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/* xtpsops - PostScript operators and mappings to Xt calls. Copyright (C) 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Written by: Adam Fedor <> Date: Nov 1995 This file is part of the GNU Objective C User Interface library. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include "psops.h" #include "XtDrawContext.h" void PScolorimage( void ) { [currentContext DPScolorimage]; } void PScurrentblackgeneration( void ) { [currentContext DPScurrentblackgeneration]; } void PScurrentcmykcolor(float *c, float *m, float *y, float *k) { [currentContext DPScurrentcmykcolor:c :m :y :k]; } void PScurrentcolorscreen( void ) { [currentContext DPScurrentcolorscreen]; } void PScurrentcolortransfer( void ) { [currentContext DPScurrentcolortransfer]; } void PScurrentundercolorremoval( void ) { [currentContext DPScurrentundercolorremoval]; } void PSsetblackgeneration( void ) { [currentContext DPSsetblackgeneration]; } void PSsetcmykcolor(float c, float m, float y, float k) { [currentContext DPSsetcmykcolor: c : m : y : k]; } void PSsetcolorscreen( void ) { [currentContext DPSsetcolorscreen]; } void PSsetcolortransfer( void ) { [currentContext DPSsetcolortransfer]; } void PSsetundercolorremoval( void ) { [currentContext DPSsetundercolorremoval]; } void PSeq( void ) { [currentContext DPSeq]; } void PSexit( void ) { [currentContext DPSexit]; } void PSfalse( void ) { [currentContext DPSfalse]; } void PSfor( void ) { [currentContext DPSfor]; } void PSforall( void ) { [currentContext DPSforall]; } void PSge( void ) { [currentContext DPSge]; } void PSgt( void ) { [currentContext DPSgt]; } void PSif( void ) { [currentContext DPSif]; } void PSifelse( void ) { [currentContext DPSifelse]; } void PSle( void ) { [currentContext DPSle]; } void PSloop( void ) { [currentContext DPSloop]; } void PSlt( void ) { [currentContext DPSlt]; } void PSne( void ) { [currentContext DPSne]; } void PSnot( void ) { [currentContext DPSnot]; } void PSor( void ) { [currentContext DPSor]; } void PSrepeat( void ) { [currentContext DPSrepeat]; } void PSstop( void ) { [currentContext DPSstop]; } void PSstopped( void ) { [currentContext DPSstopped]; } void PStrue( void ) { [currentContext DPStrue]; } void PScondition( void ) { [currentContext DPScondition]; } void PScurrentcontext(int *cid) { [currentContext DPScurrentcontext: cid]; } void PScurrentobjectformat(int *code) { [currentContext DPScurrentobjectformat: code]; } void PSdefineusername(int i, const char *username) { [currentContext DPSdefineusername:i :username]; } void PSdefineuserobject( void ) { [currentContext DPSdefineuserobject]; } void PSdetach( void ) { [currentContext DPSdetach]; } void PSexecuserobject(int index) { [currentContext DPSexecuserobject: index]; } void PSfork( void ) { [currentContext DPSfork]; } void PSjoin( void ) { [currentContext DPSjoin]; } void PSlock( void ) { [currentContext DPSlock]; } void PSmonitor( void ) { [currentContext DPSmonitor]; } void PSnotify( void ) { [currentContext DPSnotify]; } void PSsetobjectformat(int code) { [currentContext DPSsetobjectformat: code]; } void PSsetvmthreshold(int i) { [currentContext DPSsetvmthreshold: i]; } void PSundefineuserobject(int index) { [currentContext DPSundefineuserobject: index]; } void PSuserobject( void ) { [currentContext DPSuserobject]; } void PSwait( void ) { [currentContext DPSwait]; } void PSyield( void ) { [currentContext DPSyield]; } void PSaload( void ) { [currentContext DPSaload]; } void PSanchorsearch(int *truth) { [currentContext DPSanchorsearch: truth]; } void PSarray(int len) { [currentContext DPSarray: len]; } void PSastore( void ) { [currentContext DPSastore]; } void PSbegin( void ) { [currentContext DPSbegin]; } void PSclear( void ) { [currentContext DPSclear]; } void PScleartomark( void ) { [currentContext DPScleartomark]; } void