
This is NSScanner.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]


   Copyright (C) 1995, 1996 Ovidiu Predescu and Mircea Oancea.
   All rights reserved.

   Author: Ovidiu Predescu <ovidiu@bx.logicnet.ro>

   This file is part of libFoundation.

   Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
   documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
   that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
   copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting

   We disclaim all warranties with regard to this software, including all
   implied warranties of merchantability and fitness, in no event shall
   we be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or any
   damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether in
   an action of contract, negligence or other tortious action, arising out of
   or in connection with the use or performance of this software.

#include <Foundation/NSString.h>
#include <Foundation/NSCharacterSet.h>
#include <Foundation/NSDictionary.h>
#include <Foundation/NSUserDefaults.h>
#include <Foundation/NSScanner.h>
#include "NSConcreteScanner.h"

/* BUGS:

   The current implementation assumes that the characters given in
   the locale dictionary under the NSDecimalDigits key are consecutive.

   No verify is performed to see if the thousand separator is positioned
   strictly between groups of digits. Maybe the grouping of digits should be
   also described in the locale dictionary.

@implementation NSScanner

+ (id)allocWithZone:(NSZone*)zone
    return NSAllocateObject([NSConcreteScanner class], 0, zone);

+ (id)scannerWithString:(NSString*)string
    NSScanner* scanner = [[[NSConcreteScanner alloc] initWithString:string]
    [scanner setCharactersToBeSkipped:
		    [NSCharacterSet whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet]];
    return scanner;

+ (id)localizedScannerWithString:(NSString*)string
    NSScanner* scanner = [self scannerWithString:string];
    NSMutableDictionary* dictionary = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
    NSUserDefaults* userDefaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];

    [dictionary setObject:[userDefaults objectForKey:NSDecimalDigits]
    [dictionary setObject:[userDefaults objectForKey:NSDecimalSeparator]
    [dictionary setObject:[userDefaults objectForKey:NSThousandsSeparator]

    return scanner;

- (id)initWithString:(NSString*)string
    [self subclassResponsibility:_cmd];
    return nil;

- (NSString*)string
    [self subclassResponsibility:_cmd];
    return nil;

- (void)setScanLocation:(unsigned int)index
    [self subclassResponsibility:_cmd];

- (unsigned int)scanLocation
    [self subclassResponsibility:_cmd];
    return 0;

- (void)setCaseSensitive:(BOOL)flag
    [self subclassResponsibility:_cmd];

- (BOOL)caseSensitive
    [self subclassResponsibility:_cmd];
    return NO;

- (void)setCharactersToBeSkipped:(NSCharacterSet*)skipSet
    [self subclassResponsibility:_cmd];

- (NSCharacterSet*)charactersToBeSkipped
    [self subclassResponsibility:_cmd];
    return nil;

- (BOOL)scanCharactersFromSet:(NSCharacterSet*)scanSet
    id string = [self string];
    unsigned int orig = [self scanLocation];
    unsigned int length = [string length];
    unsigned int location = orig;

    for (; location < length; location++)
	if (![scanSet characterIsMember:[string characterAtIndex:location]])

    /* Check if we scanned anything */
    if (location != orig) {
	if (value) {
	    NSRange range = { orig, location - orig }; 
	    *value = [string substringWithRange:range];
	[self setScanLocation:location];
	return YES;

    return NO;

- (BOOL)scanUpToCharactersFromSet:(NSCharacterSet*)stopSet
    return [self scanCharactersFromSet:[stopSet invertedSet] intoString:value];

- (BOOL)scanDouble:(double*)value
# include "scanFloat.def"

- (BOOL)scanFloat:(float*)value
#define FLOAT_TYPE
# include "scanFloat.def"

- (BOOL)scanInt:(int*)value
#define INT_TYPE
# include "scanInt.def"
#undef INT_TYPE

- (BOOL)scanLongLong:(long long*)value
# include "scanInt.def"

- (BOOL)scanString:(NSString*)searchString intoString:(NSString**)value
    id string = [self string];
    unsigned int searchStringLength = [searchString length];
    NSRange range;
    unsigned int options;
    unsigned int location;

    /* First skip the blank characters */
    [self scanCharactersFromSet:[self charactersToBeSkipped] intoString:NULL];

    range.location = location = [self scanLocation];
    range.length = searchStringLength;

    /* Check if the searchString can be contained in the remained scanned
       string. */
    if ([string length] < range.location + range.length)
	return NO;

    options = NSAnchoredSearch;
    if (![self caseSensitive])
	options |= NSCaseInsensitiveSearch;

    if ([string compare:searchString options:options range:range]
	    == NSOrderedSame) {
	[self setScanLocation:(range.location + range.length)];
	if (value)
	    *value = [searchString copy];
	return YES;

    return NO;

- (BOOL)scanUpToString:(NSString*)stopString intoString:(NSString**)value
    id string = [self string];
    NSRange range;
    unsigned int options = 0;
    unsigned int location;

    /* First skip the blank characters */
    [self scanCharactersFromSet:[self charactersToBeSkipped] intoString:NULL];

    if (![self caseSensitive])
	options = NSCaseInsensitiveSearch;

    range.location = location = [self scanLocation];
    range.length = [string length] - location;
    range = [string rangeOfString:stopString options:options range:range];

    if (range.length) {
	/* A match was found */
	[self setScanLocation:range.location];
	if (value) {
	    range.length = range.location - location;
	    range.location = location;
	    *value = [string substringWithRange:range];
	return YES;

    return NO;

- (BOOL)isAtEnd
    return [self scanLocation] == [[self string] length];

- (void)setLocale:(NSDictionary*)locale
    [self subclassResponsibility:_cmd];

- (NSDictionary*)locale
    [self subclassResponsibility:_cmd];
    return nil;

@end /* NSScanner */

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.