC, gp->fg);

  for (i=0, pt=pts; i<256; i+=2,pt++) {
    pt->x = i/2;  pt->y = 127 - (gp->func[i]/2);
    if (i==0) i = -1;   /* kludge to get sequence 0,1,3,5, ... 253,255 */
  XDrawLines(theDisp, gp->gwin, theGC, pts, 129, CoordModeOrigin);

  if (erase) return;   /* don't erase handles */

  /* redraw handles */

  XSetForeground(theDisp, theGC, gp->bg);

  for (i=0; i<gp->nhands; i++) {   /* clear inside rectangles */
    x = gp->hands[i].x/2;  y = 127 - gp->hands[i].y/2;
    XFillRectangle(theDisp, gp->gwin, theGC, x-2, y-2, 5,5);


  for (i=0; i<gp->nhands; i++) {  /* draw center dots */
    x = gp->hands[i].x/2;  y = 127 - gp->hands[i].y/2;
    XDrawPoint(theDisp, gp->gwin, theGC, x, y);

  for (i=0; i<gp->nhands; i++) {   /* draw rectangles */
    x = gp->hands[i].x/2;  y = 127 - gp->hands[i].y/2;
    XDrawRectangle(theDisp, gp->gwin, theGC, x-3, y-3, 6,6);


int ClickGraf(gp,child,mx,my)
GRAF *gp;
Window child;
int mx,my;
  /* returns '1' if GrafFunc was changed, '0' otherwise */

  int          i, j, rv;
  byte         oldfunc[256];
  BUTT        *bp;
  Window       rW, cW;
  int          x, y, rx, ry, firsttime=1;
  unsigned int mask;

  rv = 0;

  while (1) {   /* loop until Button1 up and ShiftKey up */
    if (!XQueryPointer(theDisp,gp->win,&rW,&cW,&rx,&ry,
		       &mx,&my,&mask)) continue;
    if (!firsttime && !(mask & (Button1Mask | ShiftMask))) break;

    /* if it's not the first time, wait for Button1 to be pressed */
    if (!firsttime && !(mask & Button1Mask)) continue;

    firsttime = 0;

    for (i=0; i<N_GFB; i++) {
      bp = &gp->butts[i];
      if (PTINRECT(mx, my, bp->x, bp->y, bp->w, bp->h)) break;

    if (i<N_GFB) {  /* found one */
      if (BTTrack(bp)) {  /* it was selected */
	switch (i) {
	case GFB_SPLINE: 
	case GFB_LINE:
	  gp->gammamode = 0;

	  if ((i==GFB_SPLINE && !gp->spline) ||
	      (i==GFB_LINE   &&  gp->spline)) {
	    gp->spline = !gp->spline;
	    gp->butts[GFB_SPLINE].lit =  gp->spline;
	    gp->butts[GFB_LINE].lit   = !gp->spline;

	    for (i=0; i<256; i++) oldfunc[i] = gp->func[i];
	    for (i=0; i<256 && abs(oldfunc[i] - gp->func[i])<2; i++);
	    if (i<256) rv = 1;
	  else {
	    gp->butts[i].lit = 1;

	case GFB_RESET:
	  for (j=0; j<gp->nhands; j++) {
	    gp->hands[j].y = gp->hands[j].x;
	  gp->gammamode = 0;

	  for (i=0; i<256; i++) oldfunc[i] = gp->func[i];
	  for (i=0; i<256 && abs(oldfunc[i] - gp->func[i])<2; i++);
	  if (i<256) rv = 1;


	case GFB_GAMMA:
	  gp->entergamma = -1;

	case GFB_ADDH:
	  if (gp->nhands < MAX_GHANDS) {
	    /* find largest x-gap in handles, put new handle in mid */
	    int lgap, lpos, x, y;
	    lgap = gp->hands[1].x - gp->hands[0].x;
	    lpos = 1;
	    for (j=1; j<gp->nhands-1; j++)
	      if ((gp->hands[j+1].x - gp->hands[j].x) > lgap) {
		lgap = gp->hands[j+1].x - gp->hands[j].x;
		lpos = j+1;
	    /* open up position in hands[] array */
	    xvbcopy((char *) &gp->hands[lpos], (char *) &gp->hands[lpos+1], 
		    (gp->nhands - lpos) * sizeof(XPoint));
	    x = gp->hands[lpos-1].x + lgap/2;
	    y = gp->func[x];
	    gp->hands[lpos].x = x;
	    gp->hands[lpos].y = y;

