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.\" Randstr: grab a random text string from a specified text file
.\" Amy A. Lewis, October, 1995
.TH RANDSTR 1 "October 1995" "Linux hackery"
randstr \- fetch a random text string from a specified file
.BI "randstr " filename
In essence, 
.B randstr
is a stripped-down, minimalist version of the popular
.BR fortune (6)
It reads files with the same structure as the fortunes databases, and
displays a random string.
.SS Usage
.B randstr
might be used, with a database of signatures created with a text editor
and the 
.BR strfile "(8) and " unstr (8)
utilities, to randomly change the 
.I $HOME/.signature
file.  To do so, create the necessary database as, for example,
.IR signatures " and " signatures.dat
in the home directory, and add the following line to
.IR .profile " or " .login :
.BI "randstr " signatures
.RI > .signature
As superuser, a similar sort of thing could be placed in the
.BR Pnews "(1) or " Rnmail (1)
scripts, although it should certainly test to be certain that the files
exist, and creating the files of signatures might require a good deal of
help for a lot of users.
Also as superuser, one might use 
.B randstr
with a shell or
.B Perl
script to read the 
.I etc/passwd
database and create a 
.I strfile
type database, and use this database to run a monthly lottery.
None known.
.BR fortune "(6), " strfile (1)

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