
This is NXSplitView.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

	Application Kit, Release 2.0
	Copyright (c) 1988, 1989, 1990, NeXT, Inc.  All rights reserved. 

#ifndef __NXSplitView_h_INCLUDE
#define __NXSplitView_h_INCLUDE

#import "View.h"

@interface NXSplitView : View
    id                  delegate;

- initFrame: (const NXRect *)frameRect;

- delegate;
- setDelegate: anObject;
- adjustSubviews;
- (NXCoord) dividerHeight;
- drawDivider: (const NXRect *)aRect;

- mouseDown: (NXEvent *)theEvent;
- drawSelf: (const NXRect *)rects : (int)rectCount;
- resizeSubviews: (const NXSize *)oldSize;
- setAutoresizeSubviews: (BOOL)flag;
- (BOOL) acceptsFirstMouse;


@interface Object(NXSplitViewDelegate)
- splitView: sender resizeSubviews: (const NXSize *)oldSize;
- splitView: sender getMinY: (NXCoord *)minY maxY: (NXCoord *)maxY 
 ofSubviewAt: (int)offset;
- splitViewDidResizeSubviews: sender;


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