
This is NSTask+MiscExtensions.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* NSTask+MiscExtensions.m created by tsengel on Thu 04-Sep-1997 */

#import "NSTask+MiscExtensions.h"

@implementation NSTask (MiscExtensions)

+ (NSData *)outputOfCommand:(NSString *)commandString
    Returns the data which is the result of executing the command described in command string. Sicne this method blocks until the command is finished and the output stream reaches end-of-file...be sure to only executes commands which terminate (no "tail -f console.log" or interactive things like "emacs myFile").

    #Note: This currently only works for very simple commands...however we should be able to reach the state of accepting things like "ps -aux | grep username | gnutar cvfz blah.tar.gz -"... Jup. That would be nice. But for this we need some generic command string parsing...and this needs the integration of MiscCommandLineParser or similar code.
    id		commandList;
    id		commandPath;
    id		commandTask;
    id		ourPipe;
    id		theFileHandle;
    id		argArray;
    id		parsingHackArray;

    // First extract the single commands which get piped all over the place

    commandList = [[[commandString componentsSeparatedByString:@"|"] mutableCopy] autorelease];

    // Now take teh frist command and wire it up to next next etc. pp..

    commandString = [commandList objectAtIndex:0];
    parsingHackArray = [[[commandString componentsSeparatedByString:@" "] mutableCopy] autorelease];

   // The first argument is considered the path...if it is not executable return nil.

    commandPath = [parsingHackArray objectAtIndex:0];
    if( ![[NSFileManager defaultManager] isExecutableFileAtPath:commandPath] ) return nil;

    [parsingHackArray removeObjectAtIndex:0];
    argArray = parsingHackArray;

    commandTask = [[NSTask new] autorelease];
    ourPipe = [NSPipe pipe];

    [commandTask setStandardOutput:ourPipe];
    [commandTask setArguments:argArray];

    [commandTask setLaunchPath:commandPath];
    [commandTask launch];

    theFileHandle = [ourPipe fileHandleForReading];

    return [theFileHandle readDataToEndOfFile];

+ (NSData *)outputOfCommandArray:(NSArray *)commandArray
   Taskes and array as an argument where each entry is a dictionary which contains the LaunchPath, Arguments. All commands are "piped" together in the given order. 
    // <<HACK>> Nothing..


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