PScopy(int n) { [currentContext DPScopy: n]; } void PScount(int *n) { [currentContext DPScount: n]; } void PScounttomark(int *n) { [currentContext DPScounttomark: n]; } void PScvi( void ) { [currentContext DPScvi]; } void PScvlit( void ) { [currentContext DPScvlit]; } void PScvn( void ) { [currentContext DPScvn]; } void PScvr( void ) { [currentContext DPScvr]; } void PScvrs( void ) { [currentContext DPScvrs]; } void PScvs( void ) { [currentContext DPScvs]; } void PScvx( void ) { [currentContext DPScvx]; } void PSdef( void ) { [currentContext DPSdef]; } void PSdict(int len) { [currentContext DPSdict: len]; } void PSdictstack( void ) { [currentContext DPSdictstack]; } void PSdup( void ) { [currentContext DPSdup]; } void PSend( void ) { [currentContext DPSend]; } void PSexch( void ) { [currentContext DPSexch]; } void PSexecstack( void ) { [currentContext DPSexecstack]; } void PSexecuteonly( void ) { [currentContext DPSexecuteonly]; } void PSget( void ) { [currentContext DPSget]; } void PSgetinterval( void ) { [currentContext DPSgetinterval]; } void PSindex(int i) { [currentContext DPSindex: i]; } void PSknown(int *b) { [currentContext DPSknown: b]; } void PSlength(int *len) { [currentContext DPSlength: len]; } void PSload( void ) { [currentContext DPSload]; } void PSmark( void ) { [currentContext DPSmark]; } void PSmatrix( void ) { [currentContext DPSmatrix]; } void PSmaxlength(int *len) { [currentContext DPSmaxlength: len]; } void PSnoaccess( void ) { [currentContext DPSnoaccess]; } void PSnull( void ) { [currentContext DPSnull]; } void PSpackedarray( void ) { [currentContext DPSpackedarray]; } void PSpop( void ) { [currentContext DPSpop]; } void PSput( void ) { [currentContext DPSput]; } void PSputinterval( void ) { [currentContext DPSputinterval]; } void PSrcheck(int *b) { [currentContext DPSrcheck: b]; } void PSreadonly( void ) { [currentContext DPSreadonly]; } void PSroll(int n, int j) { [currentContext DPSroll: n : j]; } void PSscheck(int *b) { [currentContext DPSscheck: b]; } void PSsearch(int *b) { [currentContext DPSsearch: b]; } void PSshareddict( void ) { [currentContext DPSshareddict]; } void PSstatusdict( void ) { [currentContext DPSstatusdict]; } void PSstore( void ) { [currentContext DPSstore]; } void PSstring(int len) { [currentContext DPSstring: len]; } void PSstringwidth(const char *s, float *xp, float *yp) { [currentContext DPSstringwidth: s : xp : yp]; } void PSsystemdict( void ) { [currentContext DPSsystemdict]; } void PSuserdict( void ) { [currentContext DPSuserdict]; } void PSwcheck(int *b) { [currentContext DPSwcheck: b]; } void PSwhere(int *b) { [currentContext DPSwhere: b]; } void PSxcheck(int *b) { [currentContext DPSxcheck: b]; } void PSFontDirectory( void ) { [currentContext DPSFontDirectory]; } void PSISOLatin1Encoding( void ) { [currentContext DPSISOLatin1Encoding]; } void PSSharedFontDirectory( void ) { [currentContext DPSSharedFontDirectory]; } void PSStandardEncoding( void ) { [currentContext DPSStandardEncoding]; } void PScachestatus(int *bsize, int *bmax, int *msize) { [currentContext DPScachestatus: bsize : bmax : msize]; } void PScurrentcacheparams( void ) { [currentContext DPScurrentcacheparams]; } void PScurrentfont( void ) { [currentContext DPScurrentfont]; } void PSdefinefont( void ) { [currentContext DPSdefinefont]; } void PSfindfont(const char *name) { [currentContext DPSfindfont: name]; } void PSmakefont( void ) { [currentContext DPSmakefont]; } void PSscalefont(float size) { [currentContext DPSscalefont: size]; } void PSselectfont(const char *name, float scale) { [currentContext DPSselectfont: name : scale]; } void PSsetcachedevice(float wx, float wy, float llx, float lly, float urx, float ury) { [currentContext DPSsetcachedevice: wy : wy : lly : lly : urx : ury]; } void PSsetcachelimit(float n) { [currentContext DPSsetcachelimit: