
This is View.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* Implementation of View class
 * Copyright (C)  1993, 1994, 1995  The Board of Trustees of  
 * The Leland Stanford Junior University.  All Rights Reserved.
 * Authors: Scott Francis, Paul Kunz, Tom Pavel, 
 *	    Imran Qureshi, and Libing Wang
 *	    Adam Fedor (U Colorado)
 *          Mike Kienenberger (Alaska)
 * This file is part of an Objective-C class library for a window system
 * View.m,v 1.133 1995/12/13 22:33:24 fedor Exp

// In this file, comments that start with '//' are normal, permanent comments.
// Those that start with '/*' mark bugs or inconsistencies with the way
// things should be, or comment out code that doesn't yet work or exist, or
// is likely to change in the near future.
#include "View.h"

/* Required for implementation: */
#include  <objc/List.h>
#include "Application.h"
#include "CustomView.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <objc/typedstream2.h>
#include "dpsclient/dpsclient.h"
#include "dpsclient/CGTMatrix.h"
#include "appkit/FocusStack.h"

extern char *ViewInstanceName(void);

/* Are we drawing, printing, or copying PostScript to the scrap? */
short NXDrawingStatus = NX_DRAWING;

/* Keep track of focused views */
static FocusStack *focusStack;
static BOOL lockInProgress;

@interface View(WidgetSet)
- _init;
- _setAsBulletinBoard;
- _displayPreLockFocus;
- _displayLockFocus;
- _displayUnlockFocus;
- _flushView;
- _getFrame;
- _addCallback;
- _managedBy:parent wid:(void*)widget;
- _unManage;
- _destroy;
- _moveTo:(NXCoord)x :(NXCoord)y;
- _setFrame:(const NXRect *)aFrame;
- _setNeedsDisplay:(BOOL)flag;
- _setResize:(void *)policy;
- _setOffsets:(NXSize *)offsets;
- _setBorderShadow:(void *)shadow andThickness:(void *)thickness;
- _sizeTo:(NXCoord)width :(NXCoord)height;
- _displayFreeGState;

@implementation View:Responder

// Private methods not declared in interface file

- _setSuperview:(View *)aView
  superview = aView;
  [self setNextResponder:superview];
  [self windowChanged:window];
  window = [superview window];
//  [self update];  /* don't need to display */
  return self;

- _removeSubview:(View *)subview
  [subviews removeObject:subview];
  /* For each object below removed object, we need to calculate rectangle
     overlap with this subview, and send -update messages. -km */
  return self;

// A modified -findViewWithTag: that returns how deep the tag was found.
- _searchForTag:(int)aTag deep:(unsigned int *)deepret
  unsigned int i;
  unsigned int numchildren = [subviews count];
  unsigned int deepness[numchildren];
  unsigned int shallowest;
  id  deepobj[numchildren];
  id  shallowobj;
  if ([self tag] == aTag) {
    *deepret = 0;
    return self;
  for (i = 0; i < numchildren; i++) {
    deepobj[i] = [[subviews objectAt:i] _searchForTag:aTag deep:&(deepness[i])];
    if (deepness[i] == 0)
      return deepobj[i];
  shallowest = ~0;
  shallowobj = nil;
  for (i = 0; i < numchildren; i++)
    if (deepness[i] < shallowest) {
      shallowest = deepness[i];
      shallowobj = deepobj[i];
  *deepret = shallowest;
  return shallowobj;

// Public methods

// Initializing and freeing View objects
- initFrame:(const NXRect *)frameRect
    [super init];
    instancename = ViewInstanceName();
    frame = *frameRect;
    bounds.origin.x = 0;
    bounds.origin.y = 0;
    bounds.size     = frame.size;
    _vFlags.autosizing = NX_NOTSIZABLE;
    _vFlags.autoresizeSubviews = NO;
    fprintf(stderr, "View: autosizing = NX_NOTSIZABLE in initFrame:\n");
#endif	/* RESIZE_DEBUG */
    return self;

- init
  NXRect rect = { {0,0}, {0,0} };
  [self initFrame:&rect];
  return self;

- free
  if (subviews) {
    [subviews freeObjects];
    subviews = [subviews free];
    subviews = nil;
  [self removeFromSuperview];
  [_drawMatrix free];
  [_frameMatrix free];
  [self freeGState];
  [self _destroy];
  return [super free];

// Managing the View hierarchy
- addSubview:aView
  return [self addSubview:aView :NX_ABOVE relativeTo:nil];

- addSubview:aView :(int)place relativeTo:otherView;
  unsigned int index;
  if (aView == nil)
    return nil;
  if ([aView isKindOf:[View class]] == NO)
    fprintf(stderr, "Adding subview that's not a view\n");
  if (!subviews)
    subviews = [[List alloc] init];
  [aView removeFromSuperview];
  index = [subviews indexOf:otherView];
  if (index == NX_NOT_IN_LIST)
    if (place == NX_ABOVE)
      index = 0;
      index = [subviews count];
  [subviews insertObject:aView at:index];
  [aView _setSuperview:self];
  if (widgetid)
    [aView _managedBy:self];
  return aView;