	    for (i=0; i<256; i++) oldfunc[i] = gp->func[i];
	    for (i=0; i<256 && abs(oldfunc[i] - gp->func[i])<2; i++);
	    if (i<256) rv = 1;

	    if (gp->nhands==MAX_GHANDS)   /* turn off 'add' button */
	      BTSetActive(&gp->butts[GFB_ADDH], 0);

	    if (gp->nhands==3)            /* turn on 'del' button */
	      BTSetActive(&gp->butts[GFB_DELH], 1);
	case GFB_DELH:
	  if (gp->nhands > 2) {
	    /* find (middle) point whose x-distance to previous
	       and next points is minimal.  Delete that point */
	    int dist, mdist, mpos;

	    mdist = (gp->hands[1].x - gp->hands[0].x) +
	            (gp->hands[2].x - gp->hands[1].x);
	    mpos = 1;

	    for (j=2; j<gp->nhands-1; j++) {
	      dist = (gp->hands[j  ].x - gp->hands[j-1].x) +
		(gp->hands[j+1].x - gp->hands[j].x);
	      if (dist < mdist) {
		mdist = dist;  mpos = j;
	    /* delete position 'mpos' in hands[] array */
	    xvbcopy((char *) &gp->hands[mpos+1], (char *) &gp->hands[mpos], 
		    (gp->nhands-mpos-1) * sizeof(XPoint));

	    for (i=0; i<256; i++) oldfunc[i] = gp->func[i];
	    for (i=0; i<256 && abs(oldfunc[i] - gp->func[i])<2; i++);
	    if (i<256) rv = 1;

	    if (gp->nhands==MAX_GHANDS-1) /* turn on 'add' button */
	      BTSetActive(&gp->butts[GFB_ADDH], 1);

	    if (gp->nhands==2)            /* turn off 'del' button */
	      BTSetActive(&gp->butts[GFB_DELH], 0);

    else if (cW == gp->gwin) {  /* clicked in graph */
      int h, vertonly, offx, offy;

      XTranslateCoordinates(theDisp, gp->win, gp->gwin,mx,my,&mx,&my,&cW);

      /* see if x,y is within any of the handles */
      for (h=0; h<gp->nhands; h++) {
	if (PTINRECT(mx*2,(127-my)*2,
		     gp->hands[h].x-5,gp->hands[h].y-5,11,11)) break;

      if (h==gp->nhands) {     /* not found.  wait 'til mouseup */
	while (XQueryPointer(theDisp,gp->gwin,&rW,&cW,&rx,&ry,&x,&y,&mask)) {
	  if (!(mask & Button1Mask)) break;    /* button released */

      else {  /* track handle */
	int origx, origy, orighx, orighy, dx, dy, olddx, olddy, grab;

	drawHandPos(gp, h);

	/* keep original mouse position in 'mx,my', and warp mouse to center
	   of screen */
	grab = !XGrabPointer(theDisp, gp->gwin, False, 0, GrabModeAsync, 
			  GrabModeAsync, None, inviso, CurrentTime);
	XWarpPointer(theDisp, None, rootW, 0,0,0,0, dispWIDE/2, dispHIGH/2);

	origx = dispWIDE/2;  origy = dispHIGH/2;  
	orighx = gp->hands[h].x;  orighy = gp->hands[h].y;

	gp->gammamode = 0;
	offx = gp->hands[h].x - origx;  
	offy = gp->hands[h].y - origy;

	vertonly = (h==0 || h==(gp->nhands-1));

	olddx = 0;  olddy = 0;

	while (XQueryPointer(theDisp,rootW,&rW,&cW,&rx,&ry,&x,&y,&mask)) {
	  int newx, newy;

	  if (!(mask & Button1Mask)) break;    /* button released */

	  /* x,y are in screen coordinates */
	  if (vertonly) x = origx;    /* no sidewards motion */

	  dx = x - origx;  dy = origy - y;   /* flip y axis */

	  /* new (virt) position of handle is (desired) 
	     orighx + dx, orighy + dy */

	  if (!vertonly) { /* keep this handle between its neighbors */
	    if (dx+orighx <= gp->hands[h-1].x) dx=(gp->hands[h-1].x+1)-orighx;
	    if (dx+orighx >= gp->hands[h+1].x) dx=(gp->hands[h+1].x-1)-orighx;

	  newx = dx + orighx;  newy = dy + orighy;
	  RANGE(newy, 0, 255);

