
This is Calculator.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* Generated by Interface Builder */
/* Modified by Eric Tremblay */

#import <AppKit/NSForm.h>
#import "Calculator.h"

@implementation Calculator

#define CANADA 0
#define USA 1

int Country = USA; //  Default country
int dummy; // Use as you wish
- init
   [super init];
   return self;

- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)notification;
// This method is executed right after the application was initilized but 
// before the application receives it's first event.

       	// This will reset/display the proper default
       	// rates for the country         
	[self getDefaults:self]; 

- (void)calculate:sender
    [inputForm selectTextAtIndex:0];
	// Declare variables
	float CANADAdollar;
	float BritainPound;
	float FranceFranc;
	float GermanyMark;
	float ItalyLira;
	float JapanYen;
	float MexicoPeso;
	float SwitzerlandFranc;
	float GreeceDrachma;
	float OtherCurrency;
     // Do the conversion
     CANADAdollar = ([inputForm floatValue]/[canadarate floatValue]);
     BritainPound = ([inputForm floatValue]/[britainrate floatValue]);
     FranceFranc = ([inputForm floatValue]/[francerate floatValue]);
     GermanyMark = ([inputForm floatValue]/[germanyrate floatValue]);
     ItalyLira = ([inputForm floatValue]/[italyrate floatValue]);
     JapanYen = ([inputForm floatValue]/[japanrate floatValue]);
     MexicoPeso = ([inputForm floatValue]/[mexicorate floatValue]);
     SwitzerlandFranc = ([inputForm floatValue]/[switzerlandrate floatValue]);
     GreeceDrachma = ([inputForm floatValue]/[greecerate floatValue]);
     OtherCurrency = ([inputForm floatValue]/[otherrate floatValue]);
        // Display the result
	[[outputForm cellAtIndex:0] setFloatValue:CANADAdollar];
	[[outputForm cellAtIndex:1] setFloatValue:BritainPound];
	[[outputForm cellAtIndex:2] setFloatValue:FranceFranc];
	[[outputForm cellAtIndex:3] setFloatValue:GermanyMark];
	[[outputForm cellAtIndex:4] setFloatValue:ItalyLira];
	[[outputForm cellAtIndex:5] setFloatValue:JapanYen];
	[[outputForm cellAtIndex:6] setFloatValue:MexicoPeso];
	[[outputForm cellAtIndex:7] setFloatValue:SwitzerlandFranc];
	[[outputForm cellAtIndex:8] setFloatValue:GreeceDrachma];
	[[outputForm cellAtIndex:9] setFloatValue:OtherCurrency];

- (void)getDefaults:sender
// This method sets and displays all the values depending on what
// Country was selected
      if (Country == CANADA)

      // open the If canada    
      // Default values for Today's rates (April 25, 96)
      float CANADAdollar=1.3621;  
      // In this case the CANADAdollar is a US dollar
      float BritainPound=2.0645;
      float FranceFranc=0.2654;
      float GermanyMark=0.8966;
      float ItalyLira=0.000878;
      float JapanYen=0.01278;
      float MexicoPeso=0.1838;
      float SwitzerlandFranc=1.1078;
      float GreeceDrachma=0.00562;
      float OtherCurrency=2;
      // This assigns the default values in their proper 
      // form in the Today's Rates panel
      [canadarate setFloatValue:CANADAdollar];
      [britainrate setFloatValue:BritainPound];
      [francerate setFloatValue:FranceFranc];
      [germanyrate setFloatValue:GermanyMark];
      [italyrate setFloatValue:ItalyLira];
      [japanrate setFloatValue:JapanYen];
      [mexicorate setFloatValue:MexicoPeso];
      [switzerlandrate setFloatValue:SwitzerlandFranc];
      [greecerate setFloatValue:GreeceDrachma];
      [otherrate setFloatValue:OtherCurrency];
      // This displays the default values in their 
      // proper form in the Today's Rates panel
      [canadarate display];
      [britainrate display];
      [francerate display];
      [germanyrate display];
      [italyrate display];
      [japanrate display];
      [mexicorate display];
      [switzerlandrate display];
      [greecerate display];
      [otherrate display];
      } // close the if canada

