
This is NSData.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* Stream of bytes class for serialization and persistance in GNUStep
   Copyright (C) 1995, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
   Written by:  Andrew Kachites McCallum <mccallum@gnu.ai.mit.edu>
   Date: March 1995
   This file is part of the GNUstep Base Library.
   This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
   version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
   This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   Library General Public License for more details.
   You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
   License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
   Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

#include <gnustep/base/preface.h>
#include <Foundation/NSData.h>
#include <Foundation/NSString.h>
#include <Foundation/NSException.h>
#include <Foundation/NSGData.h>
#include <string.h>		/* for memset() */

/* xxx Pretty messy.  Needs work. */

@implementation NSData

static Class NSData_concrete_class;
static Class NSMutableData_concrete_class;

+ (void) _setConcreteClass: (Class)c
  NSData_concrete_class = c;

+ (void) _setMutableConcreteClass: (Class)c
  NSMutableData_concrete_class = c;

+ (Class) _concreteClass
  return NSData_concrete_class;

+ (Class) _mutableConcreteClass
  return NSMutableData_concrete_class;

+ (void) initialize
  NSData_concrete_class = [NSGData class];
  NSMutableData_concrete_class = [NSGMutableData class];

// Allocating and Initializing a Data Object
+ allocWithZone:(NSZone *)zone
  return NSAllocateObject([self _concreteClass], 0, zone);

+ (id) data
  return [[[self alloc] init] 

+ (id) dataWithBytes: (const void*)bytes
   length: (unsigned int)length
  return [[[self alloc] initWithBytes:bytes length:length] 

+ (id) dataWithBytesNoCopy: (void*)bytes
   length: (unsigned int)length
  return [[[self alloc] initWithBytesNoCopy:bytes length:length]

/* FIXME: Should these next two be autorelease?  The pattern says yes.
 * But the docs fail to explicitly indicate it.  It only makes sense,
 * though. */
+ (id)dataWithContentsOfFile: (NSString*)path
  return [[[self alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:path] 

+ (id) dataWithContentsOfMappedFile: (NSString*)path
  return [[[self alloc] initWithContentsOfMappedFile:path]

- (id) initWithBytes: (const void*)bytes
   length: (unsigned int)length
  /* xxx Eventually we'll have to be aware of malloc'ed memory
     vs vm_allocate'd memory, etc. */
  void *buf = NSZoneMalloc([self zone], length);
  memcpy(buf, bytes, length);
  return [self initWithBytesNoCopy:buf length:length];

/* This is the (internal) designated initializer for NSData.  This routine
   should only be called by known subclasses of NSData. Other subclasses
   should just use [super init]. */
- (id) _initWithBytesNoCopy: (void*)bytes
   length: (unsigned int)length
    return [super init];

- (id) initWithBytesNoCopy: (void*)bytes
   length: (unsigned int)length
  /* xxx Eventually we'll have to be aware of malloc'ed memory
     vs vm_allocate'd memory, etc. */
  [self subclassResponsibility:_cmd];
  return nil;

- init
  /* xxx Is this right? */
  /* FIXME: It seems so; mutable subclasses need to deal gracefully
   * with NULL pointers and/or 0 length data objects, though.  Which
   * they do. */
  return [self _initWithBytesNoCopy:NULL length:0];

- (id) initWithContentsOfFile: (NSString *)path
  void *tmpBytes;
  const char *theFileName;
  FILE *theFile;
  long int length;
  long int d;
  int c;
  /* FIXME: I'm not sure that I'm dealing with failures correctly
   * here.  I just return nil; should I return something like
   *   [self initWithBytesNoCopy:NULL length:0]
   * instead?  The docs don't indicate any exception raising should
   * take place; so what else can I do? */

  /* FIXME: I believe that we should take the name of the file to be
   * the cString of the path provided.  It is unclear, however, that
   * this is correct for fully internationalized functionality.  If
   * the cString <--> Unicode translation isn't completely
   * bidirectional, this simple translation might not be the proper
   * one. */

  theFileName = [path cString];
  theFile = fopen(theFileName, "r");
  if (theFile == NULL)          /* We failed to open the file. */
    goto failure;

