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/* Implementation for Objective-C Invocation object Copyright (C) 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Written by: Andrew Kachites McCallum <> Date: May 1993 This file is part of the GNUstep Base Library. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include <gnustep/base/preface.h> #include <gnustep/base/Invocation.h> #include <Foundation/NSValue.h> #include <gnustep/base/NSString.h> #include <gnustep/base/Connection.h> #include <gnustep/base/ConnectedCoder.h> #include <Foundation/NSException.h> /* xxx We are currently retaining the return value. We shouldn't always do this. Make is an option. */ /* Deal with strrchr: */ #if STDC_HEADERS || HAVE_STRING_H #include <string.h> /* An ANSI string.h and pre-ANSI memory.h might conflict. */ #if !STDC_HEADERS && HAVE_MEMORY_H #include <memory.h> #endif /* not STDC_HEADERS and HAVE_MEMORY_H */ #define rindex strrchr #define bcopy(s, d, n) memcpy ((d), (s), (n)) #define bcmp(s1, s2, n) memcmp ((s1), (s2), (n)) #define bzero(s, n) memset ((s), 0, (n)) #else /* not STDC_HEADERS and not HAVE_STRING_H */ #include <strings.h> /* memory.h and strings.h conflict on some systems. */ #endif /* not STDC_HEADERS and not HAVE_STRING_H */ /* xxx Perhaps make this an ivar. */ #define return_retained 0 @implementation Invocation - initWithReturnType: (const char *)enc { int l = strlen(enc); OBJC_MALLOC(return_type, char, l + 1); memcpy(return_type, enc, l); return_type[l] = '\0'; enc = objc_skip_type_qualifiers (return_type); if (*enc != 'v') { /* Work around bug in objc_sizeof_type; it doesn't handle void type */ return_size = objc_sizeof_type (enc); return_value = (*objc_calloc) (1, return_size); } else { return_size = 0; return_value = NULL; } return self; } - (void) encodeWithCoder: (id <Encoding>)coder { [super encodeWithCoder: coder]; [coder encodeValueOfCType: @encode(char*) at: &return_type withName: @"Invocation return type"]; [coder encodeValueOfCType: @encode(unsigned) at: &return_size withName: @"Invocation return size"]; if (return_size) [coder encodeValueOfObjCType: return_type at: return_value withName: @"Invocation return value"]; } - initWithCoder: (id <Decoding>)coder { self = [super initWithCoder: coder]; [coder decodeValueOfCType: @encode(char*) at: &return_type withName: NULL]; [coder decodeValueOfCType: @encode(unsigned) at: &return_size withName: NULL]; if (return_size) { return_value = (*objc_malloc) (return_size); [coder decodeValueOfObjCType: return_type at: return_value withName: NULL]; } else return_value = 0; return self; } - (Class) classForConnectedCoder: coder { /* Make sure that Connection's always send us bycopy, i.e. as our own class, not a Proxy class. */ return [self class]; } - (void) invoke { [self subclassResponsibility:_cmd]; } - (void) invokeWithObject: anObj { [self subclassResponsibility:_cmd]; } - (const char *) returnType { return return_type; } - (unsigned) returnSize { return return_size; } - (void) getReturnValue: (void *)addr { if (return_value) memcpy (addr, return_value, return_size); /* xxx what if it hasn't been invoked yet, and there isn't a return value yet. */ } - (void) setReturnValue: (void*)addr { if (return_value) { if (return_retained && *return_type == _C_ID) { [*(id*)return_value release]; *(id*)return_value = *(id*)addr; [*(id*)return_value retain]; } else memcpy (return_value, addr, return_size); } } - objectReturnValue { switch (*return_type) { #define CASE_RETURN(C,T,S) \ case C: return [NSNumber numberWith ## S: *(T*)return_value] CASE_RETURN (_C_LNG, long, Long); CASE_RETURN (_C_ULNG, unsigned long, UnsignedLong); CASE_RETURN (_C_INT, int, Int); CASE_RETURN (_C_UINT, unsigned int, UnsignedInt); CASE_RETURN (_C_SHT, short, Short); CASE_RETURN (_C_USHT, unsigned short, UnsignedShort); CASE_RETURN (_C_CHR, char, Char); CASE_RETURN (_C_UCHR, unsigned char, UnsignedChar); CASE_RETURN (_C_FLT, float, Float); CASE_RETURN (_C_DBL, double, Double); #undef CASE_RETURN case _C_PTR: return [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLong: (long) *(void**)return_value]; case _C_CHARPTR: return [NSString stringWithCString: *(char**)return_value]; case _C_ID: return *(id*)return_value; case 'v': return nil; default: [self notImplemented: _cmd]; } return 0; [self notImplemented: _cmd]; return nil; } - (int) intReturnValue { switch (*return_type) { #define CASE_RETURN(_C,_T) case _C: return (int) *(_T*)return_value CASE_RETURN (_C_LNG, long); CASE_RETURN (_C_ULNG, unsigned long); CASE_RETURN (_C_INT, int); CASE_RETURN (_C_UINT, unsigned int); CASE_RETURN (_C_SHT, short); CASE_RETURN (_C_USHT, unsigned short); CASE_RETURN (_C_CHR, char); CASE_RETURN (_C_UCHR, unsigned char); CASE_RETURN (_C_CHARPTR, char*); CASE_RETURN (_C_FLT, float); CASE_RETURN (_C_DBL, double); CASE_RETURN (_C_PTR, void*); #undef CASE_RETURN case _C_ID: return [*(id*)return_value intValue]; case 'v': return 0; default: [self notImplemented: _cmd]; } return 0; } - (BOOL) returnValueIsTrue { switch (return_size) { case sizeof(char): return (*(char*)return_value != 0); case sizeof(short): return (*(short*)return_value != 0); case sizeof(int): return (*(int*)return_value != 0); } { int i; for (i = 0; i < return_size; i++) if (*((char*)return_value + i) != 0) return YES; return NO; } } - (void) dealloc { if (return_retained && *return_type == _C_ID) [*(id*)return_value release]; OBJC_FREE(return_type); [super dealloc]; } @end static int types_get_size_of_stack_arguments(const char *types) { const char* type = objc_skip_typespec (types); return atoi(type); } static int types_get_size_of_register_arguments(const char *types) { const char* type = strrchr(types, '+'); if (type) return atoi(++type) + sizeof(void*); else return 0; } /* To fix temporary bug in method_get_next_argument() on m68k */ static char* my_method_get_next_argument (arglist_t argframe, const char **type) { const char *t = objc_skip_argspec (*type); if (*t == '\0') return 0; *type = t; t = objc_skip_typespec (t); if (*t == '+') return argframe->arg_regs + atoi(++t); else /* xxx What's going on here? This -8 needed on my 68k NeXT box. */ #if m68k return argframe->arg_ptr + (atoi(t) - 8); #else return argframe->arg_ptr + atoi(t); #endif } @implementation ArgframeInvocation - (void) _retainArguments { const char *tmptype; void *datum; tmptype = return_type; while ((datum = my_method_get_next_argument (argframe, &tmptype))) { tmptype = objc_skip_type_qualifiers (tmptype); if (*tmptype == _C_ID) [*(id*)datum retain]; } } - (void) _initArgframeFrom: (arglist_t)frame withType: (const char*)type retainArgs: (BOOL)f { int stack_argsize, reg_argsize; /* allocate the argframe */ stack_argsize = types_get_size_of_stack_arguments (type); reg_argsize = types_get_size_of_register_arguments(type); argframe = (arglist_t) (*objc_calloc) (1 ,sizeof(char*) + reg_argsize); if (stack_argsize) argframe->arg_ptr = (*objc_calloc) (1, stack_argsize); else argframe->arg_ptr = 0; /* copy the frame into the argframe */ if (frame) { memcpy((char*)argframe + sizeof(char*), (char*)frame + sizeof(char*), reg_argsize); memcpy(argframe->arg_ptr, frame->arg_ptr, stack_argsize); if (f) [self _retainArguments]; } } /* This is the designated initializer. */ - initWithArgframe: (arglist_t)frame type: (const char *)type { /* xxx we are just using the return part. Does this matter? */ [super initWithReturnType: type]; [self _initArgframeFrom: frame withType: type retainArgs: NO]; return self; } - (void) encodeWithCoder: (id <Encoding>)coder { const char *tmptype; void *datum; [super encodeWithCoder: coder]; tmptype = return_type; while ((datum = my_method_get_next_argument(argframe, &tmptype))) { [coder encodeValueOfObjCType: tmptype at: datum withName: @"Invocation Argframe argument"]; } } - initWithCoder: (id <Decoding>)coder { const char *tmptype; void *datum; self = [super initWithCoder: coder]; [self _initArgframeFrom: NULL withType: return_type retainArgs: NO]; tmptype = return_type; while ((datum = my_method_get_next_argument(argframe, &tmptype))) { [coder decodeValueOfObjCType: tmptype at: datum withName: NULL]; } return self; } - initWithType: (const char *)e { [self