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/* Implementation for Objective-C Collection object Copyright (C) 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Written by: Andrew Kachites McCallum <> Date: May 1993 This file is part of the GNUstep Base Library. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include <gnustep/base/Collection.h> #include <gnustep/base/CollectionPrivate.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <gnustep/base/Bag.h> /* for -contentsEqual: */ #include <gnustep/base/Array.h> /* for -safeWithElementsCall: */ #include <gnustep/base/Coder.h> #include <gnustep/base/NSString.h> @implementation Enumerator - initWithCollection: coll { collection = [coll retain]; enum_state = [coll newEnumState]; return self; } - nextObject { return [collection nextObjectWithEnumState: &enum_state]; } - (void) dealloc { [collection freeEnumState: &enum_state]; [collection release]; } @end @implementation ConstantCollection // INITIALIZING AND RELEASING; - init { return [self initWithObjects: NULL count: 0]; } // This is the designated initializer of this class; - initWithObjects: (id*)objc count: (unsigned)c { [self subclassResponsibility: _cmd]; return self; } - initWithObjects: firstObject, ... { va_list ap; va_start(ap, firstObject); self = [self initWithObjects:firstObject rest:ap]; va_end(ap); return self; } #define INITIAL_OBJECTS_SIZE 10 - initWithObjects: firstObject rest: (va_list)ap { id *objects; int i = 0; int s = INITIAL_OBJECTS_SIZE; OBJC_MALLOC(objects, id, s); if (firstObject != nil) { objects[i++] = firstObject; while ((objects[i++] = va_arg(ap, id))) { if (i >= s) { s *= 2; OBJC_REALLOC(objects, id, s); } } } self = [self initWithObjects:objects count:i-1]; OBJC_FREE(objects); return self; } /* Subclasses can override this for efficiency. For example, Array can init itself with enough capacity to hold aCollection. */ - initWithContentsOf: (id <Collecting>)aCollection { int count = [aCollection count]; id contents_array[count]; id o; int i = 0; FOR_COLLECTION(aCollection, o) { contents_array[i++] = o; } END_FOR_COLLECTION(aCollection); return [self initWithObjects: contents_array count: count]; } - (void) dealloc { /* xxx Get rid of this since Set, Bag, Dictionary, and String subclasses don't want to use it? */ [self _collectionReleaseContents]; [self _collectionDealloc]; [super dealloc]; } // QUERYING COUNTS; - (BOOL) isEmpty { return ([self count] == 0); } // Inefficient, so should be overridden in subclasses; - (unsigned) count { unsigned n = 0; id o; FOR_COLLECTION(self, o) { n++; } END_FOR_COLLECTION(self); return n; } // Potentially inefficient, may be overridden in subclasses; - (BOOL) containsObject: anObject { id o; FOR_COLLECTION (self, o) { if ([anObject isEqual: o]) return YES; } END_FOR_COLLECTION(self); return NO; } - (unsigned) occurrencesOfObject: anObject { unsigned count = 0; id o; FOR_COLLECTION(self, o) { if ([anObject isEqual: o]) count++; } END_FOR_COLLECTION(self); return count; } // COMPARISON WITH OTHER COLLECTIONS; - (BOOL) isSubsetOf: (id <Collecting>)aCollection { id o; FOR_COLLECTION (self, o) { if (![aCollection containsObject: o]) return NO; } END_FOR_COLLECTION (self); return YES; } - (BOOL) isDisjointFrom: (id <Collecting>)aCollection { // Use objc_msg_lookup here also; BOOL flag = YES; id o; FOR_COLLECTION_WHILE_TRUE(self, o, flag) { if (![aCollection containsObject: o]) flag = NO; } END_FOR_COLLECTION_WHILE_TRUE(self); return !flag; } // xxx How do we want to compare unordered contents?? ; - (int) compareContentsOf: (id <Collecting>)aCollection { if ([self contentsEqual:aCollection]) return 