
This is server.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]

#include <gnustep/base/preface.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <gnustep/base/TcpPort.h>
#include <gnustep/base/BinaryCStream.h>
#include <gnustep/base/Connection.h>
#include <gnustep/base/Proxy.h>
#include <gnustep/base/String.h>
#include <gnustep/base/Notification.h>
#include <gnustep/base/RunLoop.h>
#include "server.h"

@implementation Server
- init
  the_array = [[Array alloc] init];
  return self;
- (unsigned) count
  return [the_array count];
- (void) addObject: o
  [the_array addObject:o];
- objectAt: (unsigned)i
  return [the_array objectAtIndex: i];
- print: (const char *)msg
  printf(">>%s\n", msg);
  return self;
- getLong: (out unsigned long*)i
  printf(">>getLong:(out) from client %lu\n", *i);
  *i = 3;
  printf(">>getLong:(out) to client %lu\n", *i);
  return self;
- (oneway void) shout
- callbackNameOn: obj
  printf (">>callback name is (%s)\n", object_get_class_name (obj));
  return self;
/* sender must also respond to 'bounce:count:' */
- bounce: sender count: (int)c
  if (--c)
    [sender bounce:self count:c];
  return self;
- (BOOL) doBoolean: (BOOL)b
  printf(">> got boolean '%c' (0x%x) from client\n", b, (unsigned int)b);
  return YES;
/* This causes problems, because the runtime encodes this as "*",
   a string! */
- getBoolean: (BOOL*)bp
  printf(">> got boolean pointer '%c' (0x%x) from client\n", 
	 *bp, (unsigned int)*bp);
  return self;
/* This also causes problems, because the runtime also encodes this as "*",
   a string! */
- getUCharPtr: (unsigned char *)ucp
  printf(">> got unsignec char pointer '%c' (0x%x) from client\n", 
	 *ucp, (unsigned int)*ucp);
  return self;

/* This isn't working yet */
- (foo*) sendStructPtr: (foo*)f
  printf(">>reference: i=%d s=%s l=%lu\n",
	 f->i, f->s, f->l);
  f->i = 88;
  return f;
- sendStruct: (foo)f
  printf(">>value: i=%d s=%s l=%lu\n",
	 f.i, f.s, f.l);
  f.i = 88;
  return self;
- sendSmallStruct: (small_struct)small
  printf(">>small value struct: z=%d\n", small.z);
  return self;
/* Doesn't work.  GCC __builtin_return doesn't let you return structs? */
- (foo) returnStruct
  foo f = {1, "horse", 987654};
  return f;
/* Doesn't work because GCC generates the wrong encoding: "@0@+8:+12^i+16" */
- sendArray: (int[3])a
  printf(">> array %d %d %d\n", a[0], a[1], a[2]);
  return self;
- sendStructArray: (struct myarray)ma
  printf(">>struct array %d %d %d\n", ma.a[0], ma.a[1], ma.a[2]);
  return self;

- sendDouble: (double)d andFloat: (float)f
  printf(">> double %f, float %f\n", d, f);
  return self;

- (double*) doDoublePointer: (double*)d
  printf(">> got double %f from client\n", *d);
  *d = 1.234567;
  printf(">> returning double %f to client\n", *d);
  return d;

- sendCharPtrPtr: (char**)sp
  printf(">> got char**, string %s\n", *sp);
  return self;

- sendBycopy: (bycopy id)o
  printf(">> bycopy class is %s\n", object_get_class_name (o));
  [o release];
  return self;
- manyArgs: (int)i1 : (int)i2 : (int)i3 : (int)i4 : (int)i5 : (int)i6
: (int)i7 : (int)i8 : (int)i9 : (int)i10 : (int)i11 : (int)i12
  printf(">> manyArgs: %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d\n",
	 i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7, i8, i9, i10, i11, i12);
  return self;

- (float) returnFloat
  static float f = 2.3456789f;
  return f;

- (double) returnDouble
  /* static <This is crashing gcc ss-940902 config'ed for irix5.1, 
     but running on irix5.2> */
  double d = 4.567891234;
  return d;

- connectionBecameInvalid: notification
  id anObj = [notification object];
  if ([anObj isKindOf:[Connection class]])
      int i, count = [the_array count];
      for (i = count-1; i >= 0; i--)
	  id o = [the_array objectAtIndex: i];
	  if ([o isProxy] && [o connectionForProxy] == anObj)
	    [the_array removeObjectAtIndex: i];
      if (count != [the_array count])
	printf("$$$$$ connectionBecameInvalid: removed from the_array\n");
      [self error:"non Connection is invalid"];
  return self;
- (Connection*) connection: ancestor didConnect: newConn
  printf("%s\n", sel_get_name(_cmd));
    addObserver: self
    selector: @selector(connectionBecameInvalid:)
    name: ConnectionBecameInvalidNotification
    object: newConn];
  [newConn setDelegate: self];
  return newConn;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  id l = [[Server alloc] init];
  id o = [[NSObject alloc] init];
  double d;
  Connection *c;

  [BinaryCStream setDebugging:YES];

#if NeXT_runtime
  [Proxy setProtocolForProxies:@protocol(AllProxies)];
  if (argc > 1)
    c = [Connection newRegisteringAtName: 
		      [NSString stringWithCString: argv[1]]
    c = [Connection newRegisteringAtName:@"test2server" withRootObject:l];
    addObserver: l
    selector: @selector(connectionBecameInvalid:)
    name: ConnectionBecameInvalidNotification
    object: c];
  [c setDelegate:l];

  [l addObject: o];
  d = [l returnDouble];
  printf("got double %f\n", d);
  printf("list's hash is 0x%x\n", (unsigned)[l hash]);
  printf("object's hash is 0x%x\n", (unsigned)[o hash]);

  [RunLoop run];


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.