
This is the README for gnustep-gui-960621.tgz [Download] [Browse] [Up]


This is version 0.1.0 of the GNUstep GUI library (libgnustep-gui).

What is the GNUstep GUI Library?

It is a library of graphical user interface classes written completely 
in the Objective-C language; the classes are based upon the OPENSTEP(tm) 
specification as release by NeXT Software, Inc.  The library does not 
completely conform to the specification and has been
enhanced in a number of ways to take advantage of the GNU system.  
These classes include graphical objects such as buttons, text fields, 
popup lists, browser lists, and windows; there are also many associated 
classes for handling events, colors, fonts, pasteboards and images.

The design of libgnustep-gui is designed in two parts.  The first part is the
front-end component which is independent of platform and display system.
This front-end is combined with a back-end component which handles all of
the display system dependent such as specific calls to X/Windows.  This
design allows the GNUstep applications to have the "look and feel" of
the underlying display system without any changes to the application, and
the library can be easily ported to other display systems.

The GNUstep GUI Library requires the GNU Objective-C compiler, the GNUstep
Base Library, and back-end component like the GNUstep X/DPS GUI Backend.

Creators rejoice!
Scott Christley


Check out the GNUstep web site. (http://www.gnustep.org)

OPENSTEP and NeXT are trademarks of NeXT Software, Inc. (http://www.next.com)

The GNUstep GUI Library was donated to the Free Software Foundation
by the On-line Community project, contact info@net-community.com about
creating on-line social communities. (http://www.net-community.com)


[ Most GNU software is packed using the GNU `gzip' compression program.
  Source code is available on most sites distributing GNU software.

  For information on how to order GNU software on tape, floppy or cd-rom, or
  printed GNU manuals, check the file etc/ORDERS in the GNU Emacs distribution
  or in GNUinfo/ORDERS on prep, or e-mail a request to: gnu@@prep.ai.mit.edu

  By ordering your GNU software from the FSF, you help us continue to
  develop more free software.  Media revenues are our primary source of
  support.  Donations to FSF are deductible on US tax returns.

  The above software will soon be at these ftp sites as well.
  Please try them before prep.ai.mit.edu as prep is very busy!

  thanx -gnu@prep.ai.mit.edu

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  ftp.cs.columbia.edu:/archives/gnu/prep, col.hp.com:/mirrors/gnu,
  gatekeeper.dec.com:/pub/GNU, ftp.uu.net:/systems/gnu

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.