n]; } void PSsetcacheparams( void ) { [currentContext DPSsetcacheparams]; } void PSsetcharwidth(float wx, float wy) { [currentContext DPSsetcharwidth: wx : wy]; } void PSsetfont(int f) { [currentContext DPSsetfont: f]; } void PSundefinefont(const char *name) { [currentContext DPSundefinefont: name]; } void PSconcat(const float m[]) { [currentContext DPSconcat: m]; } void PScurrentdash( void ) { [currentContext DPScurrentdash]; } void PScurrentflat(float *flatness) { [currentContext DPScurrentflat: flatness]; } void PScurrentgray(float *gray) { [currentContext DPScurrentgray: gray]; } void PScurrentgstate(int gst) { [currentContext DPScurrentgstate: gst]; } void PScurrenthalftone( void ) { [currentContext DPScurrenthalftone]; } void PScurrenthalftonephase(float *x, float *y) { [currentContext DPScurrenthalftonephase: x : y]; } void PScurrenthsbcolor(float *h, float *s, float *b) { [currentContext DPScurrenthsbcolor: h : s : b]; } void PScurrentlinecap(int *linecap) { [currentContext DPScurrentlinecap: linecap]; } void PScurrentlinejoin(int *linejoin) { [currentContext DPScurrentlinejoin: linejoin]; } void PScurrentlinewidth(float *width) { [currentContext DPScurrentlinewidth: width]; } void PScurrentmatrix( void ) { [currentContext DPScurrentmatrix]; } void PScurrentmiterlimit(float *limit) { [currentContext DPScurrentmiterlimit: limit]; } void PScurrentpoint(float *x, float *y) { [currentContext DPScurrentpoint: x : y]; } void PScurrentrgbcolor(float *r, float *g, float *b) { [currentContext DPScurrentrgbcolor: r : g : b]; } void PScurrentscreen( void ) { [currentContext DPScurrentscreen]; } void PScurrentstrokeadjust(int *b) { [currentContext DPScurrentstrokeadjust: b]; } void PScurrenttransfer( void ) { [currentContext DPScurrenttransfer]; } void PSdefaultmatrix( void ) { [currentContext DPSdefaultmatrix]; } void PSgrestore( void ) { [currentContext DPSgrestore]; } void PSgrestoreall( void ) { [currentContext DPSgrestoreall]; } void PSgsave( void ) { [currentContext DPSgsave]; } void PSgstate( void ) { [currentContext DPSgstate]; } void PSinitgraphics( void ) { [currentContext DPSinitgraphics]; } void PSinitmatrix( void ) { [currentContext DPSinitmatrix]; } void PSrotate(float angle) { [currentContext DPSrotate: angle]; } void PSscale(float x, float y) { [currentContext DPSscale: x : y]; } void PSsetdash(const float pat[], int size, float offset) { [currentContext DPSsetdash: pat : size : offset]; } void PSsetflat(float flatness) { [currentContext DPSsetflat: flatness]; } void PSsetgray(float gray) { [currentContext DPSsetgray: gray]; } void PSsetgstate(int gst) { [currentContext DPSsetgstate: gst]; } void PSsethalftone( void ) { [currentContext DPSsethalftone]; } void PSsethalftonephase(float x, float y) { [currentContext DPSsethalftonephase: x : y]; } void PSsethsbcolor(float h, float s, float b) { [currentContext DPSsethsbcolor: h : s : b]; } void PSsetlinecap(int linecap) { [currentContext DPSsetlinecap: linecap]; } void PSsetlinejoin(int linejoin) { [currentContext DPSsetlinejoin: linejoin]; } void PSsetlinewidth(float width) { [currentContext DPSsetlinewidth: width]; } void PSsetmatrix( void ) { [currentContext DPSsetmatrix]; } void PSsetmiterlimit(float limit) { [currentContext DPSsetmiterlimit: limit]; } void PSsetrgbcolor(float r, float g, float b) { [currentContext DPSsetrgbcolor: r : g : b]; } void PSsetscreen( void ) { [currentContext DPSsetscreen]; } void PSsetstrokeadjust(int b) { [currentContext DPSsetstrokeadjust: b]; } void PSsettransfer( void ) { [currentContext DPSsettransfer]; } void PStranslate(float x, float y) { [currentContext DPStranslate: x : y]; } void PSequals( void ) { [currentContext DPSequals]; } void PSequalsequals( void ) { [currentContext DPSequalsequals]; } void PSbytesavailable(int *n) { [currentContext DPSbytesavailable: n]; } void