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Decompression/Compression Utility
Version 1.00
Copyright 1997 - Scott Anguish, All Rights Reserved

OpenUp allows you to double-click on compressed and archived files and have them open in the Workspace without opening a Terminal.app window and using the command-line tools gnutar and gunzip. It also supports opening the many other common, and uncommon formats.


· double-click Workspace decompression of many formats
· Services support for .tgz and .zip compression (expandable)
· extendable by knowledgable users
· localized (currently English and French)
· includes the required binaries for handling many additional formats
· full commented source code available!

Supported File Extensions

Extensions	Tools	Comments
.arc	arc	ARC files, ancient compression format on IBM PCs
.arj	unarj	ARJ files, compression format on IBM PCs
.asc	atob	atob, alternative to uudecode
.b64	uudeview	Base 64 encoding, common in MIME email
.bin	macunpack	Macbinary file, common on Macintosh
.compressed	gnutar	tar & compressed archive, alternate extension under NEXTSTEP
.cpt	macunpack	Compactor Pro file, older compression format on the Macintosh
.gnutar	gnutar	gnutar archive, common on Unix/NEXTSTEP/Rhapsody
.gnutar.gz	gnutar	gnutar & gzipped archive
.gsm	untoast	TOAST compressed sound archives (lossy)
.gz	gunzip	gzipped file, better compression than compress, no patent LZW issues
.hqx	hexbin	Binhex'd files (usually Macintosh files)
.lha	lha	LHA files, ancient compression format on IBM PCs
.lzh	lha	LHA files, ancient compression format on IBM PCs
.macbin	macunpack	Macbinary file, common on Macintosh
.mime	uudeview	Base 64 encoding, common in MIME email
.pit	macunpack	Pack It file, older compression format on the Macintosh
.sit	macunpack	StuffIt file, common on Macintosh (Older 1.5 archives only...)
.tar	gnutar	tar archive, common on Unix/NEXTSTEP/Rhapsody
.tar-gz	gnutar	tar & gzipped archive, alternate extension common on VMS
.tar-z	gnutar	tar & gzipped archive, alternate extension common on VMS
.tar.Z	gnutar	tar & compressed archive
.tar.gz	gnutar	tar & gzipped archive
.taz	gnutar	tar & gzipped archive, alternate extension common on IBM
.tgz	gnutar	tar & gzipped archive, alternate extension common on IBM/Macintosh/Rhapsody
.uu	uudeview	uuencoding (7-bit ASCII encoding of 8-bit data), common on Usenet
.uue	uudeview	uuencoding (7-bit ASCII encoding of 8-bit data), common on Usenet
.xx	uudeview	xxencoding (7-bit ASCII encoding of 8-bit data)
.xxe	uudeview	xxencoding (7-bit ASCII encoding of 8-bit data)
.z	gunzip	gzipped or pack file, original extension for gzip, renamed due to conflict with pack files
.zip	unzip	ZIP files, the standard on Windows 95/NT
.zoo	booz	ZOO files, ancient compression format on IBM PCs
.Z	gunzip	compressed file, common on Unix

The 'homepage' for OpenUp is http://www.stepwise.com/Software/OpenUp. Current binaries, technical information, source code and other articles are available there.

About the author
Scott Anguish is a veteran Rhapsody/OpenStep/WebObjects Developer, and has operated Stepwise (http://www.stepwise.com), the central site for all OpenStep and Rhapsody developer information, since March 1994. 

I am currently looking for full-time or part-time opportunities developing products for Rhapsody.  My resume is available, at http://www.stepwise.com/resume.html.

I would love to get comments back on OpenUp.  If you find problems, need assistance extending the application, or in working through the source code, please contact me.

I am reachable by email at sanguish@digifix.com. 

Sponsored by:
Development of OpenUp was made possible by a grant from

P & L Systems
Developers of Mesa - the Premier Rhapsody Spreadsheet
Custom OpenStep and Rhapsody development

Email: info@plsys.co.uk
WWW: http://www.plsys.co.uk/plsys/

Every attempt has been made to ensure that OpenUp is a properly behaved OpenStep and Rhapsody application.  However, Scott Anguish, P & L Systems or any other directly or indirectly connected entities assume no responsiblity for any damage that the use of this program may cause.

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.