
This is Control.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* Implementation of  Control class
 * Copyright (C)  1993, 1994, 1995  The Board of Trustees of  
 * The Leland Stanford Junior University.  All Rights Reserved.
 * Authors: Scott Francis, Paul Kunz, Tom Pavel, Imran Qureshi, and Libing Wang
 * This file is part of an Objective-C class library for a window system.
 * Control.m,v 1.63 1995/12/13 22:32:58 fedor Exp

#include "Control.h"

#include "ActionCell.h"
#include "Application.h"

extern char *ControlInstanceName(void);

@interface View(WidgetSet)
- _managedBy:parent wid:(void *)widget;
- _destroy;

@implementation Control:View

+ setCellClass:factoryId
  return [self notImplemented:_cmd];

- initFrame:(const NXRect *)frameRect
    [super initFrame:frameRect];
    instancename = ControlInstanceName();
    return self;

- moveTo:(NXCoord)x :(NXCoord)y
    frame.origin.x = x;
    frame.origin.y = y;
    bounds.origin.x = x;
    bounds.origin.y = y;
    /* assume that widget will be moved by the cell class 
    if ( cell != 0 ) {
	[cell _moveTo:x :y];
    } else {
    	[super moveTo:x :y];
    return self;

- free
  /* Note that cell needs to be destroyed here, before it is freed. - fedor */
    [cell _destroy];
    [cell free];
    cell = nil;
    return [super free];

- sizeToFit
  return [self notImplemented:_cmd];

- sizeTo:(NXCoord)width :(NXCoord)height
  return [self notImplemented:_cmd];

- calcSize
  return [self notImplemented:_cmd];

- cell
    return cell;

- setCell:aCell
  Cell *old = cell;
  cell = aCell;
  return old;

- selectedCell
    return cell;

- target
    return [cell target];

- setTarget:anObject
    [cell setTarget:anObject];
    return self;

- (SEL)action
    return [cell action];

- setAction:(SEL)aSelector
    [cell setAction:aSelector];
    return self;

- (int)tag
    return [cell tag];

- setTag:(int)anInt
    return [cell setTag:anInt];

- (int)selectedTag
  * Matrix doesn't doesn't implement this method, thus we implement it here
  * in way that it will work for Matrix. 
    return [[self selectedCell] tag];

- ignoreMultiClick:(BOOL)flag
  return [self notImplemented:_cmd];

- mouseDown:(NXEvent *)theEvent
  return [self notImplemented:_cmd];

- (int)mouseDownFlags
  [self notImplemented:_cmd];
  return 0;

- (int)sendActionOn:(int)mask
  [self notImplemented:_cmd];
  return 0;

- (BOOL)isContinuous
    return [cell isContinuous];

- setContinuous:(BOOL)flag
    [cell setContinuous: flag];
    return self;

- (BOOL)isEnabled
    return [cell isEnabled];

- setEnabled:(BOOL)flag
    [cell setEnabled:flag];
    return self;

- setFloatingPointFormat:(BOOL)autoRange left:(unsigned)leftDigits 
  return [self notImplemented:_cmd];

- (int) alignment
    return [cell alignment];

- setAlignment:(int)mode
    [cell setAlignment:mode];
    return self;

- font
  return [self notImplemented:_cmd];

- setFont:fontObj
  [cell setFont: fontObj];
  return self;

- setStringValue:(const char *)aString
    [cell setStringValue:aString];
    return self;

- setStringValueNoCopy:(const char *)aString
  return [self notImplemented:_cmd];

- setStringValueNoCopy:(char *)aString shouldFree:(BOOL)flag
  return [self notImplemented:_cmd];

- setIntValue:(int)anInt
    [cell setIntValue:anInt];
    return self;

- setFloatValue:(float)aFloat
    [cell setFloatValue:aFloat];
    return self;

- setDoubleValue:(double)aDouble
    [cell setDoubleValue:aDouble];
    return self;

- (const char *)stringValue
    return [cell stringValue];

- (int)intValue
    return [cell intValue];

- (float)floatValue
    return [cell floatValue];

- (double)doubleValue
    return [cell doubleValue];

- update
  return self;

- updateCell:aCell
  return [self notImplemented:_cmd];

- updateCellInside:aCell
  return [self notImplemented:_cmd];

- drawCellInside:aCell
  return [self notImplemented:_cmd];

- drawCell:aCell
  return [self notImplemented:_cmd];

- selectCell:aCell
    return self;

- drawSelf:(const NXRect *)rects :(int)rectCount
  /* FIXME: Implement */
  return self;

- sendAction:(SEL)theAction to:theTarget
    if ( !theAction ) {
        return nil;	// a guess, documentation not clear
    if ( [NXApp sendAction:theAction to:theTarget from:self] ) {
        return self;
    return nil;

- takeIntValueFrom:sender
    [cell setIntValue:[sender intValue]];
    return self;

- takeFloatValueFrom:sender
    [cell setFloatValue:[sender floatValue]];
    return self;

- takeDoubleValueFrom:sender
    [cell setDoubleValue:[sender doubleValue]];
    return self;

- takeStringValueFrom:sender
    [cell setStringValue:[sender stringValue]];
    return self;

- currentEditor
  return [self notImplemented:_cmd];

- abortEditing
    return self;

- validateEditing
  return [self notImplemented:_cmd];

- resetCursorRects
  return [self notImplemented:_cmd];

- write:(NXTypedStream *)stream
    [super write:stream];
    return self;

- read:(TypedStream*)typedStream
    [super read:typedStream];
    instancename = ControlInstanceName();
    return self;

+ newFrame:(const NXRect *)frameRect
    return [[super alloc] initFrame:frameRect];

/* Methods not in NeXTSTEP */

- sendAction
    if ( cell && [cell action] ) {
        if ( [cell target] ) {
	    [[cell target] perform:[cell action] with:self];
    return self;

- setFrame:(const NXRect *)frameRect
  /* Not in OpenStep Control class */
    [super setFrame:frameRect];
    [cell _setFrame:frameRect inView:self];
    return self;

- setIcon:(const char *)iconName
    return [cell setIcon:iconName];

- _managedBy:parent wid:(void*)widget
    [super _managedBy:parent wid:widget];
    if ( cell ) {
	NXRect	rect = frame;
	rect.origin.x = 0;
	rect.origin.y = 0;
    	[cell _setFrame:&rect inView:self];
	[cell _managedBy:self];
    return self;
- _destroy
    if ( cell ) {
	[cell _destroy];
    } else { 
    	[super _destroy];
    return self;


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.