- findAncestorSharedWith:aView
  // This method isn't very efficient; it's too brute-force.
  if (aView == self)
    return self;
  if (aView == nil || [aView isKindOf:[View class]] == NO)
    return nil;
  if ([aView isDescendantOf:self] == YES)
    return self;
  if (superview == nil)
    return nil;
  return [superview findAncestorSharedWith:aView];

- (BOOL)isDescendantOf:aView
  unsigned int index, count;
  id object;
  if (aView == self)
    return YES;
  if (aView == nil || [aView isKindOf:[View class]] == NO)
    return NO;
  if (subviews == nil)
    return NO;
  count = [subviews count];
  for (index = 0; index < count; index++) {
    object = [subviews objectAt:index];
    if ([object isDescendantOf:aView] == YES)
      return YES;
  return NO;

- opaqueAncestor
  if (vFlags.opaque || superview == nil)
    return self;
  return [superview opaqueAncestor];

- removeFromSuperview
  if (superview == nil)
    return self;
  [self setNextResponder:nil];
  [superview _removeSubview:self];
  [self windowChanged:nil];
  superview = nil;
  window = nil;
  [self _unManage];
  return self;

- replaceSubview:oldView with:newView
  int index;
  if (newView == nil || [newView isKindOf:[View class]] == NO ||
      subviews == nil)
    return nil;
  index = [subviews indexOf:oldView];
  if (index == NX_NOT_IN_LIST)
    return nil;
  [oldView removeFromSuperview];
  [subviews insertObject:newView at:index];
  [newView _setSuperview:self];
  [newView _managedBy:self];
  return oldView;

- subviews
  return subviews;

- superview
  return superview;

- window
  return window;

- windowChanged:newWindow
  /* Is this method supposed to do anything in this class?  The NS GenRef
     doesn't really say. -km */
  return self;

// Modifying the frame rectangle
- (float)frameAngle
  if (!vFlags.rotatedFromBase || !_frameMatrix)
    return 0;
  return [_frameMatrix rotation];

- getFrame:(NXRect *)theRect
  if (!theRect)
    return nil;
  *theRect = frame;
  return self;

- moveBy:(NXCoord)deltaX :(NXCoord)deltaY
  NXPoint point;
  point.x = frame.origin.x + deltaX;
  point.y = frame.origin.y + deltaY;
  return [self moveTo:point.x :point.y];

- moveTo:(NXCoord)x :(NXCoord)y
  frame.origin.x = x;
  frame.origin.y = y;
  if (_vFlags.needsAncestorNotify && _vFlags.ancestorNotifyWasEnabled)
    [superview descendantFrameChanged:self];
  if (_frameMatrix) 
      NXPoint offset = [_frameMatrix offset];
      offset.x = x - offset.x;
      offset.y = y - offset.y;
      [_frameMatrix translate:offset];
  [self _moveTo:x :y];
  [self update];
  return self;

- rotateBy:(NXCoord)deltaAngle
  NXCoord angle = 0;
  if (_frameMatrix)
    angle = [_frameMatrix rotation];
  angle += deltaAngle;
  return [self rotateTo:angle];

- rotateTo:(NXCoord)angle
  if (!_frameMatrix)
      _frameMatrix = [CGTMatrix new];
      /* Include our original offset */
      [_frameMatrix translate:frame.origin];
  [_frameMatrix rotate:angle];
  vFlags.rotatedFromBase = 1;
  vFlags.rotatedOrScaledFromBase = 1;
  /* Does this method send descendantFrameChanged?  It doesn't, according to
     the NS GenRef. -km */
  if (_vFlags.needsAncestorNotify && _vFlags.ancestorNotifyWasEnabled)
    [superview descendantFrameChanged:self];
  [self update];
  return self;

- setFrame:(const NXRect *)frameRect
  frame = *frameRect;
  [self _setFrame:&frame];
  /* Need to calculate changes to bounds.  bounds may be translated, scaled,
     and rotated.  This assignment assumes no translating, scaling, or
     rotating, and therefore is wrong. -km */
  bounds.size  = frame.size;

  /* Does this method send descendantFrameChanged?  It doesn't, according to
     the NS GenRef, but logically it should. -km */
  if (_vFlags.needsAncestorNotify && _vFlags.ancestorNotifyWasEnabled)
    [superview descendantFrameChanged:self];
  return self;

- sizeBy:(NXCoord)deltaWidth :(NXCoord)deltaHeight
  NXSize size;
  size.width = frame.size.width + deltaWidth;
  size.height = frame.size.height + deltaHeight;
  return [self sizeTo:size.width :size.height];

- sizeTo:(NXCoord)width :(NXCoord)height;
    NXSize oldSize;
    oldSize = frame.size;
    frame.size.width   = width;
    frame.size.height  = height;

    /* This assignment is wrong.  The bounds changes in relation to it's CTM. 
	See note in -setFrame:, above. -km */
    bounds.size.width  = width;
    bounds.size.height = height;

