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 **	$Header: /sdsc/dev/vis/misc/libsdsc/v3.0/libsdsc/src/include/RCS/arg.h,v 1.10 1995/06/29 00:13:11 bduggan Exp $
 **	Copyright (c) 1989-1995  San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC)
 **		a division of General Atomics, San Diego, California, USA
 **	Users and possessors of this source code are hereby granted a
 **	nonexclusive, royalty-free copyright and design patent license to
 **	use this code in individual software.  License is not granted for
 **	commercial resale, in whole or in part, without prior written
 **	permission from SDSC.  This source is provided "AS IS" without express
 **	or implied warranty of any kind.
 **	For further information contact:
 **		E-Mail:		info@sds.sdsc.edu
 **		Surface Mail:	Information Center
 **				San Diego Supercomputer Center
 **				P.O. Box 85608
 **				San Diego, CA  92138-5608
 **				(619) 534-5000

 **  FILE
 **	arg.h		-  Argument Parsing Includes
 **	libSDSC		-  SDSC standard function library
 **			d =defined constant
 **			f =function
 **			m =defined macro
 **			t =typedef/struct/union
 **			v =variable
 **			? =other
 **	__ARGH__	d  file inclusion flag
 **	ArgCommand	t  Information about a command/tool
 **	ArgOption	t  Information about one possible option
 **	ARGF...		d  values for arg_flags in ArgOption
 **	ARGT...		d  values for arg_types in ArgOption and ArgValue
 **	ARGV...		d  values for arg_maxvalues in ArgOption
 **	ARGKMAXLEN	d  maximum length of a keyword
 **	ArgEquiv	t  Equivalent keywords
 **	ArgValue	t  Argument value
 **	ARGR...		d  values for arg_rform in ArgValue
 **	arg_...		d  shortcuts for referencing ArgValue fields
 **	ArgErrNo	v  error number
 **	ArgNErr		v  number of error messages
 **	ArgErrList	v  error messages
 **	ARGE...		d  error codes
 **	Arg...		f  function type declarations
 **	none
 **	$Log: arg.h,v $
 **	Revision 1.10  1995/06/29  00:13:11  bduggan
 **	changed copyright
 **	Revision 1.9  1995/02/21  23:42:24  bduggan
 **	Added comment about new %end option in help string
 **	Revision 1.8  94/10/03  16:35:57  nadeau
 **	Updated to ANSI C and C++ compatibility.
 **	Minimized use of custom SDSC types (e.g., uchar vs. unsigned char)
 **	Updated comments.
 **	Updated indenting on some code.
 **	Updated copyright message.
 **	Revision 1.7  93/07/21  19:06:43  allans
 **	*** empty log message ***
 **	Revision 1.6  92/09/02  15:08:11  vle
 **	Updated copyright notice.
 **	Revision 1.5  91/09/17  19:28:27  nadeau
 **	Added arg_fullusage field to ArgCommand structure.
 **	Revision 1.4  91/09/01  17:13:44  nadeau
 **	Changed ArgCommand structure to support additional fields for
 **	better help messages, version messages, and registration and
 **	feedback forms.
 **	Revision 1.3  91/08/25  13:51:57  nadeau
 **	Added declaration for ArgQOccurOpt.
 **	Revision 1.2  91/01/09  16:52:58  nadeau
 **	Cleaned up function declarations.  Added ArgQError().
 **	Revision 1.1  90/06/22  12:16:02  nadeau
 **	Initial revision

