
This is DrawContextWraps.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* drawing context wraps.

   Copyright (C) 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

   Written by:  Adam Fedor <fedor@boulder.colorado.edu>
   Date: Nov 1995
   This file is part of the GNU Objective C User Interface library.

   This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
   version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
   This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   Library General Public License for more details.
   You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
   License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
   Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

#ifndef _DrawContextWraps_h_INCLUDE
#define _DrawContextWraps_h_INCLUDE

#include "DrawContext.h"

@interface DrawContext (DPSMouseKey)

- (void) DPShidecursor;

- (void) DPSshowcursor;

- (void) DPSobscurecursor;

- (void) DPSrevealcursor;

- (void) DPSsetcursor: (float) x : (float)y : (float)hotx : (float)hoty;

- (void) DPSadjustcursor: (float)dx : (float)dy;

- (void) DPScurrentmouse: (int)winNum : (float *)x : (float *)y;

- (void) DPSsetmouse: (float)x : (float)y;

- (void) DPSbuttondown: (int *)truth;

- (void) DPSrightbuttondown: (int *)truth;

- (void) DPSstilldown: (int)eNum : (int *)truth;

- (void) DPSrightstilldown: (int)eNum : (int *)truth;


@interface DrawContext (DPSEvent)

- (void) DPSprinteventtimes;

- (void) DPSiniteventtimes;

- (void) DPSposteventbycontext: (int)type : (float)x : (float)y : (int)time : (int)flags : (int)win : (int)subtype : (int)data1 : (int)data2 : (int)context : (int *)success;

- (void) DPSsetflushexposures: (int)flag;

- (void) DPSsetwaitcursorenabled: (int)flag;

- (void) DPScurrentwaitcursorenabled: (int *)flag;

- (void) DPSsetactiveapp: (int)cntxt;

- (void) DPScurrentactiveapp: (int *)cntxt;


@interface DrawContext (DPSMisc)

- (void) DPSosname: (int)size : (char *)str;

- (void) DPSostype: (int *)result;

- (void) DPSnextrelease: (int)size : (char *)result;

- (void) DPScurrentrusage: (float *)now : (float *)uTime : (float *)sTime : (int *)msgSend : (int *)msgRcv : (int *)nSignals : (int *)nVCSw : (int *)nIvCSw;

- (void) DPSplaysound: (const char *)name : (int)priority;

- (void) DPScleardictstack;

- (void) DPScurrentuser: (int *)uid : (int *)gid;

- (void) DPSsetwriteblock: (int)flag;

- (void) DPScurrentwriteblock: (int *)flag;

- (void) DPSmachportdevice: (int)w : (int)h : (const int *)bbox : (int)bboxSize : (const float *)matrix : (const char *)host : (const char *)port : (const char *)pixelDict;

- (void) DPScountframebuffers: (int *)count;

- (void) DPSframebuffer: (int)index : (int)nameLen : (char *)name : (int *)slot : (int *)unit : (int *)ROMid : (int *)x : (int *)y : (int *)w : (int *)h : (int *)depth;

- (void) DPSsetframebuffertransfer;

- (void) DPScurrentframebuffertransfer;


@interface DrawContext (DPSWindow)

- (void) DPSwindow: (float)x : (float)y : (float)w : (float)h : (int)type : (int *)num;

- (void) DPStermwindow: (int)num;

- (void) DPSwindowdevice: (int)num;

- (void) DPSwindowdeviceround: (int)num;

- (void) DPScurrentwindow: (int *)num;

- (void) DPSflushgraphics;

- (void) DPSorderwindow: (int)op : (int)otherWin : (int)winNum;

- (void) DPSmovewindow: (float)x : (float)y : (int)num;

- (void) DPSplacewindow: (float)x : (float)y : (float)w : (float)h : (int)win;

- (void) DPSfrontwindow: (int *)num;

