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/* Implementation for Objective-C IndexedCollection object Copyright (C) 1993,1994, 1995, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Written by: Andrew Kachites McCallum <> Created: May 1993 This file is part of the GNUstep Base Library. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include <gnustep/base/IndexedCollection.h> #include <gnustep/base/IndexedCollectionPrivate.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <gnustep/base/Array.h> #include <gnustep/base/NSString.h> #include <gnustep/base/behavior.h> @implementation ReverseEnumerator - nextObject { return [collection prevObjectWithEnumState: &enum_state]; } @end @implementation ConstantIndexedCollection // GETTING MEMBERS BY INDEX; - objectAtIndex: (unsigned)index { [self subclassResponsibility: _cmd]; return nil; } - firstObject { if ([self isEmpty]) return nil; return [self objectAtIndex: 0]; } - lastObject { if ([self isEmpty]) return nil; return [self objectAtIndex: [self count]-1]; } // GETTING MEMBERS BY NEIGHBOR; /* Should be overriden by linked-list-type classes */ - successorOfObject: anObject { int last = [self count] - 1; int index = [self indexOfObject: anObject]; if (index == last) return nil; return [self objectAtIndex: index+1]; } /* Should be overriden by linked-list-type classes */ - predecessorOfObject: anObject { int index = [self indexOfObject: anObject]; if (index == 0) return nil; return [self objectAtIndex: index-1]; } // GETTING INDICES BY MEMBER; - (unsigned) indexOfObject: anObject { int i, count = [self count]; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) if ([anObject isEqual: [self objectAtIndex:i]]) return i; return NO_INDEX; } - (unsigned) indexOfObject: anObject inRange: (IndexRange)aRange { int i; /* xxx check that aRange is within count */ for (i = aRange.location; i < aRange.location+aRange.length; i++) if ([anObject isEqual: [self objectAtIndex:i]]) return i - aRange.location; return NO_INDEX; } // TESTING; - (BOOL) contentsEqualInOrder: (id <ConstantIndexedCollecting>)aColl { id o1, o2; void *s1, *s2; if ([self count] != [aColl count]) return NO; s1 = [self newEnumState]; s2 = [aColl newEnumState]; while ((o1 = [self nextObjectWithEnumState:&s1]) && (o2 = [aColl nextObjectWithEnumState:&s2])) { if (![o1 isEqual: o2]) { [self freeEnumState:&s1]; [aColl freeEnumState:&s2]; return NO; } } [self freeEnumState:&s1]; [aColl freeEnumState:&s2]; return YES; } - (int) compareInOrderContentsOf: (id <Collecting>)aCollection { void *es1 = [self newEnumState]; void *es2 = [aCollection newEnumState]; id o1, o2; int comparison; while ((o1 = [self nextObjectWithEnumState:&es1]) && (o2 = [aCollection nextObjectWithEnumState:&es2])) { if ((comparison = [o1 compare: o2])) { [self freeEnumState:&es1]; [aCollection freeEnumState:&es2]; return comparison; } } if ((comparison = ([self count] - [aCollection count]))) return comparison; return 0; } - (unsigned) indexOfFirstDifference: (id <ConstantIndexedCollecting>)aColl { unsigned i = 0; BOOL flag = YES; void *enumState = [self newEnumState]; id o1, o2; FOR_INDEXED_COLLECTION_WHILE_TRUE(self, o1, flag) { if ((!(o2 = [self nextObjectWithEnumState: &enumState])) || [o1 isEqual: o2]) flag = NO; else i++; } END_FOR_INDEXED_COLLECTION_WHILE_TRUE(self); [self freeEnumState: &enumState]; return i; } /* Could be more efficient */ - (unsigned) indexOfFirstIn: (id <ConstantCollecting>)aCollection { unsigned index = 0; BOOL flag = YES; id o; FOR_INDEXED_COLLECTION_WHILE_TRUE(self, o, flag) { if ([aCollection containsObject: o]) flag = NO; else index++; } END_FOR_INDEXED_COLLECTION(self); return index; } /* Could be more efficient */ - (unsigned) indexOfFirstNotIn: (id <ConstantCollecting>)aCollection { unsigned index = 0; BOOL flag = YES; id o; FOR_INDEXED_COLLECTION_WHILE_TRUE(self, o, flag) { if (![aCollection containsObject: o]) flag = NO; else index++; } END_FOR_INDEXED_COLLECTION(self); return index; } // ENUMERATING; - (id <Enumerating>) reverseObjectEnumerator { return [[[ReverseEnumerator alloc] initWithCollection: self] autorelease]; } - (void) withObjectsInRange: (IndexRange)aRange invoke: (id <Invoking>)anInvocation { int i; for (i = aRange.location; i < aRange.location + aRange.length; i++) [anInvocation invokeWithObject: [self objectAtIndex: i]]; } - (void) withObjectsInReverseInvoke: (id <Invoking>)anInvocation { int i, count = [self count]; for (i = count-1; i >= 0; i--) [anInvocation invokeWithObject: [self objectAtIndex: i]]; } - (void) withObjectsInReverseInvoke: (id <Invoking>)anInvocation