PSclosefile( void ) { [currentContext DPSclosefile]; } void PScurrentfile( void ) { [currentContext DPScurrentfile]; } void PSdeletefile(const char *filename) { [currentContext DPSdeletefile: filename]; } void PSecho(int b) { [currentContext DPSecho: b]; } void PSfile(const char *name, const char *access) { [currentContext DPSfile: name : access]; } void PSfilenameforall( void ) { [currentContext DPSfilenameforall]; } void PSfileposition(int *pos) { [currentContext DPSfileposition: pos]; } void PSflush( void ) { [currentContext DPSflush]; } void PSflushfile( void ) { [currentContext DPSflushfile]; } void PSprint( void ) { [currentContext DPSprint]; } void PSprintobject(int tag) { [currentContext DPSprintobject: tag]; } void PSpstack( void ) { [currentContext DPSpstack]; } void PSread(int *b) { [currentContext DPSread: b]; } void PSreadhexstring(int *b) { [currentContext DPSreadhexstring: b]; } void PSreadline(int *b) { [currentContext DPSreadline: b]; } void PSreadstring(int *b) { [currentContext DPSreadstring: b]; } void PSrenamefile(const char *old, const char *new) { [currentContext DPSrenamefile: old : new]; } void PSresetfile( void ) { [currentContext DPSresetfile]; } void PSsetfileposition(int pos) { [currentContext DPSsetfileposition: pos]; } void PSstack( void ) { [currentContext DPSstack]; } void PSstatus(int *b) { [currentContext DPSstatus: b]; } void PStoken(int *b) { [currentContext DPStoken: b]; } void PSwrite( void ) { [currentContext DPSwrite]; } void PSwritehexstring( void ) { [currentContext DPSwritehexstring]; } void PSwriteobject(int tag) { [currentContext DPSwriteobject: tag]; } void PSwritestring( void ) { [currentContext DPSwritestring]; } void PSabs( void ) { [currentContext DPSabs]; } void PSadd( void ) { [currentContext DPSadd]; } void PSand( void ) { [currentContext DPSand]; } void PSatan( void ) { [currentContext DPSatan]; } void PSbitshift(int shift) { [currentContext DPSbitshift: shift]; } void PSceiling( void ) { [currentContext DPSceiling]; } void PScos( void ) { [currentContext DPScos]; } void PSdiv( void ) { [currentContext DPSdiv]; } void PSexp( void ) { [currentContext DPSexp]; } void PSfloor( void ) { [currentContext DPSfloor]; } void PSidiv( void ) { [currentContext DPSidiv]; } void PSln( void ) { [currentContext DPSln]; } void PSlog( void ) { [currentContext DPSlog]; } void PSmod( void ) { [currentContext DPSmod]; } void PSmul( void ) { [currentContext DPSmul]; } void PSneg( void ) { [currentContext DPSneg]; } void PSround( void ) { [currentContext DPSround]; } void PSsin( void ) { [currentContext DPSsin]; } void PSsqrt( void ) { [currentContext DPSsqrt]; } void PSsub( void ) { [currentContext DPSsub]; } void PStruncate( void ) { [currentContext DPStruncate]; } void PSxor( void ) { [currentContext DPSxor]; } void PSconcatmatrix( void ) { [currentContext DPSconcatmatrix]; } void PSdtransform(float x1, float y1, float *x2, float *y2) { [currentContext DPSdtransform: x1 : y1 : x2 : y2]; } void PSidentmatrix( void ) { [currentContext DPSidentmatrix]; } void PSidtransform(float x1, float y1, float *x2, float *y2) { [currentContext DPSidtransform: x1 : y1 : x2 : y2]; } void PSinvertmatrix( void ) { [currentContext DPSinvertmatrix]; } void PSitransform(float x1, float y1, float *x2, float *y2) { [currentContext DPSitransform: x1 : y1 : x2 : y2]; } void PStransform(float x1, float y1, float *x2, float *y2) { [currentContext DPStransform: x1 : y1 : x2 : y2]; } void PSbanddevice( void ) { [currentContext DPSbanddevice]; } void PSframedevice( void ) { [currentContext DPSframedevice]; } void PSnulldevice( void ) { [currentContext DPSnulldevice]; } void PSrenderbands( void ) { [currentContext DPSrenderbands]; } void PSgetboolean(int *it) { [currentContext DPSgetboolean: it]; } void PSgetchararray(int size, char s[]) { [currentContext DPSgetchararray: size : s]; } void PSgetfloat(float *it) { [currentContext DPSgetfloat: it]; } void PSgetfloatarray(int size, float a[]) { [currentContext DPSgetfloatarray: size : a]; } void PSgetint(int *it) { [currentContext DPSgetint: it]; } void PSgetintarray(int size, int a[]) { [currentContext DPSgetintarray: size : a]; } void PSgetstring(char *s) { [currentContext DPSgetstring: s]; } void PSsendboolean(int it) { [currentContext DPSsendboolean: it]; } void PSsendchararray(const char s[], int size) { [currentContext DPSsendchararray: s : size]; } void PSsendfloat(float it) { [currentContext DPSsendfloat: it]; } void PSsendfloatarray(const float a[], int size) { [currentContext DPSsendfloatarray: a : size]; } void PSsendint(int it) { [currentContext DPSsendint: it]; } void PSsendintarray(const int a[], int size) { [currentContext DPSsendintarray: a : size]; } void PSsendstring(const char *s) { [currentContext DPSsendstring: s]; } void PSashow(float x, float y, const char *s) { [currentContext DPSashow: x : y : s]; } void PSawidthshow(float cx, float cy, int c, float ax, float ay, const char *s) { [currentContext DPSawidthshow: cx : cy : c : ax : ay : s]; } void PScopypage( void ) { [currentContext DPScopypage]; } void PSeofill( void ) { [currentContext DPSeofill]; } void PSerasepage( void ) { [currentContext DPSerasepage]; } void PSfill( void ) { [currentContext DPSfill]; } void PSimage( void ) { [currentContext DPSimage]; } void PSimagemask( void ) { [currentContext DPSimagemask]; } void PSkshow(const char *s) { [currentContext DPSkshow: s]; } void PSrectfill(float x, float y, float w, float h) { [currentContext DPSrectfill: x : y : w : h]; } void PSrectstroke(float x, float y, float w, float h) { [currentContext DPSrectstroke: x : y : w : h]; } void PSshow(const char *s) { [currentContext DPSshow: s]; } void PSshowpage( void ) { [currentContext DPSshowpage]; } void PSstroke( void ) { [currentContext DPSstroke]; } void PSstrokepath( void ) { [currentContext DPSstrokepath]; } void PSueofill(const char nums[], int n, const char ops[], int l) { [currentContext DPSueofill: nums : n : ops : l]; } void PSufill(const char nums[], int n, const char ops[], int l) { [currentContext DPSufill: nums : n : ops : l]; } void PSustroke(const char nums[], int n, const char ops[], int l) { [currentContext DPSustroke: nums : n : ops : l]; } void PSustrokepath(const char nums[], int n, const char ops[], int l) { [currentContext DPSustrokepath: nums : n : ops : l]; } void PSwidthshow(float x, float y, int c, const char *s) { [currentContext DPSwidthshow: x : y : c : s]; } void PSxshow(const char *s, const float numarray[], int size) { [currentContext DPSxshow: s : numarray : size]; } void PSxyshow(const char *s, const float numarray[], int size) { [currentContext DPSxyshow: s : numarray : size]; } void PSyshow(const char *s, const float numarray[], int size) { [currentContext DPSyshow: s : numarray : size]; } void PSarc(float x, float y, float r, float angle1, float angle2) { [currentContext DPSarc: x : y : r : angle1 : angle2]; } void PSarcn(float x, float y, float r, float angle1, float angle2) { [currentContext DPSarcn: x : y : r : angle1 : angle2]; } void PSarct(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float r) { [currentContext DPSarct: x1 : y1 : x2 : y2 : r]; } void PSarcto(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float r, float *xt1, float *yt1, float *xt2, float *yt2) { [currentContext DPSarcto: x1 : y1 : x2 : y2 : r : xt1 : yt1 : xt2 : yt2]; } void PScharpath(const char *s, int b) { [currentContext DPScharpath: s : b]; } void PSclip( void ) { [currentContext DPSclip]; } void PSclippath( void ) { [currentContext DPSclippath]; } void PSclosepath( void ) { [currentContext DPSclosepath]; } void PScurveto(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float x3, float y3) { [currentContext