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Objective-C runtime support
    Currently there are two different Objective-C runtimes: the original
    NeXT runtime and the GNU runtime which is modelled after it.

    The differences between the two runtimes resides mainly in the naming of
    functions. However there are differences that make the two runtimes
    incompatible. The most important one is how the selectors are kept.

    On NeXT runtime a selector is simply a unique string that represents its
    name. On GNU runtime, a selector is a structure consisting from a
    selector id (that is not its name) and a string describing its types.
    The both approaches have advantages and disadvantages. In the NeXT
    approach no matter how many times you request a selector (either using
    the @selector directive or by sel_getUid), you receive the same
    selector. This is possible because the selector is simply represented as
    a string. On the GNU runtime each time you request a selector using the
    @selector directive you get a different selector. Moreover the obtained
    selector has the `types' member set to NULL.

    In the NeXT approach the encoding of the selector's types are bound to
    each class that has a corresponding method. In the GNU approach the
    selector's types are bound to the selector.

    This differences have deep implication on how the NSProxy class handle a
    method call in the forwardInvocation: method. On the NeXT runtime, the
    proxy should make a request to the remote side to obtain the types of
    the method. The types are used locally by a NSMethodSignature object to
    determine an encoding. This encoding is used to access correctly the
    arguments on the stack. However you have the possibility to set a
    protocol to the NSProxy object at which the remote object answer. This
    should be done to avoid asking the true object about its selector types
    and so to increase performance.

    On the GNU runtime this is not necessarily because in the
    forwardInvocation: method the selector usually comes with types in it.
    However there are cases when this is not true and the same mechanism
    like in the NeXT case should be applied.

    Because the remote machine could be different than the local one, the
    NSMethodSignature class should be able to create the correct encoding
    from the types received from remote. Thus the NSMethodSignature class is
    dependent on the target machine.

    This implementation of Foundation works with both runtimes. The objc-
    runtime.h file defines the runtime functions to be those from the GNU
    runtime. All the NeXT runtime functions are defined in terms of GNU
    runtime functions.

    In order to write portable programs for both runtimes you should never
    use functions in the GNU runtime that work with the types associated
    with the selector. So the sel_get_type, sel_get_any_uid and
    sel_get_typed_uid cannot be used in programs. Also you should never use
    functions like objc_msgSend or objc_msgSendv. Use the objc_msg_sendv
    function or the NSInvocation class instead.

    Never use types like Method in the NeXT runtime or Method_t in the GNU
    runtime. Use instead the type struct objc_method*. This exists in both

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.