
This is EmPlayer.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]

// $Id: EmPlayer.m,v 1.11 1997/10/31 04:51:45 nygard Exp $

//  This file is a part of Empire, a game of exploration and conquest.
//  Copyright (C) 1996  Steve Nygard
//  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
//  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
//  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
//  (at your option) any later version.
//  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
//  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
//  GNU General Public License for more details.
//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
//  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
//  Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
//  You may contact the author by:
//     e-mail:  nygard@telusplanet.net

#import "Empire.h"

RCSID ("$Id: EmPlayer.m,v 1.11 1997/10/31 04:51:45 nygard Exp $");

#import "City.h"
#import "EmPlayer.h"
#import "DistributedGameManager.h"
#import "Map.h"
#import "Unit.h"

// This provides default implementations and useful utility methods
// for players.
// Currently, this just has what was needed to develop the Human
// player, so it may need work to make it more useful for developing
// computer players.

@implementation EmPlayer

- initWithName:(NSString *)aName number:(Player)number world:(Map *)aMap
       capital:(City *)capitalCity withEfficiencies:(int)pe:(int)ce
   gameManager:(GameManager *)theGameManager
    EMMapLocation capitalLocation;
    int l;
    [super init];

    gameManager = [theGameManager retain];

    playerNumber = number;

    map = [aMap copyWithZone:[self zone]];
    [map setMapExplored:NO];

    capitalLocation = [capitalCity cityLocation];

    playerName = [aName retain];

    // update map around city.
    [map explore3x3AroundLocation:capitalLocation];

    productionEfficiency = pe; // 0..100
    combatEfficiency = ce;

    savedCookie = nil;

    cityList = [[NSMutableArray array] retain];
    NSAssert (cityList != nil, @"Could not create city array");

    unitList = [[NSMutableArray array] retain];
    NSAssert (unitList != nil, @"Could not create unit array");

    newUnitList = [[NSMutableArray array] retain];
    NSAssert (newUnitList != nil, @"Could not create new unit array");

    unitsAwaitingMovement = [[NSMutableArray array] retain];
    NSAssert (unitsAwaitingMovement != nil, @"Could not create awaiting units array");

    selectedUnit = nil;

    [self capturedCity:capitalCity];

    for (l = 0; l < UNIT_TYPE_COUNT; l++)
        destroyedUnits[l] = 0;
        lostUnits[l] = 0;

    finalMaps[p_neutral] = nil;
    finalMaps[p_player1] = nil;
    finalMaps[p_player2] = nil;
    finalMaps[p_player3] = nil;

    gameOver = NO;

    return self;


- (void) dealloc
    Player p;

    SNRelease (gameManager);
    SNRelease (map);
    SNRelease (playerName);
    SNRelease (savedCookie);

    // And all it's cities...
    SNRelease (cityList);

    // And all it's units...
    SNRelease (unitList);
    SNRelease (newUnitList);
    SNRelease (unitsAwaitingMovement);

    for (p = p_neutral; p <= p_player3; p++)
        SNRelease (finalMaps[p]);

    [super dealloc];

// General data access

- (GameManager *) gameManager
    return gameManager;


- (NSString *) playerName
    return playerName;


- (Player) playerNumber
    return playerNumber;


- (Map *) map
    return map;


- (int) productionEfficiency
    return productionEfficiency;


- (int) combatEfficiency
    return combatEfficiency;


- (NSArray *) cityList
    return cityList;


- (City *) cityAtLocation:(EMMapLocation)target
    NSEnumerator *cityEnumerator = [cityList objectEnumerator];
    EMMapLocation cityLocation;
    City *city;
    while (city = [cityEnumerator nextObject])
        cityLocation = [city cityLocation];
        if (cityLocation.row == target.row && cityLocation.column == target.column)
            return city;

    return nil;

// This returns the nearest city, ignoring terrain, for the goHome command.

