
This is cgt.c in view mode; [Download] [Up]

    cgt - Functions to deal with CGT Matrices
    Copyright (C) 1993, Adam Fedor.

#include <math.h>
#include "cgt.h"

#ifndef SQR
#define SQR(a)	(a)*(a)

concatCGT(cgt_t acgt, cgt_t bcgt)
    cgt_t cgt;

    cgt.a = bcgt.a*acgt.a + bcgt.b*acgt.c;
    cgt.c = bcgt.c*acgt.a + bcgt.d*acgt.c;
    cgt.b = bcgt.a*acgt.b + bcgt.b*acgt.d;
    cgt.d = bcgt.c*acgt.b + bcgt.d*acgt.d;
    cgt.tx  = bcgt.tx*acgt.a + bcgt.ty*acgt.c + acgt.tx;
    cgt.ty  = bcgt.tx*acgt.b + bcgt.ty*acgt.d + acgt.ty;
    return cgt;

composeCGT(const NSSize *scale, double rotation, const NSPoint *trans)
    cgt_t cgt;
    rotation *= M_PI / 180.0;            /* Convert to radians */
    cgt.a = cos(rotation);
    cgt.c = -sin(rotation);
    cgt.b = -cgt.c;
    cgt.d = cgt.a;
    if (scale) {
        cgt.a *= scale->width;
        cgt.b *= scale->width;
        cgt.c *= scale->height;
        cgt.d *= scale->height;
    if (trans) {
        cgt.tx  = trans->x;
        cgt.ty  = trans->y;
    } else {
        cgt.tx  = 0;
        cgt.ty  = 0;

    return cgt;

decomposeCGT(cgt_t cgt, NSSize *scale, double *rotation, NSPoint *trans)
    scale->width  = sqrt(SQR(cgt.a) + SQR(cgt.b));
    scale->height = sqrt(SQR(cgt.c) + SQR(cgt.d));
    *rotation	  = atan2(cgt.b, cgt.a);
    *rotation	  *= 180.0 / M_PI;
    trans->x	  = cgt.tx;
    trans->y	  = cgt.ty;

invertCGT(cgt_t cgt)
    cgt_t invert;
    double denom = -cgt.b*cgt.c + cgt.a*cgt.d;
    invert.a = cgt.d / denom;
    invert.b = -cgt.b / denom;
    invert.c = -cgt.c / denom;
    invert.d = -cgt.a / denom;
    invert.tx = (-cgt.d*cgt.tx + cgt.c*cgt.ty) / denom;
    invert.ty = (cgt.b*cgt.tx - cgt.a*cgt.ty) / denom;
    return invert;

rotationFromCGT(cgt_t cgt)
    NSSize  scale;
    NSPoint trans;
    double  rot;

    decomposeCGT(cgt, &scale, &rot, &trans);
    return rot;

scaleFromCGT(cgt_t cgt)
    NSSize  scale;
    NSPoint trans;
    double  rot;

    decomposeCGT(cgt, &scale, &rot, &trans);
    return scale;

offsetFromCGT(cgt_t cgt)
    NSSize  scale;
    NSPoint trans;
    double  rot;

    decomposeCGT(cgt, &scale, &rot, &trans);
    return trans;

applyCGT(NSPoint point, cgt_t cgt)
    double temp;
    temp    = point.x * cgt.a + point.y * cgt.c + cgt.tx;
    point.y = point.x * cgt.b + point.y * cgt.d + cgt.ty;
    point.x = temp;
    return point;

static float m[6];

const float *  
cgtToMatrix(cgt_t acgt)
  m[0] = acgt.a; m[1] = acgt.b; m[2] = acgt.c; m[3] = acgt.d;
  m[4] = acgt.tx; m[5] = acgt.ty;
  return m;


matrixToCgt(const float *m)
  cgt_t acgt;
  acgt.a = m[0]; acgt.b = m[1]; acgt.c = m[2]; acgt.d = m[3];
  acgt.tx = m[4]; acgt.ty = m[5];
  return acgt;

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.