
This is XtGStateOps.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* XtGStateOPS - Ops for XtGState

   Copyright (C) 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

   Written by:  Adam Fedor <fedor@boulder.colorado.edu>
   Date: Nov 1995
   This file is part of the GNU Objective C User Interface Library.

   This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
   version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
   This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   Library General Public License for more details.
   You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
   License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
   Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

#ifndef _XtGStateOps_h_INCLUDE
#define _XtGStateOps_h_INCLUDE

#include "XtGState.h"

/* Some of these method names have been changed from the DrawContext named
   in order for them to accept parameters */
/* FIXME: Need to change some of these to accept parameters */

@interface XtGState (ColorOps)

- (void)DPScolorimage;
- (void)DPScurrentblackgeneration;
- (void)DPScurrentcmykcolor: (float *)c : (float *)m : (float *)y : (float *)k;
- (void)DPScurrentcolorscreen;
- (void)DPScurrentcolortransfer;
- (void)DPScurrentundercolorremoval;
- (void)DPSsetblackgeneration;
- (void)DPSsetcmykcolor: (float)c : (float)m : (float)y : (float)k;
- (void)DPSsetcolorscreen;
- (void)DPSsetcolortransfer;
- (void)DPSsetundercolorremoval;

@interface XtGState (GStateOps)

- (void)DPSconcat: (const float *)m;
- (void)DPScurrentdash;
- (void)DPScurrentflat: (float *)flatness;
- (void)DPScurrentgray: (float *)gray;
- (void)DPScurrenthalftone;
- (void)DPScurrenthalftonephase: (float *)x : (float *)y;
- (void)DPScurrenthsbcolor: (float *)h : (float *)s : (float *)b;
- (void)DPScurrentlinecap: (int *)linecap;
- (void)DPScurrentlinejoin: (int *)linejoin;
- (void)DPScurrentlinewidth: (float *)width;
- (void)DPScurrentmatrix: (float *)m;
- (void)DPScurrentmiterlimit: (float *)limit;
- (void)DPScurrentpoint: (float *)x : (float *)y;
- (void)DPScurrentrgbcolor: (float *)r : (float *)g : (float *)b;
- (void)DPScurrentscreen;
- (void)DPScurrentstrokeadjust: (int *)b;
- (void)DPScurrenttransfer;
- (void)DPSinitgraphics;
- (void)DPSinitmatrix;
- (void)DPSrotate: (float)angle;
- (void)DPSscale: (float)x : (float)y;
- (void)DPSsetdash: (const float *)pat : (int)size : (float)offset;
- (void)DPSsetflat: (float)flatness;
- (void)DPSsetgray: (float)gray;
- (void)DPSsethalftone;
- (void)DPSsethalftonephase: (float)x : (float)y;
- (void)DPSsethsbcolor: (float)h : (float)s : (float)b;
- (void)DPSsetlinecap: (int)linecap;
- (void)DPSsetlinejoin: (int)linejoin;
- (void)DPSsetlinewidth: (float)width;
- (void)DPSsetmatrix: (const float *)m;
- (void)DPSsetmiterlimit: (float)limit;
- (void)DPSsetrgbcolor: (float)r : (float)g : (float)b;
- (void)DPSsetscreen;
- (void)DPSsetstrokeadjust: (int)b;
- (void)DPSsettransfer;
- (void)DPStranslate: (float)x : (float)y;


@interface XtGState (PaintOps)

