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 **	$Header: /sdsc/dev/vis/misc/libsdsc/v3.0/libsdsc/src/include/RCS/bin.h,v 1.9 1995/06/30 21:58:48 bduggan Exp $
 **	Copyright (c) 1989-1995  San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC)
 **		a division of General Atomics, San Diego, California, USA
 **	Users and possessors of this source code are hereby granted a
 **	nonexclusive, royalty-free copyright and design patent license to
 **	use this code in individual software.  License is not granted for
 **	commercial resale, in whole or in part, without prior written
 **	permission from SDSC.  This source is provided "AS IS" without express
 **	or implied warranty of any kind.
 **	For further information contact:
 **		E-Mail:		info@sds.sdsc.edu
 **		Surface Mail:	Information Center
 **				San Diego Supercomputer Center
 **				P.O. Box 85608
 **				San Diego, CA  92138-5608
 **				(619) 534-5000

 **  FILE
 **	bin.h	-  Portable Binary I/O Package
 **	libSDSC		-  SDSC standard function library
 **			d =defined constant
 **			f =function
 **			m =defined macro
 **			t =typedef/struct/union
 **			v =variable
 **			? =other
 **	__BINH__	d  File inclusion flag
 **	types...	d  upper-case type names
 **	BINMAXTYPE	d  maximum type name value
 **	BINNTYPE	d  number of types
 **	BINMBF		d  most-significant byte first
 **	BINLBF		d  least-significant byte first
 **	BINIEEE		d  IEEE floating point format
 **	BINVAX		d  VAX floating point format
 **	BINVAXG		d  VAX floating point format (with doubles in G format)
 **	BINCRAYMP	d  CRAY X/Y-MP floating point format
 **	BINNOFUNC	d  No nominated function
 **	BINDEFFUNC	d  default function
 **	BINOP...	d  operation codes
 **	BinField	t  Binary I/O Structure Field Description
 **	BinMachineInfo	t  Machine characteristics
 **	BinErrNo	v  error number
 **	BinNErr		v  number of error messages
 **	BinErrList	v  error messages
 **	BINE...		d  error codes
 **	none
 **	$Log: bin.h,v $
 **	Revision 1.9  1995/06/30  21:58:48  bduggan
 **	added ansi prototype for function pointer
 **	Revision 1.8  1995/06/29  00:12:59  bduggan
 **	changed copyright
 **	Revision 1.7  94/10/03  16:39:07  nadeau
 **	Built defined constant definitions in to code instead of using external
 **	include files generated by the Makefile.  No longer seems necessary
 **	to generate on-the-fly since the value set is relatively static.
 **	Updated to ANSI C and C++ compatibility.
 **	Updated comments.
 **	Updated copyright message.
 **	Revision 1.6  92/09/02  15:13:28  vle
 **	Updated copyright notice.
 **	Revision 1.5  91/01/09  16:53:37  nadeau
 **	Cleaned up function declarations.
 **	Revision 1.4  90/06/25  10:39:12  ferrerj
 **	Added IBM floating point format.
 **	Revision 1.3  90/05/21  16:13:10  nadeau
 **	Changed BinFRead() et al from macros to function declarations.
 **	Revision 1.2  90/04/23  15:27:49  nadeau
 **	Changed BinErrno to BinErrNo and BinNerr to BinNErr.
 **	Revision 1.1  89/12/14  13:57:28  nadeau
 **	Initial revision

#ifndef __BINH__
#define __BINH__

#include <stdio.h>		/* Needed to get FILE declaration	*/

 *	types...	-  upper-case type names
 *	These #define's identify host program variable types and let the binary
 *	I/O package read and write routines know how to store or retrieve bytes
 *	from host buffer arrays and when to sign-extend.
#define POINTER	0
#define CHAR	1
#define UCHAR	2
#define SHORT	3
#define LONG	4
#define INT	5
#define INT8	6
#define INT16	7
#define INT32	8
#define USHORT	9
#define ULONG	10
#define UINT	11
#define UINT8	12
#define UINT16	13
#define UINT32	14
#define BOOLEAN	15
#define FLOAT	16
#define DOUBLE	17
#define INT64	18
#define UINT64	19
#define BINMAXTYPE 19

 *	BINMBF		-  most-significant byte first
 *	BINLBF		-  least-significant byte first
 *	These #define's identify one of two types of byte ordering.
 *	Passed to BinByteOrder( ) or received from BinQByteOrder( ), these
 *	indicate the byte order of THE FILE!
 *	When received from BinQMachine( ), these indicate the byte order of
#define BINMBF	0
#define BINLBF	1
	/*	2-... reserved						*/

 *	BINIEEE		-  IEEE floating point format
 *	BINVAX		-  VAX floating point format
 *	BINVAXG		-  VAX floating point format (with doubles in G format)
 *	BINCRAYMP	-  CRAY X/Y-MP floating point format
 *	These #defines identify one of the floating point formats known by
 *	the binary I/O package.
 *	Passed to BinFloatFormat( ) or received from BinQFloatFormat( ), these
 *	indicate the floating point format OF THE FILE!

