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/* Implementation for NSTimeZone for GNUStep Written by: Peter Burka <> Date: July 1995 This file is part of the GNU Objective C Class Library. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ /* This is about complete, but mostly untested. Many of the methods rely on NSDictionary and NSUserDefaults, neither of which are complete yet. I am testing and fixing as the supporting classes materialize. Note: in this implementation, all objects returned are always instances of NSTimeZoneDetail. */ #include <Foundation/NSDate.h> #include <Foundation/NSDictionary.h> #include <Foundation/NSArray.h> #include <Foundation/NSString.h> #include <Foundation/NSCoder.h> //#include <Foundation/NSUserDefaults.h> @class NSUserDefaults; #define MINUTES 60 #define HOURS (60 * MINUTES) @interface NSConcreteTimeZoneDetail: NSTimeZoneDetail { @private BOOL dst; // true if Daylight Savings Time is in effect in this zone NSString* abbreviation; // the abbreviation NSString* name; // the name int deltaGMT; // difference (in seconds) from Greenwich } // initializing - initWithName:(NSString*)aName abbreviation:(NSString*)anAbbreviation secondsFromGMT:(int)aDifference isDaylightSaving:(BOOL)aDst; // querying - (BOOL)isDaylightSavingTimeZone; - (NSString *)timeZoneAbbreviation; - (int)timeZoneSecondsFromGMT; - (NSString*)timeZoneName; // archiving - (NSString*)description; @end @interface NSConcreteTimeZoneDetail (NSCopying) - (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone; @end @interface NSConcreteTimeZoneDetail (Archiving) - (void)encodeWithCoder:(NSCoder *)aCoder; - (id)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)aDecoder; @end @implementation NSConcreteTimeZoneDetail - initWithName:(NSString*)aName abbreviation:(NSString*)anAbbreviation secondsFromGMT:(int)aDifference isDaylightSaving:(BOOL)aDst { [super init]; //xxx initWithString is not yet available //name = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:aName]; //abbreviation = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:anAbbreviation]; name = [NSString stringWithCString: [aName cString]]; abbreviation = [NSString stringWithCString: [anAbbreviation cString]]; deltaGMT = aDifference; dst = aDst; return self; } - (NSString*)timeZoneName { return name; } - (BOOL)isDaylightSavingTimeZone { return dst; } - (NSString *)timeZoneAbbreviation { return abbreviation; } - (int)timeZoneSecondsFromGMT { return deltaGMT; } - (NSString*)description { char astr[1024]; // xxx ugly! But it'll do until NSString is done BOOL hasAbbreviation = [[self timeZoneAbbreviation] length] > 0; sprintf (astr,"%s %s%s%s %+is %s", [[self timeZoneName] cString], (hasAbbreviation ? "(" : ""), [[self timeZoneAbbreviation] cString], (hasAbbreviation ? ")" : ""), [self timeZoneSecondsFromGMT], ([self isDaylightSavingTimeZone] ? "(DST)" : "")); return [NSString stringWithCString:astr]; } @end @implementation NSConcreteTimeZoneDetail (NSCopying) - (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone { return [[[self class] allocWithZone:zone] initWithName:name abbreviation:abbreviation secondsFromGMT:deltaGMT isDaylightSaving:dst]; } @end @implementation NSConcreteTimeZoneDetail (NSCoding) - (void)encodeWithCoder:(NSCoder *)aCoder { [super encodeWithCoder:aCoder]; [aCoder encodeValuesOfObjCTypes:"i@@i", &dst, &abbreviation, &name, &deltaGMT]; } - (id)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)aDecoder { self = [super initWithCoder:aDecoder]; [aDecoder decodeValuesOfObjCTypes:"i@@i", &dst, &abbreviation, &name, &deltaGMT]; return self; } @end @implementation NSTimeZoneDetail - (BOOL)isDaylightSavingTimeZone { [self notImplemented:_cmd]; return NO; } - (NSString *)timeZoneAbbreviation { [self notImplemented:_cmd]; return nil; } - (int)timeZoneSecondsFromGMT { [self notImplemented:_cmd]; return 0; } - (BOOL)isEqual:anObject { if (anObject == self) return YES; if ([super isEqual:anObject]) // this checks to ensure that they're the same class, no? if ([[self timeZoneName] isEqual: [anObject timeZoneName]]) if ([[self timeZoneAbbreviation] isEqual: [anObject timeZoneAbbreviation]]) if ([self isDaylightSavingTimeZone] == [anObject isDaylightSavingTimeZone]) if ([self timeZoneSecondsFromGMT] == [anObject timeZoneSecondsFromGMT]) return YES; return NO; } - (unsigned int)hash { // This should be sufficient for hashing return ([[self