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#import "Risk.h" RCSID ("$Id: SNUserPathOperation.m,v 1.2 1997/12/15 07:44:20 nygard Exp $"); #import "SNUserPathOperation.h" #import "NSObjectExtensions.h" #import <Foundation/NSObjCRuntime.h> //====================================================================== // An SNUserPathOperation represents an user path operator and its // operands so that is can be stored in an array. //====================================================================== #define SNUserPathOperation_VERSION 1 @implementation SNUserPathOperation + (void) initialize { if (self == [SNUserPathOperation class]) { [self setVersion:SNUserPathOperation_VERSION]; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- + _operation:(DPSUserPathOp)anOperator { return [[[SNUserPathOperation alloc] initWithOperator:anOperator] autorelease]; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- + arc:(NSPoint)aPoint:(float)aRadius:(float)anAngle1:(float)anAngle2 { SNUserPathOperation *op; op = [SNUserPathOperation _operation:dps_arc]; [op setPoint1:aPoint]; [op setRadius:aRadius]; [op setAngle1:anAngle1]; [op setAngle2:anAngle2]; return op; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- + arcn:(NSPoint)aPoint:(float)aRadius:(float)anAngle1:(float)anAngle2 { SNUserPathOperation *op; op = [SNUserPathOperation _operation:dps_arcn]; [op setPoint1:aPoint]; [op setRadius:aRadius]; [op setAngle1:anAngle1]; [op setAngle2:anAngle2]; return op; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- + arct:(NSPoint)aPoint1:(NSPoint)aPoint2:(float)aRadius { SNUserPathOperation *op; op = [SNUserPathOperation _operation:dps_arct]; [op setPoint1:aPoint1]; [op setPoint2:aPoint2]; [op setRadius:aRadius]; return op; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- + closepath { SNUserPathOperation *op; op = [SNUserPathOperation _operation:dps_closepath]; return op; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- + curveto:(NSPoint)aPoint1:(NSPoint)aPoint2:(NSPoint)aPoint3 { SNUserPathOperation *op; op = [SNUserPathOperation _operation:dps_curveto]; [op setPoint1:aPoint1]; [op setPoint2:aPoint2]; [op setPoint3:aPoint3]; return op; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- + lineto:(NSPoint)aPoint { SNUserPathOperation *op; op = [SNUserPathOperation _operation:dps_lineto]; [op setPoint1:aPoint]; return op; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- + moveto:(NSPoint)aPoint { SNUserPathOperation *op; op = [SNUserPathOperation _operation:dps_moveto]; [op setPoint1:aPoint]; return op; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- + rcurveto:(NSPoint)delta1:(NSPoint)delta2:(NSPoint)delta3 { SNUserPathOperation *op; op = [SNUserPathOperation _operation:dps_rcurveto]; [op setPoint1:delta1]; [op setPoint2:delta2]; [op setPoint3:delta3]; return op; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- + rlineto:(NSPoint)delta { SNUserPathOperation *op; op = [SNUserPathOperation _operation:dps_rlineto]; [op setPoint1:delta]; return op; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- + rmoveto:(NSPoint)delta { SNUserPathOperation *op; op = [SNUserPathOperation _operation:dps_rmoveto]; [op setPoint1:delta]; return op; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- + setbbox:(NSPoint)lowerLeft:(NSPoint)upperRight { SNUserPathOperation *op; op = [SNUserPathOperation _operation:dps_setbbox]; [op setPoint1:lowerLeft]; [op setPoint2:upperRight]; return op; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- + ucache { SNUserPathOperation *op; op = [SNUserPathOperation _operation:dps_ucache]; return op; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- - initWithOperator:(DPSUserPathOp)anOperator { if ([super init] == nil) return nil; operator = anOperator; return self; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- - (void) encodeWithCoder:(NSCoder *)aCoder { [super encodeWithCoder:aCoder]; [aCoder encodeValueOfObjCType:@encode (DPSUserPathOp) at:&operator]; [aCoder encodePoint:point1]; [aCoder encodePoint:point2]; [aCoder encodePoint:point3]; [aCoder encodeValueOfObjCType:@encode (float) at:&radius]; [aCoder encodeValueOfObjCType:@encode (float) at:&angle1]; [aCoder encodeValueOfObjCType:@encode (float) at:&angle2]; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- - initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)aDecoder { if ([super initWithCoder:aDecoder] == nil) return nil; [aDecoder decodeValueOfObjCType:@encode (DPSUserPathOp) at:&operator]; point1 = [aDecoder decodePoint]; point2 = [aDecoder decodePoint]; point3 = [aDecoder decodePoint]; [aDecoder decodeValueOfObjCType:@encode (float) at:&radius]; [aDecoder decodeValueOfObjCType:@encode (float) at:&angle1]; [aDecoder decodeValueOfObjCType:@encode (float) at:&angle2]; return self; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- - (int) operandCount { int count; switch (operator) { case dps_arc: case dps_arcn: case dps_arct: count = 5; break; case dps_curveto: case dps_rcurveto: count = 6; break; case dps_lineto: case dps_moveto: case dps_rlineto: case dps_rmoveto: count = 2; break; case dps_setbbox: count = 4; break; case dps_closepath: case dps_ucache: default: count = 0; } return count; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- - (DPSUserPathOp) operator { return operator; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- - (void) operands:(float *)operands { switch (operator) { case dps_arc: case dps_arcn: *operands++ = point1.x; *operands++ = point1.y; *operands++ = radius; *operands++ = angle1; *operands++ = angle2; break; case dps_arct: *operands++ = point1.x; *operands++ = point1.y; *operands++ = point2.x; *operands++ = point2.y; *operands++ = radius; break; case dps_closepath: break; case dps_curveto: case dps_rcurveto: *operands++ = point1.x; *operands++ = point1.y; *operands++ = point2.x; *operands++ = point2.y; *operands++ = point3.x; *operands++ = point3.y; break; case dps_lineto: case dps_moveto: case dps_rlineto: case dps_rmoveto: *operands++ = point1.x; *operands++ = point1.y; break; case dps_setbbox: *operands++ = point1.x; *operands++ = point1.y; *operands++ = point2.x; *operands++ = point2.y; *operands++ = radius; break; case dps_ucache: break; default: break; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- - (NSPoint) lowerLeft { NSPoint ll; ll = NSMakePoint (10000, 10000); switch (operator) { case dps_arc: case dps_arcn: ll.x = MIN (ll.x, point1.x); ll.y = MIN (ll.y, point1.y); break; case dps_arct: ll.x = MIN (ll.x, point1.x); ll.y = MIN (ll.y, point1.y); ll.x = MIN (ll.x, point2.x); ll.y = MIN (ll.y, point2.y); break; case dps_closepath: break; case dps_curveto: case dps_rcurveto: ll.x = MIN (ll.x, point1.x); ll.y = MIN (ll.y, point1.y); ll.x = MIN (ll.x, point2.x); ll.y = MIN (ll.y, point2.y); ll.x = MIN (ll.x, point3.x); ll.y = MIN (ll.y, point3.y); break; case dps_lineto: case dps_moveto: case dps_rlineto: case dps_rmoveto: //NSLog (@"ll: (%f,%f), point: (%f,%f)", ll.x, ll.y, point1.x, point1.y); ll.x = MIN (ll.x, point1.x); ll.y = MIN (ll.y, point1.y); //NSLog (@"new ll: (%f,%f)", ll.x, ll.y); break; case dps_setbbox: // n/a? //NSLog (@"-- ll: (%f,%f), point1: (%f,%f), point2: (%f,%f)", ll.x, ll.y, point1.x, point1.y, point2.x, point2.y); ll.x = MIN (ll.x, point1.x); ll.y = MIN (ll.y, point1.y); ll.x = MIN (ll.x, point2.x); ll.y = MIN (ll.y, point2.y); //NSLog (@"-- new ll: (%f,%f)", ll.x, ll.y); break; case dps_ucache: break; default: break; } return ll; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- - (NSPoint) upperRight { NSPoint ur; ur = NSMakePoint (-10000, -10000); switch (operator) { case dps_arc: case dps_arcn: ur.x = MAX (ur.x, point1.x); ur.y = MAX (ur.y, point1.y); break; case dps_arct: ur.x = MAX (ur.x, point1.x); ur.y = MAX (ur.y, point1.y); ur.x = MAX (ur.x, point2.x); ur.y = MAX (ur.y, point2.y); break; case dps_closepath: break; case dps_curveto: case dps_rcurveto: ur.x = MAX (ur.x, point1.x); ur.y = MAX (ur.y, point1.y); ur.x = MAX (ur.x, point2.x); ur.y = MAX (ur.y, point2.y); ur.x = MAX (ur.x, point3.x); ur.y = MAX (ur.y, point3.y); break; case dps_lineto: case dps_moveto: case dps_rlineto: case dps_rmoveto: ur.x = MAX (ur.x, point1.x); ur.y = MAX (ur.y, point1.y); break; case dps_setbbox: // n/a? ur.x = MAX (ur.x, point1.x); ur.y = MAX (ur.y, point1.y); ur.x = MAX (ur.x, point2.x); ur.y = MAX (ur.y, point2.y); break; case dps_ucache: break; default: break; } return ur; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Private - (void) setPoint1:(NSPoint)aPoint { point1 = aPoint; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- - (void) setPoint2:(NSPoint)aPoint { point2 = aPoint; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- - (void) setPoint3:(NSPoint)aPoint { point3 = aPoint; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- - (void) setRadius:(float)newRadius { radius = newRadius; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- - (void) setAngle1:(float)anAngle { angle1 = anAngle; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- - (void) setAngle2:(float)anAngle { angle2 = anAngle; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- - (NSString *) description { NSString *str; switch (operator) { case dps_arc: str = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<SNUserPathOperation: arc p1:%f,%f r:%f a1:%f a2:%f>", point1.x, point1.y, radius, angle1, angle2]; break; case dps_arcn: str = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<SNUserPathOperation: arcn p1:%f,%f r:%f a1:%f a2:%f>", point1.x, point1.y, radius, angle1, angle2]; break; case dps_arct: str = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<SNUserPathOperation: arct p1:%f,%f p2:%f,%f r:%f>", point1.x, point1.y, point2.x, point2.y, radius]; break; case dps_closepath: str = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<SNUserPathOperation: closepath>"]; break; case dps_curveto: str = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<SNUserPathOperation: curveto p1:%f,%f p2:%f,%f p3:%f,%f>", point1.x, point1.y, point2.x, point2.y, point3.x, point3.y]; break; case dps_lineto: str = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<SNUserPathOperation: lineto p1:%f,%f>", point1.x, point1.y]; break; case dps_moveto: str = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<SNUserPathOperation: moveto p1:%f,%f>", point1.x, point1.y]; break; case dps_rcurveto: str = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<SNUserPathOperation: rcurveto p1:%f,%f p2:%f,%f p3:%f,%f>", point1.x, point1.y, point2.x, point2.y, point3.x, point3.y]; break; case dps_rlineto: str = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<SNUserPathOperation: rlineto p1:%f,%f>", point1.x, point1.y]; break; case dps_rmoveto: str = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<SNUserPathOperation: rmoveto p1:%f,%f>", point1.x, point1.y]; break; case dps_setbbox: str = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<SNUserPathOperation: setbbox p1:%f,%f p2:%f,%f>", point1.x, point1.y, point2.x, point2.y]; break; case dps_ucache: str = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<SNUserPathOperation: ucache>"]; break; default: str = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<SNUserPathOperation: UNKNOWN>"]; } return str; } @end
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