0; if (self > aCollection) return 1; return -1; } - (BOOL) isEqual: anObject { if (self == anObject) return YES; if ([anObject class] == [self class] && [self contentsEqual: anObject] ) return YES; else return NO; } // Deal with this in IndexedCollection also ; // How do we want to compare collections? ; - (int) compare: anObject { if ([self isEqual:anObject]) return 0; if (self > anObject) return 1; return -1; } - (BOOL) contentsEqual: (id <Collecting>)aCollection { id bag, o; BOOL flag; if ([self count] != [aCollection count]) return NO; bag = [[Bag alloc] initWithContentsOf:aCollection]; flag = YES; FOR_COLLECTION_WHILE_TRUE (self, o, flag) { if ([bag containsObject: o]) [bag removeObject: o]; else flag = NO; } END_FOR_COLLECTION_WHILE_TRUE(self); if ((!flag) || [bag count]) flag = NO; else flag = YES; [bag release]; return flag; } // PROPERTIES OF CONTENTS; - (BOOL) trueForAllObjectsByInvoking: (id <Invoking>)anInvocation { BOOL flag = YES; id o; FOR_COLLECTION_WHILE_TRUE(self, o, flag) { [anInvocation invokeWithObject: o]; if (![anInvocation returnValueIsTrue]) flag = NO; } END_FOR_COLLECTION_WHILE_TRUE(self); return flag; } - (BOOL) trueForAnyObjectsByInvoking: (id <Invoking>)anInvocation; { BOOL flag = YES; id o; FOR_COLLECTION_WHILE_TRUE(self, o, flag) { [anInvocation invokeWithObject: o]; if ([anInvocation returnValueIsTrue]) flag = NO; } END_FOR_COLLECTION_WHILE_TRUE(self); return !flag; } - detectObjectByInvoking: (id <Invoking>)anInvocation; { BOOL flag = YES; id detectedObject = nil; id o; FOR_COLLECTION_WHILE_TRUE(self, o, flag) { [anInvocation invokeWithObject: o]; if ([anInvocation returnValueIsTrue]) { flag = NO; detectedObject = o; } } END_FOR_COLLECTION_WHILE_TRUE(self); if (flag) return NO_OBJECT; else return detectedObject; } - maxObject { id o, max = nil; BOOL firstTime = YES; FOR_COLLECTION(self, o) { if (firstTime) { firstTime = NO; max = o; } else { if ([o compare: max] > 0) max = o; } } END_FOR_COLLECTION(self); return max; } - minObject { id o, min = nil; BOOL firstTime = YES; FOR_COLLECTION(self, o) { if (firstTime) { firstTime = NO; min = o; } else { if ([o compare: min] < 0) min = o; } } END_FOR_COLLECTION(self); return min; } /* Consider adding: - maxObjectByInvoking: (id <Invoking>)anInvocation; - minObjectByInvoking: (id <Invoking>)anInvocation; */ // ENUMERATING; - (id <Enumerating>) objectEnumerator { return [[[Enumerator alloc] initWithCollection: self] autorelease]; } - (void) withObjectsInvoke: (id <Invoking>)anInvocation { id o; FOR_COLLECTION(self, o) { [anInvocation invokeWithObject: o]; } END_FOR_COLLECTION(self); } - (void) withObjectsInvoke: (id <Invoking>)anInvocation whileTrue:(BOOL *)flag; { id o; FOR_COLLECTION_WHILE_TRUE(self, o, *flag) { [anInvocation invokeWithObject: o]; } END_FOR_COLLECTION_WHILE_TRUE(self); } - (void) makeObjectsPerform: (SEL)aSel { id o; FOR_COLLECTION(self, o) { [o perform: aSel]; } END_FOR_COLLECTION(self); } - (void) makeObjectsPerform: (SEL)aSel withObject: argObject { id o; FOR_COLLECTION(self, o) { [o perform: aSel withObject: argObject]; } END_FOR_COLLECTION(self); } // FILTERED ENUMERATING; - (void) withObjectsTrueByInvoking: (id <Invoking>)testInvocation invoke: (id <Invoking>)anInvocation { id o; FOR_COLLECTION(self, o) { [testInvocation invokeWithObject: o]; if ([testInvocation returnValueIsTrue]) [anInvocation invokeWithObject: o]; } END_FOR_COLLECTION(self); } - (void) withObjectsFalseByInvoking: (id <Invoking>)testInvocation invoke: (id <Invoking>)anInvocation { id o; FOR_COLLECTION(self, o) { [testInvocation invokeWithObject: o]; if (![testInvocation returnValueIsTrue]) [anInvocation