
This is PrintInfo.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* Interface for PrintInfo class
 * Copyright (C)  1994  The Board of Trustees of  
 * The Leland Stanford Junior University.  All Rights Reserved.
 * Authors: Paul Kunz
 * This file is part of an Objective-C class library for a window system
 * PrintInfo.h,v 1.8 1994/12/08 19:44:01 pfkeb Exp

#ifndef _print_info_h_
#define	_print_info_h_

#include <objc/Object.h>
#include "graphics.h"

@interface PrintInfo:Object
    char               *paperType;
    NXRect              paperRect;
    NXCoord             leftPageMargin;
    NXCoord             rightPageMargin;
    NXCoord             topPageMargin;
    NXCoord             bottomPageMargin;
    float               scalingFactor;
    char                pageOrder;
    struct _pInfoFlags {
	unsigned int        orientation:1;
	unsigned int        horizCentered:1;
	unsigned int        vertCentered:1;
	unsigned int        _RESERVEDA:2;
	unsigned int        manualFeed:1;	/* Obsolete */
	unsigned int        allPages:1;
	unsigned int        _RESERVEDC:1;
	unsigned int        horizPagination:2;
	unsigned int        vertPagination:2;
	unsigned int        printerIsOld:1;
	unsigned int        reversePageOrder:1;
	unsigned int        _RESERVEDB:2;
    }                   pInfoFlags;
    int                 firstPage;
    int                 lastPage;
    int                 currentPage;
    int                 copies;
    char               *outputFile;
//    DPSContext          context;
//    NXPrivatePrintInfo  _privateData;
    char               *printerName;
    char               *printerType;
    char               *printerHost;
    int                 resolution;		/* Obsolete */
    short               pagesPerSheet;
    unsigned short      _reservedPrintInfo1;
//    NXPrinter		*printerObject;
    id			jobFeaturesTable;
    const char		*paperFeed;
    unsigned int        _reservedPrintInfo5;


// + (NXPrinter *)getDefaultPrinter;
// + setDefaultPrinter:(NXPrinter *)pr;

- init;
// - free;
// - setPaperType:(const char *)type andAdjust:(BOOL)flag;
// - (const char *)paperType;
// - setPaperRect:(const NXRect *)aRect andAdjust:(BOOL)flag;
- (const NXRect *)paperRect;
- setMarginLeft:(NXCoord)leftMargin right:(NXCoord)rightMargin
            top:(NXCoord)topMargin bottom:(NXCoord)bottomMargin;
- getMarginLeft:(NXCoord *)leftMargin right:(NXCoord *)rightMargin
            top:(NXCoord *)topMargin bottom:(NXCoord *)bottomMargin;
// - setScalingFactor:(float)aFloat;
// - (float)scalingFactor;
// - setOrientation:(char)mode andAdjust:(BOOL)flag;
// - (char)orientation;
// - setHorizCentered:(BOOL)flag;
// - (BOOL)isHorizCentered;
// - setVertCentered:(BOOL)flag;
// - (BOOL)isVertCentered;
// - setHorizPagination:(int)mode;
// - (int)horizPagination;
// - setVertPagination:(int)mode;
// - (int)vertPagination;
// - setOutputFile:(const char *)aString;
// - (const char *)outputFile;
// - setPageOrder:(char)mode;
// - (char)pageOrder;
// - setAllPages:(BOOL)flag;
// - (BOOL)isAllPages;
// - setFirstPage:(int)anInt;
// - (int)firstPage;
// - setLastPage:(int)anInt;
// - (int)lastPage;
// - (int)currentPage;
- setCopies:(int)anInt;
- (int)copies;
// - setContext:(DPSContext)aContext;
// - (DPSContext)context;
// - setPagesPerSheet:(short)aShort;
// - (short)pagesPerSheet;
// - setReversePageOrder:(BOOL)flag;
// - (BOOL)reversePageOrder;
// - setPrinter:(NXPrinter *)pr;
// - (NXPrinter *)printer;
// - setPaperFeed:(const char *)str;
// - (const char *)paperFeed;
// - initializeJobDefaults;
// - setJobFeature:(const char *)feature toValue:(const char *)string;
// - (const char *)valueForJobFeature:(const char *)feature;
// - removeJobFeature:(const char *)feature;
// - (const char **)jobFeatures;
// - write:(NXTypedStream *)stream;
// - read:(NXTypedStream *)stream;


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