
This is MiscTableScroll.rtf in view mode; [Download] [Up]

Release 2.0  Copyright ©1995, 1996, 1997 by Paul McCarthy and Eric Sunshine  All Rights Reserved.
Paul S. McCarthy and Eric Sunshine  --  July 4, 1997


Inherits From:	NSScrollView : NSView : NSResponder : NSObject

Conforms To:	NSCoding (NSObject)

Declared In:	MiscTableScroll.h

Class Description

This class provides a convenient and powerful user-interface object for displaying and manipulating tabular data.  The appearance and behavior is similar to NSTableView but is functionally superior.  Although it inherits from NSScrollView, the programmatic interface is similar to the NSMatrix class.

User Interface Highlights

Scrollable matrix.
Column and row titles.
Columns and rows can be resized.
Columns and rows can be dragged (rearranged).
Automatically sorts rows when columns are rearranged.
Direct user control of sort direction (ascending vs. descending).
Incremental search.
Exports contents as ASCII, ASCII-delimited, or dBASE.
Keyboard & mouse control.
Interacts with the Pasteboard, Font Panel, and Services.
Alt-click works in highlight mode.

Programmatic Interface Highlights

Each column and row can have its own size.
Each column can have its own cell-type.
Lazy-mode for large amounts of data.
Programmatic interface for multiple selection.
Built-in sort support.
Built-in image-dragging support.
Smart memory management.
Delegate methods for most features.
Simple indexed access to rows and columns.
Easy-to-use text-cell editing.
Full control over selection.

Similarities between Rows and Columns -- Slots and Borders

Rows and columns are treated equally wherever it is practical and desirable to do so.  Almost every action and option that is available for columns is also available for rows and vice versa.  Slot is the generic term for a single column or row.  Border is the generic term for row or column orientation.  Size is the generic term for width or height.  Most methods come in two flavors: a row/column specific flavor that uses row or column as part of the name; and a generic flavor that has a border argument and (when needed) a slot argument.  Here are some examples:

Generic	Specific
- border:setSlotTitlesOn:	- setColumnTitlesOn:
	- setRowTitlesOn:
- border:setSlot:size:	- setColumn:size:
	- setRow:size:

Differences between Rows and Columns

There are some differences between rows and columns.  This object is designed to maximize the efficiency of displaying many rows of data.  Hence, it is faster to add and remove rows than columns.  You should set up all your columns in InterfaceBuilder, or while the table is empty, then add and remove rows afterwards.  Rows are cached for re-use with the -renewRows: method.  This makes it very fast to change the contents of the table on a row-oriented basis.  Despite the row-oriented bias, column-oriented operations can be performed at any time; they will just be slower than the corresponding row-oriented operations.  This behavior is intrinsic to the implementation, it cannot be changed.

Cell-prototypes are only used for columns.  This behavior can only be changed by subclassing.

Selection in the body of a table performs selection on a row-wise basis.  This behavior can be changed programmatically via the -trackBy: method.

There are numerous default settings which differ between columns and rows.  Most of these options can be changed in InterfaceBuilder; all of them can be changed programmatically.  Here is a summary of the defaults which differ between rows and columns:

Option	Column Default	Row Default
modifier drag	NO	YES
uniform size	NO	YES
user sizeable	YES	NO
user draggable	YES	NO
titles displayed	YES	NO
autosize-slots	YES	NO
min-size-constrained	YES	NO
title mode	Custom	Auto-Numbered

Slot Sizing

Uniform size is the simplest sizing mode.  When you set the uniform size of a border to any non-zero value, all slots in that border will have the same (uniform) size.  They will not be sizeable by the user, nor will they be allowed to have individually differing sizes.  Setting the uniform size of a border to zero disables this feature, enabling slots to have individual sizes, and enabling user-sizing of slots in the border (subject to further conditions described below).  By default, rows are uniform size, columns are not.

If uniform sizing is not set for a border, the following sizing information is maintained for each slot in the border:

target size
minimum size
maximum size
data size
adjusted size

Target size is the desired size for a particular slot.  Minimum and maximum sizes are the lower and upper bounds for the size of a slot.  Data size is the size of the largest item in a slot for slots that are marked expands-to-data.  Adjusted size is the final display size of the slot after all other factors have been taken into account.  When a slot is marked as user-sizeable, the user will be able to resize the slot (subject to further conditions described below).  When a slot is marked as expands-to-data, the display size will be increased as necessary to display the largest entry in that slot.  Note that expands-to-data only affects the adjusted size.  It does not affect the target size.  Also note that expands-to-data will only increase the size of a slot, never decrease it.  When a slot is marked as autosize, its adjusted size may be changed to meet global minimum and maximum size limits.  The three flag values are mutually independent, but you should be careful, because user-sizeable and autosize do not mix well.  They cause bizarre, counter-intuitive behavior on narrow tables in wide views.

