HousePrice (The House Shopping Tool) OpenStep Version 2.0 by Eric Tremblay ( Submitted to: Intro: The application will permit you to calculate the percentage of your offer on a house in comparision to the asking price and the municipal evaluation. A good tool to have when your bidding on a house. The Package: Version 2.0 comes complete in a tar.gz package. Which includes: - binary for OpenStep on Solaris (SPARC hardware) - README.TXT This file - Nebula.rtfd Information about the Nebula CDROM - FontGarden.rtfd Information about the FontGarden CDROM - Includes Full Source Code - SPARC binaries. Compiling: This version includes all the source code necessary to recompile the program from scratch on OpenStep 4.0 or above. Comments and suggestions are welcomed: E-mail: