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// // $Id: NewGameController.m,v 1.11 1997/10/31 04:51:57 nygard Exp $ // // // This file is a part of Empire, a game of exploration and conquest. // Copyright (C) 1996 Steve Nygard // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. // // You may contact the author by: // e-mail: // #import "Empire.h" RCSID ("$Id: NewGameController.m,v 1.11 1997/10/31 04:51:57 nygard Exp $"); #import "NewGameController.h" #import "EmpireImageVendor.h" #import "Human.subproj/Human.h" #import "Client.h" #import "Brain.h" #import "ServerController.h" #import "DistributedGameManager.h" //====================================================================== // The New Game Controller provides access to the panel for selecting // the parameters of a new game. It's creates the game manager for a // new game, and instructs it on the type and parameters of players // to add to the game. // // Also, it provides a window for clients to select the parameters of // their player in distributed games. // // The controller observes the server controller so it can update the // list of available remote hosts. // // It will also need to know the type of computer players that are // available. //====================================================================== @implementation NewGameController - (void) awakeFromNib { int l; EmpireImageVendor *vendor; NSImage *city; NSImage **onLand; NSImage **onWater; NSImage **onCity; int loop_to_land[2] = {0, 2}; int loop_to_water[7] = {1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9}; NSString *resourcePath, *mapName; NSBundle *bundle; NSUserDefaults *defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; NSString *tmp; vendor = [EmpireImageVendor instance]; [vendor player:p_player1:&city:&onLand:&onWater:&onCity:NULL]; [[player1UnitImageMatrix cellAtRow:0 column:0] setImage:city]; for (l = 0; l < 2; l++) [[player1UnitImageMatrix cellAtRow:0 column:l+1] setImage:onLand[loop_to_land[l]]]; for (l = 0; l < 7; l++) [[player1UnitImageMatrix cellAtRow:0 column:l+3] setImage:onWater[loop_to_water[l]]]; [vendor player:p_player2:&city:&onLand:&onWater:&onCity:NULL]; [[player2UnitImageMatrix cellAtRow:0 column:0] setImage:city]; for (l = 0; l < 2; l++) [[player2UnitImageMatrix cellAtRow:0 column:l+1] setImage:onLand[loop_to_land[l]]]; for (l = 0; l < 7; l++) [[player2UnitImageMatrix cellAtRow:0 column:l+3] setImage:onWater[loop_to_water[l]]]; [vendor player:p_player3:&city:&onLand:&onWater:&onCity:NULL]; [[player3UnitImageMatrix cellAtRow:0 column:0] setImage:city]; for (l = 0; l < 2; l++) [[player3UnitImageMatrix cellAtRow:0 column:l+1] setImage:onLand[loop_to_land[l]]]; for (l = 0; l < 7; l++) [[player3UnitImageMatrix cellAtRow:0 column:l+3] setImage:onWater[loop_to_water[l]]]; [vendor attach:self]; [player1ColorWell setColor:[vendor colorForPlayer:p_player1]]; [player2ColorWell setColor:[vendor colorForPlayer:p_player2]]; [player3ColorWell setColor:[vendor colorForPlayer:p_player3]]; bundle = [NSBundle bundleForClass:[self class]]; mapName = [defaults stringForKey:DK_DefaultMap]; resourcePath = [bundle pathForResource:mapName ofType:@"map"]; NSAssert1 (resourcePath != nil, @"Could not find %@.", mapName); [mapTextfield setStringValue:resourcePath]; tmp = [defaults stringForKey:DK_DefaultPlayer1Type]; [player1TypePopup selectItemWithTitle:tmp]; tmp = [defaults stringForKey:DK_DefaultPlayer2Type]; [player2TypePopup selectItemWithTitle:tmp]; tmp = [defaults stringForKey:DK_DefaultPlayer3Type]; [player3TypePopup selectItemWithTitle:tmp]; tmp = [defaults stringForKey:DK_DefaultPlayer1Name]; [player1NameTextfield setStringValue:tmp]; tmp = [defaults stringForKey:DK_DefaultPlayer2Name]; [player2NameTextfield setStringValue:tmp]; tmp = [defaults stringForKey:DK_DefaultPlayer3Name]; [player3NameTextfield setStringValue:tmp]; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- - initWithBrain:(Brain *)theBrain { NSString *nibFile; BOOL loaded; [super init]; clientGameManager = nil; nibFile = @"NewGamePanel.nib"; loaded = [NSBundle loadNibNamed:nibFile owner:self]; if (loaded == NO) { NSLog (@"Could not load %@.", nibFile); [super dealloc]; return nil; } serverController = [theBrain serverController]; if (serverController != nil) { [serverController attach:self]; } return self; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- - (void) dealloc { SNRelease (clientGameManager); [super dealloc]; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- - (void) updatePlayer1Color:sender { [[EmpireImageVendor instance] setColor:[player1ColorWell color] forPlayer:p_player1]; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- - (void) updatePlayer2Color:sender { [[EmpireImageVendor instance] setColor:[player2ColorWell color] forPlayer:p_player2]; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- - (void) updatePlayer3Color:sender { [[EmpireImageVendor instance] setColor:[player3ColorWell color] forPlayer:p_player3]; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- - (void) createNewGame:sender { int playerCount; DistributedGameManager *gameManager; BOOL ps[3]; Client *remoteClient; int remoteClientIndex; int l, m; struct { int player; NSTextField *nameText; NSSlider *productionEffSlider; NSSlider *combatEffSlider; NSPopUpButton *remoteClientPopup; } player_things[] = { { p_player1, player1NameTextfield, player1ProductionEffSlider, player1CombatEffSlider, player1RemoteClientPopup }, { p_player2, player2NameTextfield, player2ProductionEffSlider, player2CombatEffSlider, player2RemoteClientPopup }, { p_player3, player3NameTextfield, player3ProductionEffSlider, player3CombatEffSlider, player3RemoteClientPopup } }; #if 0 // Check whether there is a game in progress if ([gameManager gameInProgress] == YES) { if (NSRunAlertPanel (@"New Game", @"There is already a game in progress or starting.", @"Cancel", @"Start new game", nil) == NSAlertDefaultReturn) { return; } [gameManager stopGame]; } #endif // Count the number of participating players ps[0] = [[player1TypePopup selectedItem] tag]; // Why not use indexOfSelectedItem? ps[1] = [[player2TypePopup selectedItem] tag]; ps[2] = [[player3TypePopup selectedItem] tag]; playerCount = ((ps[0] > 0) ? 1 : 0) + ((ps[1] > 0) ? 1 : 0) + ((ps[2] > 0) ? 1 : 0); if (playerCount < 1) { NSRunAlertPanel (@"New Game", @"There must be at least one player.", @"", nil, nil); return; } for (l = 0; l < 3; l++) { if (ps[l] == 3) { NSPopUpButton *rc_popup = player_things[l].remoteClientPopup; remoteClientIndex = [rc_popup indexOfSelectedItem]; if (remoteClientIndex < 1) { NSRunAlertPanel (@"New Game", @"You must select a client for the Remote player %d.", @"", nil, nil, l); return; } } } for (l = 0; l < 3; l++) { if (ps[l] == 3) { remoteClientIndex = [player_things[l].remoteClientPopup indexOfSelectedItem]; for (m = l + 1; m < 3; m++) { if (ps[l] == 3 && [player_things[m].remoteClientPopup indexOfSelectedItem] == remoteClientIndex) { NSRunAlertPanel (@"New Game", @"Remote players %d and %d must have different clients.", @"", nil, nil, l + 1, m + 1); return; } } } } gameManager = [[[DistributedGameManager alloc] init] autorelease]; // Start a new game with the given map name [gameManager startGameWithMapNamed:[mapTextfield stringValue]]; [[sender window] orderOut:self]; for (l = 0; l < 3; l++) { int pn = player_things[l].player; NSString *name = [player_things[l].nameText stringValue]; int pe = [player_things[l].productionEffSlider intValue]; int ce = [player_things[l].combatEffSlider intValue]; NSPopUpButton *rc_popup = player_things[l].remoteClientPopup; switch (ps[l]) { case 0: break; case 1: [gameManager addPlayer:pn name:name type:@"Human" withEfficiencies:pe:ce]; break; case 3: remoteClientIndex = [rc_popup indexOfSelectedItem]; NSAssert (remoteClientIndex > 0, @"No remote player chosen!"); //NSLog (@"remote player[%d]: '%@'\n", remoteClientIndex, [rc_popup titleOfSelectedItem]); remoteClient = [[serverController clientAtIndex:remoteClientIndex - 1] client]; [gameManager addRemotePlayer:pn forClient:remoteClient]; break; default: NSLog (@"Unknown player type #%d", ps[l]); } } // Begin game [gameManager beginGame]; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- - (void) aboutPlayer1:sender { [NSApp runModalForWindow:aboutPanel]; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- - (void) aboutPlayer2:sender { [NSApp runModalForWindow:aboutPanel]; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- - (void) aboutPlayer3:sender { [NSApp runModalForWindow:aboutPanel]; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- - (void) aboutStopAction:sender { [NSApp stopModal]; [aboutPanel orderOut:self]; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- - (void) setMapPanel:sender { NSArray *types = [NSArray arrayWithObject:@"map"]; NSOpenPanel *openPanel = [NSOpenPanel openPanel]; [openPanel setAllowsMultipleSelection:NO]; if ([openPanel runModalForTypes:types] == NSOKButton) { [mapTextfield setStringValue:[openPanel filename]]; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- - (void) showPanel { [newGamePanel makeKeyAndOrderFront:self]; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- - (void) choosePlayer:(Player)number forGameManager:(DistributedGameManager *)gameManager { int l; EmpireImageVendor *vendor; NSImage *city; NSImage **onLand; NSImage **onWater; NSImage **onCity; int loop_to_land[2] = {0, 2}; int loop_to_water[7] = {1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9}; id nameTexts[] = { player1NameTextfield, player2NameTextfield, player3NameTextfield }; NSRect frameRect; NSAssert (clientGameManager == nil, @"Expected client game manager to be nil."); clientGameManager = [gameManager retain]; ncPlayerNumber = number; frameRect = [newClientPanel frame]; frameRect.origin.x += number * 24; frameRect.origin.y -= number * 24; [newClientPanel setFrameOrigin:frameRect.origin]; [ncPlayerBox setTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Player %d", number]]; vendor = [EmpireImageVendor instance]; [vendor player:number:&city:&onLand:&onWater:&onCity:NULL]; [[ncUnitImageMatrix cellAtRow:0 column:0] setImage:city]; for (l = 0; l < 2; l++) [[ncUnitImageMatrix cellAtRow:0 column:l+1] setImage:onLand[loop_to_land[l]]]; for (l = 0; l < 7; l++) [[ncUnitImageMatrix cellAtRow:0 column:l+3] setImage:onWater[loop_to_water[l]]]; [ncColorWell setColor:[vendor colorForPlayer:number]]; [ncNameTextfield takeStringValueFrom:nameTexts[number - p_player1]]; [newClientPanel makeKeyAndOrderFront:self]; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- - (void) createNewClient:sender { int playerType = [[ncTypePopup selectedItem] tag]; int pn; NSString *name; int pe; int ce; NSAssert (clientGameManager != nil, @"Expected a client game manager to exist."); [newClientPanel orderOut:self]; pn = ncPlayerNumber; name = [ncNameTextfield stringValue]; pe = [ncProductionEffSlider intValue]; ce = [ncCombatEffSlider intValue]; switch (playerType) { case 0: break; case 1: [clientGameManager addPlayer:pn name:name type:@"Human" withEfficiencies:pe:ce]; break; default: NSLog (@"Unknown player type #%d", playerType); } [clientGameManager notifyMasterForPlayer:pn]; SNRelease (clientGameManager); } //====================================================================== // Empire Image Vendor Notification //====================================================================== - (void) vendorImagesUpdated:(BOOL)player1:(BOOL)player2:(BOOL)player3:(BOOL)other { if (player1) [player1UnitImageMatrix setNeedsDisplay:YES]; if (player2) [player2UnitImageMatrix setNeedsDisplay:YES]; if (player3) [player3UnitImageMatrix setNeedsDisplay:YES]; } //====================================================================== // Window Delegate //====================================================================== - (void) windowDidBecomeKey:(NSNotification *)notification { NSWindow *theWindow = [notification object]; if (theWindow == newGamePanel) { [theWindow makeFirstResponder:okayButton]; } } //====================================================================== // Client Host Notification //====================================================================== - (void) newClientHost:(NSString *)hostname { [player1RemoteClientPopup addItemWithTitle:hostname]; [player2RemoteClientPopup addItemWithTitle:hostname]; [player3RemoteClientPopup addItemWithTitle:hostname]; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- - (void) removedClientHostNumber:(int)index { [player1RemoteClientPopup removeItemAtIndex:index + 1]; [player2RemoteClientPopup removeItemAtIndex:index + 1]; [player3RemoteClientPopup removeItemAtIndex:index + 1]; } @end
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