#ifndef __ARGH__
#define __ARGH__

 *	ArgCommand	-  Information about a command/tool
 *	The ArgCommand structure provides overall information about a
 *	command (tool) using the argument parsing package.  Information
 *	includes:
 *	arg_name	The name the command knows itself by.  This may
 *			differ from the name a site administrator has
 *			installed the command as, which would show up
 *			as argv[0].
 *	arg_major, arg_minor, arg_subminor
 *			The version numbers of the command.  In a version
 *			number like 2.4.1, the major version number is 2,
 *			the minor number 4, and the subminor number 1.
 *	arg_help1, arg_help2
 *			The first and second parts of the -help text.
 *			These are each typically to be multi-line help texts.
 *			If a NULL pointer, not printed.
 *	arg_fullhelp1, arg_fullhelp2
 *			The first and second parts of the -fullhelp text.
 *			These are each typically to be multi-line help texts.
 *			If a NULL pointer, arg_help1 or arg_help2 used instead.
 *	arg_usage
 *			The text for the help usage message printed in the form:
 *				Usage is:  command arg_usage
 *			If a NULL pointer, usage text is generated automatically
 *			from the option list.
 *	arg_fullusage
 *			The text for the fullhelp usage msssage printed in the
 *			form:
 *				Usage is:  command arg_usage
 *			If a NULL pointer, usage text is generated automatically
 *			from the option list.
 *	arg_flags
 *			Parsing control flags.
 *	arg_version
 *			Version name text displayed for -version.  If a NULL
 *			pointer, nothing displayed.
 *	arg_copyright
 *			Copyright message text displayed for -version, -help,
 *			and -fullhelp.  If a NULL, nothing displayed.
 *	arg_register, arg_feedback
 *			The user registration and feedback forms displayed
 *			for the -register and -feedback arguments.  If a NULL
 *			pointer no forms are printed.

typedef struct ArgCommand
	char *arg_name;		/* Command name				*/

	int   arg_major;	/* Major version number			*/
	int   arg_minor;	/* Minor version number			*/
	int   arg_subminor;	/* Subminor version number		*/

	char *arg_help1;	/* First part of -help information	*/
	char *arg_help2;	/* Second part of -help information	*/

	char *arg_fullhelp1;	/* First part of -fullhelp information	*/
	char *arg_fullhelp2;	/* Second part of -fullhelp information	*/

	int   arg_flags;	/* Parsing flags			*/
	char *arg_usage;	/* -help usage text			*/
	char *arg_fullusage;	/* -fullhelp usage text			*/
	char *arg_version;	/* Version name				*/
	char *arg_copyright;	/* Copyright message			*/
	char *arg_register;	/* Registration form			*/
	char *arg_feedback;	/* Feedback form			*/
} ArgCommand;

 *	ARGF*		-  flags for arg_flags in ArgCommand
 *	arg_flags in the ArgCommand structure contains the bitwise OR of zero
 *	or more ARG... flags to indicate how options are to be parsed:
 * 	ARGFHELPONERROR		-help text should be displayed on any
 *				command-line parsing error.  The default is
 *				to only print out the error.
 *	ARGFFULLHELPONERROR	-fullhelp text should be displayed on any
 *				command-line parsing error.  The default is
 *				to only print out the error.

		/*	0x4-0xFFFFFFFF	Reserved			*/

 *	ArgOption	-  Information about one possible option
 *	The ArgOption structure provides information on one possible option
 *	that the parsing code should look for in a user's input command line.
 *	An option consists of a keyword and zero or more values.  The
 *	fields of the ArgOption structure indicate what to look for for this
 *	option:
 *	arg_keyword	The name of the keyword.  All options have keywords.
 *	arg_valuenames	A help text string that gives the name(s) of the values
 *			that follow the keyword, if any.  If there are no
 *			values, the string should be NULL.
 *	arg_help	A help text (40-character maximum) that says what
 *			the option is.  If '%end' appears in this text,
 *           		then the text before '%end' will be considered
 * 			the standard one-line help text, and the text
 * 			after %end will be displayed if help is requested
 *			for this specific option.
 *	arg_flags	Flags indicating how the option should be handled.
 *	arg_minvalues, arg_maxvalues
 *			The minimum and maximum number of values that
 *			parsing code should expect following the keyword.
 *			max must be greater than min.  min can be 0.
 *	arg_type	The basic type (int, float, string) for the values.

typedef struct ArgOption
	char *arg_keyword;	/* Keyword name				*/
	char *arg_valuenames;	/* Value names				*/
	char *arg_help;		/* Half-line help text for the option	*/
	int   arg_flags;	/* Parsing flags			*/
	int   arg_minvalues;	/* Minimum number of values		*/
	int   arg_maxvalues;	/* Maximum number of values		*/
	int   arg_type;		/* Type for the values			*/
} ArgOption;