- (City *) ourCityNearestToLocation:(EMMapLocation)target
    City *nearestCity = nil;
    City *city;
    NSEnumerator *cityEnumerator = [cityList objectEnumerator];
    EMMapLocation cityLocation;
    int nearestDistance = 1000000; // Square of nearest distance
    int distance, dr, dc;

    while (city = [cityEnumerator nextObject])
        cityLocation = [city cityLocation];
        dr = cityLocation.row - target.row;
        dc = cityLocation.column - target.column;
        distance = dr * dr + dc * dc;

        if (distance <= nearestDistance)
            nearestDistance = distance;
            nearestCity = city;

    return nearestCity;


- (NSArray *) unitList
    return unitList;


- (NSArray *) newUnitList
    return newUnitList;

// Turn phases

- (void) yourTurn:(int)turn withCookie:(NSNumber *)aCookie
    NSAssert (savedCookie == nil, @"Cookie is not nil.");
    savedCookie = [aCookie retain];
    [self yourTurn:turn];

// This is the one overridden in subclasses.

- (void) yourTurn:(int)turn
    if (turn != 0)
        [self initialPhase];


- (void) turnDone
    NSAssert (gameOver == NO, @"The game is over.");

    // Hopefully, this will retain the object for us, since we release
    // it ourselves.
    [gameManager performSelector:@selector (turnDone:) withObject:savedCookie afterDelay:0];

    // I found a better way of doing this while working on Risk.  With that, the
    // game manager would first change to the new state, and then execute the
    // current state.  The execution was performed delayed.  This means that
    // the player doesn't have to know about this special requirement.
    // However, at the moment the game manager code is a bit convoluted in this
    // regard.

    //[gameManager turnDone:savedCookie];

    SNRelease (savedCookie);

// This is not over-ridden in subclasses.

- (void) initialPhase
    NSEnumerator *cityEnumerator = [cityList objectEnumerator];
    NSEnumerator *unitEnumerator;
    City *city;
    Unit *unit;

    [newUnitList removeAllObjects];

    while (city = [cityEnumerator nextObject])
        // This may create a new unit, and add it to the unit list.
        [city startOfTurn];

    NSAssert ([unitsAwaitingMovement count] == 0, @"There were still units awaiting movement!");

    // refuel anything in a city or on board a ship
    // Reset current range of units

    unitEnumerator = [unitList objectEnumerator];
    while (unit = [unitEnumerator nextObject])
        [unit useSkippedFuel];
        [unit resetRange];
        [unit refuel];
        [unitsAwaitingMovement addObject:unit];

    selectedUnit = nil;


- (void) addUnit:(Unit *)newUnit
    [unitList addObject:newUnit];
    [newUnitList addObject:newUnit];


- (void) capturedCity:(City *)aCity
    EMMapLocation location;
    [aCity setOwner:self];

    [cityList addObject:aCity];
    location = [aCity cityLocation];

    // Left for initial (capital) city... otherwise, should be redundant, but harmless.
    [map setCityAtLocation:location toPlayer:playerNumber];


- (void) lostCity:(City *)aCity
    [aCity cityWasLost];

    // Map updating?
    [cityList removeObject:aCity];

// This is required to handle the degenerate case in a distributed game
// where, for example, all three starting cities are next to each other.

- (void) updateMapAroundCities
    NSEnumerator *cityEnumerator = [cityList objectEnumerator];
    City *city;
    EMMapLocation location;

    NSAssert (gameOver == NO, @"The game is over.");

    while (city = [cityEnumerator nextObject])
        location = [city cityLocation];
        [gameManager explorePlayer:playerNumber around3x3Location:location updateOtherPlayers:NO];

// Map Updating

- (void) unitIconHasChanged:(Unit *)aUnit
    EMMapLocation unitLocation = [aUnit unitLocation];

    MapToken mapToken = [map tokenAtLocation:unitLocation];
    Icon oldIcon = EMIconComponent (mapToken);

    if (EMConvertIconToUnitType (oldIcon) == [aUnit unitType])
        [map setToken:EMChangeIconComponent (mapToken, [aUnit icon]) atLocation:unitLocation];

// Used by the Human player when the production is changed while in the
// Show Production state.

- (void) cityProductionChanged:(City *)aCity

// Statistics

- (WarStatistics) warStatistics
    WarStatistics stats;
    int l;
    int count;
    id city;
    int soonest;
    int productionType;
    UnitType unitType;

    //NSAssert (gameOver == NO, @"The game is over.");

    stats.world_city_count = [gameManager worldCityCount];
    stats.percent_explored = [map percentExplored];

    for (l = 0; l < UNIT_TYPE_COUNT; l++)
        stats.destroyed_units[l] = destroyedUnits[l];
        stats.lost_units[l] = lostUnits[l];
        stats.under_construction[l] = 0;
        stats.in_combat[l] = 0;
        stats.soonest_complete[l] = 999;

    stats.city_count = [cityList count];

    for (l = 0; l < stats.city_count; l++)
        city = [cityList objectAtIndex:l];
        productionType = [city productionType];


        soonest = [city turnsToConstruct:NULL];
        if (soonest < stats.soonest_complete[productionType])
            stats.soonest_complete[productionType] = soonest;

    count = [unitList count];

    for (l = 0; l < count; l++)
        unitType = [[unitList objectAtIndex:l] unitType];

    return stats;


- (int) cityCount
    return [cityList count];

// End of player

- (BOOL) hasPlayerLost
    return [cityList count] == 0;


- (void) gameStopped:(int)activePlayers
    //NSLog (@"player: %d", playerNumber);
    [self createFinalMaps:activePlayers];
    gameOver = YES;

// Returns YES to continue playing, NO to stop game.

- (BOOL) playerHasWon:(int)activePlayers
    [self gameStopped:activePlayers];

    return NO;


- (void) playerHasLost:(int)activePlayers
    [self gameStopped:activePlayers];


- (void) playerHasResigned:(int)activePlayers
    [self gameStopped:activePlayers];

// Perhaps final set of maps could just be sent, rather than the active players..

- (void) createFinalMaps:(int)activePlayers
    Player p;
    EMMapSize mapSize;
    int l;
    MapToken *canonMapData;
    MapToken *mapData;
    //NSLog (@"active players: %x", activePlayers);

    NSAssert (finalMaps[p_neutral] == nil
              && finalMaps[p_player1] == nil
              && finalMaps[p_player2] == nil
              && finalMaps[p_player3] == nil, @"Final maps have already been set.");

    NSAssert (gameOver == NO, @"The game is over.");

    // get maps
    finalMaps[playerNumber] = [map retain];

    for (p = p_player1; p <= p_player3; p++)
        if (playerNumber != p)
            //finalMaps[p] = [[gameManager mapForPlayer:p] copyWithZone:[self zone]];
            //finalMaps[p] = [[gameManager fetchMapForPlayer:p] copyWithZone:[self zone]];
            finalMaps[p] = [[gameManager finalMapForPlayer:p] copyWithZone:[self zone]];
            //NSLog (@"finalMaps[%d] retain count: %d", p, [finalMaps[p] retainCount]);

    // Build canon map:
    // 1. get terrain, set explored, and strip icons.
    finalMaps[p_neutral] = [map copyWithZone:[self zone]];
    NSAssert (finalMaps[p_neutral] != nil, @"Could not copy map.");

    [finalMaps[p_neutral] stripIcons];

    // 2. Put icons for each _ACTIVE_ player back
    mapSize = [finalMaps[p_neutral] mapSize];
    canonMapData = [finalMaps[p_neutral] mapData];

    for (p = p_player1; p <= p_player3; p++)
        if (finalMaps[p] != nil && (activePlayers & (1 << (p - p_player1))) != 0)
            //NSLog (@"Combining data from player %d map.", p);
            mapData = [finalMaps[p] mapData];
            for (l = 0; l < mapSize.width * mapSize.height; l++)
                if (EMPlayerComponent (mapData[l]) == p)
                    canonMapData[l] = mapData[l];

    [finalMaps[p_neutral] setMapExplored:YES];

