
This is signature-test.pl in view mode; [Download] [Up]

#! /usr/local/bin/perl

#  signature-test.pl
#  Copyright (C) 1995, 1996, 1997 Ovidiu Predescu and Mircea Oancea.
#  All rights reserved.
#  Author: Ovidiu Predescu <ovidiu@bx.logicnet.ro>
#  This file is part of libFoundation.
#  Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
#  documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
#  that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
#  copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
#  documentation.
#  We disclaim all warranties with regard to this software, including all
#  implied warranties of merchantability and fitness, in no event shall
#  we be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or any
#  damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether in
#  an action of contract, negligence or other tortious action, arising out of
#  or in connection with the use or performance of this software.

@types = (

%type_encoding = (
    'char' => 'c',
    'short' => 's',
    'int' => 'i',
    'long' => 'l',
    'float' => 'f',
    'double' => 'd',
    'void*' => '^v',
    'Struct1' => '{?=c}',
    'Struct2' => '{?=s}',
    'Struct3' => '{?=sc}',
    'Struct4' => '{?=i}',
    'Struct5' => '{?=ic}',
    'Struct6' => '{?=is}',
    'Struct7' => '{?=isc}',
    'Struct8' => '{?=ii}'

%type_method_name = (
    'char' => 'c',
    'short' => 's',
    'int' => 'i',
    'long' => 'l',
    'float' => 'f',
    'double' => 'd',
    'void*' => 'p',
    'Struct1' => 's1',
    'Struct2' => 's2',
    'Struct3' => 's3',
    'Struct4' => 's4',
    'Struct5' => 's5',
    'Struct6' => 's6',
    'Struct7' => 's7',
    'Struct8' => 's8'

# The maximum number of arguments a method should have
$no_of_args = 2;

sub generate_methods_file {
    local ($file,
	    $file_prologue, $file_epilogue,
	    $method_prefix, $method_code,
    ) = @_;

    $FILE = "> $file";
    #$FILE = ">-";
    open(FILE) or die "cannot open file: $!\n";
    print FILE $file_prologue;

    # The number of methods generated
    $methods_generated = 0;

    gen_method($no_of_args, $method_prefix, $method_code, $initial_acc_args);
    print FILE $file_epilogue;

    print "$methods_generated methods generated in file $file.\n";

sub gen_method {
    local ($mth_no_of_args,
	    $method_prefix, $method_code,
    ) = @_;

    gen_method1(0, $mth_no_of_args, "", $initial_acc_args,
		$method_prefix, $method_code);

sub gen_method1 {
    local (
	    $curr_type_no, $curr_arg_no,
	    $acc_mth_name, $acc_args,
	    $method_prefix, $method_code
    ) = @_;

    if ($curr_arg_no == 0) {
	print FILE "$method_prefix";
	if ($acc_mth_name ne "") {
	    print FILE "${acc_mth_name}${acc_args}";
	print FILE $method_code;
	print "$methods_generated\r";

    # Determine the preceding types. We not generate the methods that have more
    # than 2 identical types in consecutive positions.
    local $prev_type = "";
    if ($acc_mth_name =~ /.*_(.*)$/) {
	$prev_type = $acc_mth_name;
	$prev_type =~ s/.*_(.*)$/$1/;

    for (local $curr_type_no = 0; $curr_type_no <= $#types; $curr_type_no++) {
	local $label = $type_method_name{$types[$curr_type_no]};

	if(!($label eq $prev_type)) {
	    gen_method1($curr_type_no, $curr_arg_no - 1,
		    &$show_acc_args($acc_args, $curr_type_no, $curr_arg_no),
		    $method_prefix, $method_code);

$source_file = __FILE__;

$show_acc_args = sub {
    local ($acc_args, $curr_type_no, $curr_arg_no) = @_;
    local $number = $no_of_args - $curr_arg_no;
    local $label = $type_method_name{$types[$curr_type_no]};

    return "$acc_args:($types[$curr_type_no])${label}${number} ";

"/* Do not modify! Generated automatically from $source_file. */

#include <Foundation/NSObject.h>
#include \"MyObject.h\"

\@interface SignatureTest : NSObject

\@implementation SignatureTest

", "
\@end /* SignatureTest */
", "- (void)method",

$show_acc_args = sub {
    local ($acc_args, $curr_type_no, $curr_arg_no) = @_;

    return ":${acc_args}${type_encoding{$types[$curr_type_no]}}";

"# Do not modify! Generated automatically from $source_file.

set test \"aut-mthsign\"

call loop

defobj object [[SignatureTest new] autorelease]

", "
defobj begin_exception [GoToBeginException new]
send \"throw \$begin_exception\\n\"
expect {
    -re \"\$prompt\$\"	{}
"defobj pool [NSAutoreleasePool new]
check_encoding object \"method",
[pool release]

"\" \"v\@:");

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.