- (void)DPSashow: (float)x : (float)y : (const char *)s;
- (void)DPSawidthshow: (float)cx : (float)cy : (int)c : (float)ax : (float)ay : (const char *)s;
- (void)DPScopypage;
- (void)DPSeofill;
- (void)DPSerasepage;
- (void)DPSfill;
- (void)DPSimage;
- (void)DPSimagemask;
- (void)DPSkshow: (const char *)s;
- (void)DPSrectfill: (float)x : (float)y : (float)w : (float)h;
- (void)DPSrectstroke: (float)x : (float)y : (float)w : (float)h;
- (void)DPSshow: (const char *)s;
- (void)DPSshowpage;
- (void)DPSstroke;
- (void)DPSstrokepath;
- (void)DPSueofill: (const char *)nums : (int)n : (const char *)ops : (int)l;
- (void)DPSufill: (const char *)nums : (int)n : (const char *)ops : (int)l;
- (void)DPSustroke: (const char *)nums : (int)n : (const char *)ops : (int)l;
- (void)DPSustrokepath: (const char *)nums : (int)n : (const char *)ops : (int)l;
- (void)DPSwidthshow: (float)x : (float)y : (int)c : (const char *)s;
- (void)DPSxshow: (const char *)s : (const float *)numarray : (int)size;
- (void)DPSxyshow: (const char *)s : (const float *)numarray : (int)size;
- (void)DPSyshow: (const char *)s : (const float *)numarray : (int)size;

@interface XtGState (PathOps)

- (void)DPSarc: (float)x : (float)y : (float)r : (float)angle1 : (float)angle2;
- (void)DPSarcn: (float)x : (float)y : (float)r : (float)angle1 : (float)angle2;
- (void)DPSarct: (float)x1 : (float)y1 : (float)x2 : (float)y2 : (float)r;
- (void)DPSarcto: (float)x1 : (float)y1 : (float)x2 : (float)y2 : (float)r : (float *)xt1 : (float *)yt1 : (float *)xt2 : (float *)yt2;
- (void)DPScharpath: (const char *)s : (int)b;
- (void)DPSclip;
- (void)DPSclippath;
- (void)DPSclosepath;
- (void)DPScurveto: (float)x1 : (float)y1 : (float)x2 : (float)y2 : (float)x3 : (float)y3;
- (void)DPSeoclip;
- (void)DPSeoviewclip;
- (void)DPSflattenpath;
- (void)DPSinitclip;
- (void)DPSinitviewclip;
- (void)DPSlineto: (float)x : (float)y;
- (void)DPSmoveto: (float)x : (float)y;
- (void)DPSnewpath;
- (void)DPSpathbbox: (float *)llx : (float *)lly : (float *)urx : (float *)ury;
- (void)DPSpathforall;
- (void)DPSrcurveto: (float)x1 : (float)y1 : (float)x2 : (float)y2 : (float)x3 : (float)y3;
- (void)DPSrectclip: (float)x : (float)y : (float)w : (float)h;
- (void)DPSrectviewclip: (float)x : (float)y : (float)w : (float)h;
- (void)DPSreversepath;
- (void)DPSrlineto: (float)x : (float)y;
- (void)DPSrmoveto: (float)x : (float)y;
- (void)DPSsetbbox: (float)llx : (float)lly : (float)urx : (float)ury;
- (void)DPSsetucacheparams;
- (void)DPSuappend: (const char *)nums : (int)n : (const char *)ops : (int)l;
- (void)DPSucache;
- (void)DPSucachestatus;
- (void)DPSupath: (int)b;
- (void)DPSviewclip;
- (void)DPSviewclippath;

@interface XtGState (WinOps)

- (void)DPSineofill: (float)x : (float)y : (int *)b;
- (void)DPSinfill: (float)x : (float)y : (int *)b;
- (void)DPSinstroke: (float)x : (float)y : (int *)b;
- (void)DPSinueofill: (float)x : (float)y : (const char *)nums : (int)n : (const char *)ops : (int)l : (int *)b;
- (void)DPSinufill: (float)x : (float)y : (const char *)nums : (int)n : (const char *)ops : (int)l : (int *)b;
- (void)DPSinustroke: (float)x : (float)y : (const char *)nums : (int)n  : (const char *)ops : (int)l : (int *)b;
- (void)DPSwtranslation: (float *)x : (float *)y;

@interface XtGState (L2Ops)

- (void)DPScshow: (const char *)s;
- (void)DPScurrentcolor;
- (void)DPScurrentcolorrendering;
- (void)DPScurrentcolorspace;
- (void)DPSsetcolor;
- (void)DPSsetcolorrendering;
- (void)DPSsetcolorspace;
- (void)DPSsetpattern: (int)patternDict;


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.