 *	ARGF...		-  values for arg_flags in ArgOption
 *	ARGT...		-  values for arg_types in ArgOption and ArgValue
 *	ARGV...		-  values for arg_maxvalues in ArgOption
 *	ARGKMAXLEN	-  maximum length of a keyword
 *	arg_flags in the ArgOption structure contains the bitwise OR of zero
 *	or more ARG... flags to indicate how the option is to be parsed:
 *	ARGFNONE	No flags set.  Do default actions
 *	ARGFHIDDEN	The option should not be listed in automatically
 *			printed -help text and -fullhelp.  Typically used for
 *			-debug options.
 *	ARGFFULLHELP	Only display the option in -fullhelp listings.  If
 *			not given, display option in -help and -fullhelp.
 *	ARGFMULTIPLE	The option may be given more than once on the
 *			same command line.
 *	ARGFREQUIRED	The option is required.  Issue an error and help
 *			text if the option doesn't appear on the command line.
 *	ARGFIMPKEYWORD	Allow keyword to be implied.  Typically used for
 *			filename arguments.
 *	arg_type indicates the basic type for values following a keyword.
 *	ARGTNONE	No type.  Used when option has no values.
 *	ARGTINT		Integer.  Hex, Octal, Binary, Decimal, whatever.
 *	ARGTFLOAT	Floating point.  With or without exponent.
 *	ARGTSTRING	String.  Space-separated set of characters.  If user
 *			used double quotes, then the entire quoted string,
 *			minus the quotes.
 *	As a special flag, ARGTRANGE may be bitwise OR'ed with ARGTINT or
 *	ARGTFLOAT (but not ARGSTRING) to indicate that a single value may
 *	be a range of numbers, such as 1-4.
 *	arg_maxvalues is the maximum number of values that may follow the
 *	keyword in an option.  If there is no maximum, such as an
 *	arbitrarily long list of file names, then arg_maxvalues may be
 *	set to ARGVNOMAX.
 *	Due to internal space requirements, the maximum length of a keyword

#define ARGFNONE	0
#define ARGFHIDDEN	0x1
#define ARGFMULTIPLE	0x2
#define ARGFREQUIRED	0x4
#define ARGFFULLHELP	0x10
		/*	0x20-0xFFFFFFFF	Reserved			*/

#define ARGTNONE	0
#define ARGTINT		0x1
#define ARGTFLOAT	0x2
#define ARGTSTRING	0x4
		/*	0x8-0x800	Reserved			*/
#define ARGTRANGE	0x1000
		/*	0x2000-0xFFFFFFFF Reserved			*/

#define ARGVNOMAX	-1
		/*	-2 - -2^31	Reserved			*/
		/*	positive values indicate number of values	*/

#define ARGKMAXLEN	100

 *	ArgEquiv	-  Equivalent keywords
 *	The ArgEquiv structure gives the keyword of an option previously
 *	described by an ArgOption structure, and an alternative, or
 *	equivalent name for the keyword.  For instance, an option with
 *	a keyword -background might have an equivalent keyword of -bg.
 *		** Remember that all keywords and equivalent keywords
 *		** automatically allow all unique abbreviations to be
 *		** entered by the user.  For instance, if the option
 *		** is -name, with an equivalent of -title, then all of
 *		** the following may be entered by the user:
 *		**
 *		**	-name
 *		**	-nam
 *		**	-na
 *		**	-n
 *		**	-title
 *		**	-titl
 *		**	-tit
 *		**	-ti
 *		**	-t

typedef struct ArgEquiv
	char *arg_keyword;	/* Base keyword				*/
	char *arg_equivkeyword;	/* Equivalent keyword			*/
} ArgEquiv;

 *	ArgValue	-  Argument value
 *	The ArgValue structure is returned by ArgQValue() and describes a
 *	single value associated with an occurance of an option on the
 *	command line.  The term 'value' is somewhat overloaded to include
 *	any of the following:
 *		A single integer.
 *		A single flaot.
 *		A single string (of arbitrary number of characters).
 *		A range of integers.
 *		A range of floats.
 *	arg_type	The base type of the value.  Same as arg_type in
 *			the ArgOption structure.
 *	arg_rform	The format of a range, if arg_type has ARGFRANGE set.
 *	arg_v1		The first value for a range, or the only set of values
 *			if ARGFRANGE is not set.
 *	arg_v2		The second value for a range.  Unused for non-range
 *			values.
 *	arg_v1 and arg_v2 are each unions with integer, float, and string
 *	(arg_v1 only) sub-fields.  Only one of these fields will contain
 *	a valid value (obviously).