	  if (newx != gp->hands[h].x || newy != gp->hands[h].y) {
	    /* this handle has moved... */
	    XSetForeground(theDisp, theGC, gp->bg);
	    XFillRectangle(theDisp, gp->gwin, theGC, 
		     (gp->hands[h].x/2)-3, ((255-gp->hands[h].y)/2)-3, 7,7);

	    gp->hands[h].x = newx;  gp->hands[h].y = newy;
	    drawGraf(gp,1);           /* erase old trace */
	    drawHandPos(gp, h);
	    rv = 1;
	    olddx = dx;  olddy = dy;

	    if (gp->drawobj) (gp->drawobj)();

	drawHandPos(gp, -1);
	XWarpPointer(theDisp, None, gp->gwin, 0,0,0,0, 
		     gp->hands[h].x/2, (255-gp->hands[h].y)/2);
	if (grab) XUngrabPointer(theDisp, CurrentTime);

  return rv;

static void drawHandPos(gp, hnum)
GRAF *gp;
int   hnum;
  int w;
  char *tstr = "888,888";

  /* if hnum < 0, clears the text area */

  XSetFont(theDisp, theGC, monofont);
  w = XTextWidth(monofinfo, tstr, strlen(tstr));

  if (hnum >= 0) sprintf(str,"%3d,%3d",gp->hands[hnum].x,gp->hands[hnum].y);
            else sprintf(str,"       ");

  XSetForeground(theDisp, theGC, gp->fg);
  XSetBackground(theDisp, theGC, gp->bg);
  XDrawImageString(theDisp, gp->win, theGC, 130-w, 1+ASCENT, str, strlen(str));

  XSetFont(theDisp, theGC, mfont);

int GrafKey(gp,str)
GRAF *gp;
char *str;
  int len, ok;

  /* returns '1' if str was 'eaten', '2' if CR was hit, '0' otherwise. */

  if (!gp->entergamma) {   /* not entering a value yet */
    if (*str == 'g') {
      gp->entergamma = -1;   /* special 'show old value highlited' */
    else return 0;

  while (*str) {
    if (gp->entergamma == -1 && 
	(*str != '\012' && *str != '\015' && *str != '\033')) {
      gp->entergamma = 1;
      gp->gvstr[0] = '\0';

    ok = 0;
    len = strlen(gp->gvstr);

    if (*str>= '0' && *str <= '9') {
      if (len < GVMAX) { 
	gp->gvstr[len++] = *str;
  	gp->gvstr[len] = '\0';
	ok = 1;

    else if (*str == '.') {
      if (len < GVMAX && ((char *) strchr(gp->gvstr,'.'))==NULL) {
	gp->gvstr[len++] = *str;
	gp->gvstr[len] = '\0';
	ok = 1;

    else if (*str == '\010' || *str == '\177') {   /* BS or DEL */
      if (len > 0) gp->gvstr[--len] = '\0';
      ok = 1;

    else if (*str == '\025' || *str == '\013') {   /* ^U or ^K clear line */
      gp->gvstr[0] = '\0';  len = 0;  ok = 1;

    else if (*str == '\012' || *str == '\015' || *str == '\033') {
      /* CR, LF or ESC*/
      if (len>0 && *str != '\033') {   /* 'Ok' processing */
	if (sscanf(gp->gvstr, "%lf", &(gp->gamma))==1) {
	  if (gp->gamma == 0.0) gp->gamma = 0.001;
	  if (gp->gamma >= 1000.0) gp->gamma = 1000.0;
	  gp->gammamode = 1;
	  gp->entergamma = 0;
	  return 2;

      else {
	gp->entergamma = 0;
      break;   /* out of *str loop */

    if (!ok) XBell(theDisp, 0);
    else {


  return 1;

void GenerateGrafFunc(gp,redraw)
GRAF *gp;
int redraw;
  /* generate new gp->func data (ie, handles have moved, or line/spline
     setting has changed) and redraw the entire graph area */

  int i,j,k;

  /* do sanity check.  (x-coords must be sorted (strictly increasing)) */

  for (i=0; i<gp->nhands; i++) { 
    RANGE(gp->hands[i].x, 0, 255); 
    RANGE(gp->hands[i].y, 0, 255);

  gp->hands[0].x = 0;  gp->hands[gp->nhands-1].x = 255;
  for (i=1; i<gp->nhands-1; i++) {
    if (gp->hands[i].x < i)  gp->hands[i].x = i;
    if (gp->hands[i].x > 256-gp->nhands+i)  
        gp->hands[i].x = 256-gp->nhands+i;

    if (gp->hands[i].x <= gp->hands[i-1].x) 
      gp->hands[i].x = gp->hands[i-1].x + 1;

