This is Window.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]
/* Interface for Window class * * Copyright (C) 1993, 1994, 1995 The Board of Trustees of * The Leland Stanford Junior University. All Rights Reserved. * * Authors: Scott Francis, Fred Harris, Paul Kunz, Tom Pavel, * Imran Qureshi, and Libing Wang (SLAC) * Mike Kienenberger (Alaska) * * This file is part of an Objective-C class library for a window system * * Window.h,v 1.65 1995/12/13 22:33:25 fedor Exp */ #ifndef _Window_h_ #define _Window_h_ #include "Responder.h" #include "graphics.h" #include "screens.h" #include <sys/types.h> /* Window Types */ #define NX_PLAINSTYLE 0 #define NX_TITLEDSTYLE 1 #define NX_MENUSTYLE 2 #define NX_MINIWINDOWSTYLE 3 #define NX_MINIWORLDSTYLE 4 #define NX_TOKENSTYLE 5 #define NX_RESIZEBARSTYLE 6 #define NX_CLOSEBUTTONMASK 1 #define NX_MINIATURIZEBUTTONMASK 4 /* Length of string argument to saveFrameToString: */ #define NX_MAXFRAMESTRINGLENGTH 300 @class Menu, View; @interface Window:Responder { NXRect frame; View *contentView; id delegate; int windowNum; struct _wFlags { unsigned int style:4; unsigned int backing:2; unsigned int buttonMask:3; unsigned int visible:1; unsigned int isMainWindow:1; unsigned int isKeyWindow:1; unsigned int isPanel:1; unsigned int hideOnDeactivate:1; unsigned int dontFreeWhenClosed:1; unsigned int oneShot:1; } wFlags; struct _wFlags2 { unsigned int deferred:1; unsigned int docEdited:1; unsigned int dynamicDepthLimit:1; } wFlags2; Menu *menu; id verticalScrol; id horizontalScrol; char *title; void *_shell; BOOL hasMenu; BOOL hasScroller; BOOL displaying; // is displaying enabled or disabled?...slf BOOL _limitedBecomeKey; BOOL _floatingPanel; BOOL hasRealized; /* YES if wiget has ever been realized */ /* the following may not be needed after window resizing works */ BOOL _inResizeFlag; NXRect _contentViewFrameRect; } + alloc; - init; - initContent:(const NXRect *)contentRect; - initContent:(const NXRect *)contentRect style:(int)aStyle backing:(int)bufferingType buttonMask:(int)mask defer:(BOOL)flag; - initContent:(const NXRect *)contentRect style:(int)aStyle backing:(int)bufferingType buttonMask:(int)mask defer:(BOOL)flag screen:(const NXScreen *)screen; // - free; - awake; - setTitle:(const char*)aString; - setTitleAsFilename:(const char *)aString; // - setExcludedFromWindowsMenu:(BOOL)flag; // - (BOOL)isExcludedFromWindowsMenu; - setContentView:aView; - contentView; - setDelegate:newDelegate; - delegate; - (const char*)title; // - (int)buttonMask; - (int) windowNum; - getFieldEditor:(BOOL)createFlag for:anObject; // - endEditingFor:anObject; // - placeWindowAndDisplay:(const NXRect *)frameRect; - placeWindow:(const NXRect *)frameRect; // - placeWindow:(const NXRect *)frameRect screen:(const NXScreen *)screen; // - (BOOL)constrainFrameRect:(NXRect *)frameRect // toScreen:(const NXScreen *)screen; - sizeWindow:(NXCoord)width :(NXCoord)height; - _resizeWindow:(const NXRect *)frameRect; // - moveTo:(NXCoord)x :(NXCoord)y; // - moveTopLeftTo:(NXCoord)x :(NXCoord)y; // - moveTo:(NXCoord)x :(NXCoord)y screen:(const NXScreen *)screen; // - moveTopLeftTo:(NXCoord)x :(NXCoord)y screen:(const NXScreen *)screen; - getFrame:(NXRect *)theRect; // - getFrame:(NXRect *)rect andScreen:(const NXScreen **)screen; // - getMouseLocation:(NXPoint *)thePoint; - (int)style; // - useOptimizedDrawing:(BOOL)flag; - disableFlushWindow; - reenableFlushWindow; // - (BOOL)isFlushWindowDisabled; - flushWindow; // - flushWindowIfNeeded; - disableDisplay; - reenableDisplay; // - (BOOL)isDisplayEnabled; - displayIfNeeded; - display; - update; - (int)setEventMask:(int)newMask; - (int)addToEventMask:(int)newEvents; - (int)removeFromEventMask:(int)oldEvents; - (int)eventMask; // - setTrackingRect:(const NXRect *)aRect inside:(BOOL)insideFlag // owner:anObject tag:(int)trackNum // left:(BOOL)leftDown right:(BOOL)rightDown; // - discardTrackingRect:(int)trackNum; - makeFirstResponder:aResponder; - firstResponder; // - sendEvent:(NXEvent *)theEvent; - windowExposed:(NXEvent *)theEvent; // - windowMoved:(NXEvent *)theEvent; // - screenChanged:(NXEvent *)theEvent; // - (int)resizeFlags; - makeKeyWindow; // - becomeKeyWindow; // - resignKeyWindow; - becomeMainWindow; - resignMainWindow; // - displayBorder; // - rightMouseDown:(NXEvent *)theEvent; // - (BOOL)commandKey:(NXEvent *)theEvent; - close; - setFreeWhenClosed:(BOOL)flag; // - miniaturize:sender; // - deminiaturize:sender; // - (BOOL)tryToPerform:(SEL)anAction with:anObject; // - validRequestorForSendType:(NXAtom)sendType // andReturnType:(NXAtom)returnType; // - setBackgroundGray:(float)value; // - (float)backgroundGray; // - setBackgroundColor:(NXColor)color; // - (NXColor)backgroundColor; // - dragFrom:(float)x :(float)y eventNum:(int)num; // - setHideOnDeactivate:(BOOL)flag; // - (BOOL)doesHideOnDeactivate; // - center; - makeKeyAndOrderFront:sender; - orderFront:sender; - orderBack:sender; - orderOut:sender; // - orderWindow:(int)place relativeTo:(int)otherWin; // - orderFrontRegardless; - setMiniwindowIcon:(const char *)anIcon; // - setMiniwindowImage:image; // - setMiniwindowTitle:(const char *)title; // - (const char *)miniwindowIcon; // - (NXImage *)miniwindowImage; // - (const char *)miniwindowTitle; - setDocEdited:(BOOL)flag; - (BOOL)isVisible; - (BOOL)isKeyWindow; - (BOOL)isMainWindow; // - (BOOL)canBecomeKeyWindow; - (BOOL)canBecomeMainWindow; // - (BOOL)worksWhenModal; // - convertBaseToScreen:(NXPoint *)aPoint; // - convertScreenToBase:(NXPoint *)aPoint; - performClose:sender; // - performMiniaturize:sender; - (int)gState; // - setOneShot:(BOOL)flag; // - (BOOL)isOneShot; // - faxPSCode:sender; // - printPSCode:sender; // - copyPSCodeInside:(const NXRect *)rect to:(NXStream *)stream; // - smartFaxPSCode:sender; // - smartPrintPSCode:sender; // - (BOOL)knowsPagesFirst:(int *)firstPageNum last:(int *)lastPageNum; // - openSpoolFile:(char *)filename; // - beginPSOutput; // - beginPrologueBBox:(const NXRect *)boundingBox // creationDate:(const char *)dateCreated // createdBy:(const char *)anApplication // fonts:(const char *)fontNames forWhom:(const char *)user // pages:(int)numPages title:(const char *)aTitle; // - endHeaderComments; // - endPrologue; // - beginSetup; // - endSetup; // - beginPage:(int)ordinalNum label:(const char *)aString // bBox:(const NXRect *)pageRect fonts:(const char *)fontNames; // - beginPageSetupRect:(const NXRect *)aRect // placement:(const NXPoint *)location; // - endPageSetup; // - endPage; // - beginTrailer; // - endTrailer; // - endPSOutput; // - spoolFile:(const char *)filename; // - (float)heightAdjustLimit; // - (float)widthAdjustLimit; // - (BOOL)getRect:(NXRect *)theRect forPage:(int)page; // - placePrintRect:(const NXRect *)aRect offset:(NXPoint *)location; // - addCursorRect:(const NXRect *)aRect cursor:anObj forView:aView; // - removeCursorRect:(const NXRect *)aRect cursor:anObj forView:aView; // - disableCursorRects; // - enableCursorRects; // - discardCursorRects; // - invalidateCursorRectsForView:aView; // - resetCursorRects; - setBackingType:(int)bufferingType; - (int)backingType; // - setAvoidsActivation:(BOOL)flag; // - (BOOL)avoidsActivation; // - setDepthLimit:(NXWindowDepth)limit; // - (NXWindowDepth)depthLimit; // - setDynamicDepthLimit:(BOOL)flag; // - (BOOL)hasDynamicDepthLimit; // - (const NXScreen *)screen; // - (const NXScreen *)bestScreen; // - (BOOL)canStoreColor; // - counterpart; - (void)saveFrameToString:(char *)string; - (void)setFrameFromString:(const char *)string; // - (void)saveFrameUsingName:(const char *)name; // - (BOOL)setFrameUsingName:(const char *)name; - (BOOL)setFrameAutosaveName:(const char *)name; // - (const char *)frameAutosaveName; // + (void)removeFrameUsingName:(const char *)name; // - getMinSize:(NXSize *)size; // - getMaxSize:(NXSize *)size; // - setMinSize:(const NXSize *)size; // - setMaxSize:(const NXSize *)size; // - write:(NXTypedStream *)stream; - read:(NXTypedStream *)stream; - setHasMenu:(BOOL)menuFlag hasScroller:(BOOL)scrolFlag; - setMenu:(id)menu; /* Archiving methods */ - awakeFromNib; @end /* Window delegate methods. * There are declared here as if Object implements them. * This is just to keep the compiler happy when it tries to find method name. */ @interface Object(WindowDelegate) - windowWillClose:sender; - windowWillReturnFieldEditor:sender toObject:client; - windowWillResize:sender toSize:(NXSize *)frameSize; - windowDidResize:sender; - windowDidExpose:sender; - windowWillMove:sender; - windowDidMove:sender; - windowDidBecomeKey:sender; - windowDidResignKey:sender; - windowDidBecomeMain:sender; - windowDidResignMain:sender; - windowWillMiniaturize:sender toMiniwindow:miniwindow; - windowDidMiniaturize:sender; - windowDidDeminiaturize:sender; - windowDidUpdate:sender; - windowDidChangeScreen:sender; @end @interface Window(WidgetSet) - _setTitle; - _initFrame; - _setWindowAreas; // - closeWindow; - _realize; - (BOOL) _hasRealized; - _unrealize; - _orderFront; - _orderOut; - (void *)_widget; - (void *)_shell; @end #endif /* _Window_h_ */
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