invokeWithObject: o]; } END_FOR_COLLECTION(self); } - (void) withObjectsTransformedByInvoking: (id <Invoking>)transInvocation invoke: (id <Invoking>)anInvocation { id o; FOR_COLLECTION(self, o) { [transInvocation invokeWithObject: o]; [anInvocation invokeWithObject: [transInvocation objectReturnValue]]; } END_FOR_COLLECTION(self); } // LOW-LEVEL ENUMERATING; - (void*) newEnumState { return (void*)0; } - nextObjectWithEnumState: (void**)enumState; { [self subclassResponsibility: _cmd]; return NO; } - (void) freeEnumState: (void**)enumState { *enumState = (void*)0; } // COPYING; - allocCopy { return NSCopyObject (self, 0, [self zone]); } // the copy to be filled by -shallowCopyAs: etc... ; - emptyCopy { // This will copy all instance vars; // Subclasses will have to change instance vars like Array's _contents_array; return [self allocCopy]; } // the copy to be filled by -shallowCopyAs: etc... ; - emptyCopyAs: (Class)aCollectionClass { if (aCollectionClass == [self species]) return [self emptyCopy]; else return [[(id)aCollectionClass alloc] init]; } - shallowCopy { return [self shallowCopyAs:[self species]]; } - shallowCopyAs: (Class)aCollectionClass { id newColl = [self emptyCopyAs:aCollectionClass]; //#warning fix this addContentsOf for ConstantCollection [newColl addContentsOf:self]; return newColl; } /* We can avoid the ugly [self safeWithElementsCall:doIt]; in -deepen with something like this instead. This fits with a scheme in which we get rid of the -deepen method, an idea that I like since calling deepen on an object that has not just been -shallowCopy'ed can cause major memory leakage. */ - copyAs: (id <Collecting>)aCollectionClass { id newColl = [self emptyCopyAs:aCollectionClass]; id o; FOR_COLLECTION(self, o) { //#warning fix this addObject for ConstantCollection [newColl addObject:[o copy]]; } END_FOR_COLLECTION(self); return newColl; } - copy { return [self copyAs:[self species]]; } - species { return [self class]; } // EXTRAS; - (const char *) libobjectsLicense { const char *licenseString = "Copyright (C) 1993,1994,1995,1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.\n" "\n" "Chief Maintainer: Andrew McCallum <>\n" "\n" "This object is part of the GNUstep Base Library.\n" "\n" "This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or\n" "modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public\n" "License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either\n" "version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.\n" "\n" "This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n" "but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n" "MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU\n" "Library General Public License for more details.\n" "\n" "You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public\n" "License along with this library; if not, write to the Free\n" "Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.\n"; return licenseString; } - printForDebugger { id o; FOR_COLLECTION(self, o) { printf("%s ", [[o description] cStringNoCopy]); } END_FOR_COLLECTION(self); printf(": %s\n", object_get_class_name (self)); return self; } - (void) encodeWithCoder: aCoder { [self _encodeCollectionWithCoder:aCoder]; [self _encodeContentsWithCoder:aCoder]; } - initWithCoder: aCoder { [self _initCollectionWithCoder:aCoder]; [self _decodeContentsWithCoder:aCoder]; return self; } @end @implementation ConstantCollection (ArchivingHelpers) - (void) _encodeCollectionWithCoder: aCoder { [super encodeWithCoder:aCoder]; // there are no instance vars; return; } - _initCollectionWithCoder: aCoder { // there are