
This is NSProcessInfo.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* Implementation for NSProcessInfo for GNUStep
   Copyright (C) 1995, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

   Written by:  Georg Tuparev, EMBL & Academia Naturalis, 
                Heidelberg, Germany
   This file is part of the GNUstep Base Library.

   This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
   version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
   This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   Library General Public License for more details.
   You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
   License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
   Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

 * File Name  : NSProcessInfo.m
 * Version    : 0.6 beta
 * Date       : 06-aug-1995
 * Notes      : 
 * 1) The class functionality depends on the following UNIX functions and
 * global variables: gethostname(), getpid(), and environ. For all system
 * I had the opportunity to test them they are defined and have the same
 * behavior. The same is true for the meaning of argv[0] (process name).
 * 2) The global variable _gnu_sharedProcessInfoObject should NEVER be
 * deallocate during the process runtime. Therefore I implemented a 
 * concrete NSProcessInfo subclass (_NSConcreteProcessInfo) with the only
 * purpose to override the autorelease, retain, and release methods.
 * To Do      : 
 * 1) To test the class on more platforms;
 * 2) To change the format of the string renurned by globallyUniqueString;
 * Bugs       : Not known
 * Last update: 08-aug-1995
 * History    : 06-aug-1995    - Birth and the first beta version (v. 0.5);
 *              08-aug-1995    - V. 0.6 (tested on NS, SunOS, Solaris, OSF/1
 *              The use of the environ global var was changed to more 
 *              conventional env[] (main function) so now the class could be
 *              used on SunOS and Solaris. [GT]
 * Acknowledgments:
 * - Adam Fedor, Andrew McCallum, and Paul Kunz for their help;
 * - To the NEXTSTEP/GNUStep community

/* One of these two should have MAXHOSTNAMELEN */
#ifndef __WIN32__
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#endif /* !__WIN32__ */

#include <string.h>
#include <Foundation/NSString.h>
#include <Foundation/NSArray.h>
#include <Foundation/NSDictionary.h>
#include <Foundation/NSDate.h>
#include <Foundation/NSException.h>
#include <Foundation/NSProcessInfo.h>

/* This error message should be called only if the private main function
 * was not executed successfully. This may heppen ONLY if onother library
 * or kit defines its own main function (as libobjects does).
#define _GNU_MISSING_MAIN_FUNCTION_CALL @"Libobjects internal error: \
the private libobjects function to establish the argv and environment \
variables was not called. Please contact Tuparev@EMBL-Heidelberg.de for \
further information."

 *** _NSConcreteProcessInfo
@interface _NSConcreteProcessInfo:NSProcessInfo
- (id)autorelease;
- (void)release;
- (id)retain;

@implementation _NSConcreteProcessInfo
- (id)autorelease
  return self;

- (void)release

- (id)retain
  return self;

 *** NSProcessInfo implementation
@implementation NSProcessInfo
 *** Static global vars
// The shared NSProcessInfo instance
static NSProcessInfo* _gnu_sharedProcessInfoObject = nil;

// Host name of the CPU executing the process
static NSString* _gnu_hostName = nil;   

// Current process name
static NSString* _gnu_processName = nil;

// Array of NSStrings (argv[1] .. argv[argc-1])
static NSArray* _gnu_arguments = nil;

// Dictionary of environment vars and their values
static NSMutableDictionary* _gnu_environment = nil;

 *** Implementing the Libobjects main function

static void 
_gnu_process_args(int argc, char *argv[], char *env[])
  int i;

  /* Getting the process name */
  _gnu_processName = [[NSString alloc] initWithCString:argv[0]];
  /* Copy the argument list */
    id obj_argv[argc];
    for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) 
      obj_argv[i-1] = [NSString stringWithCString:argv[i]];
    _gnu_arguments = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:obj_argv count:argc-1];
  /* Copy the evironment list */
    char *cp;
    NSMutableArray *keys = [NSMutableArray new];
    NSMutableArray *values = [NSMutableArray new];
    i = 0;
    while (env[i]) 
	cp = strchr(env[i],'=');
	/* Temporary set *cp to \0 for copying purposes */
	*cp = '\0';
	[keys addObject: [NSString stringWithCString:env[i]]];
	[values addObject: [NSString stringWithCString:cp+1]];
	/* Return the original value of environ[i] */
	*cp = '=';
    _gnu_environment = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithObjects:values
    /* Do this explicitly, because we probably don't have 
       a NSAutoreleasePool initialized yet. */
    [keys release];
    [values release];