timeZoneName] hash] + 1) * ([self timeZoneSecondsFromGMT] / MINUTES); } @end @implementation NSTimeZone #define DEFAULTDBKEY "Time Zone" #define LOCALDBKEY "Local Time Zone" #define TIMEZONEFILE "NSTimeZones" NSDictionary* abbreviationDictionary; + (void)initialize { // initialize super [super initialize]; #if 0 if ((abbreviationDictionary = // [NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:@TIMEZONEFILE] //NIY [[NSDictionary dictionary] initWithContentsOfFile:@TIMEZONEFILE]) == nil) #else if (1) #endif { NSConcreteTimeZoneDetail *tzones[] = { [[NSConcreteTimeZoneDetail alloc] initWithName: @"Greenwich Mean Time" abbreviation: @"GMT" secondsFromGMT: 0 * HOURS isDaylightSaving: NO], [[NSConcreteTimeZoneDetail alloc] initWithName: @"Atlantic STandard Time" abbreviation: @"AST" secondsFromGMT: -4 * HOURS isDaylightSaving: NO], [[NSConcreteTimeZoneDetail alloc] initWithName: @"Atlantic Daylight Time" abbreviation: @"ADT" secondsFromGMT: -3 * HOURS isDaylightSaving: YES], [[NSConcreteTimeZoneDetail alloc] initWithName: @"Eastern Standard Time" abbreviation: @"EST" secondsFromGMT: -5 * HOURS isDaylightSaving: NO], [[NSConcreteTimeZoneDetail alloc] initWithName: @"Eastern Daylight Time" abbreviation: @"EDT" secondsFromGMT: -4 * HOURS isDaylightSaving: YES] }; NSString* abbrevs[] = {@"GMT", @"AST", @"ADT", @"EST", @"EDT"}; fprintf (stderr, "Unable to load TimeZones from data file: '%s'\n", TIMEZONEFILE); abbreviationDictionary = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjects:tzones forKeys: abbrevs count:5]; } return; } + (id) allocWithZone: (NSZone*)z { if (self != [NSTimeZone class]) return [super allocWithZone:z]; return [NSConcreteTimeZoneDetail allocWithZone:z]; } //Creating and Initializing an NSTimeZone + (NSTimeZoneDetail *)defaultTimeZone { /* NSUserDefaults *db = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; return [self timeZoneWithName: [db stringForKey: @DEFAULTDBKEY]]; */ return nil; } + (NSTimeZone *)localTimeZone { /* NSUserDefaults *db = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; return [self timeZoneWithName: [db stringForKey: @LOCALDBKEY]]; */ return nil; } + (NSTimeZone *)timeZoneForSecondsFromGMT:(int)seconds { id step = [abbreviationDictionary objectEnumerator]; NSConcreteTimeZoneDetail* zone; while ((zone = [step nextObject]) != nil) if (seconds == [zone timeZoneSecondsFromGMT]) break; [step autorelease]; if (zone == nil) zone = [[NSConcreteTimeZoneDetail alloc] initWithName: [[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%+i", seconds] autorelease] abbreviation: @"" secondsFromGMT: seconds isDaylightSaving: NO]; return zone; } + (NSTimeZoneDetail *)timeZoneWithAbbreviation:(NSString *)abbreviation { return [abbreviationDictionary objectForKey:abbreviation]; } + (NSTimeZone *)timeZoneWithName:(NSString *)aTimeZoneName { NSEnumerator* step = [abbreviationDictionary objectEnumerator]; NSConcreteTimeZoneDetail* zone; while ((zone = [step nextObject]) != nil) if ([aTimeZoneName isEqual:[zone timeZoneName]]) break; [step release]; return zone; } - (NSTimeZoneDetail *)timeZoneDetailForDate:(NSDate *)date // XXX not implemented yet! { return nil; } //Managing Time Zones + (void)setDefaultTimeZone:(NSTimeZone *)aTimeZone { /* NSUserDefaults *db = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; if (aTimeZone != nil) [db setObject:[aTimeZone name] forKey: @DEFAULTDBKEY]; else [db removeObjectForKey: @DEFAULTDBKEY]; return; */ return; } // Getting Time Zone Information + (NSDictionary *)abbreviationDictionary { return abbreviationDictionary; } - (NSString *)timeZoneName /* this is really the subclass's responsibility */ { return @""; } //Getting Arrays of Time Zones + (NSArray *)timeZoneArray /* this should return a NSArray of NSTimeZones. Instead, it returns a NSArray of NSTimeZoneDetail:NSTimeZone. This shouldn't cause problems, as far as I can tell. */ { return [abbreviationDictionary allValues]; } - (NSArray *)timeZoneDetailArray { return [abbreviationDictionary allValues]; } @end @implementation NSTimeZone (NSCopying) - (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone { return [super copyWithZone:zone]; } @end @implementation NSTimeZone (Archiving) - (void)encodeWithCoder: aCoder { return [super encodeWithCoder:aCoder]; } - (id)initWithCoder: aDecoder { return [super initWithCoder:aDecoder]; } @end
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