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#import "Risk.h" RCSID ("$Id: SNUserPath.m,v 1.2 1997/12/15 07:44:18 nygard Exp $"); #import "SNUserPath.h" #import <Foundation/NSObjCRuntime.h> #import <AppKit/dpsOpenStep.h> #import "NSObjectExtensions.h" #import "SNUserPathOperation.h" #import "SNUserPathWraps.h" //====================================================================== // An SNUserPath provides an interface for creating user paths and // using them for drawing or hit detection. The bounding box // calculations are incomplete, but work with straight lines. // // The MiscKit provides a more complete implementation. Under Rhapsody // this will probably move towards using the NSBezierPath path. // // Note that this means curved paths could be easily supported to // provide better looking maps, but would need to be // able to support them. //====================================================================== #define SNUserPath_VERSION 1 @implementation SNUserPath + (void) initialize { if (self == [SNUserPath class]) { [self setVersion:SNUserPath_VERSION]; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- - init { if ([super init] == nil) return nil; operations = [[NSMutableArray array] retain]; pathGenerated = NO; cached = NO; operators = NULL; operatorCount = 0; operands = NULL; operandCount = 0; return self; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- - (void) dealloc { SNRelease (operations); if (operators != NULL) free (operators); if (operands != NULL) free (operands); [super dealloc]; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Encodes operations, not the generated user path data structures - (void) encodeWithCoder:(NSCoder *)aCoder { [super encodeWithCoder:aCoder]; [aCoder encodeObject:operations]; //[aCoder encodeValueOfObjCType:@encode (BOOL) at:&pathGenerated]; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- - initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)aDecoder { [super initWithCoder:aDecoder]; operations = [[aDecoder decodeObject] retain]; pathGenerated = NO; cached = NO; operators = NULL; operatorCount = 0; operands = NULL; operandCount = 0; return self; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- - (void) addOperation:(SNUserPathOperation *)newOperation { NSAssert (pathGenerated == NO, @"The user path has already been generated."); [operations addObject:newOperation]; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Also creates bounding box - (void) createPathWithCache:(BOOL)flag { NSEnumerator *enumerator; SNUserPathOperation *operation; DPSUserPathOp *nextOperator; float *nextOperand; NSPoint lowerLeft, upperRight; NSPoint ll, ur; NSAssert (pathGenerated == NO, @"The user path has already been generated."); lowerLeft = NSMakePoint (10000, 10000); upperRight = NSMakePoint (-10000, -10000); enumerator = [operations objectEnumerator]; while (operation = [enumerator nextObject]) { ll = [operation lowerLeft]; ur = [operation upperRight]; //NSLog (@"** lowerLeft: (%f,%f), point: (%f,%f)", lowerLeft.x, lowerLeft.y, ll.x, ll.y); lowerLeft.x = MIN (ll.x, lowerLeft.x); lowerLeft.y = MIN (ll.y, lowerLeft.y); //NSLog (@"** new lowerLeft: (%f,%f)", lowerLeft.x, lowerLeft.y); upperRight.x = MAX (ur.x, upperRight.x); upperRight.y = MAX (ur.y, upperRight.y); } //NSLog (@"snup bbox: lowerLeft (%f,%f), upperRight (%f,%f)", lowerLeft.x, lowerLeft.y, upperRight.x, upperRight.y); [operations insertObject:[SNUserPathOperation setbbox:lowerLeft:upperRight] atIndex:0]; if (flag == YES) { cached = YES; [operations insertObject:[SNUserPathOperation ucache] atIndex:0]; } operatorCount = [operations count]; enumerator = [operations objectEnumerator]; operandCount = 0; while (operation = [enumerator nextObject]) { operandCount += [operation operandCount]; } // Mallocing... operators = (DPSUserPathOp *) malloc (operatorCount * sizeof (float)); NSAssert (operators != NULL, @"Could not malloc() operators."); operands = (float *) malloc (operandCount * sizeof (float)); NSAssert (operands != NULL, @"Could not malloc() operands."); nextOperator = operators; nextOperand = operands; enumerator = [operations objectEnumerator]; while (operation = [enumerator nextObject]) { *nextOperator++ = [operation operator]; [operation operands:nextOperand]; nextOperand += [operation operandCount]; } pathGenerated = YES; if (cached == YES) { // Remove it to make sure it's not archived (which might result // in duplicate ucache operators.) [operations removeObjectAtIndex:0]; } // Get rid of the bounding box for the same reason. [operations removeObjectAtIndex:0]; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- - (BOOL) isPathGenerated { return pathGenerated; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- - (DPSUserPathOp *) operators { NSAssert (pathGenerated == YES, @"The user path has not been generated."); return operators + ((cached == YES) ? 2 : 1); // Skip over bbox } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- - (int) operatorCount { NSAssert (pathGenerated == YES, @"The user path has not been generated."); return operatorCount - ((cached == YES) ? 2 : 1); // Skip bbox } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- - (float *) operands { NSAssert (pathGenerated == YES, @"The user path has not been generated."); return operands + 4; // Skip bbox } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- - (int) operandCount { NSAssert (pathGenerated == YES, @"The user path has not been generated."); return operandCount - 4; // Skip bbox } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- - (float *) bbox { return operands; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- - (NSRect) bounds { return NSMakeRect (operands[0], operands[1], operands[2] - operands[0], operands[3] - operands[1]); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- - (void) getUserPath:(DPSUserPathOp **)operatorPtr:(int *)operatorCountPtr:(float **)operandPtr:(int *)operandCountPtr :(float **)bboxPtr { NSAssert (pathGenerated == YES, @"The user path has not been generated."); *operatorPtr = operators + ((cached == YES) ? 2 : 1); *operatorCountPtr = operatorCount - ((cached == YES) ? 2 : 1); *operandPtr = operands + 4; *operandCountPtr = operandCount - 4; *bboxPtr = operands; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- - (void) getFullUserPath:(DPSUserPathOp **)operatorPtr:(int *)operatorCountPtr:(float **)operandPtr:(int *)operandCountPtr { NSAssert (pathGenerated == YES, @"The user path has not been generated."); *operatorPtr = operators; *operatorCountPtr = operatorCount; *operandPtr = operands; *operandCountPtr = operandCount; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- - (void) fill { SNUserPathDraw (operators, operatorCount, operands, operandCount, dps_ufill); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- - (void) evenOddFill { SNUserPathDraw (operators, operatorCount, operands, operandCount, dps_ueofill); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- - (void) stroke { SNUserPathDraw (operators, operatorCount, operands, operandCount, dps_ustroke); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- - (BOOL) inFill:(NSPoint)aPoint { int r = 0; SNUserPathWasHitFill (aPoint.x, aPoint.y, operators, operatorCount, operands, operandCount, &r); return r == 1; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- - (BOOL) inEvenOddFill:(NSPoint)aPoint { int r = 0; SNUserPathWasHitEvenOddFill (aPoint.x, aPoint.y, operators, operatorCount, operands, operandCount, &r); return r == 1; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- - (BOOL) inStroke:(NSPoint)aPoint { int r = 0; SNUserPathWasHitStroke (aPoint.x, aPoint.y, operators, operatorCount, operands, operandCount, &r); return r == 1; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- - (NSString *) description { return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<SNUserPath: pathGenerated = %@, operations = %@>", (pathGenerated == YES) ? @"Yes" : @"No", operations]; } @end
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