
This is Calendar.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]

#import "Calendar.h"

@implementation Calendar

// awakeFromNib
// This is one of the last methods executed after the nib file is loaded.
// This is the BEST way I know how to initialize an object and jump into
// a method after the nib file was loaded.
- (void)awakeFromNib
       [self NowCalendar:NULL];

- (void)lastYear:(id)sender
// Subtracts 1 year from the current year.

	if (year<1900) year =1900; // Does not go lower then that year.
        [self rebuildCalView:sender];


- (void)nextYear:(id)sender
// Adds 1 year to the current year.

        	[self rebuildCalView:sender];


- (void)NextCalendar:(id)sender
// This displays the next month's calendar.

                if (month < 12)
                else	{
                        month = 1;

                [self rebuildCalView:sender];

- (void)PreviousCalendar:(id)sender
// This displays the previous month's calendar.

                if (month > 1)
                else	{
                        month = 12;

                [self rebuildCalView:sender];

- (void)NowCalendar:(id)sender
// This sets and displays the present month and year.

	// Local Variables
	long time(), tmpTime;
	struct tm *tm, *localtime();
	tmpTime = time(0);
	tm = localtime( &tmpTime );
	month = (tm->tm_mon+1);
	year = (1900+tm->tm_year);

	[self rebuildCalView:sender];


- (void)PrintCalendar:(id)sender

- (void)rebuildCalView:(id)sender
// This method builds the current, previous and next calendars in the window.

	// Local Variables
	FILE *calCmd;
	char c, buff[256], *pbuff;
        int tempMonth, tempYear;

	// Display the current month
	sprintf( buff, "cal %d %d", month, year );
	if ( (calCmd=popen(buff, "r")) == NULL )
        [theCalView setStringValue:@"Can't build calendar!"];
	else {
        pbuff = buff;
        while( (c=fgetc(calCmd)) != EOF )
        [theCalView setStringValue:[NSString stringWithCString:buff]];

	// Display the previous month of the current month.
        if (month > 1)  {
                tempMonth = month - 1;
                tempYear = year;
        else  {
                tempMonth = 12;
                tempYear = year - 1;

        sprintf( buff, "cal %d %d", tempMonth, tempYear );
        if ( (calCmd=popen(buff, "r")) == NULL )
        [theCalView setStringValue:@"Can't build calendar!"];
        else {
        pbuff = buff;
        while( (c=fgetc(calCmd)) != EOF )
        [CalViewPrevious setStringValue:[NSString stringWithCString:buff]];

	// Display the next month after the current month.
        if (month < 12)  {
                tempMonth = month + 1;
                tempYear = year;
        else  {
                tempMonth = 1;
                tempYear = year + 1;

        sprintf( buff, "cal %d %d", tempMonth, tempYear );
        if ( (calCmd=popen(buff, "r")) == NULL )
        [theCalView setStringValue:@"Can't build calendar!"];
        else {
        pbuff = buff;
        while( (c=fgetc(calCmd)) != EOF )
        [CalViewNext setStringValue:[NSString stringWithCString:buff]];

        [calendarPanel makeKeyAndOrderFront:NULL];


- (void)SetYear:(id)sender

	year = [SelectYearDisplay intValue];
	[YearPanel performClose:sender];
	[self rebuildCalView:sender];


- (void)January:(id)sender
	month = 1;
	[self rebuildCalView:sender];

- (void)February:(id)sender
        month = 2;
        [self rebuildCalView:sender];

- (void)March:(id)sender
        month = 3;
        [self rebuildCalView:sender];

- (void)April:(id)sender
        month = 4;
        [self rebuildCalView:sender];

- (void)May:(id)sender
        month = 5;
        [self rebuildCalView:sender];

- (void)June:(id)sender
        month = 6;
        [self rebuildCalView:sender];

- (void)July:(id)sender
        month = 7;
        [self rebuildCalView:sender];

- (void)August:(id)sender
        month = 8;
        [self rebuildCalView:sender];

- (void)September:(id)sender
        month = 9;
        [self rebuildCalView:sender];

- (void)October:(id)sender
        month = 10;
        [self rebuildCalView:sender];

- (void)November:(id)sender
        month = 11;
        [self rebuildCalView:sender];

- (void)December:(id)sender
        month = 12;
        [self rebuildCalView:sender];


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.