  /* recompute the function */

  if (gp->gammamode) {  /* do gamma function instead of interpolation */
    double y, invgam;
    invgam = 1.0 / gp->gamma;
    for (i=0; i<256; i++) {
      y = pow( ((double) i / 255.0), invgam) * 255.0;
      j = (int) floor(y + 0.5);
      gp->func[i] = j;

    for (i=0; i<gp->nhands; i++) {
      gp->hands[i].y = gp->func[gp->hands[i].x];
  else if (!gp->spline) {  /* do linear interpolation */
      int y,x1,y1,x2,y2;
      double yd;
      for (i=0; i<gp->nhands-1; i++) {
	x1 = gp->hands[ i ].x;  y1 = gp->hands[ i ].y;
	x2 = gp->hands[i+1].x;  y2 = gp->hands[i+1].y;

	for (j=x1,k=0; j<=x2; j++,k++) {  /* x2 <= 255 */
	  yd = ((double) k * (y2 - y1)) / (x2 - x1);
	  y = y1 + (int) floor(yd + 0.5);
	  gp->func[j] = y;

  else {  /* splinear interpolation */
    static int x[MAX_GHANDS], y[MAX_GHANDS];
    double yf[MAX_GHANDS];
    double yd;

    for (i=0; i<gp->nhands; i++) { 
      x[i] = gp->hands[i].x;  y[i] = gp->hands[i].y;
    InitSpline(x, y, gp->nhands, yf);
    for (i=0; i<256; i++) {
      yd = EvalSpline(x, y, yf, gp->nhands, (double) i);
      j = (int) floor(yd + 0.5);
      gp->func[i] = j;

  if (redraw) {  /* redraw graph */
    XClearWindow(theDisp, gp->gwin);

void Graf2Str(gp, str)
char *str;
  /* generates strings of the form: "S 3 : 0,0 : 63,63 : 255,255",
     (meaning SPLINE, 3 points, and the 3 sets of handle coordinates)
     This is the string that you'd put in the 'xv.preset1.vgraph:' resource,
     ferinstance */

  /* maximum length of string generated is 164 characters.  str better be
     able to hold it... */

  int i;
  char cstr[16];

  if (gp->gammamode) {
    sprintf(str,"G %g", gp->gamma);
  else {
    sprintf(str, "%c %d", gp->spline ? 'S' : 'L', gp->nhands);
    for (i=0; i<gp->nhands; i++) {
      sprintf(cstr," : %d,%d", gp->hands[i].x, gp->hands[i].y);
      strcat(str, cstr);

int Str2Graf(gp, str)
char *str;
  /* parses strings of the form: "S 3 : 0,0 : 63,63 : 255,255",
     (meaning SPLINE, 3 points, and the 3 sets of handle coordinates)
     This is the string that you'd put in the 'xv.preset1.igraf:' resource,
     ferinstance */

  /* returns '1' if unable to parse.  Note:  does NOT redraw the graf, as
     it may be called before the graph window has even been created */

  /* NOTE: I deliberately avoid using '*dp++ = *sp++', as this sort of
     thing tends to break optimizers */

  char   tstr[256], tstr1[256], *sp, *dp;
  XPoint coords[MAX_GHANDS];
  int    spline, nhands, i, x, y;

  if (!str) return 1;  /* NULL strings don't parse well! */

  /* first, strip all pesky whitespace from str */
  for (sp=str, dp=tstr; *sp; sp++) 
    if (*sp > ' ') { *dp = *sp;  dp++; }
  *dp = '\0';

  /* check for 'gamma'-style str */
  if (*tstr == 'G' || *tstr == 'g') {
    if (sscanf(tstr+1, "%lf", &(gp->gamma)) == 1 &&
	gp->gamma > 0.0 && gp->gamma <= 1000.0) {
      gp->gammamode = 1;
      sprintf(gp->gvstr, "%.5g", gp->gamma);
      return 0;
    else return 1;
  /* read Spline, or Line (S/L) character */
  sp = tstr;
  if      (*sp == 'S' || *sp == 's') spline = 1;
  else if (*sp == 'L' || *sp == 'l') spline = 0;
  else return 1;

  /* read 'nhands' */
  sp++;  dp = tstr1;
  while (*sp && *sp != ':') { *dp = *sp;  dp++;  sp++; }
  *dp++ = '\0';
  nhands = atoi(tstr1);
  if (nhands>MAX_GHANDS || nhands<2) return 1;