/* Place the _gnu_process_args function in the _libc_subinit section so
   that it automatically gets called before main with the argument and
   environment pointers. FIXME: Would like to do something similar
   for other formats besides ELF. */
#if (defined(__ELF__) || defined(SYS_AUTOLOAD))
#ifdef linux

/* Under linux the functions in __libc_subinit are called before the
 * global constructiors, therefore, we cannot send methods to any objects

static int _gnu_noobjc_argc;
static char **_gnu_noobjc_argv;
static char **_gnu_noobjc_env;

static void 
_gnu_process_noobjc_args(int argc, char *argv[], char *env[]) {
	int i;

	/* We have to copy these in case the main() modifies their values
	 * somehow before we get a change to use them

	_gnu_noobjc_argc = argc;
	_gnu_noobjc_argv = NSZoneMalloc(NS_NOZONE,sizeof(char *)*(i+1));
	while(*argv) {
		_gnu_noobjc_argv[i] = NSZoneMalloc(NS_NOZONE,strlen(*argv)+1);
	_gnu_noobjc_argv[i] = 0;
	_gnu_noobjc_env = NSZoneMalloc(NS_NOZONE,sizeof(char *)*(i+1));
	while(*env) {
		_gnu_noobjc_env[i] = NSZoneMalloc(NS_NOZONE,strlen(*env)+1);
	_gnu_noobjc_env[i] = 0;


static void _gnu_noobjc_free_vars(void)
	char **p;

	p = _gnu_noobjc_argv;
	while (*p) {
	_gnu_noobjc_argv = 0;

	p = _gnu_noobjc_env;
	while (*p) {
	_gnu_noobjc_env = 0;

void * __gnustep_base_subinit_args__
__attribute__ ((section ("__libc_subinit"))) = &(_gnu_process_noobjc_args);

+ (void)initialize {
	if (!_gnu_processName && !_gnu_arguments && !_gnu_environment) {
		NSAssert(_gnu_noobjc_argv && _gnu_noobjc_env,

static void * __gnustep_base_subinit_args__
__attribute__ ((section ("_libc_subinit"))) = &(_gnu_process_args);
#undef main
int main(int argc, char *argv[], char *env[])
  _gnu_process_args(argc, argv, env);

  /* Call the user defined main function */
  return gnustep_base_user_main (argc, argv, env);

 *** Getting an NSProcessInfo Object
+ (NSProcessInfo *)processInfo
  // Check if the main() function was successfully called
  NSAssert(_gnu_processName && _gnu_arguments && _gnu_environment,

  if (!_gnu_sharedProcessInfoObject)
    _gnu_sharedProcessInfoObject = [[_NSConcreteProcessInfo alloc] init];
  return _gnu_sharedProcessInfoObject;

 *** Returning Process Information
- (NSArray *)arguments
  return _gnu_arguments;

- (NSDictionary *)environment
  return _gnu_environment;

- (NSString *)hostName
  if (!_gnu_hostName) 
      char hn[MAXHOSTNAMELEN];

      gethostname(hn, MAXHOSTNAMELEN);
      _gnu_hostName = [[NSString alloc] initWithCString:hn];
  return _gnu_hostName;

- (NSString *)processName
  return _gnu_processName;

- (NSString *)globallyUniqueString
  // $$$ The format of the string is not specified by the OpenStep 
  // specification. It could be useful to change this format after
  // NeXTSTEP release 4.0 comes out.
  return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%s:%d:[%s]",
		   [[self hostName] cString],
		   [[[NSDate date] description] cString]];

 *** Specifying a Process Name
- (void)setProcessName:(NSString *)newName
  if (newName && [newName length]) {
    [_gnu_processName autorelease];
    _gnu_processName = [newName copyWithZone:[self zone]];


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.