    [self _sizeTo:width :height];
    if (_vFlags.autoresizeSubviews)
	[self resizeSubviews:&oldSize];
    return self;

// Modifying the coordinate system
- (float)boundsAngle
  if (!_drawMatrix)
    return 0;
  return [_drawMatrix rotation];

- drawInSuperview
  /* FIXME: Should we check for a valid gstate? - asf */
  [_frameMatrix free];
  [_drawMatrix free];
  NX_X(&bounds) = 0;
  NX_Y(&bounds) = 0;
  return self;

- getBounds:(NXRect *)theRect
  if (!theRect)
    return nil;
  *theRect = bounds;
  return self;

- (BOOL)isFlipped
  return vFlags.needsFlipped;

- (BOOL)isRotatedFromBase
  return vFlags.rotatedFromBase;

- (BOOL)isRotatedOrScaledFromBase
  return vFlags.rotatedOrScaledFromBase;

- rotate:(NXCoord)angle
  if (!_drawMatrix)
      _drawMatrix = [CGTMatrix new];
  [_drawMatrix rotate:angle];
  return self;

- scale:(NXCoord)x :(NXCoord)y
  NXSize scale;
  if (!_drawMatrix)
      _drawMatrix = [CGTMatrix new];
  scale.width = x;
  scale.height = y;
  [_drawMatrix scale:scale];
  return self;

- setDrawOrigin:(NXCoord)x :(NXCoord)y
  NXPoint offset;
  offset.x = 0;
  offset.y = 0;
  if (!_drawMatrix)
    _drawMatrix = [CGTMatrix new];
  offset = [_drawMatrix offset];
  offset.x = -offset.x - x;
  offset.y = -offset.y - y;
  [_drawMatrix translate:offset];
  vFlags.translatedDraw = 1;
  return self;

- setDrawRotation:(NXCoord)angle
  /* Save CTM transformations for later. -km */
  return self;

- setDrawSize:(NXCoord)width :(NXCoord)height
  /* Save CTM transformations for later. -km */
  return self;

- setFlipped:(BOOL)flag
  BOOL origflag;
  origflag = vFlags.needsFlipped;
  vFlags.needsFlipped = !(!flag); // Insure that the BOOL is 1, not just "not 0"
  if (origflag != flag && _vFlags.notifyWhenFlipped)
    [superview descendantFlipped:self];
  return self;

- translate:(NXCoord)x :(NXCoord)y
  /* Save CTM transformations for later. -km */
  return self;

// Converting coordinates
- centerScanRect:(NXRect *)aRect
  /* Save coordinate conversion for after CTMs. -km */
  return self;

- convertPoint:(NXPoint *)aPoint fromView:aView
  if (aView && window != [aView window]) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Error (View): aView is not in same window\n");
    return nil;
  if (aView)
    [aView convertPoint:aPoint toView:nil];
  /* Recursively convert from window coordinates */
  if (superview)
    [superview convertPoint:aPoint fromView:nil];
  /* And finally, convert from our superview coordinates to ours */
  [self convertPointFromSuperview:aPoint];
  return self;

- convertPoint:(NXPoint *)aPoint toView:aView
  if (aView && window != [aView window]) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Error (View): aView is not in same window\n");
    return nil;

  /* Convert from our coordinates to our superview's */
  [self convertPointToSuperview:aPoint];
  /* Then, recursively convert to window coordinates */
  if (superview)
    [superview convertPoint:aPoint toView:nil];
  if (aView) 
    [aView convertPoint:aPoint fromView:nil];
  return self;

- convertPointFromSuperview:(NXPoint *)aPoint
  if (_frameMatrix)
      CGTMatrix *invert = [[_frameMatrix copy] invert];
      *aPoint = [invert transformPoint:*aPoint];
      [invert free];
      aPoint->x -= NX_X(&frame);
      aPoint->y -= NX_Y(&frame);
  if (_drawMatrix)
      CGTMatrix *invert = [[_drawMatrix copy] invert];
      *aPoint = [invert transformPoint:*aPoint];
      [invert free];
  return self;

- convertPointToSuperview:(NXPoint *)aPoint
  if (_drawMatrix)
    *aPoint = [_drawMatrix transformPoint:*aPoint];
  if (_frameMatrix)
    *aPoint = [_frameMatrix transformPoint:*aPoint];
      aPoint->x += NX_X(&frame);
      aPoint->y += NX_Y(&frame);
  return self;

- convertRect:(NXRect *)aRect fromView:aView
  if (aView && window != [aView window]) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Error (View): aView is not in same window\n");
    return nil;
  if (aView)
    [aView convertRect:aRect toView:nil];
  /* Recursively convert from window coordinates */
  if (superview)
    [superview convertRect:aRect fromView:nil];
  /* And finally, convert from our superview coordinates to ours */
  [self convertRectFromSuperview:aRect];
  return self;

- convertRect:(NXRect *)aRect toView:aView
  if (aView && window != [aView window]) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Error (View): aView is not in same window\n");
    return nil;