#define BINIEEE		0
#define BINVAX		1
#define BINVAXG		2
#define BINCRAYMP	3
#define BINIBM		4
		/*	4-... reserved					*/

 *	BINNOFUNC	-  No nominated function
 *	BINDEFFUNC	-  default function
 *	These #defines identify one of two special conditions for the error
 *	handler function nomination done by BinErrorHandler( ).  BINNOFUNC
 *	indicates that no handler function is nominated.  BINDEFFUNC indicates
 *	the default error handler function should be used.

#ifdef __STDC__
#define BINNOFUNC	((int (*)(int , int , int , void *, int , int))((long)0))
#define BINDEFFUNC	((int (*)(int , int , int , void *, int , int))((long)-1))
#define BINNOFUNC	((int (*)())((long)0))
#define BINDEFFUNC	((int (*)())((long)-1))
		/*	all other values reserved			*/

 *	BINOPREAD	-  read operation in progress
 *	BINOPWRITE	-  write operaiton in progress
 *	BINOPREADSTRUCT	-  structure read operation in progress
 *	BINOPWRITESTRUCT-  structure write operation in progress
 *	BINOPCONVERTFLOAT- floating point conversion operation in progress
 *	Thse #defines identify the operation in progress at the time an
 *	error occurred that caused the error handler function to be called.
 *	Most errors are reported via return values from the Binary I/O
 *	package functions.  Integer truncation and floating point overflow
 *	errors, however, are reported on a per-conversion basis by calling
 *	the nominated handler function (see BinErrorHandler()).  If no
 *	handler function is nominated, an error message is printed to stderr.

#define BINOPREAD		0
#define BINOPWRITE		1
			/*	5-...	reserved			*/

 *	BinField	-  Binary I/O Structure Field Description
 *	The BinField struct describes a group of like-typed fields in a
 *	structure to be read or written using the Binary I/O Struct calls.
typedef struct BinField
	int bin_type;			/* Declared type of struct field*/
	int bin_nbytes;			/* # of bytes occupied in file	*/
	int bin_count;			/* # of repeatitions of this item*/
} BinField;

 *	BinMachineInfo	-  Machine characteristics
 *	The BinMachineInfo struct describes the machine and its C compiler's
 *	characteristics.  The structure is returned by a call to BinQMachine( ).
 *	bin_byteOrder is the byte order of the host.  Use BinQByteOrder( )
 *	to query the byte order currently being assumed for files.
 *	bin_byteOrderName is the character string name for the byte order.
 *	bin_floatFormat is the floating point format of the host.  Use
 *	BinQFloatFormat( ) to query the floating point format currently being
 *	assumed for files.  bin_floatFormatName is the character string name
 *	for the floating point format.
 *	Each of bin_typeSize, bin_typeSigned, bin_typeRes, and bin_typePad
 *	are arrays of BINNTYPE entries, one per type.
 *	bin_typeSize is the number of bytes required to store a single variable
 *	of the type.  An INT on a VAX has a size of 4 bytes, while on a
 *	CRAY-XMP it has a size of 8 bytes.
 *	bin_typeSigned is a TRUE or FALSE value indicating if the type is
 *	signed.
 *	bin_typeRes is the resolution, or number of significant bytes, of
 *	the type.  On most machines the size and resolution of a type are
 *	the same.  On a CRAY-XMP, however, a SHORT has a size of 8 bytes,
 *	but a resolution of only 3 bytes.
 *	bin_typePad is the structure field padding needed for the type.
 *	In other words, the table indicates what addressing boundaries
 *	types are forced to be on when in structures.  An INT on a VAX
 *	running ULTRIX/UNIX is aligned (padded) to a 4 byte boundary.
 *	A SHORT on the same VAX is aligned to a 2 byte boundary.  All types
 *	on a VAX running VMS are not aligned at all (on any 1 byte boundary).
 *	All types, except CHAR's, on a CRAY-XMP are aligned to 8 byte
 *	boundaries.
 *	bin_typeName is the lower-case C type names for the types.
 *	bin_reserved is space reserved for future expansion.
typedef struct BinMachineInfo
	/* Names							*/
	char *bin_vendorName;	/* Vendor name				*/
	char *bin_machineName;	/* Machine name (not host name)		*/
	char *bin_cpuName;	/* CPU name				*/
	char *bin_osName;	/* OS name				*/