  /* read nhands coordinate pairs */
  for (i=0; i<nhands && *sp; i++) {
    sp++;  dp = tstr1;
    while (*sp && *sp != ':') {*dp = *sp;  dp++;  sp++; }
    *dp++ = '\0';
    if (sscanf(tstr1,"%d,%d",&x, &y) != 2) return 1;
    if (x < 0 || x > 255 || 
	y < 0 || y > 255) return 1;  /* out of range */
    coords[i].x = x;  coords[i].y = y;

  if (i<nhands) return 1;  /* string terminated early */

  gp->nhands = nhands;  gp->spline = spline;
  for (i=0; i<nhands; i++) {
    gp->hands[i].x = coords[i].x;
    gp->hands[i].y = coords[i].y;

  return 0;

void GetGrafState(gp, gsp)
GRAF *gp;
  int i;

  gsp->spline = gp->spline;
  gsp->entergamma= gp->entergamma;
  gsp->gammamode = gp->gammamode;
  gsp->gamma = gp->gamma;
  gsp->nhands = gp->nhands;
  strcpy(gsp->gvstr, gp->gvstr);
  for (i=0; i<MAX_GHANDS; i++) {
    gsp->hands[i].x = gp->hands[i].x;
    gsp->hands[i].y = gp->hands[i].y;

int SetGrafState(gp, gsp)
GRAF *gp;
#define IFSET(a,b) if ((a) != (b)) { a = b;  rv++; }
  int i;
  int rv = 0;

  IFSET(gp->spline,     gsp->spline);
  IFSET(gp->entergamma, gsp->entergamma);
  IFSET(gp->gammamode,  gsp->gammamode);
  IFSET(gp->gamma,      gsp->gamma);
  IFSET(gp->nhands,     gsp->nhands);

  if (strcmp(gp->gvstr, gsp->gvstr)) 
    { strcpy(gp->gvstr, gsp->gvstr);  rv++; }

  for (i=0; i<gp->nhands; i++) {
    IFSET(gp->hands[i].x, gsp->hands[i].x);
    IFSET(gp->hands[i].y, gsp->hands[i].y);

  gp->butts[GFB_DELH].active = (gp->nhands > 2);
  gp->butts[GFB_ADDH].active = (gp->nhands < MAX_GHANDS);

  gp->butts[GFB_SPLINE].lit =  gp->spline;
  gp->butts[GFB_LINE].lit   = !gp->spline;

  if (rv) {

  return rv;

void InitSpline(x,y,n,y2)
     int *x, *y, n;
     double *y2;
  /* given arrays of data points x[0..n-1] and y[0..n-1], computes the
     values of the second derivative at each of the data points
     y2[0..n-1] for use in the splint function */

  int i,k;
  double p,qn,sig,un,u[MAX_GHANDS];

  y2[0] = u[0] = 0.0;

  for (i=1; i<n-1; i++) {
    sig = ((double) x[i]-x[i-1]) / ((double) x[i+1] - x[i-1]);
    p = sig * y2[i-1] + 2.0;
    y2[i] = (sig-1.0) / p;
    u[i] = (((double) y[i+1]-y[i]) / (x[i+1]-x[i])) - 
           (((double) y[i]-y[i-1]) / (x[i]-x[i-1]));
    u[i] = (6.0 * u[i]/(x[i+1]-x[i-1]) - sig*u[i-1]) / p;
  qn = un = 0.0;

  y2[n-1] = (un-qn*u[n-2]) / (qn*y2[n-2]+1.0);
  for (k=n-2; k>=0; k--)
    y2[k] = y2[k]*y2[k+1]+u[k];

double EvalSpline(xa,ya,y2a,n,x)
double y2a[],x;
int n,xa[],ya[];
  int klo,khi,k;
  double h,b,a;

  klo = 0;
  khi = n-1;
  while (khi-klo > 1) {
    k = (khi+klo) >> 1;
    if (xa[k] > x) khi = k;
    else klo = k;
  h = xa[khi] - xa[klo];
  if (h==0.0) FatalError("bad xvalues in splint\n");
  a = (xa[khi]-x)/h;
  b = (x-xa[klo])/h;
  return (a*ya[klo] + b*ya[khi] + ((a*a*a-a)*y2a[klo] +(b*b*b-b)*y2a[khi]) 
	  * (h*h) / 6.0);

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.