  /* Convert from our coordinates to our superview's */
  [self convertRectToSuperview:aRect];
  /* Then, recursively convert to window coordinates */
  if (superview)
    [superview convertRect:aRect toView:nil];
  if (aView) 
    [aView convertRect:aRect fromView:nil];
  return self;

- convertRectFromSuperview:(NXRect *)aRect
  if (_frameMatrix)
      CGTMatrix *invert = [[_frameMatrix copy] invert];
      *aRect = [invert transformRect:*aRect];
      [invert free];
      NX_X(aRect) -= NX_X(&frame);
      NX_Y(aRect) -= NX_Y(&frame);
  if (_drawMatrix)
      CGTMatrix *invert = [[_drawMatrix copy] invert];
      *aRect = [invert transformRect:*aRect];
      [invert free];
  return self;

- convertRectToSuperview:(NXRect *)aRect
  if (_drawMatrix)
    *aRect = [_drawMatrix transformRect:*aRect];
  if (_frameMatrix)
    *aRect = [_frameMatrix transformRect:*aRect];
      NX_X(aRect) += NX_X(&frame);
      NX_Y(aRect) += NX_Y(&frame);
  return self;

- convertSize:(NXSize *)aSize fromView:aView
  if (aView && window != [aView window]) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Error (View): aView does not have same window as self\n");
    return nil;
  return self;

- convertSize:(NXSize *)aSize toView:aView
  if (aView && window != [aView window]) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Error (View): aView does not have same window as self\n");
    return nil;
  return self;

// Notifying ancestor Views
- descendantFlipped:sender
  if (superview == nil)
    return self;
  return [superview descendantFlipped:sender];

- descendantFrameChanged:sender
  if (superview == nil)
    return self;
  return [superview descendantFrameChanged:sender];

- notifyAncestorWhenFrameChanged:(BOOL)flag
  _vFlags.needsAncestorNotify = flag;
  return self;

- notifyWhenFlipped:(BOOL)flag
  _vFlags.notifyWhenFlipped = flag;
  return self;

- suspendNotifyAncestorWhenFrameChanged:(BOOL)flag
    if ( flag ) {
	_vFlags.ancestorNotifyWasEnabled = NO;
    } else {
	_vFlags.ancestorNotifyWasEnabled = YES;
    return self;

// Resizing subviews
- resizeSubviews:(const NXSize *)oldSize
    if (subviews)
	int count = [subviews count] - 1;
	while (count >= 0)
	    [[subviews objectAt:count] superviewSizeChanged:oldSize];
    return self;

- setAutoresizeSubviews:(BOOL)flag
  _vFlags.autoresizeSubviews = !(!flag); // Insure that the BOOL is 1, not
                                         // just "not 0"
  return self;

- setAutosizing:(unsigned int)mask
    _vFlags.autosizing = mask;
    fprintf(stderr, "View: autosizing = mask in setAutosizing:\n");
#endif	/* RESIZE_DEBUG */
    return self;

- (unsigned int)autosizing
  return _vFlags.autosizing;

- superviewSizeChanged:(const NXSize *)oldSize
    NXRect newSuperviewFrame, newFrame = frame;
    NXSize myOldSize = frame.size;
    int widthDif, heightDif;
    fprintf(stderr, "Autosizing flags: ");
    if (NX_NOTSIZABLE == _vFlags.autosizing)
      fprintf(stderr, "NX_NOTSIZABLE ");
    if (_vFlags.autosizing & NX_WIDTHSIZABLE)
      fprintf(stderr, "NX_WIDTHSIZABLE ");
    if (_vFlags.autosizing & NX_MINXMARGINSIZABLE)
      fprintf(stderr, "NX_MINXMARGINSIZABLE ");
    if (_vFlags.autosizing & NX_MAXXMARGINSIZABLE)
      fprintf(stderr, "NX_MAXXMARGINSIZABLE ");
    if (_vFlags.autosizing & NX_HEIGHTSIZABLE)
      fprintf(stderr, "NX_HEIGHTSIZABLE ");
    if (_vFlags.autosizing & NX_MINYMARGINSIZABLE)
      fprintf(stderr, "NX_MINYMARGINSIZABLE ");
    if (_vFlags.autosizing & NX_MAXYMARGINSIZABLE)
      fprintf(stderr, "NX_MAXYMARGINSIZABLE ");
    fprintf(stderr, "\n");
#endif	/* RESIZE_DEBUG */

