


GNU dbm is a set of database routines that use extendible hashing and
works similar to the standard UNIX dbm routines.

This is release 1.7.3 of GNU dbm.

To compile gdbm:

   a)  configure <config parameters like -prefix ... see INSTALL>
   b)  make 

To compile the optional test and conversion programs:

   a)  make progs

To install the basic package:

   a)  make install

To install the optional dbm and ndbm compatibility headers:

   a)  make install-compat

(You might want to "make -n install" to make sure it will put things
were you want them.)

Please report bugs to


The files are:

INSTALL		- Installation tips and information.
NEWS		- New and changed things.
COPYING		- Copying information.
README		- This file.

bucket.c, extern.h, falloc.c, findkey.c, gdbm.proto, gdbmclose.c,
gdbmconst.h gdbmdefs.h, gdbmdelete.c, gdbmerrno.h, gdbmfetch.c, gdbmsync.c,
gdbmopen.c, gdbmreorg.c, gdbmseq.c, gdbmstore.c, global.c, gndbm.h,
hash.c systems.h, update.c, version.c - Source for GNU dbm library.

dbm.h dbminit.c, delete.c, fetch.c, seq.c, store.c - Source for the
DBM interface.

dbmclose.c, dbmdelete.c, dbmdirfno.c, dbmfetch.c, dbmopen.c, dbmpagfno.c
dbmseq.c, dbmstore.c, ndbm.h - Source for the NDBM interface.

Makefile 	- Makefile, will make gdbm.a  (BSD and SYSV)
testgdbm.c	- A simple test program.
testdbm.c	- A simple test program.
testndbm.c	- A simple test program.
conv2gdbm.c	- A dbm database conversion program.

gdbm.3, gdbm.texinfo - Documentation for gdbm.

The author of GNU dbm may be reached via e-mail to <phil@cs.wwu.edu>,
and the current maintainer may be reached at <downsj@csos.orst.edu>.
E-mail may be sent to either, or both, of these people.


Future versions of GDBM may be far, far more UNIX dependent than the
library is, currently.  If you are/have ported GDBM to non-UNIX like
operating systems, please send e-mail to <downsj@csos.orst.edu>.
Please include information about your port, including the type of
operating system, your reasons for doing the port, and what changes
you have made.

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.