initWithArgframe:NULL type:e]; return self; } - (void) retainArguments { if (!args_retained) { if (argframe) [self _retainArguments]; args_retained = YES; } } - (BOOL) argumentsRetained { return args_retained; } - (const char *) argumentTypeAtIndex: (unsigned)i { const char *tmptype = return_type; do { tmptype = objc_skip_argspec (tmptype); } while (i--); return tmptype; } - (unsigned) argumentSizeAtIndex: (unsigned)i { return objc_sizeof_type ([self argumentTypeAtIndex:i]); } - (void) getArgument: (void*)addr atIndex: (unsigned)i { const char *tmptype = return_type; void *datum; do datum = my_method_get_next_argument(argframe, &tmptype); while (i-- && datum); /* xxx Give error msg for null datum */ memcpy (addr, datum, objc_sizeof_type(tmptype)); } - (void) setArgumentAtIndex: (unsigned)i toValueAt: (const void*)addr { const char *tmptype = return_type; void *datum; do datum = my_method_get_next_argument(argframe, &tmptype); while (i--); memcpy (datum, addr, objc_sizeof_type(tmptype)); } - (void) _deallocArgframe { if (argframe) { if (argframe->arg_ptr) (*objc_free) (argframe->arg_ptr); (*objc_free) (argframe); } } - (void) dealloc { void *datum; const char *tmptype = return_type; while ((datum = my_method_get_next_argument(argframe, &tmptype))) { tmptype = objc_skip_type_qualifiers (tmptype); if (args_retained && *tmptype == _C_ID) [*(id*)datum release]; } [self _deallocArgframe]; [super dealloc]; } #if 0 - resetArgframeWithReturnType: (const char*)encoding { [self _deallocArgframe]; [self _allocArgframe]; } #endif @end @implementation MethodInvocation - (void) _initTargetAndSelPointers { const char *tmptype = return_type; target_pointer = (id*) my_method_get_next_argument (argframe, &tmptype); sel_pointer = (SEL*) my_method_get_next_argument (argframe, &tmptype); } /* This is the designated initializer */ - initWithArgframe: (arglist_t)frame type: (const char*)t { [super initWithArgframe: frame type: t]; [self _initTargetAndSelPointers]; return self; } - initWithArgframe: (arglist_t)frame selector: (SEL)sel { const char *sel_type; if (! (sel_type = sel_get_type (sel)) ) sel_type = sel_get_type ( sel_get_any_typed_uid (sel_get_name (sel))); /* xxx Try harder to get this type by looking up the method in the target. Hopefully the target can be found in the FRAME. */ if (!sel_type) [NSException raise: @"SelectorWithoutType" format: @"Couldn't find encoding type for selector %s.", sel_get_name (sel)]; [self initWithArgframe: frame type: sel_type]; if (!frame) *sel_pointer = sel; return self; } - initWithCoder: (id <Decoding>)coder { self = [super initWithCoder: coder]; [self _initTargetAndSelPointers]; return self; } - initWithSelector: (SEL)s { [self initWithArgframe: NULL selector: s]; *sel_pointer = s; return self; } - initWithTarget: target selector: (SEL)s, ... { const char *tmptype; void *datum; va_list ap; [self initWithArgframe: NULL selector: s]; tmptype = return_type; datum = my_method_get_next_argument(argframe, &tmptype); if (args_retained) [target retain]; *((id*)datum) = target; datum = my_method_get_next_argument(argframe, &tmptype); *((SEL*)datum) = s; datum = my_method_get_next_argument(argframe, &tmptype); va_start (ap, s); while (datum) { #define CASE_TYPE(_C,_T) case _C: *(_T*)datum = va_arg (ap, _T); break switch (*tmptype) { case _C_ID: *(id*)datum = va_arg (ap, id); if (args_retained) [*(id*)datum retain]; break; CASE_TYPE(_C_SEL, SEL); CASE_TYPE(_C_LNG, long); CASE_TYPE(_C_ULNG, unsigned long); CASE_TYPE(_C_INT, int); CASE_TYPE(_C_UINT, unsigned int); CASE_TYPE(_C_SHT, short); CASE_TYPE(_C_USHT, unsigned short); CASE_TYPE(_C_CHR, char); CASE_TYPE(_C_UCHR, unsigned char); CASE_TYPE(_C_FLT, float); CASE_TYPE(_C_DBL, double); CASE_TYPE(_C_CHARPTR, char*); CASE_TYPE(_C_PTR, void*); default: [self notImplemented: _cmd]; // memcpy (datum, va_arg (ap, void*), objc_sizeof_type(tmptype)); } datum = my_method_get_next_argument (argframe, &tmptype); } return self; } - (void) invoke { void *ret; IMP imp; id target; id cl; SEL sel; /* xxx This could be more efficient by using my_method_get_next_argument instead