    if (_vFlags.autosizing & NX_NOTSIZABLE)  return self;
    [superview getFrame:&newSuperviewFrame];
    widthDif = newSuperviewFrame.size.width - oldSize->width;
    if ((_vFlags.autosizing & NX_WIDTHSIZABLE)
     && (_vFlags.autosizing & NX_MINXMARGINSIZABLE)
     && (_vFlags.autosizing & NX_MAXXMARGINSIZABLE))
      newFrame.size.width += (widthDif / 3.0);
      newFrame.origin.x += (widthDif / 3.0);
    else if ((_vFlags.autosizing & NX_WIDTHSIZABLE)
     && (_vFlags.autosizing & NX_MINXMARGINSIZABLE))
      newFrame.size.width += (widthDif / 2.0);
      newFrame.origin.x += (widthDif / 2.0);
    else if ((_vFlags.autosizing & NX_WIDTHSIZABLE)
     && (_vFlags.autosizing & NX_MAXXMARGINSIZABLE))
      newFrame.size.width += (widthDif / 2.0);
    else if ((_vFlags.autosizing & NX_MINXMARGINSIZABLE)
     && (_vFlags.autosizing & NX_MAXXMARGINSIZABLE))
      newFrame.origin.x += (widthDif / 2.0);
    else if (_vFlags.autosizing & NX_WIDTHSIZABLE)
      newFrame.size.width += widthDif;
      fprintf(stderr, "View:  stretching width\n");
#endif	/* RESIZE_DEBUG */
    else if (_vFlags.autosizing & NX_MINXMARGINSIZABLE)
      newFrame.origin.x += widthDif;
    else if (_vFlags.autosizing & NX_MAXXMARGINSIZABLE)
      /* do nothing */

    heightDif = newSuperviewFrame.size.height - oldSize->height;
    if ((_vFlags.autosizing & NX_HEIGHTSIZABLE)
     && (_vFlags.autosizing & NX_MINYMARGINSIZABLE)
     && (_vFlags.autosizing & NX_MAXYMARGINSIZABLE))
      newFrame.size.height += (heightDif / 3.0);
      newFrame.origin.y += (heightDif / 3.0);
    else if ((_vFlags.autosizing & NX_HEIGHTSIZABLE)
     && (_vFlags.autosizing & NX_MINYMARGINSIZABLE))
      newFrame.size.height += (heightDif / 2.0);
      newFrame.origin.y += (heightDif / 2.0);
    else if ((_vFlags.autosizing & NX_HEIGHTSIZABLE)
     && (_vFlags.autosizing & NX_MAXYMARGINSIZABLE))
      newFrame.size.height += (heightDif / 2.0);
    else if ((_vFlags.autosizing & NX_MINYMARGINSIZABLE)
     && (_vFlags.autosizing & NX_MAXYMARGINSIZABLE))
      newFrame.origin.y += (heightDif / 2.0);
    else if (_vFlags.autosizing & NX_HEIGHTSIZABLE)
      newFrame.size.height += heightDif;
      fprintf(stderr, "View:  stretching height\n");
#endif	/* RESIZE_DEBUG */
    else if (_vFlags.autosizing & NX_MINYMARGINSIZABLE)
      newFrame.origin.y += heightDif;
    else if (_vFlags.autosizing & NX_MAXYMARGINSIZABLE)
      /* do nothing */

          "View:  changing from (%d, %d, %d, %d) to (%d, %d, %d, %d)\n",
          frame.origin.x, frame.origin.y, frame.size.width,
          frame.size.height, newFrame.origin.x, newFrame.origin.y,
          newFrame.size.width, newFrame.size.height);
#endif	/* RESIZE_DEBUG */

    frame = newFrame;

    if (YES == _vFlags.autoresizeSubviews )
      if ((_vFlags.autosizing & NX_HEIGHTSIZABLE)
       || (_vFlags.autosizing & NX_WIDTHSIZABLE))
          [self resizeSubviews:&myOldSize];

    frame = newFrame;
    [self _setFrame:&frame];

    return self;

- _windowRectChangedFrom:(const NXRect *)oldFrame to:(const NXRect *)newFrame
    NXRect myNewFrame = frame;
    NXSize myOldSize = frame.size;
    myNewFrame.size.width += newFrame->size.width - oldFrame->size.width;
    myNewFrame.size.height += newFrame->size.height - oldFrame->size.height;
    fprintf(stderr, "ContentView:  changing from (%d, %d) to (%d, %d)\n",
          frame.size.width, frame.size.height,
          myNewFrame.size.width, myNewFrame.size.height);
#endif	/* RESIZE_DEBUG */

    frame = myNewFrame;

    [self resizeSubviews:&myOldSize];
    frame = myNewFrame;
    [self _setFrame:&frame];

    return self;
// Graphics state objects
- allocateGState
    if (vFlags.validGState == 0)
	_vFlags.wantsGState = 1;
    return self;

- freeGState
    if (vFlags.validGState)
    	[self _displayFreeGState];
    vFlags.validGState = 0;
    return self;

- (int)gState
    if (!vFlags.validGState)
    	return 0;
    return _gstate;

- initGState
    return self;

- renewGState
  vFlags.validGState = 0;
  return self;

- notifyToInitGState:(BOOL)flag
  _vFlags.notifyToInitGState = flag;
  return self;

// Focusing
- clipToFrame:(const NXRect *)frameRect
  /* Does the default version of this method do anything? -km */
  return self;

- (BOOL)doesClip
  return !(vFlags.noClip);

- setClipping:(BOOL)flag
  vFlags.noClip = !flag;
  return self;

- (BOOL)isFocusView
  return (focusStack && [focusStack currentView] == self);

/* NOTE:  It is not done here, but it is the responsibility of widget
   categories to update the gstate by the current frame and draw
   coordinate system for the View (stored in _frameMatrix and _drawMatrix) */
- (BOOL)lockFocus
  BOOL myLock = NO;
  if (!focusStack)
     focusStack = [FocusStack new];
  if (!lockInProgress)
      if ([self isFocusView])
          [focusStack relockView:self]; /* Just increment the nesting */
	  return YES;
      [focusStack lockView:self];
      [self _displayPreLockFocus];
      lockInProgress = YES;
      myLock = YES;

  if (superview && ![superview isFocusView] && !vFlags.validGState)
      [superview lockFocus];
  [self _displayLockFocus];

  if (myLock)
    lockInProgress = NO;
  return NO;

- unlockFocus
  if (![self isFocusView])
      fprintf(stderr, "Error (View): Unlocking focus on unfocused view\n");
      return nil;

  /* Returns nil if we had nested focuses */
  if ([focusStack unlockView])
      [self _displayUnlockFocus];
  return self;

// Displaying
- (BOOL)canDraw
  if (window != nil) {	/* should check if window is enabled */
    return YES;
  return NO;

- display
  [self display:NULL :0 :NO];
  return self;

- display:(const NXRect *)rects :(int)rectCount
  [self display:rects :rectCount];
  return self;

- display:(const NXRect *)rects :(int)rectCount :(BOOL)clipFlag
  NXRect i_rects[3];
  int rcount;
  [self lockFocus];

  /* clipFlag needs to be checked for. -km */
  if ((rectCount == 0) || (rects == NULL)) 
      i_rects[0] = bounds; /* fake it */
      rcount = 1;
      [self drawSelf:i_rects :rcount];
      [self drawSelf:rects :rectCount];
  /* Need to calculate whether each subview is inside rects, and if so,
     compute a new array of rects for the subview.  Currently, I cheat. -km */
  [subviews makeObjectsPerform:@selector(display)];
  [self unlockFocus];
  return self;

- displayFromOpaqueAncestor:(const NXRect *)rects
  [self notImplemented:_cmd];
  return self;

- displayIfNeeded
  if (vFlags.disableAutodisplay && vFlags.needsDisplay)
    [self display];
  vFlags.needsDisplay = 0;
  return self;
- drawSelf:(const NXRect *)rects :(int)rectCount
  return self;

- (BOOL)getVisibleRect:(NXRect *)theRect
  /* Do calculations with parent Views; in other words, clip theRect to
     the parent and see if there's a rect remaining.  Right now, cheat and
     return the entire frameRect. -km */
  if (!window)
    return NO;
  theRect->origin = frame.origin;
  theRect->size = frame.size;
  return YES;

- (BOOL)isAutodisplay
  return !(vFlags.disableAutodisplay);

- setAutodisplay:(BOOL)flag
  vFlags.disableAutodisplay = !flag;
  if (vFlags.needsDisplay) {
    [self display];
    vFlags.needsDisplay = NO;
  return self;

- (BOOL)isOpaque
  return vFlags.opaque;

- setOpaque:(BOOL)flag
  vFlags.opaque = !(!flag);  // Make sure that the first bit is on.  A BOOL in
                             // C can mean ANY bit is on, and we need the first.
  return self;

- (BOOL)needsDisplay
  return vFlags.needsDisplay;

- setNeedsDisplay:(BOOL)flag
  // Make sure that the first bit is on.  A BOOL in
  // C can mean ANY bit is on, and we need the first.
  vFlags.needsDisplay = !(!flag);
  if ( _gstate ) 
    [self _setNeedsDisplay:flag];
  return self;

- (BOOL)shouldDrawColor
  /* This should check the X server that the window is on to see if it is
     color.  Should be done in a category for both Xlib AND Xm/Xt.  The
     default of this will return YES for the time being. -km */
  return YES;

- update
  if (vFlags.disableAutodisplay)
    vFlags.needsDisplay = YES;
    [self display];
  return self;

// Scrolling
- adjustScroll:(NXRect *)newVisible
  /* Default implementation does nothing */
  return self;

- autoscroll:(NXEvent *)theEvent
  return nil;

- (BOOL)calcUpdateRects:(NXRect *)rects
    :(int *)rectCount
    :(NXRect *)enclRect
    :(NXRect *)goodRect
  if (*rectCount > 0)
    return YES;
    return NO;

- invalidate:(const NXRect *)rects
  return self;

- scrollPoint:(const NXPoint *)aPoint
  return self;

- scrollRect:(const NXRect *)aRect
    by:(const NXPoint *)delta
  return self;

- scrollRectToVisible:(const NXRect *)aRect
  return nil;

// Managing the cursor

// This can't be done with any Widget set (well, it can, but it's very messy).
// It requires a low level graphics library interface.  Override these methods
// in an appropriate category to implement.