DPScurveto: x1 : y1 : x2 : y2 : x3 : y3]; } void PSeoclip( void ) { [currentContext DPSeoclip]; } void PSeoviewclip( void ) { [currentContext DPSeoviewclip]; } void PSflattenpath( void ) { [currentContext DPSflattenpath]; } void PSinitclip( void ) { [currentContext DPSinitclip]; } void PSinitviewclip( void ) { [currentContext DPSinitviewclip]; } void PSlineto(float x, float y) { [currentContext DPSlineto: x : y]; } void PSmoveto(float x, float y) { [currentContext DPSmoveto: x : y]; } void PSnewpath( void ) { [currentContext DPSnewpath]; } void PSpathbbox(float *llx, float *lly, float *urx, float *ury) { [currentContext DPSpathbbox: llx : lly : urx : ury]; } void PSpathforall( void ) { [currentContext DPSpathforall]; } void PSrcurveto(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float x3, float y3) { [currentContext DPSrcurveto: x1 : y1 : x2 : y2 : x3 : y3]; } void PSrectclip(float x, float y, float w, float h) { [currentContext DPSrectclip: x : y : w : h]; } void PSrectviewclip(float x, float y, float w, float h) { [currentContext DPSrectviewclip: x : y : w : h]; } void PSreversepath( void ) { [currentContext DPSreversepath]; } void PSrlineto(float x, float y) { [currentContext DPSrlineto: x : y]; } void PSrmoveto(float x, float y) { [currentContext DPSrmoveto: x : y]; } void PSsetbbox(float llx, float lly, float urx, float ury) { [currentContext DPSsetbbox: llx : lly : urx : ury]; } void PSsetucacheparams( void ) { [currentContext DPSsetucacheparams]; } void PSuappend(const char nums[], int n, const char ops[], int l) { [currentContext DPSuappend: nums : n : ops : l]; } void PSucache( void ) { [currentContext DPSucache]; } void PSucachestatus( void ) { [currentContext DPSucachestatus]; } void PSupath(int b) { [currentContext DPSupath: b]; } void PSviewclip( void ) { [currentContext DPSviewclip]; } void PSviewclippath( void ) { [currentContext DPSviewclippath]; } void PSbind( void ) { [currentContext DPSbind]; } void PScountdictstack(int *n) { [currentContext DPScountdictstack: n]; } void PScountexecstack(int *n) { [currentContext DPScountexecstack: n]; } void PScurrentdict( void ) { [currentContext DPScurrentdict]; } void PScurrentpacking(int *b) { [currentContext DPScurrentpacking: b]; } void PScurrentshared(int *b) { [currentContext DPScurrentshared: b]; } void PSdeviceinfo( void ) { [currentContext DPSdeviceinfo]; } void PSerrordict( void ) { [currentContext DPSerrordict]; } void PSexec( void ) { [currentContext DPSexec]; } void PSprompt( void ) { [currentContext DPSprompt]; } void PSquit( void ) { [currentContext DPSquit]; } void PSrand( void ) { [currentContext DPSrand]; } void PSrealtime(int *i) { [currentContext DPSrealtime: i]; } void PSrestore( void ) { [currentContext DPSrestore]; } void PSrrand( void ) { [currentContext DPSrrand]; } void PSrun(const char *filename) { [currentContext DPSrun: filename]; } void PSsave( void ) { [currentContext DPSsave]; } void PSsetpacking(int b) { [currentContext DPSsetpacking: b]; } void PSsetshared(int b) { [currentContext DPSsetshared: b]; } void PSsrand( void ) { [currentContext DPSsrand]; } void PSstart( void ) { [currentContext DPSstart]; } void PStype( void ) { [currentContext DPStype]; } void PSundef(const char *name) { [currentContext DPSundef: name]; } void PSusertime(int *milliseconds) { [currentContext DPSusertime: milliseconds]; } void PSversion(int bufsize, char buf[]) { [currentContext DPSversion: bufsize : buf]; } void PSvmreclaim(int code) { [currentContext DPSvmreclaim: code]; } void PSvmstatus(int *level, int *used, int *maximum) { [currentContext DPSvmstatus: level : used : maximum]; } void PSineofill(float x, float y, int *b) { [currentContext DPSineofill: x : y : b]; } void PSinfill(float x, float y, int *b) { [currentContext DPSinfill: x : y : b]; } void PSinstroke(float x, float y, int *b) { [currentContext DPSinstroke: x : y : b]; } void PSinueofill(float x, float y, const char nums[], int n, const char ops[], int l, int *b) { [currentContext DPSinueofill: x : y : nums : n : ops : l : b]; } void PSinufill(float x, float y, const char nums[], int n, const char ops[], int l, int *b) { [currentContext DPSinufill: x : y : nums : n : ops : l : b]; } void PSinustroke(float x, float y, const char nums[], int n, const char ops[], int l, int *b) { [currentContext DPSinustroke: x : y : nums : n : ops : l : b]; } void PSwtranslation(float *x, float *y) { [currentContext DPSwtranslation: x : y]; } void PSleftbracket( void ) { [currentContext DPSleftbracket]; } void PSrightbracket( void ) { [currentContext DPSrightbracket]; } void PSleftleft( void ) { [currentContext DPSleftleft]; } void PSrightright( void ) { [currentContext DPSrightright]; } void PScshow(const char *s) { [currentContext DPScshow: s]; } void PScurrentcolor( void ) { [currentContext DPScurrentcolor]; } void PScurrentcolorrendering( void ) { [currentContext DPScurrentcolorrendering]; } void PScurrentcolorspace( void ) { [currentContext DPScurrentcolorspace]; } void PScurrentdevparams(const char *dev) { [currentContext DPScurrentdevparams: dev]; } void PScurrentglobal(int *b) { [currentContext DPScurrentglobal: b]; } void PScurrentoverprint(int *b) { [currentContext DPScurrentoverprint: b]; } void PScurrentpagedevice( void ) { [currentContext DPScurrentpagedevice]; } void PScurrentsystemparams( void ) { [currentContext DPScurrentsystemparams]; } void PScurrentuserparams( void ) { [currentContext DPScurrentuserparams]; } void PSdefineresource(const char *category) { [currentContext DPSdefineresource: category]; } void PSexecform( void ) { [currentContext DPSexecform]; } void PSfilter( void ) { [currentContext DPSfilter]; } void PSfindencoding(const char *key) { [currentContext DPSfindencoding: key]; } void PSfindresource(const char *key, const char *category) { [currentContext DPSfindresource: key : category]; } void PSgcheck(int *b) { [currentContext DPSgcheck: b]; } void PSglobaldict( void ) { [currentContext DPSglobaldict]; } void PSGlobalFontDirectory( void ) { [currentContext DPSGlobalFontDirectory]; } void PSglyphshow(const char *name) { [currentContext DPSglyphshow: name]; } void PSlanguagelevel(int *n) { [currentContext DPSlanguagelevel: n]; } void PSmakepattern( void ) { [currentContext DPSmakepattern]; } void PSproduct( void ) { [currentContext DPSproduct]; } void PSresourceforall(const char *category) { [currentContext DPSresourceforall: category]; } void PSresourcestatus(const char *key, const char *category, int *b) { [currentContext DPSresourcestatus: key : category : b]; } void PSrevision(int *n) { [currentContext DPSrevision: n]; } void PSrootfont( void ) { [currentContext DPSrootfont]; } void PSserialnumber(int *n) { [currentContext DPSserialnumber: n]; } void PSsetcolor( void ) { [currentContext DPSsetcolor]; } void PSsetcolorrendering( void ) { [currentContext DPSsetcolorrendering]; } void PSsetcolorspace( void ) { [currentContext DPSsetcolorspace]; } void PSsetdevparams( void ) { [currentContext DPSsetdevparams]; } void PSsetglobal(int b) { [currentContext DPSsetglobal: b]; } void PSsetoverprint(int b) { [currentContext DPSsetoverprint: b]; } void PSsetpagedevice( void ) { [currentContext DPSsetpagedevice]; } void PSsetpattern(int patternDict) { [currentContext DPSsetpattern: patternDict]; } void PSsetsystemparams( void ) { [currentContext DPSsetsystemparams]; } void PSsetuserparams( void ) { [currentContext DPSsetuserparams]; } void PSstartjob(int b, const char *password) { [currentContext DPSstartjob: b : password]; } void PSundefineresource(const char *key, const char *category) { [currentContext DPSundefineresource: key : category]; }
These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by