	/* CPU Characteristics						*/
	int   bin_byteOrder;	/* CPU byte order			*/
	char *bin_byteOrderName;/* CPU byte order name			*/
	int   bin_floatFormat;	/* Floating point format		*/
	char *bin_floatFormatName;/* Floating point format name		*/

	/* Type Characteristics						*/
	int  *bin_typeSize;	/* Sizes of types			*/
	int  *bin_typeSigned;	/* Signed type or not?			*/
	int  *bin_typeRes;	/* Resolution of types			*/
	int  *bin_typePad;	/* Structure field padding of types	*/
	char **bin_typeName;	/* Names for the types			*/
	unsigned long *bin_typePadMask; /* Pad mask			*/

	int   bin_reserved[9];	/* Reserved for future expansion	*/
} BinMachineInfo;

 *	BinErrNo	-  error number
 *	BinNErr		-  number of error messages
 *	BinErrList	-  error messages
 *	On an error, the binary I/O package routines return -1 and set
 *	BinErrno to an error code.  The programmer may call BinPError
 *	to print the associated error message to stderr, or may do the
 *	message lookup in BinErrList themselves.
extern int BinErrNo;			/* Current error number		*/
extern int BinNErr;			/* Number of error messages	*/
extern char *BinErrList[];		/* List of error messages	*/

 *	BINE...		-  error codes
 *	BinErrno may be set to these error codes as a result of an error in
 *	calling one of the binary I/O package routines.
#define BINESYS		0		/* System error:  see errno	*/
#define BINETYPE	1		/* Bad buffer type		*/
#define BINENBYTES	2		/* Bad # of occupied bytes in file*/
#define BINECOUNT	3		/* Bad # of items to read/write	*/
#define BINEBYTEORDER	4		/* Bad byte order selection	*/
#define BINEMALLOC	5		/* Malloc error			*/
#define BINEFLOATFORMAT	6		/* Bad float format selection	*/
#define BINEFLOATUNSUPPORTED	7	/* Unsupported size of float	*/
#define BINEFLOATOVERFLOW	8	/* Floating point overflow	*/
#define BINEINTEGERTRUNC	9	/* Integer truncation		*/
#define BINEFLOATUNDERFLOW	10	/* Floating point underflow	*/

 *	BinQMachine	-  Query machine information
 *	BinPError	-  Print error message
 *	BinQError	-  Query error message
 *	BinErrorHandler	-  nominate an error condition handler function
 *	BinByteOrder	-  Select the byte order of the file
 *	BinQByteOrder	-  Query the byte order of the file
 *	BinRead		-  Read binary file
 *	BinFRead	-  Read binary file
 *	BinWrite	-  Write binary file
 *	BinFWrite	-  Write binary file
 *	BinReadStruct	-  Read binary file into a C struct
 *	BinFReadStruct	-  Read binary file into a C struct
 *	BinWriteStruct	-  Write binary file into a C struct
 *	BinFWriteStruct	-  Write binary file into a C struct
 *	The following functions comprise the binary I/O package.

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#ifdef __STDC__
extern BinMachineInfo *	BinQMachine( void );
extern void		BinPError( char * );
extern char *		BinQError( void );
extern void		BinErrorHandler( int (*)(int, int, int, void*, int, int ) );
extern int		BinByteOrder( int );
extern int		BinQByteOrder( void );
extern int		BinFloatFormat( int );
extern int		BinQFloatFormat( void );
extern int		BinRead( int, void *, int, int, int );
extern int		BinFRead( FILE *, void *, int, int, int );
extern int		BinSRead( unsigned char *, void *, int, int, int );
extern int		BinWrite( int, void *, int, int, int );
extern int		BinFWrite( FILE *, void *, int, int, int );
extern int		BinSWrite( unsigned char *, void *, int, int, int );
extern int		BinReadStruct( int, void *, BinField * );
extern int		BinFReadStruct( FILE *, void *, BinField * );
extern int		BinSReadStruct( unsigned char *, void *, BinField * );
extern int		BinWriteStruct( int, void *, BinField * );
extern int		BinFWriteStruct( FILE *, void *, BinField * );
extern int		BinSWriteStruct( unsigned char *, void *, BinField * );
extern BinMachineInfo *	BinQMachine( );
extern void		BinPError( );
extern char *		BinQError( );
extern void		BinErrorHandler( );
extern int		BinByteOrder( );
extern int		BinQByteOrder( );
extern int		BinFloatFormat( );
extern int		BinQFloatFormat( );
extern int		BinRead( );
extern int		BinFRead( );
extern int		BinSRead( );
extern int		BinWrite( );
extern int		BinFWrite( );
extern int		BinSWrite( );
extern int		BinReadStruct( );
extern int		BinFReadStruct( );
extern int		BinSReadStruct( );
extern int		BinWriteStruct( );
extern int		BinFWriteStruct( );
extern int		BinSWriteStruct( );

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* __BINH__ */

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