typedef struct ArgValue
	int arg_type;		/* Value type				*/
	int arg_rform;		/* Range format, if any			*/
		long arg_i1;	/* First integer			*/
		double arg_f1;	/* First float				*/
		char *arg_s1;	/* First (and only) string		*/
		int arg_reserved1[4];	/* Reserved for future use	*/
	} arg_v1;
		long arg_i2;	/* Second integer			*/
		double arg_f2;	/* Second float				*/
		int arg_reserved2[4];	/* Reserved for future use	*/
	} arg_v2;
	int arg_reserved[4];	/* Reserved for future use		*/
} ArgValue;

 *	ARGR...		-  values for arg_rform in ArgValue
 *	arg_...		-  shortcuts for referencing ArgValue fields
 *	arg_rform indicates the form of a range that the user entered as
 *	one value for an option.
 *	ARGRCLOSED	n-m	Numbers n through m are in the range.
 *	ARGROPEN	n-	Numbers n through the end are in the range.
 *				Just what the 'end' is is up to the command.
 *	ARGRSINGLE	n	Just number n is in the range.
 *	For options that are not ranges, it is inconvenient to worry about
 *	arg_v1 vs. arg_v2.  It is also annoying to have to mess with the
 *	union field's name.  A variety of define'd constant short-cuts to
 *	relevant fields of the ArgValue structure are available for use.

#define ARGRCLOSED	0
#define ARGROPEN	1
#define ARGRSINGLE	2
		/*	3-2^32	Reserved				*/

#define arg_i		arg_v1.arg_i1
#define arg_f		arg_v1.arg_f1
#define arg_s		arg_v1.arg_s1
#define arg_ir1		arg_v1.arg_i1
#define arg_ir2		arg_v2.arg_i2
#define arg_fr1		arg_v1.arg_f1
#define arg_fr2		arg_v2.arg_f2

 *	ArgErrNo	-  error number
 *	ArgNErr		-  number of error messages
 *	ArgErrList	-  error messages
 *	On an error, the argument parsing package routines return -1 and set
 *	ArgErrno to an error code.  The programmer may call ArgPError
 *	to print the associated error message to stderr, or may do the
 *	message lookup in ArgErrList themselves.

extern int   ArgErrNo;			/* Current error number		*/
extern int   ArgNErr;			/* Number of error messages	*/
extern char *ArgErrList[];		/* List of error messages	*/

 *	ARGE...		-  error codes
 *	ArgErrNo may be set to these error codes as a result of an error in
 *	calling one of the arg parsing package routines.

#define ARGESYS		0		/* System error			*/
#define ARGEUNKKEYWORD	1		/* Unknown keyword		*/
#define ARGENOPT	2		/* Bad option number		*/
#define ARGENOCCUR	3		/* Bad occurance number		*/
#define ARGENVALUE	4		/* Bad value number		*/
#define ARGENOVALUE	5		/* Option doesn't have values	*/
#define ARGEREG		6		/* Cannot open registration file*/
#define ARGEFBK		7		/* Cannot open feedback file	*/
		/*	8-2^32		   Reserved			*/

 *	Arg...		-  function type declarations
 *	The return types of the argument parsing package functions are
 *	declared.

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#ifdef __STDC__
extern void		ArgPError( char * );
extern char *		ArgQError( void );
extern int		ArgHelp( void );
extern int		ArgFullHelp( void );
extern int		ArgFeedback( void );
extern int		ArgRegister( void );
extern int		ArgVersion( void );
extern int		ArgParse( int, char *[ ], ArgCommand *, int, ArgOption *, int, ArgEquiv * );
extern int		ArgQNOpt( void );
extern int		ArgQOccurOpt( char *, int );
extern char *		ArgQOpt( int, int * );
extern int		ArgQNOccur( char * );
extern int		ArgQNValue( char *, int );
extern ArgValue *	ArgQValue( char *, int, int );
extern void		ArgPError( );
extern char *		ArgQError( );
extern int		ArgHelp( );
extern int		ArgFullHelp( );
extern int		ArgFeedback( );
extern int		ArgRegister( );
extern int		ArgVersion( );
extern int		ArgParse( );
extern int		ArgQNOpt( );
extern int		ArgQOccurOpt( );
extern char *		ArgQOpt( );
extern int		ArgQNOccur( );
extern int		ArgQNValue( );
extern ArgValue *	ArgQValue( );

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* __ARGH__ */

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