whileTrue:(BOOL *)flag { int i, count = [self count]; for (i = count-1; *flag && i >= 0; i--) [anInvocation invokeWithObject: [self objectAtIndex: i]]; } - (void) makeObjectsPerformInReverse: (SEL)aSel { id o; FOR_INDEXED_COLLECTION_REVERSE(self, o) { [o perform: aSel]; } END_FOR_INDEXED_COLLECTION_REVERSE(self); } - (void) makeObjectsPerformInReverse: (SEL)aSel withObject: argObject { id o; FOR_INDEXED_COLLECTION_REVERSE(self, o) { [o perform: aSel withObject: argObject]; } END_FOR_INDEXED_COLLECTION_REVERSE(self); } // LOW-LEVEL ENUMERATING; - prevObjectWithEnumState: (void**)enumState { /* *(int*)enumState is the index of the element that was returned last time -prevObjectWithEnumState: or -nextObjectWithEnumState was called. In -newEnumState, *(int*)enumState is initialized to -2; The implementation of -newEnumState can be found below. */ /* If there are not objects in this collection, or we are being asked for the object before the first object, return nil. */ if ([self isEmpty] || ((*(int*)enumState) == 0) || ((*(int*)enumState) == -1)) { (*(int*)enumState) = -1; return NO_OBJECT; } if (*(int*)enumState == -2) /* enumState was just initialized by -newEnumState, start at the end of the sequence. */ *(int*)enumState = [self count]-1; else /* ...otherwise go the previous index. */ (*(int*)enumState)--; return [self objectAtIndex:(*(unsigned*)enumState)]; } // COPYING; - shallowCopyRange: (IndexRange)aRange { [self notImplemented: _cmd]; return nil; } - shallowCopyInReverse { [self notImplemented: _cmd]; return nil; } - shallowCopyInReverseRange: (IndexRange)aRange { [self notImplemented: _cmd]; return nil; } // OVERRIDE SOME COLLECTION METHODS; - (void*) newEnumState { return (void*) -2; } - nextObjectWithEnumState: (void**)enumState { /* *(int*)enumState is the index of the element that was returned last time -prevObjectWithEnumState: or -nextObjectWithEnumState was called. In -newEnumState, *(int*)enumState is initialized to -2. */ /* If there are not objects in this collection, or we are being asked for the object after the last object, return nil. */ if ([self isEmpty] || ((*(int*)enumState) >= (int)([self count]-1))) { (*(int*)enumState) = [self count]; return NO_OBJECT; } if (*(int*)enumState == -2) /* enumState was just initialized by -newEnumState, start at the beginning of the sequence. */ *(int*)enumState = 0; else /* ...otherwise go the next index. */ (*(int*)enumState)++; return [self objectAtIndex:(*(unsigned*)enumState)]; } /* is this what we want? */ - (BOOL) isEqual: anObject { if (self == anObject) return YES; if ([anObject class] == [self class] && [self count] != [anObject count] && [self contentsEqualInOrder: anObject] ) return YES; else return NO; } @end @implementation IndexedCollection + (void) initialize { if (self == [IndexedCollection class]) class_add_behavior(self, [Collection class]); } // REPLACING; - (void) replaceObjectAtIndex: (unsigned)index withObject: newObject { [self subclassResponsibility: _cmd]; } // REMOVING; - (void) removeObjectAtIndex: (unsigned)index { [self subclassResponsibility: _cmd]; } - (void) removeFirstObject { [self removeObjectAtIndex: 0]; } - (void) removeLastObject { [self removeObjectAtIndex: [self count]-1]; } - (void) removeRange: (IndexRange)aRange { int count = aRange.length; CHECK_INDEX_RANGE_ERROR(aRange.location, [self count]); CHECK_INDEX_RANGE_ERROR(aRange.location+aRange.length-1, [self count]); while (count--) [self removeObjectAtIndex: aRange.location]; } // SORTING; - (void) sortContents { [self notImplemented: _cmd]; } - (void) sortAddObject: newObject { [self notImplemented: _cmd]; } // OVERRIDE SOME COLLECTION METHODS; - (void) removeObject: anObject { unsigned index; /* Retain the object. Yuck, but necessary in case the array holds the last reference to anObject. */ /* xxx Is there an alternative to this expensive retain/release? */ [anObject retain]; for (index = [self indexOfObject: anObject]; index != NO_INDEX; index = [self indexOfObject: anObject]) [self removeObjectAtIndex: index]; [anObject release]; } - (void) replaceObject: oldObject withObject: newObject { unsigned index; /* Retain the object. Yuck, but necessary in case the array holds the last reference to anObject. */ /* xxx Is there an alternative to this expensive retain/release? */ [oldObject retain]; for (index = [self indexOfObject: oldObject]; index != NO_INDEX; index = [self indexOfObject: oldObject]) [self replaceObjectAtIndex: index withObject: newObject]; [oldObject release]; } @end
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