Users resize columns by dragging the right-hand edge of the column's title cell to the desired width.  Likewise, users resize rows by dragging the bottom edge of the row's title cell to the desired height.  The cursor changes to a horizontal or vertical resize cursor whenever the cursor is over one of the resizing areas.  When users resize a slot, they are setting the target size for the slot.  

All of the following conditions must be met to enable the user to resize a particular slot:

(a) Uniform-size for the border must be disabled (-border:setUniformSize:0)
(b) The title cells must be displayed (-border:setSlotTitlesOn:YES)
(c) The border in question must allow user-sizing of slots (-border:setSizeableSlots:YES)
(d) The slot in question must be user-sizeable (-border:setSlot:sizeable:YES)
(e) There must be some room to grow or shrink between the slot's current adjusted size and the slot's minimum and maximum sizes.

All of these conditions are met by default for new columns, unless you explicitly disable one of the global options for column sizing.

Slot Dragging and Indexing -- Visual vs. Physical

Dragging and sizing are independent of each other.  You can have borders that are not sizeable in any way, but are still draggable, and vice versa.  You can also have borders that are both draggable and sizeable, or neither draggable nor sizeable.

Users drag slots by dragging the title cells until the leading edge is over the desired new location and "dropping" the slot there.  For example, the left edge of the cell shows you where the column will end up when dragging a column to the left.  Likewise, the right edge is used when the column is dragged to the right.  This makes it possible to clearly see the new location without guessing.

Dragging must be enabled for that border.  By default, columns are dragged with an unmodified drag, and they are selected with a command-drag.  By default, rows are selected with an unmodified drag, and they are dragged with a command-drag.  By default, dragging is enabled for columns, but not for rows.

If slot-dragging is enabled for a border then an internal mapping vector is maintained which translates the original physical position of the slot to its current visual position.  All programmer-interface methods and all delegate call-back methods use the original physical position of the slot so you can ignore the current visual ordering in your programs.  If you need or want to examine the current visual ordering, you can do so with the -border:slotPosition: and -border:slotAtPosition: methods.

Keyboard Operations

MiscTableScroll provides keyboard control over almost all functions.  Keyboard equivalents are available for scrolling, selection, and performing actions (simulating double-click).  This class displays a dashed rectangle around the slot which is currently the focus of keyboard operations.  Display of the cursor can be disabled and re-enabled with calls to the methods -disableCursor and -enableCursor.

As with all other views, this control can be linked into a window's next-key-view chain using -nextKeyView, -setNextKeyView:, and so forth -- as well as being connected directly in Interface Builderä.

The keyboard cursor can be moved with the standard arrow keys as well as the editing keys on the numeric keypad, including the page-up, page-down, home, and end keys -- as well as the real page-up, page-down, home, and end on keyboards which actually supply these keys.  For functions which do not normally appear on any keyboard -- such as page-left and page-right -- modified arrow-keys can be used.  Please refer to the following table:

Key(²)	Action	Action Modified(³)
space	select slot	select slot
return	perform action	perform action
up-arrow	up	page-up
down-arrow	down	page-down
left-arrow	left	page-left
right-arrow	right	page-right
page-up	page-up	top-edge
page-down	page-down	bottom-edge
home	top-edge	left-edge
end	bottom-edge	right-edge
enter(*)	perform action	perform action
insert(*)	select slot	select slot

(²)	These functions are recognized when generated from both the standard editing keys as well as those on the numeric keypad.

(³)	Modified actions are produced by holding down a modifier while typing the primary key.  Any of Shift, Control, or Alt can be used to produce a modified action -- and all have the same affect.  So, for instance, one can generate a page-left from any of ctrl-left-arrow, shift-left-arrow, or alt-left-arrow.

(*)	Applicable to the numeric keypad only.

Keys which perform the select-slot function simulate a single mouse-click.  Keys which perform perform-action simulate a double mouse-click.  When performing a select-slot via the keyboard, one can use the same modifier keys one uses when selecting via the mouse.  In other words, one can use shift-single-click to select multiple slots (one at a time) with the mouse.  Likewise one can use shift-space to select multiple slots (one at a time) with the keyboard.

Selection Modes

Three selection modes are supported: List, Highlight, and Radio.  Unlike NSMatrix, this class treats the different selection modes as uniformly as possible (see Mouse Tracking below).  Methods such as -selectionMode and -setSelectionMode: allow direct control over the mode.

Methods such as -hasRowSelection, -numberOfSelectedRows, -rowIsSelected:, as well as the border and slot variations allow selection querying, while methods such as -selectedRows, -selectedRowTags, -selectRows:, and -selectRowTags: along with their variations allow batch-oriented selection modification.