  /* Seek to the end of the file. */
  c = fseek(theFile, 0L, SEEK_END);
  if (c != 0)                   /* Something went wrong; though I
                                 * don't know what. */
    goto failure;

  /* Determine the length of the file (having seeked to the end of the
   * file) by calling ftell(). */
  length = ftell(theFile);
  if (length == -1)             /* I can't imagine what could go
                                 * wrong, but here we are. */
    goto failure;

  /* Set aside the space we'll need. */
  tmpBytes = NSZoneMalloc([self zone], length);

  if (tmpBytes == NULL)         /* Out of memory, I guess. */
    goto failure;

  /* Rewind the file pointer to the beginning, preparing to read in
   * the file. */
  c = fseek(theFile, 0L, SEEK_SET);
  if (c != 0)                   /* Oh, No. */
    goto failure;

  /* Now we read the file into tmpBytes one (unsigned) byte at a
   * time.  We should probably be more careful to check that we don't
   * get an EOF.  But what would this mean?  That the file had been
   * changed in the middle of all this.  So maybe we should think
   * about locking the file? */
  for (d = 0; d < length; d++)
    ((unsigned char *)tmpBytes)[d] = (unsigned char) fgetc(theFile);

  /* success: */
  return [self initWithBytesNoCopy:tmpBytes length:length];

  /* Just in case the failure action needs to be changed. */
  return nil;

- (id) initWithContentsOfMappedFile: (NSString *)path;
  /* FIXME: Until I can learn about mapped files on various systems,
   * the docs indicate that this should be identical with
   *   [self initWithContentsOfFile:path].
   * Linux, for example, has mapped files, as do many (all?) SYSV
   * unices, but I don't know enough about these various systems to
   * deal with them.  Does any POSIX standard specify mapped file
   * capabilities? */
  return [self initWithContentsOfFile:path];

- (id) initWithData: (NSData*)data
  return [self initWithBytes:[data bytes] length:[data length]];

// Accessing Data 

- (const void*) bytes
  [self subclassResponsibility:_cmd];
  return NULL;

- (NSString*) description
  const char *src = [self bytes];
  char *dest;
  int length = [self length];
  int i,j;

#define num2char(num) ((num) < 0xa ? ((num)+'0') : ((num)+0x57))

  /* we can just build a cString and convert it to an NSString */
  dest = (char*) malloc (2*length+length/4+3);
  dest[0] = '<';
  for (i=0,j=1; i<length; i++,j++)
      dest[j++] = num2char((src[i]>>4) & 0x0f);
      dest[j] = num2char(src[i] & 0x0f);
      if((i&0x3) == 3)
	/* if we've just finished a 32-bit int, print a space */
	dest[++j] = ' ';
  dest[j++] = '>';
  dest[j] = '\0';
  return [NSString stringWithCString: dest];

- (void)getBytes: (void*)buffer
  [self getBytes:buffer length:[self length]];

- (void)getBytes: (void*)buffer
   length: (unsigned int)length
  /* FIXME: Is this static NSRange creation preferred to the
   * documented NSMakeRange()? */
  [self getBytes:buffer range:((NSRange){0, length})];

- (void)getBytes: (void*)buffer
   range: (NSRange)aRange
  if (NSMaxRange(aRange) > [self length])
    /* FIXME: I think that this is the proper way to raise this
     * exception.  Maybe not, though.  Does GNUStep have a standard
     * format that ``internal'' exceptions like this one should have?
     * If not, then maybe it should.  It would help debugging. */
    [NSException raise:NSRangeException
                format:@"Out of bounds of Data."];
    /* FIXME: I guess we're guaranteed that memcpy() exists? */
    memcpy(buffer, [self bytes] + aRange.location, aRange.length);

- (NSData*) subdataWithRange: (NSRange)aRange
  void *buffer;