// Movement

- (Unit *) nextUnitAwaitingMovement
    Unit *nextUnit;

    selectedUnit = nil;
    nextUnit = nil;

    while ([unitsAwaitingMovement count] > 0)
        nextUnit = [unitsAwaitingMovement objectAtIndex:0];

        // Need to handle release of destroyed units in a better way.
        if ([nextUnit hasBeenDestroyed] == YES)
            [unitsAwaitingMovement removeObjectAtIndex:0];
            [unitList removeObject:nextUnit]; // Do this in unit...
            //[currentUnit free];
        else if ([nextUnit isFinishedMoving] == YES)
            [unitsAwaitingMovement removeObjectAtIndex:0];
            selectedUnit = nextUnit;

    return selectedUnit;


- (Unit *) selectedUnit
    //NSLog (@"selected unit is %@", selectedUnit);
    return selectedUnit;


- (Unit *) unitWithType:(UnitType)unitType atLocation:(EMMapLocation)target
    NSEnumerator *unitEnumerator = [unitList objectEnumerator];
    EMMapLocation unitLocation;
    Unit *unit;

    while (unit = [unitEnumerator nextObject])
        unitLocation = [unit unitLocation];
        if (unitLocation.row == target.row && unitLocation.column == target.column && unitType == [unit unitType])
            return unit;

    return nil;


- (Unit *) primaryUnitAtLocation:(EMMapLocation)target
    MapToken token = [map tokenAtLocation:target];
    UnitType unitType;

    unitType = EMConvertIconToUnitType (EMIconComponent (token));

    return [self unitWithType:unitType atLocation:target];

// Commands

- (MoveResult) moveSelectedUnitInDirection:(Direction)dir
    NSAssert (gameOver == NO, @"The game is over.");
    NSAssert (selectedUnit != nil, @"No unit selected.");

    return [gameManager moveUnit:selectedUnit inDirection:dir];


- (BOOL) moveResultDidMove:(MoveResult)moveResult
    return moveResult == mr_moved || moveResult == mr_victory
        || moveResult == mr_destroyed || moveResult == mr_captured_city;


- (BOOL) tryToMoveSelectedUnitInDirection:(Direction)dir
    MoveResult moveResult = [self moveSelectedUnitInDirection:dir];

    [self selectedUnitTriedToMove:moveResult];

    return [self moveResultDidMove:moveResult];


- (void) activateThisUnit:(Unit *)aUnit
    if ([aUnit currentRange] > 0)
        [unitsAwaitingMovement removeObject:aUnit];
        [aUnit setUnitFinishedMoving:NO];
        [unitsAwaitingMovement insertObject:aUnit atIndex:0];
        //currentUnit = aUnit;


- (void) waitUnit:(Unit *)aUnit
    [unitsAwaitingMovement removeObject:aUnit];
    [unitsAwaitingMovement addObject:aUnit];

// Other

- (void) destroyUnit:(Unit *)aUnit wasDisbanded:(BOOL)disbanded
    NSAssert ([aUnit owner] == self, @"We don't own that unit.");

    if (aUnit == selectedUnit)
        selectedUnit = nil;

    [aUnit destroyUnit:disbanded];
    if (disbanded == NO)
        lostUnits[[aUnit unitType]]++;

    [unitsAwaitingMovement removeObject:aUnit];
    [newUnitList removeObject:aUnit];
    [unitList removeObject:aUnit]; // This should be the last reference.


- (void) showExplosions:(int)count atLocation:(EMMapLocation)target

// Game Resignation

- (NSArray *) remainingCities
    NSArray *tmp = [NSArray arrayWithArray:cityList];

    //NSLog (@"remaining cities: %@", tmp);
    [cityList removeAllObjects];

    return tmp;


- (void) aPlayerHasResigned:(Player)number
    [map stripIconsOfPlayer:number];


- (void) resign
    NSAssert (gameOver == NO, @"The game is already over.");

    // This is synchronous, so that when it returns we can safely disconnect.
    [gameManager resignPlayerFromGame:playerNumber];

// Subclass Responsibilities

- (void) selectedUnitTriedToMove:(MoveResult)moveResult


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