
This is Regular.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]

#import "Regular.h"

@implementation Regular

- (void)Calc:(id)sender
    // Decalare Variables	
    float price, catax, total;

    // Assign the number in the field to the price variable
    price = [Price floatValue];

    // Do a little calculation
    catax = (price*0.0825);
    total = (price+catax);

    // Display result in the panel
    // Sets TextField as a NSFloatType
    [[CATax cell] setEntryType:NSFloatType];
    [[Total cell] setEntryType:NSFloatType];
    // Format the TextField with two number at the left of the floating point
    // and two numbers at the right of the floating point.
    [[CATax cell] setFloatingPointFormat:NO left:3 right:2];
    [[Total cell] setFloatingPointFormat:NO left:3 right:2];

    [CATax setFloatValue:catax];// Display result
    [Total setFloatValue:total];

    // Bring the cusor back to the Price field and select it.
    [Price selectText:self];

- (void)windowDidBecomeKey:(NSNotification *)notification;

    // Brings the cursor to the field and selects text
    [Price selectText:self];



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