- addCursorRect:(const NXRect *)aRect
  /* For rotated cursor rects, there's two ways to do it:
     1) Create a shaped InputOnly window (X only).
     2) Create many InputOnly (or equivalent non-X systems) windows so that
        it appears that there's a consecutive non-rectangular region.
        Using X, the efficiency difference between (1) and (2) is almost nil.
        (1) will save resources (fewer windows), but will only work if the
        shape extension exists.
     According to the NS GenRef, rotated cursor rects don't work right anyway,
     so maybe we don't have to worry about this... -km 
  return self;

- discardCursorRects
  return self;

- removeCursorRect:(const NXRect *)aRect
  return self;

- resetCursorRects
  return self;

// Assigning a tag
- findViewWithTag:(int)aTag
  unsigned int i;
  unsigned int numchildren = [subviews count];
  unsigned int deepness[numchildren];
  unsigned int shallowest;
  id  deepobj[numchildren];
  id  shallowobj;
  if ([self tag] == aTag)
    return self;
  for (i = 0; i < numchildren; i++) {
    deepobj[i] = [[subviews objectAt:i] _searchForTag:aTag deep:&(deepness[i])];
    if (deepness[i] == 0)
      return deepobj[i];
  shallowest = ~0;
  shallowobj = nil;
  for (i = 0; i < numchildren; i++)
    if (deepness[i] < shallowest) {
      shallowest = deepness[i];
      shallowobj = deepobj[i];
  return shallowobj;

- (int)tag
  return -1;

// Aiding event handling
- (BOOL)acceptsFirstMouse
  // Do the default
  return NO;

- hitTest:(NXPoint *)aPoint
  NXPoint newPoint;
  unsigned int i;
  unsigned int numchildren = [subviews count];
  id obj;
  if (aPoint->x >= frame.origin.x &&
      aPoint->x <= frame.origin.x+frame.size.width &&
      aPoint->y >= frame.origin.y &&
      aPoint->y <= frame.origin.y+frame.size.height) {
    newPoint = *aPoint;
    [self convertPointFromSuperview:&newPoint];
    for (i = 0; i < numchildren; i++)
      if ((obj = [[subviews objectAt:i] hitTest:&newPoint]) != nil)
        return obj;
  return nil;

- (BOOL)mouse:(NXPoint *)aPoint
    inRect:(NXRect *)aRect
  /* Uncomment the following line, and delete the one after, when this
     function is implemented. -km */
  /* return NXMouseInRect(aPoint, aRect, vFlags.needsFlipped); */
  return NO;

- (BOOL)performKeyEquivalent:(NXEvent *)theEvent
  unsigned int i;
  unsigned int numchildren = [subviews count];
  for (i = 0; i < numchildren; i++)
    if ([[subviews objectAt:i] performKeyEquivalent:theEvent] == YES)
      return YES;
  return NO;

- (BOOL)shouldDelayWindowOrderingForEvent:(NXEvent *)anEvent
  return NO;

/* I am here, for implementation. -km */

// Dragging
- dragFile:(const char *)filename
    fromRect:(NXRect *)rect
    event:(NXEvent *)event
  [self notImplemented:_cmd];
  return self;

- dragImage:anImage
    at:(NXPoint *)location
    offset:(NXPoint *)mouseOffset
    event:(NXEvent *)theMouseDown
    pasteboard:(id /* really (Pasteboard *) but it doesn't exist yet */)pboard
  [self notImplemented:_cmd];
  return self;

- registerForDraggedTypes:(const char *const *)pbTypes
  [self notImplemented:_cmd];
  return self;

- unregisterDraggedTypes
  [self notImplemented:_cmd];
  return self;

// Printing
- printPSCode:sender
  [self notImplemented:_cmd];
  return self;

- faxPSCode:sender
  [self notImplemented:_cmd];
  return self;

- faxPSCode:sender
    toList:(const char *const *)names
    numberList:(const char *const *)numbers
    faxName:(const char *)string
  [self notImplemented:_cmd];
  return self;

- copyPSCodeInside:(const NXRect *)rect
    to:(NXStream *)stream
  [self notImplemented:_cmd];
  return self;

- writePSCodeInside:(const NXRect *)aRect
  [self notImplemented:_cmd];
  return self;

- openSpoolFile:(char *)filename
  [self notImplemented:_cmd];
  return self;

- spoolFile:(const char *)filename
  [self notImplemented:_cmd];
  return self;

- (BOOL)canPrintRIB
  return NO;

// Setting up pages
- (BOOL)knowsPagesFirst:(int *)firstPageNum
    last:(int *)lastPageNum
  [self notImplemented:_cmd];
  return NO;

- (BOOL)getRect:(NXRect *)theRect
  [self notImplemented:_cmd];
  return NO;

- placePrintRect:(const NXRect *)aRect
    offset:(NXPoint *)location
  [self notImplemented:_cmd];
  return self;

- (float)heightAdjustLimit
  [self notImplemented:_cmd];
  return 0;

- (float)widthAdjustLimit
  [self notImplemented:_cmd];
  return 0;

// Writing conforming PostScript

// This section does nothing but return self for all of the methods.
// Actually outputing PostScript code is something that should be done
// in the DPS category.  So it'll be done there.  Some methods below
// are actually considered to be implemented because they just return
// self, according to the NS GenRef.