no instance vars; return [super initWithCoder:aCoder]; } - (void) _encodeContentsWithCoder: (id <Encoding>)aCoder { unsigned int count = [self count]; id o; [aCoder encodeValueOfCType: @encode(unsigned) at: &count withName: @"Collection content count"]; FOR_COLLECTION(self, o) { [aCoder encodeObject: o withName:@"Collection element"]; } END_FOR_COLLECTION(self); } - (void) _decodeContentsWithCoder: (id <Decoding>)aCoder { id *content_array; unsigned int count, i; [aCoder decodeValueOfCType:@encode(unsigned) at:&count withName:NULL]; content_array = alloca (sizeof (id) * count); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) [aCoder decodeObjectAt: &(content_array[i]) withName:NULL]; [self initWithObjects: content_array count: count]; } @end @implementation ConstantCollection (DeallocationHelpers) /* This must work without sending any messages to content objects. Content objects already may be dealloc'd when this is executed. */ - (void) _collectionEmpty { [self subclassResponsibility:_cmd]; } - (void) _collectionReleaseContents { int c = [self count]; id *array = (id*) alloca (c * sizeof(id)); int i = 0; void *es = [self newEnumState]; id o; while ((o = [self nextObjectWithEnumState:&es])) { array[i++] = o; } [self freeEnumState: &es]; assert (c == i); for (i = 0; i < c; i++) [array[i] release]; } - (void) _collectionDealloc { return; } @end @implementation Collection // ADDING; - (void) addObject: anObject { [self subclassResponsibility:_cmd]; } - (void) addObjectIfAbsent: newObject; { if (![self containsObject: newObject]) [self addObject: newObject]; } - (void) addContentsOf: (id <Collecting>)aCollection { id o; FOR_COLLECTION(aCollection, o) { [self addObject: o]; } END_FOR_COLLECTION(aCollection); } - (void) addContentsIfAbsentOf: (id <Collecting>)aCollection { id o; FOR_COLLECTION(aCollection, o) { if (![self containsObject:o]) [self addObject: o]; } END_FOR_COLLECTION(aCollection); } - (void) addWithObjects: (id*)objc count: (unsigned)c { [self notImplemented: _cmd]; } - (void) addObjects: firstObject, ... { [self notImplemented: _cmd]; } - (void) addObjects: firstObject rest: (va_list)ap { [self notImplemented: _cmd]; } // REMOVING AND REPLACING; - (void) removeObject: oldObject { [self subclassResponsibility: _cmd]; } - (void) removeAllOccurrencesOfObject: oldObject { while ([self containsObject: oldObject]) [self removeObject: oldObject]; } - (void) removeContentsIn: (id <ConstantCollecting>)aCollection { id o; FOR_COLLECTION(aCollection, o) { [self removeObject: o]; } END_FOR_COLLECTION(aCollection); } - (void) removeContentsNotIn: (id <ConstantCollecting>)aCollection { id o; FOR_COLLECTION(self, o) { if (![aCollection containsObject: o]) [self removeObject: o]; } END_FOR_COLLECTION(self); } - (void) uniqueContents { id cp = [self shallowCopy]; int count; id o; FOR_COLLECTION(cp, o) { count = [self occurrencesOfObject: o]; if (!count) continue; while (count--) [self removeObject: o]; } END_FOR_COLLECTION(cp); } /* May be inefficient. Could be overridden; */ - (void) empty { if ([self isEmpty]) return; [self _collectionReleaseContents]; [self _collectionEmpty]; } // REPLACING; - (void) replaceObject: oldObject withObject: newObject { if ([newObject isEqual: newObject]) return; [oldObject retain]; [self removeObject: oldObject]; [self addObject: newObject]; [oldObject release]; } - (void) replaceAllOccurrencesOfObject: oldObject withObject: newObject { if ([oldObject isEqual: newObject]) return; while ([self containsObject: oldObject]) [self replaceObject: oldObject withObject: newObject]; } @end
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