
This is NSSliderCell.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]


   Cell class for slider control

   Copyright (C) 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

   Author:  Scott Christley <scottc@net-community.com>
   Date: 1996
   This file is part of the GNUstep GUI Library.

   This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
   version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
   This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   Library General Public License for more details.

   If you are interested in a warranty or support for this source code,
   contact Scott Christley <scottc@net-community.com> for more information.
   You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
   License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
   Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

#include <gnustep/gui/NSSliderCell.h>
#include <gnustep/gui/NSControl.h>
#include <gnustep/gui/NSApplication.h>
#include <gnustep/gui/NSEvent.h>
#include <gnustep/gui/NSWindow.h>

// NSSliderCell implementation
@implementation NSSliderCell

// Class methods
+ (void)initialize
  if (self == [NSSliderCell class])
      // Initial version
      [self setVersion:1];

// Instance methods
// Initialization
- init
  [self initTextCell:@""];
  return self;

- initImageCell:(NSImage *)anImage
  return nil;

- initTextCell:(NSString *)aString
  [super initTextCell:aString];
  [self setEnabled:YES];
  knob_thickness = 6;
  page_value = 6;
  [self setDoubleValue:0];
  return self;

- (void)dealloc
  [super dealloc];

// Determining Component Sizes 
- (NSSize)cellSizeForBounds:(NSRect)aRect
  return NSZeroSize;

- (NSRect)knobRectFlipped:(BOOL)flipped
  return NSZeroRect;

// Setting the NSCell's Value 
- (void)setDoubleValue:(double)aDouble
  double value = aDouble;

  if (aDouble < min_value) value = min_value;
  if (aDouble > max_value) value = max_value;
  [super setDoubleValue:value];

- (void)setFloatValue:(float)aFloat
  [self setDoubleValue:(double)aFloat];

- (void)setIntValue:(int)anInt
  [self setDoubleValue:(double)anInt];

- (void)setStringValue:(NSString *)aString

// Setting Value Limits 
- (double)maxValue
  return max_value;

- (double)minValue
  return min_value;

- (void)setMaxValue:(double)aDouble
  double val_range,value;

  max_value = aDouble;
  val_range = max_value - min_value;
  if (val_range != 0)
    //Lowest position assumed to be 0
    scale_factor = scroll_size/val_range; 

- (void)setMinValue:(double)aDouble
  double val_range,value;

  min_value = aDouble;
  val_range = max_value - min_value;
  if (val_range != 0)
    scale_factor = scroll_size/val_range; 

// Modifying Graphic Attributes 
- (void)setVertical:(BOOL)value
  is_vertical = value;

- (int)isVertical
  return is_vertical;

- (float)knobThickness
  return knob_thickness;

- (void)setKnobThickness:(float)aFloat
  knob_thickness = aFloat;

- (void)setTitle:(NSString *)aString

- (void)setTitleCell:(NSCell *)aCell

- (void)setTitleColor:(NSColor *)aColor

- (void)setTitleFont:(NSFont *)fontObject

- (NSString *)title
  return nil;

- (id)titleCell
  return nil;

- (NSFont *)titleFont
  return nil;

- (NSColor *)titleColor
  return nil;

// Displaying the NSSliderCell 
- (void)drawBarInside:(NSRect)aRect

- (void)drawKnob

- (void)drawKnob:(NSRect)knobRect

// Modifying Behavior 
- (double)altIncrementValue
  return page_value;

- (void)setAltIncrementValue:(double)incValue
  page_value = incValue;

// Tracking the Mouse 
+ (BOOL)prefersTrackingUntilMouseUp
  return NO;

- (NSRect)trackRect
  return NSZeroRect;

// Displaying
- (void)drawWithFrame:(NSRect)cellFrame
	       inView:(NSView *)controlView

// NSCoding protocol
- (void)encodeWithCoder:aCoder
  [super encodeWithCoder:aCoder];

  [aCoder encodeValueOfObjCType: "d" at: &max_value];
  [aCoder encodeValueOfObjCType: "d" at: &min_value];
  [aCoder encodeValueOfObjCType: "d" at: &scale_factor];
  [aCoder encodeValueOfObjCType: "i" at: &scroll_size];
  [aCoder encodeValueOfObjCType: "i" at: &knob_thickness];
  [aCoder encodeValueOfObjCType: "d" at: &page_value];
//  [aCoder encodeValuesOfObjCTypes: "dddiid", &max_value, &min_value,
//	  &scale_factor, &scroll_size, &knob_thickness, &page_value];
  [aCoder encodeValueOfObjCType: @encode(BOOL) at: &is_vertical];

- initWithCoder:aDecoder
  [super initWithCoder:aDecoder];

  [aDecoder decodeValueOfObjCType: "d" at: &max_value];
  [aDecoder decodeValueOfObjCType: "d" at: &min_value];
  [aDecoder decodeValueOfObjCType: "d" at: &scale_factor];
  [aDecoder decodeValueOfObjCType: "i" at: &scroll_size];
  [aDecoder decodeValueOfObjCType: "i" at: &knob_thickness];
  [aDecoder decodeValueOfObjCType: "d" at: &page_value];
//  [aDecoder decodeValuesOfObjCTypes: "dddiid", &max_value, &min_value,
//	  &scale_factor, &scroll_size, &knob_thickness, &page_value];
  [aDecoder decodeValueOfObjCType: @encode(BOOL) at: &is_vertical];

  return self;


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.