
This is tcpport-server.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]

#include <stdio.h>
#include <gnustep/base/TcpPort.h>
#include <gnustep/base/Notification.h>
#include <gnustep/base/Invocation.h>
#include <gnustep/base/RunLoop.h>

id announce_new_connection (id notification)
  id in_port = [notification object];
  id out_port = [notification userInfo];
  printf ("{%@}\n\tconnected to\n\t{%@}\n",
	  [out_port description], [in_port description]);
  printf ("Now servicing %d connection(s).\n",
	  [in_port numberOfConnectedOutPorts]);
  return nil;

id announce_broken_connection (id notification)
  id in_port = [notification object];
  id out_port = [notification userInfo];
  printf ("{%@}\n\tdisconnected from\n\t{%@}\n",
	  [out_port description], [in_port description]);
  printf ("Now servicing %d connection(s).\n",
	  [in_port numberOfConnectedOutPorts]);
  return nil;

static id port = nil;

id handle_incoming_packet (TcpInPacket *packet)
  static unsigned message_count = 0;
  id reply_port;

  fprintf (stdout, "received >");
  fwrite ([packet streamBuffer] + [packet streamBufferPrefix],
	  [packet streamEofPosition], 1, stdout);
  fprintf (stdout, "<\n");
  reply_port = [packet replyOutPort];
  [packet release];

  packet = [[TcpOutPacket alloc] initForSendingWithCapacity: 100
				 replyInPort: port];
  [packet writeFormat: @"Your's was my message number %d", 
  [reply_port sendPacket: packet];
  [packet release];
  return nil;

int main (int argc, char *argv[])
  if (argc > 1)
    port = [TcpInPort newForReceivingFromRegisteredName:
	     [NSString stringWithCString: argv[1]]];
    port = [TcpInPort newForReceivingFromRegisteredName: @"tcpport-test"];

    addInvocation: [[ObjectFunctionInvocation alloc] 
		     initWithObjectFunction: announce_broken_connection]
    name: InPortClientBecameInvalidNotification
    object: port];
    addInvocation: [[ObjectFunctionInvocation alloc] 
		     initWithObjectFunction: announce_new_connection]
    name: InPortAcceptedClientNotification
    object: port];

  printf ("Waiting for connections.\n");

#if 1
  [port setReceivedPacketInvocation:
	  [[[ObjectFunctionInvocation alloc]
	     initWithObjectFunction: handle_incoming_packet]
  [[RunLoop currentInstance] addPort: port
			     forMode: RunLoopDefaultMode];
  [RunLoop run];
    id packet;
    unsigned message_count = 0;
    id reply_port;

    while ((packet = [port receivePacketWithTimeout: -1]))
	fprintf (stdout, "received >");
	fwrite ([packet streamBuffer] + [packet streamBufferPrefix],
		[packet streamEofPosition], 1, stdout);
	fprintf (stdout, "<\n");
	reply_port = [packet replyPort];
	[packet release];

	packet = [[TcpPacket alloc] initForSendingWithCapacity: 100
				    replyPort: port];
	[packet writeFormat: @"Your's was my message number %d", 
	[reply_port sendPacket: packet withTimeout: 20 * 1000];
	[packet release];
  fprintf (stdout, "Timed out.  Exiting.\n");

  exit (0);

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.