
This is NSString.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* From
 * (Preliminary Documentation) Copyright (c) 1994 by NeXT Computer, Inc.
 *  All Rights Reserved.
 * NSString 
#include "NSString.h"
#include "zone.h"
#include <stdlib.h>

@implementation NSString 

// Creating Temporary Strings

// + (NSString *)localizedStringWithFormat:(NSString *)format,..;
  * . Returns a string created by using format as a printf() style format
  * string, and the following arguments as values to be substituted into the
  * format string.  The user's default locale is used for format information. 
+ (NSString *)stringWithCString:(const char *)byteString
    return [[self alloc] initWithCString:byteString];
// + (NSString *)stringWithCString:(const char *)byteString
//                          length:(unsigned int)length;
  * Returns a string containing characters from byteString.  byteString
  * should contain characters in the default C string encoding.  length bytes
  * are copied into the string, regardless of whether a null byte exists in
  * byteString. 
// + (NSString *)stringWithCharacters:(const unichar *)chars
//                            length:(unsigned int)length;
  * Returns a string containing chars.  length characters are copied into the
  * string, regardless of whether a null character exists in chars.  
// + (NSString *)stringWithFormat:(NSString *)format,...;
  * Returns a string created by using format as a printf() style format
  * string, and the following arguments as values to be substituted into the
  * format string.  

// Initializing Newly Allocated Strings

// - (id)init;
  * Initializes the receiver, a newly allocated NSString, to contain no
  * characters.  This is the only initialization method that a subclass of
  * NSString should invoke. 
- (id)initWithCString:(const char *)byteString;
  * Initializes the receiver, a newly allocated NSString, by converting the
  * one-byte characters in byteString into Unicode characters.  byteString
  * must be a null-terminated C string in the default C string encoding. 
    len = strlen(byteString);
    cstring = (char *)malloc( len + 1 );
    strcpy(cstring, byteString);
    return self;
// - (id)initWithCString:(const char *)byteString
//                length:(unsigned int)length;
  * Initializes the receiver, a newly allocated NSString, by converting
  * length one-byte characters in byteString into Unicode characters.  This
  * method doesn't stop at a null byte. 
// - (id)initWithCStringNoCopy:(char *)byteString
// 		     length:(unsigned int)length
//	       freeWhenDone:(BOOL)flag;
  * Initializes the receiver, a newly allocated NSString, by	 
  * converting length one-byte characters in byteString into	 
  * Unicode characters.  This method doesn't stop at a null byte. The
  * receiver becomes the owner of byteString; if flag is YES it will free the
  * memory when it no longer needs it, but if flag is NO it won't. 
// - (id)initWithCharacters:(const unichar *)chars
//                  length:(unsigned int)length
  * Initializes the receiver, a newly allocated NSString, by copying length
  * characters from chars.  This method doesn't stop at a null character. 
// - (id)initWithCharactersNoCopy:(unichar *)chars
//			length:(unsigned int)length
// 		  freeWhenDone:(BOOL)flag;
  * Initializes the receiver, a newly allocated NSString, to contain length
  * characters from chars.  This method doesn't stop at a null character. 
  * The receiver becomes the owner of chars; if flag is YES the receiver will
  * free the memory when it no longer needs them, but if flag is NO it won't. 
// - (id)initWithContentsOfFile:(NSString *)path;
  * Initializes the receiver, a newly allocated NSString, by reading
  * NEXTSTEP-encoded characters from the file whose name is given by path. 
// - (id)initWithData:(NSData *)data
//	  encoding:(NSStringEncoding)encoding;
  * Initializes the receiver, a newly allocated NSString, by converting the
  * bytes in data into Unicode characters.  data must be an NSData object
  * containing bytes in encoding and in the default ªplain textº format for
  * that encoding. 
// - (id)initWithFormat:(NSString *)format,...;
  * Initializes the receiver, a newly allocated NSString, by constructing a
  * string from format and following string objects in the manner of
  * printf(). 
// - (id)initWithFormat:(NSString *)format
// 	   arguments:(va_list)argList;
  * Initializes the receiver, a newly allocated NSString, by constructing a
  * string from format and argList in the manner of vprintf(). 
// - (id)initWithFormat:(NSString *)format
// 	      locale:(NSDictionary *)dictionary;
  * Initializes the receiver, a newly allocated NSString, by constructing a
  * string from format and the formatting information in the dictionary  in
  * the manner of printf(). 
// - (id)initWithFormat:(NSString *)format
// 	      locale:(NSDictionary *)dictionary
// 	   arguments:(va_list)argList
  * Initializes the receiver, a newly allocated NSString, by constructing a
  * string from format and format information in dictionary and argList in
  * the manner of vprintf(). 
// - (id)initWithString:(NSString *)string;
  * Initializes the receiver, a newly allocated NSString, by copying the
  * characters from string. 