- (void) DPSfindwindow: (float)x : (float)y : (int)op : (int)otherWin : (float *)lx : (float *)ly : (int *)winFound : (int *)didFind;

- (void) DPScurrentwindowbounds: (int)num : (float *)x : (float *)y : (float *)w : (float *)h;

- (void) DPSseteventmask: (int)mask : (int)num;

- (void) DPScurrenteventmask: (int)num : (int *)mask;

- (void) DPSsetexposurecolor;

- (void) DPSsetsendexposed: (int)truth : (int)num;

- (void) DPSsetautofill: (int)truth : (int)num;

- (void) DPSsetwindowdict: (int)num;

- (void) DPScurrentwindowdict: (int)num;

- (void) DPScurrentwindowalpha: (int)win : (int *)alpha;

- (void) DPScountscreenlist: (int)context : (int *)count;

- (void) DPSscreenlist: (int)context : (int)count : (int *)windows;

- (void) DPScurrentdeviceinfo: (int)win : (int *)minbps : (int *)maxbps : (int *)color;

- (void) DPSsetowner: (int)owner : (int)win;

- (void) DPScurrentowner: (int)win : (int *)owner;

- (void) DPSbasetoscreen: (float)x : (float)y : (float *)xp : (float *)yp;

- (void) DPSbasetocurrent: (float)x : (float)y : (float *)xp : (float *)yp;

- (void) DPSscreentocurrent: (float)x : (float)y : (float *)xp : (float *)yp;

- (void) DPSscreentobase: (float)x : (float)y : (float *)xp : (float *)yp;

- (void) DPScurrenttoscreen: (float)x : (float)y : (float *)xp : (float *)yp;

- (void) DPScurrenttobase: (float)x : (float)y : (float *)xp : (float *)yp;

- (void) DPSdumpwindow: (int)level : (int)win;

- (void) DPSdumpwindows: (int)level : (int)context;

- (void) DPSsetwindowtype: (int)type : (int)win;

- (void) DPSsetwindowlevel: (int)level : (int)win;

- (void) DPScurrentwindowlevel: (int)win : (int *)level;

- (void) DPScountwindowlist: (int)context : (int *)count;

- (void) DPSwindowlist: (int)context : (int)count : (int *)windows;

- (void) DPSsetwindowdepthlimit: (int)limit : (int)win;

- (void) DPScurrentwindowdepthlimit: (int)win : (int *)limit;

- (void) DPScurrentwindowdepth: (int)win : (int *)depth;

- (void) DPSsetdefaultdepthlimit: (int)limit;

- (void) DPScurrentdefaultdepthlimit: (int *)limit;

- (void) DPSsetshowpageprocedure: (int)win;

- (void) DPScurrentshowpageprocedure;


@interface DrawContext (DPSGraphics)

- (void) DPSsettrackingrect: (float)x : (float)y : (float)w : (float)h : (int)leftreqd : (int)rightreqd : (int)in : (int)userData : (int)tNum : (int)gstateNum;

- (void) DPScleartrackingrect: (int)nrectnum : (int)gstateNum;

- (void) DPSnewinstance;

- (void) DPShideinstance: (float)x : (float)y : (float)w : (float)h;

- (void) DPSsetinstance: (int)truth;

- (void) DPScomposite: (float)x : (float)y : (float)w : (float)h : (int)gstateNum : (float)dx : (float)dy : (int)op;

- (void) DPScompositerect: (float)x : (float)y : (float)w : (float)h : (int)op;

- (void) DPSdissolve: (float)x : (float)y : (float)w : (float)h : (int)gstateNum : (float)dx : (float)dy : (float)delta;

- (void) DPSsizeimage: (float)x : (float)y : (float)w : (float)h : (int *)dw : (int *)dh : (int *)depth : (float *)m : (int *)multiproc : (int *)numColors;

- (void) DPSreadimage;

- (void) DPSalphaimage;

- (void) DPSsetalpha: (float)a;

- (void) DPScurrentalpha: (float *)alpha;



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