Mouse Tracking

The manner in which MiscTableScroll performs mouse-tracking is different from the manner in which NSMatrix does so.  This class gives the cells the opportunity to track the mouse in all selection modes, whereas NSMatrix allows the cells to participate in mouse-tracking in all but List mode.  NSMatrix make a special case of List mode, and in addition to the mouse-tracking difference it also modifies the cells' state variables in this mode.  In all other modes NSMatrix allows the cell's mouse-tracking methods to manipulate the state rather than doing so itself.  MiscTableScroll, on the other hand, treats all selection modes uniformly.  It always highlights a cell via its highlight flag and never alters the cell's state -- instead it leaves alteration of state to the cell's mouse-tracking methods.

Upon receipt of a -mouseDown:, this class gives the cell at the mouse-down location an opportunity to track the mouse by invoking its -trackMouse:inRect:ofView:untilMouseUp: method.  That method normally tracks the mouse until either a mouse-up event in which case it returns YES, or until the mouse leaves the cell-frame in which case it returns NO.  If -trackMouse:inRect:ofView:untilMouseUp: returns NO, then MiscTableScroll goes into its own modal-responder loops, continues tracking the mouse itself, and updates the selection appropriately until a mouse-up event.  Only the cell under the mouse-down event is given a chance to participate in tracking -- after that no other cells are offered the opportunity.

Image Dragging

MiscTableScroll has built in support for dragging images right out of cells using the standard NeXT dragging services.  Dragging is enabled by implementing a few of simple methods in the delegate or dataDelegate.  Two required methods are -tableScroll:allowDragOperationAtRow:column: and -tableScroll:preparePasteboard:forDragOperationAtRow:column:.  Each method is passed a pointer to the MiscTableScroll and the cell's physical coordinates.  The first method gives the delegate or dataDelegate a chance to allow or veto the drag operation.  The second method is responsible for declaring types and, possibly, providing data for the pasteboard.

A third delegate method -tableScroll:imageForDragOperationAtRow:column: is required for non-image cells and optional for cells which contain an image.  This method allows the delegate or dataDelegate to supply an image for dragging.  If the cell from which dragging is taking place contains its own image, then this method need not be implemented or can return 0, in which case the cell's own image is used by default.

Other methods allow the delegate or dataDelegate to respond to the standard dragging source protocol methods.

As usual, when dealing with pasteboards, keep in mind that if a non-nil owner is specified, the NSPasteboard will retain it.  Only upon the initiation of another dragging operation will the owner receive the -pasteboardChangedOwner: message and be released.  Therefore the owner needs to remain in a valid state, along with any necessary data, even after completion of the drag operation.

Lazy vs. Eager

In general, eager mode is much easier to use than lazy mode.  In eager mode, you can usually take advantage of the cells themselves to store the data that you are retrieving and displaying.  Even complex data types can be stored by allocating the record and a storing pointer in the cell's tag or represented-object, or the tag for a row.  By contrast, lazy mode forces you to manage all the storage yourself.  In eager mode, the MiscTableScroll object allocates and manages a dense matrix of cells, which you fill in with data as needed.  In lazy mode, the MiscTableScroll object does not manage any cells at all.  You are responsible for implementing -tableScroll:cellAtRow:column: to provide the MiscTableScroll object with a cell whenever it needs one.  In lazy mode, you generally want to implement many of the -tableScroll:...ValueAtRow:column: methods to improve performance.

Prototype Cells

Each column maintains a prototype cell which is used when new rows are created.  When new rows are created, a -copyWithZone: message is sent to the prototype cell for each column, and the new copy of the prototype cell is put into the new row.  This means that all prototype cells must implement the -copyWithZone: method appropriately.  Generally this implies performing a deep copy.

The prototype cell can be one of the built-in types (text, icon, or button), it can be supplied by the delegate, or you can set it programmatically.  If you set a prototype cell programmatically, the MiscTableScroll object will retain the prototype cell, and will release it when it is finished with it.  If the delegate provides the prototype cell, the delegate retains ownership -- the MiscTableScroll object will neither retain nor release prototype cells provided by the delegate.

Cell Editing

<???FIXME: Write this.?>
<??? FIXME: Discuss that standard text-editing delegate messages get sent to delegate(s), along with those specific to MiscTableScroll. ?>

Cell Owner and Inherited Font and Color Attributes

The MiscTableScroll class implements an informal owner protocol with the cells that it manages.  The MiscTableCell class implements the other side this informal protocol.  This protocol enables the cells to specify that they want to inherit their font and color attributes from their owner.  In this case, the owner is the MiscTableScroll object.  This makes it possible to propagate global default font and color attributes to all such cells easily and efficiently.  At the same time, individual cells can use custom font and color attributes which will override the global default inherited values.  Cells that use the inherited values do not need to store copies of those inherited values.  Only cells that use custom values need to remember and store their own custom values.  See the documentation for the MiscTableCell class for more details.