of -target and -selector. Or, even better, caching the memory offsets of the target and selector in the argframe. */ target = *target_pointer; if (target == nil) return; cl = object_get_class (target); sel = *sel_pointer; /* xxx Perhaps we could speed things up by making this an ivar, and caching it. */ imp = get_imp (cl, sel); assert(imp); ret = __builtin_apply((void(*)(void))imp, argframe, types_get_size_of_stack_arguments(return_type)); if (return_size) { if (*return_type == _C_DBL) /* DBL's are stored in a different place relative to RET. */ memcpy(return_value, (char*)ret + 2*sizeof(void*), return_size); else if (*return_type == _C_ID) { if (*(id*)return_value != *(id*)ret) { if (return_retained) { if (*(id*)return_value) [*(id*)return_value release]; [*(id*)ret retain]; } *(id*)return_value = *(id*)ret; } } else { memcpy(return_value, ret, return_size); } } } - (void) invokeWithTarget: t { [self setTarget: t]; [self invoke]; } - (void) invokeWithObject: anObj { [self invokeWithTarget: anObj]; } - (SEL) selector { return *sel_pointer; } - (void) setSelector: (SEL)s { if (sel_types_match(sel_get_type([self selector]), sel_get_type(s))) *sel_pointer = s; else { /* We need to reallocate the argframe */ [self notImplemented:_cmd]; } } - target { return *target_pointer; } - (void) setTarget: t { if (*target_pointer != t) { if (args_retained) { [*target_pointer release]; [t retain]; } *target_pointer = t; } } @end @implementation ObjectMethodInvocation - (void) _initArgObjectPointer { const char *tmptype; void *datum; tmptype = return_type; my_method_get_next_argument (argframe, &tmptype); my_method_get_next_argument (argframe, &tmptype); do { datum = my_method_get_next_argument (argframe, &tmptype); tmptype = objc_skip_type_qualifiers (tmptype); } while (datum && tmptype && *tmptype != _C_ID); if (*tmptype != _C_ID) [self error: "This method does not have an object argument."]; arg_object_pointer = (id*) datum; } - initWithArgframe: (arglist_t)frame selector: (SEL)sel { [super initWithArgframe: frame selector: sel]; [self _initArgObjectPointer]; return self; } - initWithCoder: (id <Decoding>)coder { self = [super initWithCoder: coder]; [self _initArgObjectPointer]; return self; } - (void) invokeWithObject: anObject { if (*arg_object_pointer != anObject) { if (args_retained) { [*arg_object_pointer release]; [anObject retain]; } *arg_object_pointer = anObject; } [self invoke]; } @end @implementation VoidFunctionInvocation #if 0 - initWithFunction: (void(*)())f argframe: (arglist_t)frame type: (const char *)e { [super initWithArgframe: frame type: e]; function = f; return self; } #endif - initWithVoidFunction: (void(*)())f { [super initWithReturnType: "v"]; function = f; return self; } /* Encode ourself as a proxies across Connection's; we can't encode a function across the wire. */ - classForConnectedCoder: coder { return [[coder connection] proxyClass]; } - (void) encodeWithCoder: (id <Encoding>)coder { [self shouldNotImplement: _cmd]; } - (void) invoke { (*function) (); } - (void) invokeWithObject { [self shouldNotImplement: _cmd]; } @end @implementation ObjectFunctionInvocation - initWithObjectFunction: (id(*)(id))f { [super initWithReturnType: "@"]; function = f; return self; } /* Encode ourself as a proxies across Connection's; we can't encode a function across the wire. */ - classForConnectedCoder: coder { return [[coder connection] proxyClass]; } - (void) encodeWithCoder: (id <Encoding>)coder { [self shouldNotImplement: _cmd]; } - (void) invoke { [self invokeWithObject: nil]; } - (void) invokeWithObject: anObject { id r; r = (*function) (anObject); if (*(id*)return_value != r) { if (return_retained) { [*(id*)return_value release]; [r retain]; } *(id*)return_value = r; } } @end /* Many other kinds of Invocations are possible: SchemeInvocation, TclInvocation */ #if 0 @implementation CurriedInvocation @end What is this nonsense? @interface StreamInvocation @interface LogInvocation @interface PrintingInvocation { Stream *stream; char *format_string; } @end #endif
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