// Getting a String's Length

// - (unsigned int)length;
  * Returns the number of characters in the receiver.  This number includes
  * the individual characters of composed character sequences. 

// Accessing Characters

// - (unichar)characterAtIndex:(unsigned int)index;
  * Returns the character at the array position given by index.  This method
  * raises an NSStringBoundsError exception if index lies beyond the end of
  * the string. 
// - (void)getCharacters:(unichar *)buffer;
  * Invokes getCharacters:range: with the provided buffer and the entire
  * extent of the receiver as the range. 
// - (void)getCharacters:(unichar *)buffer
// 		range:(NSRange)aRange;
  * Copies characters from aRange in the receiver into buffer, which must be
  * large enough to contain them.  This method does not add a null character. 
  * This method raises an NSStringBoundsError exception if any part of aRange
  * lies beyond the end of the string. 

// Combining Strings

// - (NSString *)stringByAppendingFormat:(NSString *)format,...;
  * Returns a string made by using format as a printf() style format string,
  * and the following arguments as values to be substituted into the format
  * string. 
// - (NSString *)stringByAppendingString:(NSString *)aString;
  * Returns a string made by appending aString and the receiver. 

// Dividing Strings into Substrings

// - (NSArray *)componentsSeparatedByString:(NSString *)separator;
  * Finds the substrings in the receiver that are delimited by separator and
  * returns them as the elements of an NSArray.  The strings in the array
  * appear in the order they did in the receiver. 
// - (NSString *)substringFromIndex:(unsigned int)index;
  * Returns a string object containing the characters of the receiver
  * starting from the one at index to the end.  This method raises an
  * NSStringBoundsError exception if index lies beyond the end of the string. 
// - (NSString *)substringFromRange:(NSRange)aRange;
  * Returns a string object containing the characters of the receiver which
  * lie within aRange.  This method raises an NSStringBoundsError exception
  * if any part of aRange lies beyond the end of the string. 
// - (NSString *)substringToIndex:(unsigned int)index;
  * Returns a string object containing the characters of the receiver up to,
  * but not including, the one at index.  This method raises an
  * NSStringBoundsError exception if index lies beyond the end of the string. 

// Finding Ranges of Characters and Substrings

// - (NSRange)rangeOfCharacterFromSet:(NSCharacterSet *)aSet;
  * Invokes rangeOfCharacterFromSet:options: with no options. 
//- (NSRange)rangeOfCharacterFromSet:(NSCharacterSet *)aSet
//                              options:(unsigned int)mask;
  * Invokes rangeOfCharacterFromSet:options:range: with mask and the entire
  * extent of the receiver as the range. 
// - (NSRange)rangeOfCharacterFromSet:(NSCharacterSet *)aSet
// 			   options:(unsigned int)mask
//			     range:(NSRange)aRange
  * Returns the range of the first character found from aSet. The search is
  * restricted to aRange with mask options.  mask can be any combination
  * (using the C bitwise OR operator |) of  NSCaseInsensitiveSearch,
  * NSLiteralSearch, and NSBackwardsSearch. 
// - (NSRange)rangeOfString:(NSString *)string;
  * Invokes rangeOfString:options: with no options. 
// - (NSRange)rangeOfString:(NSString *)string
// 		 options:(unsigned int)mask
  * Invokes rangeOfString:options:range: with mask options and the entire
  * extent of the receiver as the range. 
// - (NSRange)rangeOfString:(NSString *)aString
// 		 options:(unsigned int)mask
// 		   range:(NSRange)aRange;
  * Returns the range giving the location and length in the receiver of
  * aString.  The search is restricted to aRange with mask options.  mask can
  * be any combination (using the C bitwise OR operator |) of 
  * NSCaseInsensitiveSearch, NSLiteralSearch, NSBackwardsSearch, and
  * NSAnchoredSearch. 

// Determining Composed Character Sequences

// - (NSRange)rangeOfComposedCharacterSequenceAtIndex:(unsigned int)anIndex;
  * Returns an NSRange giving the location and length in the receiver of the
  * composed character sequence located at anIndex.  This method raises an
  * NSStringBoundsError exception if anIndex lies beyond the end of the
  * string. 