  /* FIXME: Just a question; is it safe to have all of the
   * NSZoneMalloc'ing without closing NSZoneFree'ing?  It seems to be
   * popular in this code.  */
  buffer = NSZoneMalloc([self zone], aRange.length);

  /* Remember, [NSData -getBytes:range:] will raise an exception if
   * aRange is out-of-bounds. */
  [self getBytes:buffer range:aRange];

  /* FIXME: Should this be an autoreleased object, as it is now? */
  return [NSData dataWithBytesNoCopy:buffer length:aRange.length];

- (BOOL) isEqual: anObject
  /* FIXME: OpenStep uses -isKindOfClass: rather than -isKindOf:.  Is
   * it better to use -isKindOf:, since we know we're using GNUObjC?
   * It seems to me more prudent to stick with the OpenStep version,
   * since we're writing OpenStep code. */
  if ([anObject isKindOf:[NSData class]])
    return [self isEqualToData:anObject];
  return NO;

// Querying a Data Object
- (BOOL) isEqualToData: (NSData*)other;
  int len;
  if ((len = [self length]) != [other length])
    return NO;
  return (memcmp([self bytes], [other bytes], len) ? NO : YES);

- (unsigned int)length;
  /* This is left to concrete subclasses to implement. */
  [self subclassResponsibility:_cmd];
  return 0;

// Storing Data

- (BOOL) writeToFile: (NSString *)path
   atomically: (BOOL)useAuxiliaryFile
  const char *theFileName;
  const char *theRealFileName = NULL;
  FILE *theFile;
  int c;

  /* FIXME: The docs say nothing about the raising of any exceptions,
   * but if someone can provide evidence as to the proper handling of
   * bizarre situations here, I'll add whatever functionality is
   * needed.  For the time being, I'm returning the success or failure
   * of the write as a boolean YES or NO. */

  /* FIXME: I believe that we should take the name of the file to be
   * the cString of the path provided.  It is unclear, however, that
   * this is correct for fully internationalized functionality.  If
   * the cString <--> Unicode translation isn't completely
   * bidirectional, this simple translation might not be the proper
   * one. */

  if (useAuxiliaryFile)
      /* FIXME: Is it clear that using the tmpnam() system call is the
       * right way to go?  Do we need to worry about renaming the
       * tempfile thus created, if we happen to be moving it across
       * filesystems, for example?  I don't think so.  In particular,
       * I think that this *is* a correct way to handle things. */
      theFileName = tmpnam(NULL);
      theRealFileName = [path cString];
      theFileName = [path cString];

  /* Open the file (whether temp or real) for writing. */
  theFile = fopen(theFileName, "w");

  if (theFile == NULL)          /* Something went wrong; we weren't
                                 * even able to open the file. */
    goto failure;

  /* Now we try and write the NSData's bytes to the file.  Here `c' is
   * the number of bytes which were successfully written to the file
   * in the fwrite() call. */
  /* FIXME: Do we need the `sizeof(char)' here? Is there any system
   * where sizeof(char) isn't just 1?  Or is it guaranteed to be 8
   * bits? */
  c = fwrite([self bytes], sizeof(char), [self length], theFile);

  if (c < [self length])        /* We failed to write everything for
                                 * some reason. */
    goto failure;

  /* We're done, so close everything up. */
  c = fclose(theFile);

  if (c != 0)                   /* I can't imagine what went wrong
                                 * closing the file, but we got here,
                                 * so we need to deal with it. */
    goto failure;

  /* If we used a temporary file, we still need to rename() it be the
   * real file.  Am I forgetting anything here? */
  if (useAuxiliaryFile)
      c = rename(theFileName, theRealFileName);

      if (c != 0)               /* Many things could go wrong, I
                                 * guess. */
	goto failure;

  /* success: */
  return YES;

  /* Just in case the failure action needs to be changed. */
  return NO;

// Deserializing Data

- (unsigned int) deserializeAlignedBytesLengthAtCursor: (unsigned int*)cursor
  [self notImplemented:_cmd];
  return 0;

