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Garbage collector based on reference counting
    This library contains some classes that allow you to write code without
    explicitly managing cyclic references. You have to manage explicitly the
    reference counts when you have objects that form cyclic graphs.

    The garbage collector neither maintains explicitly all the pointers in
    your program nor it collects all the memory allocated by you in the
    program. Instead it collects and maintains only some special kind of
    objects, that are garbage collectable.

    The algorithm was inspired from a similar one found in the Brian M.
    Kennedy's <bmk@csc.ti.com> OATH C++ library. It works in three passes.
    Suppose that all the objects that are garbage collectable are known.
    Also each object has an additional flag, used for determining if the
    object was already visited.

    During the first pass, all objects that are garbage collectable clears
    the associated flag and receive the message `-
    gcDecrementRefCountOfContainedObjects'. In this method the object
    decrements the ref count of every garbage collectable object it
    contains. After this pass all the objects that have the ref count 0 are
    part of cyclic graphs. Such objects have their ref count due only to
    another objects from graph.

    In the second pass we have to restore the original ref counts and to
    isolate the nodes from cyclic graphs. In this pass all the objects that
    have the ref count greater than 0 receive the message `-
    gcIncrementRefCountOfContainedObjects'. In this method the object check
    the flag if it's set. This flag tells if the object was visited
    previously. If the flag is set, the method returns, else the flag is
    set. Then the ref count of every garbage collectable object contained is
    incremented and the message `-gcIncrementRefCountOfContainedObjects' is
    sent to those objects.

    After this pass all the objects that are reachable from `outside' have
    their ref count greater than 0. All the objects that still have their
    ref count equal with 0 are part of cyclic graphs and there is no
    reference from `outside' to an object from these graphs.

    In the third pass all the objects that have their ref count equal with 0
    receive the `-dealloc' message. In this method the objects should send
    the `-release' message to all contained objects that are not garbage
    collectable. This because the order of deallocation is not known and you
    can send `-release' to an already deallocated object. So if a class
    contains both normal objects and garbage collectable objects, it should
    maintain their collectable status when the objects are retained.

  The `GarbageCollector' class

    The class `GarbageCollector' implements the garbage collector. It has
    the following interface:

        @interface GarbageCollector : NSObject
        + (void)addObject:(id)anObject;
        + (void)objectWillBeDeallocated:(id)anObject;
        + (void)collectGarbages;

    A new garbage collectable object has to be made know to the
    `GarbageCollector' collector by sending it the `+addObject:' message
    with self as argument. When the object is deallocated it should inform
    the `GarbageCollector' class about this by sending it the
    `+objectWillBeDeallocated:' message with self as argument.

    The `+collectGarbages' should be send to the `GarbageCollector' class to
    collect the garbages. You can send it whenever you want. If you are
    using a run loop in your program you can set a timer to be called
    periodically. Or you can call the garbage collector when the program is

    In the current implementation the garbage collector is not thread-safe,
    so please don't use it in multi-threaded programs, unless you use
    garbage collectable objects only in one thread.

  The `GarbageCollecting' protocol

    To allow instances of a class to be garbage collectable, the class
    should implement the following protocol:

        @protocol GarbageCollecting
        - gcSetNextObject:(id)anObject;
        - gcSetPreviousObject:(id)anObject;
        - (id)gcNextObject;
        - (id)gcPreviousObject;

        - (void)gcIncrementRefCount;
        - (void)gcDecrementRefCount;
        - (void)gcDecrementRefCountOfContainedObjects;
        - (BOOL)gcIncrementRefCountOfContainedObjects;
        - (BOOL)isGarbageCollectable;

    The `GarbageCollector' class uses a double linked list to maintain the
    objects. The `gcSetNextObject:', `gcSetPreviousObject:', `gcNextObject'
    and `gcPreviousObject' are used by the collector to add or remove
    objects in its list. This could change in the future.

    The `gcIncrementRefCount' and `gcDecrementRefCount' methods should
    increment, respectively decrement the ref count of receiver.

    The `gcDecrementRefCountOfContainedObjects' method should decrement the
    ref count of all garbage collectable objects contained, by sending them
    the `-gcDecrementRefCount'.

    The `gcIncrementRefCountOfContainedObjects' method should check the
    flag. If this is true, the method should return NO; it this is false the
    method should set it. Then it should increment the ref count of garbage
    collectable objects contained by sending them the `-gcIncrementRefCount'
    message. After this it should send the `-
    gcIncrementRefCountOfContainedObjects' message to the same objects. Then
    it should return YES.

    The object should respond YES at the `-isGarbageCollectable' message if
    it is garbage collectable. The NSObject class responds NO to this

    You should note the asymmetry between the
    `gcDecrementRefCountOfContainedObjects' and
    `gcIncrementRefCountOfContainedObjects' methods. This makes the
    algorithm to work. So be careful if you're using copy/paste operations
    to write them in your editor :-)!

  Support classes

    There is a class `GCObject' from which you could inherit your own
    classes. This class implements the `GarbageCollecting' protocol.

    Using this class, you could write a class whose instances hold other
    objects. This class is safe to cyclic references. Here is its

        @interface MyGCObject : GCObject
            id object;
            BOOL isGarbageCollectable;
        - (void)setObject:(id)anObject;
        - (id)object;
        @implementation MyGCObject
        - (void)setObject:(id)anObject
            [anObject retain];
            [object release];
            object = anObject;
            isGarbageCollectable = [object isGarbageCollectable];
        - (id)object
            return object;
        - (void)decrementRefCountOfContainedObjects
            [object gcDecrementRefCount];
        - (BOOL)incrementRefCountOfContainedObjects
            if(![super incrementRefCountOfContainedObjects])
                return NO;
            [object gcIncrementRefCount];
            [object incrementRefCountOfContainedObjects];
            return YES;
        - (void)dealloc
                [object release];
            [super dealloc];

    There are also concrete subclasses of NSArray and NSDictionary named
    GCArray and GCDictionary respectively, together with their mutable
    classes GCMutableArray and GCMutableDictionary. Their instances could
    hold both normal and garbage collectable objects.

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.