// Identifying and Comparing Strings

// - (NSComparisonResult)caseInsensitiveCompare:(NSString *)aString;
  * Invokes compare:options: with the option NSCaseInsensitiveSearch. 
// - (NSComparisonResult)compare:(NSString *)aString;
  * Invokes compare:options: with no options. 
// - (NSComparisonResult)compare:(NSString *)aString	
// 		      options:(unsigned int)mask
  * Invokes compare:options:range: with mask as the options and the
  * receiver's full extent as the range. 
// - (NSComparisonResult)compare:(NSString *)aString
// 		      options:(unsigned int)mask
//		        range:(NSRange)aRange;
  * Compares aString to the receiver and returns their lexical ordering.  The
  * comparison is restricted to aRange and uses mask options, which may be
  * NSCaseInsensitiveSearch and NSLiteralSearch. 
// - (BOOL)hasPrefix:(NSString *)aString;
  * Returns YES if aString matches the beginning characters of the receiver,
  * NO otherwise. 
// - (BOOL)hasSuffix:(NSString *)aString;
  * Returns YES if aString matches the ending characters of the receiver, NO
  * otherwise. 
// - (unsigned int)hash;
  * Returns an unsigned integer that can be used as a table address in a hash
  * table structure.  If two string objects are equal (as determined by the
  * isEqual: method), they must have the same hash value. 
// - (BOOL)isEqual:(id)anObject;
  * Returns YES if both the receiver and anObject have the same id or if
  * they're both NSStrings that compare as NSOrderedSame, NO otherwise. 
// - (BOOL)isEqualToString:(NSString *)aString;
  * Returns YES if aString is equivalent to the receiver (if they have the
  * same id or if they compare as NSOrderedSame), NO otherwise. 

// Storing the String

// - (NSString *)description;
  * Returns the string itself. 
// - (BOOL)writeToFile:(NSString *)filename
// 	 atomically:(BOOL)useAuxiliaryFile
  * Writes a textual description of the receiver to filename. If
  * useAuxiliaryFile is YES, the data is written to a backup file and then,
  * assuming no errors occur, the backup file is renamed to the intended file
  * name. 

// Getting a Shared Prefix

// - (NSString *)commonPrefixWithString:(NSString *)aString
// 			     options:(unsigned int)mask;
  * Returns the substring of the receiver containing characters that the
  * receiver and aString have in common.  mask can be any combination (using
  * the C bitwise OR operator |) of  NSCaseInsensitiveSearch and
  * NSLiteralSearch. 

// Changing Case

// - (NSString *)capitalizedString;
  * Returns a string with the first character of each word changed to its
  * corresponding uppercase value. 
// - (NSString *)lowercaseString;
  * Returns a string with each character changed to its corresponding
  * lowercase value. 
// - (NSString *)uppercaseString;
  * Returns a string with each character changed to its corresponding
  * uppercase value. 

// Getting C Strings

- (const char *)cString;
    return cstring;
// - (unsigned int)cStringLength;
  * Returns the length in bytes of the C string representation of the
  * receiver. 
// - (void)getCString:(char *)buffer
  * Invokes getCString:maxLength:range:remainingRange: with
  * NSMaximumStringLength as the maximum length, the receiver's entire extent
  * as the range, and NULL for the remaining range.  buffer must be large
  * enough to contain the resulting C string plus a terminating null
  * character (which this method adds). 
// - (void)getCString:(char *)buffer
// 	 maxLength:(unsigned int)maxLength;
  * Invokes getCString:maxLength:range:remainingRange: with maxLength as the
  * maximum length, the receiver's entire extent as the range, and NULL for
  * the remaining range.  buffer must be large enough to contain the
  * resulting C string plus a terminating null character (which this method
  * adds). 
// - (void)getCString:(char *)buffer
// 	 maxLength:(unsigned int)maxLength
// 	     range:(NSRange)aRange
//     remainingRange:(NSRange *)leftoverRange;
  * Copies the receiver's characters (in the default C string encoding) as
  * bytes  into  buffer.  buffer must be large enough to contain maxLength
  * bytes plus a terminating null character (which this method adds). 
  * Characters are copied from aRange; if not all characters can be copied,
  * the range of those not copied is put into leftoverRange.  This method
  * raises an NSStringBoundsError exception if any part of aRange lies beyond
  * the end of the string. 

// Getting Numeric Values

// - (double)doubleValue;
  * Returns the double precision floating point value of the receiver's text. 
  * Whitespace at the beginning of the string is skipped.  If the receiver
  * begins with a valid text representation of a floating-point number, that
  * number's value is returned, otherwise 0.0 is returned.  HUGE_VAL or
  * -HUGE_VAL is returned on overflow.  0.0 is returned on underflow. 
  * Characters following the number are ignored. 
// - (float)floatValue;
  * Returns the floating-point value of the receiver's text.  Whitespace at
  * the beginning of the string is skipped.  If the receiver begins with a
  * valid text representation of a floating-point number, that number's value
  * is returned, otherwise 0.0 is returned.  HUGE_VAL or -HUGE_VAL is
  * returned on overflow.  0.0 is returned on underflow.  Characters
  * following the number are ignored. 
// - (int)intValue;
  * Returns the integer value of the receiver's text.  Whitespace at the
  * beginning of the string is skipped.  If the receiver begins with a valid
  * representation of an integer, that number's value is returned, otherwise
  * 0 is returned.  INT_MAX or INT_MIN is returned on overflow.  Characters
  * following the number are ignored. 