- beginPSOutput
  return self;

- beginPrologueBBox:(const NXRect *)boundingbox
    creationDate:(const char *)dateCreated
    createdBy:(const char *)anApplication
    fonts:(const char *)fontNames
    forWhom:(const char *)user
    title:(const char *)aTitle
  return self;

- endHeaderComments
  return self;

- endPrologue
  return self;

- beginSetup
  return self;

- endSetup
  return self;

- adjustPageWidthNew:(float *)newRight
  return self;

- adjustPageHeightNew:(float *)newBottom
  return self;

- beginPageSetupRect:(const NXRect *)aRect
    placement:(const NXPoint *)location
  return self;

// This method is complete.  It doesn't do anything except return self.
- drawSheetBorder:(float)width
  return self;

// This method is complete.  It doesn't do anything except return self.
- drawPageBorder:(float)width
  return self;

// This method is complete.  It doesn't do anything except return self.
- addToPageSetup
  return self;

- endPageSetup
  return self;

- endPage
  return self;

- beginTrailer
  return self;

- endTrailer
  return self;

- endPSOutput
  return self;

// Archiving
- awake
  [super awake];
  bounds = frame;
  NX_X(&bounds) = 0;
  NX_Y(&bounds) = 0;
  instancename = ViewInstanceName();
  return self;

- read:(NXTypedStream *)stream
    unsigned int autosizing, autoresizeSubviews;
    [super read:stream];
    NXReadRect(stream, &frame);
    bounds = frame;
    NX_X(&bounds) = 0;
    NX_Y(&bounds) = 0;
    objc_read_type(stream, "i", &autosizing);
    _vFlags.autosizing = autosizing & 0x3F;
    fprintf(stderr, "reading Autosizing flags: ");
    if (NX_NOTSIZABLE == _vFlags.autosizing)
    fprintf(stderr, "NX_NOTSIZABLE ");
    if (_vFlags.autosizing & NX_WIDTHSIZABLE)
    fprintf(stderr, "NX_WIDTHSIZABLE ");
    if (_vFlags.autosizing & NX_MINXMARGINSIZABLE)
    fprintf(stderr, "NX_MINXMARGINSIZABLE ");
    if (_vFlags.autosizing & NX_MAXXMARGINSIZABLE)
    fprintf(stderr, "NX_MAXXMARGINSIZABLE ");
    if (_vFlags.autosizing & NX_HEIGHTSIZABLE)
    fprintf(stderr, "NX_HEIGHTSIZABLE ");
    if (_vFlags.autosizing & NX_MINYMARGINSIZABLE)
    fprintf(stderr, "NX_MINYMARGINSIZABLE ");
    if (_vFlags.autosizing & NX_MAXYMARGINSIZABLE)
    fprintf(stderr, "NX_MAXYMARGINSIZABLE ");
    fprintf(stderr, "\n");
#endif	/* RESIZE_DEBUG */
    objc_read_type(stream, "i", &autoresizeSubviews);
    _vFlags.autoresizeSubviews = autoresizeSubviews & 0x01;
    objc_read_object(stream, &subviews);
    return self;

- write:(NXTypedStream *)stream
  [self notImplemented:_cmd];
  return self;

 * From here on, stuff added to make it work right.  These shouldn't be public
 * methods.  Some of them don't really need to exist anymore.  But we'll deal
 * with all of that later.  -km

- translateCoords:(NXEvent *)nx
    /* simply translate the y coordinates! */

    nx->location.y = bounds.size.height - nx->location.y;
    return self;

/* Archiving methods */
- awakeFromNib
    CustomView	*subview, *custom;
    int		i;
    i = [subviews count];
    while ( i-- ) {
	subview = [subviews objectAt:i];
	if ( [subview isKindOf:[CustomView class]] ) {
	    subview = [subview nibInstantiate];
	    custom = [subviews replaceObjectAt:i with:subview];
	    [custom free];
	} else {
	    [subview awakeFromNib];
    return self;

- (NXRect *)frame
    return &frame;

- _managedBy:parent
    void	*widget = [parent _widget];

    if ( !widget ) {
    	fprintf(stderr, "%s: parent widget not found\n", [self name]);
	return nil;
    if ( [parent isKindOf:[View class]] ) {
	superview = parent;
	window = [parent window];
    [self _init];
    return [self _managedBy:parent wid:widget];

- _setWindow:(Window *)aWindow
    return [self _setWindow:aWindow andSuperview:nil];

- _setWindow:(Window *)aWindow andSuperview:(View *)aView
    int		i;

    /* build window and superview chain */
    window = aWindow;
    superview = aView;
    i = [subviews count];
    while (i--)  [[subviews objectAt:i] _setWindow:aWindow andSuperview:self];

    return self;

- _manageChildren
    View	*view;
    int		i;

    i = [subviews count];
    while ( i-- ) {
	view = [subviews objectAt:i];
	[view _managedBy:self];
    return self;

/* really, only boxes should call this method:  
 	Right now, only does a setFrame, but could require special 
	additions later... at first it did, maybe it will again...?
- _setBorderRect:(NXRect *)brect
    [self setFrame:brect];
    return self;


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.