      if (Country == USA) 
      {  // open the If usa
      // Default values for Today's rates (April 25,96)
      // The rates below are for one american dollar in foreign currency 
      // Example one US dollar equals = 106.60 Japanese Yen
      float CANADAdollar=0.73287;
      float BritainPound=1.5153;
      float FranceFranc=0.19450;
      float GermanyMark=0.65671;
      float ItalyLira=0.0006449;
      float JapanYen=0.009381;
      float MexicoPeso=0.1349;
      float SwitzerlandFranc=0.81142;
      float GreeceDrachma=0.004134;
      float OtherCurrency=2;
      // This assigns the default values in their 
      // proper form in the Today's Rates panel
      [canadarate setFloatValue:CANADAdollar];
      [britainrate setFloatValue:BritainPound];
      [francerate setFloatValue:FranceFranc];
      [germanyrate setFloatValue:GermanyMark];
      [italyrate setFloatValue:ItalyLira];
      [japanrate setFloatValue:JapanYen];
      [mexicorate setFloatValue:MexicoPeso];
      [switzerlandrate setFloatValue:SwitzerlandFranc];
      [greecerate setFloatValue:GreeceDrachma];
      [otherrate setFloatValue:OtherCurrency];
       // Changes the labels in the Currency Converter 
       // panel and in the Today's rates
       // panel when the COUNTRY is set to USA. 

      // Changes the label in Currency Converter panel
      [[inputForm cellAtIndex:0] setTitle:@"U.S. Dollar :"]; 

      // Changes the label in Currency Converter panel
      [[outputForm cellAtIndex:0] setTitle:@"Canada:"]; 

      // Changes the label in the Today's rates panel
      [[canadarate cellAtIndex:0] setTitle:@"Canada:"];  

       [inputForm display];
       [outputForm display];
       [canadarate display];


- (void)setCanada:sender
// This method changes the Country to CANADA and re-labels the panels
	//  Sets Country to Canada
    	Country = CANADA;  
	// Changes the labels to be used by a Canadian.
     	[[inputForm cellAtIndex:0] setTitle:@"Canadian Dollar:"];  

     	[[outputForm cellAtIndex:0] setTitle:@"  U.S.A. :"]; 
     	[[canadarate cellAtIndex:0] setTitle:@"  U.S.A. :"]; 
     	[inputForm display];
     	[outputForm display];
     	[canadarate display];     
     	[self getDefaults:sender]; 

- (void)setUSA:sender
 // This method changes the Country to USA and re-lables the panels
     Country = USA; // Sets Country to USA
     // Changes the labels to be use by an American.
     [[inputForm cellAtIndex:0] setTitle:@"U.S. Dollar:"];
     [[outputForm cellAtIndex:0] setTitle:@"Canada:"];
     [[canadarate cellAtIndex:0] setTitle:@"Canada:"];
     [inputForm display];
     [outputForm display];
     [canadarate display];
     [self getDefaults:sender]; 

- (void)findRate:sender
// This method will find the exchange rate. When given X number 
// of one currency and X number of another currency
	float findRate; // number variable

        // Calculate the exchange rate
	findRate = ([firstCurrency floatValue]/[anotherCurrency floatValue]);

        // Sets the value for the number findRate in the 
        // "exchange is:" form in the FindRate panel
       [findRateOutput setFloatValue:findRate];
	// Displays the result in the "exchange is:" form in 
        // the FindRate panel 
        [findRateOutput display]; 

- (void)findValue:sender
// This method will find the value of a currency when given 
// X number of currency and the exchange rate of this currency.

	float findValue; // number variable

        // Calculate the value 
	findValue = ([youHave floatValue]*[valueRate floatValue]);

        // Sets the value for the number findValue in the 
        // "value is:" form in the findValue panel
       [findValueOutput setFloatValue:findValue];
	// Displays the results in the "value is:" form in 
        // the findValue panel
        [findValueOutput display]; 

- (void)closeInfo:sender
// This method closes the Info panel and opens 
// and displays the MoreInfo panel
      [Info performClose:sender]; // This closes the Info panel
      [MoreInfo orderFront:sender]; 

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.