- (void)deserializeBytes: (void*)buffer
   length: (unsigned int)bytes
   atCursor: (unsigned int*)cursor
  [self notImplemented:_cmd];

- (void)deserializeDataAt: (void*)data
   ofObjCType: (const char*)type
   atCursor: (unsigned int*)cursor
   context: (id <NSObjCTypeSerializationCallBack>)callback
  [self notImplemented:_cmd];

- (int) deserializeIntAtCursor: (unsigned int*)cursor
  [self notImplemented:_cmd];
  return 0;

- (int) deserializeIntAtLocation: (unsigned int)location
  [self notImplemented:_cmd];
  return 0;

- (void)deserializeInts: (int*)intBuffer
   count: (unsigned int)numInts
   atCursor: (unsigned int*)cursor
  [self notImplemented:_cmd];

- (void)deserializeInts: (int*)intBuffer
  [self notImplemented:_cmd];

- (id) copyWithZone: (NSZone*)zone
  [self subclassResponsibility:_cmd];
  return nil;

- (id) mutableCopyWithZone: (NSZone*)zone
  [self subclassResponsibility:_cmd];
  return nil;


/* xxx Pretty messy.  Needs work. */

@implementation NSMutableData

+ allocWithZone:(NSZone *)zone
  return NSAllocateObject([self _mutableConcreteClass], 0, zone);

+ (id) dataWithCapacity: (unsigned int)numBytes
  return [[[self alloc] initWithCapacity:numBytes]

+ (id) dataWithLength: (unsigned int)length
  return [[[self alloc] initWithLength:length]

- (id) initWithCapacity: (unsigned int)capacity
  return [self initWithBytesNoCopy:(*objc_malloc)(capacity)

- (id) initWithBytesNoCopy: (void*)bytes
   length: (unsigned int)length
  /* xxx Eventually we'll have to be aware of malloc'ed memory
     vs vm_allocate'd memory, etc. */
  [self subclassResponsibility:_cmd];
  return nil;

- (id) initWithLength: (unsigned int)length
  [self initWithCapacity:length];
  memset ((char*)[self bytes], 0, length);
  return self;

/* This method not in OpenStep */
- (unsigned) capacity
  [self subclassResponsibility: _cmd];
  return 0;

// Adjusting Capacity

- (void) increaseLengthBy: (unsigned int)extraLength
  [self setLength:[self length]+extraLength];

- (void) setLength: (unsigned int)length
  [self subclassResponsibility:_cmd];

- (void*) mutableBytes
  [self subclassResponsibility:_cmd];
  return NULL;

// Appending Data

- (void) appendBytes: (const void*)bytes
	      length: (unsigned int)length
  [self subclassResponsibility:_cmd];

- (void) appendData: (NSData*)other
  [self appendBytes:[other bytes]
	length:[other length]];

// Modifying Data

- (void) replaceBytesInRange: (NSRange)aRange
		   withBytes: (const void*)bytes
  memcpy([self mutableBytes] + aRange.location, bytes, aRange.length);

- (void) resetBytesInRange: (NSRange)aRange
  memset((char*)[self bytes] + aRange.location, 0, aRange.length);

// Serializing Data

- (void) serializeAlignedBytesLength: (unsigned int)length
  [self notImplemented:_cmd];

- (void) serializeDataAt: (const void*)data
	      ofObjCType: (const char*)type
		 context: (id <NSObjCTypeSerializationCallBack>)callback
  [self notImplemented:_cmd];

- (void) serializeInt: (int)value
  [self notImplemented:_cmd];

- (void) serializeInt: (int)value
	      atIndex: (unsigned int)location
  [self notImplemented:_cmd];

- (void) serializeInts: (int*)intBuffer
		 count: (unsigned int)numInts
  [self notImplemented:_cmd];

- (void) serializeInts: (int*)intBuffer
		 count: (unsigned int)numInts
	       atIndex: (unsigned int)location
  [self notImplemented:_cmd];


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.