// Working With Encodings

// + (NSStringEncoding)defaultCStringEncoding;
  * Returns the C string encoding assumed for any method accepting a C string
  * as an argument. 
// - (BOOL)canBeConvertedToEncoding:(NSStringEncoding)encoding;
  * Returns YES if the receiver can be converted to encoding without loss of
  * information, and NO otherwise. 
// - (NSData *)dataUsingEncoding:(NSStringEncoding)encoding;
  * Invokes dataUsingEncoding:allowLossyConversion: with NO as the argument
  * to allow lossy conversion. 
// - (NSData *)dataUsingEncoding:(NSStringEncoding)encoding
// 	 allowLossyConversion:(BOOL)flag;
  * Returns an NSData object containing a representation of the receiver in
  * encoding.  If flag is NO and the receiver can't be converted without
  * losing some information (such as accents or case) this method returns
  * nil.  If flag is YES and the receiver can't be converted without losing
  * some information, some characters may be removed or altered in
  * conversion. 
// - (NSStringEncoding)fastestEncoding;
  * Encoding in which this string can be expressed (with lossless conversion)
  * most quickly. 
// - (NSStringEncoding)smallestEncoding;
  * Encoding in which this string can be expressed (with lossless conversion)
  * in the most  space efficient manner 

// Converting String Contents into a Property List

// - (id)propertyList;
  * Depending on the format of the receiver's contents, returns a string,
  * data, array, or dictionary object represention of those contents. 
// - (NSDictionary *)propertyListFromStringsFileFormat;
  * Returns a dictionary object initialized with the keys and values found in
  * the receiver.  The receiver's format must be that used for ª.string
  * . 

// Manipulating File System Paths

// - (unsigned int)completePathIntoString:(NSString **)outputName
// 			 caseSensitive:(BOOL)flag
// 		      matchesIntoArray:(NSArray **)outputArray
// 			   filterTypes:(NSArray *)filterTypes
  * Regards the receiver as containing a partial filename and returns in
  * outputName the longest matching path name. Case is considered if flag is
  * YES.  If outputArray is given, all matching filenames are return in
  * outputArray.  If filterTypes is provided, this method considers only
  * those paths that match one of the types.  Returns 0 if no matches are
  * found; otherwise, the return value is positive. 
// - (NSString *)lastPathComponent;
  * Returns the last component of the receiver's path representation.  Given
  * the path ª/Foo/Bar.tiffº, this method  returns a string containing
  * ªBar.tiffº. 
// - (NSString *)pathExtension;
  * Returns the extension of the receiver's path representation.  Given the
  * path ª/Foo/Bar.tiffº, this method  returns a string containing ªtiffº. 
// - (NSString *)stringByAbbreviatingWithTildeInPath;
  * Returns a string in which the user's home directory path is replace by
  * ª~º. 
// - (NSString *)stringByAppendingPathComponent:(NSString *)aString;
  * Returns a string representing the receiver's path with the addition of
  * the path component aString. 
// - (NSString *)stringByAppendingPathExtension:(NSString *)aString;
  * Returns a string representing the receiver's path with the addition of
  * the extension aString. 
// - (NSString *)stringByDeletingLastPathComponent;
  * Returns the receiver's path representation minus the last component. 
  * Given the path ª/Foo/Bar.tiffº, this method  returns a string containing
  * ª/Fooº. 
// - (NSString *)stringByDeletingPathExtension;
  * Returns the receiver's path representation minus the extension on the
  * last component.  Given the path ª/Foo/Bar.tiffº, this method  returns a
  * string containing ª/Foo/Barº. 
// - (NSString *)stringByExpandingTildeInPath;
  * Returns a string in which a tilde is expanded to its full path
  * equivalent. 
// - (NSString *)stringByResolvingSymlinksInPath;
  * Returns a string identical to the receiver's path except that any
  * symbolic links have been resolved. 
// - (NSString *)stringByStandardizingPath;
  * Returns a string containing a ªstandardizedº path, one in which tildes
  * are expanded and redundant elements (for example ª//º) eliminated. 

// Protocol conformance

- (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone
#ifdef __NeXT__
    return [self copyFromZone:zone];
    return [self copy];

- (id)mutableCopyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone
    return [self copyWithZone:zone];


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.