Cell Owner and Owner-Draw

Another feature of the informal owner protocol is a specialized notion of delegated drawing.  All cells in an instance of MiscTableScroll that respond YES to the -ownerDraw message are drawn by the MiscTableScroll rather than drawing themselves.  Since the MiscTableScroll object typically manages many cells with similar font and color attributes, the MiscTableScroll object can eliminate a large amount of redundant font and color setting PostScript code.  Likewise, contiguous cells with the same background colors have all of their backgrounds drawn with a single PostScript operator rather than several.  The built-in drawing mechanism also eliminates a lot of very expensive clipping path operations by simply not drawing partial characters that would be clipped.  Any object used as a cell in an instance of MiscTableScroll object can take advantage of these facilities as long as the cell consists of only simple text with a single (optional) icon, and does not have borders or other drawing requirements.  This mechanism results in a very considerable improvement in drawing performance.

Usage Tips

For simple, flexible and maintainable access to the columns of the table scroll, you should declare an enum which identifies the columns in the MiscTableScroll, for instance:


Then you use the enumeration identifiers whenever you need to specify a column.  Using an enumeration this way lets you add, remove and shuffle the slots just by updating the enum declaration, rather than searching through the code to find all the places that need to be fixed.  It also makes your code more readable.

There are two standard patterns for putting the data into eager (non-lazy) MiscTableScroll objects: -renewRows: and -addRow.

When you know the number of rows in advance, it is most efficient to use the -renewRows: method to tell the MiscTableScroll object the number of rows that you will need.  Your code will usually be structured as follows:

int row;
int const nrows = [dataSource count];

[tableScroll renewRows:nrows];
for (row = 0;  row < nrows;  row++)
    id item = [dataSource itemAtRow:row];
    [tableScroll setRow:row tag:(int)[item retain]];
    [[tableScroll cellAtRow:row column:LAST_NAME_SLOT] setStringValue:[item lastName]];
    [[tableScroll cellAtRow:row column:AGE_SLOT] setIntValue:[item age]];
    //... and so on ...

if ([tableScroll autoSortRows])
	[tableScroll sortRows];

When you do not know the final number of rows in advance, your code will usually be structured as follows:

id item;
int row = 0;
[tableScroll empty];

while ((item = [self getNextItem]) != 0)
	[tableScroll addRow];
	[tableScroll setRow:row tag:(int)[item retain]];
	[[tableScroll cellAtRow:row column:LAST_NAME_SLOT] setStringValue:[item lastName]];
	[[tableScroll cellAtRow:row column:AGE_SLOT] setIntValue:[item age]];
	//... and so on ...

[tableScroll sizeToCells];

if ([tableScroll autoSortRows])
	[tableScroll sortRows];

A common programming mistake is forgetting to call -sizeToCells.  You must call -sizeToCells after you have finished adding rows so that the MiscTableScroll can update the frames of its various subviews.  If you forget to call -sizeToCells, the MiscTableScroll will appear to be empty when it is displayed.

Smart Memory Management

The MiscTableScroll class implements smart memory management.  It does not allocate support structures until and unless they are needed.  For example, since rows are uniform-size by default, the MiscTableScroll will not allocate the array of sizing-info structures until and unless you make the rows non-uniform size.  In a complimentary fashion, if you make the columns uniform size, the MiscTableScroll object will release the sizing-info array for the columns.  Similarly, custom titles must be stored in an array.  However, no other title-mode requires this array, and the array will only exist  for borders that have custom titles.  Likewise, the visual-to-physical mapping vector that supports user-draggable slots is only created when the first slot is actually moved.  Even if the draggable option is turned on, you will not incur the memory overhead until the option is used.  The net result of all this is that you only pay for the features that you use.  

On the other hand, you do pay for the features that you do use.  These extra features exact a price in storage and cpu.  You should be careful about using them for rows when you expect thousands of rows.

The MiscTableScroll class is designed to provide high-quality, consistent, flexible behavior to the user while supporting a wide range of load requirements -- from dozens of  rows to hundreds of thousands of rows.  Smart memory management is an important element in achieving that goal.


The only exception currently raised by MiscTableScroll is NSInternalInconsistencyException.  This exception is raised when MiscTableScroll detects an internal inconsistency.  This is typically indicative of a bug within this class.

This exception is also currently raised when an out-of-range slot index is passed as an argument to a method which can not sensibly handle the bad index.  For instance, there is no sensible value which -rowTag: can return when given a bad index, hence it raises an exception.  On the other hand no exception is raised by -selectRow: since it can simply ignore the bad index.  <???FIXME: In the future such methods will raise a more suitable exception, such as NSRangeException.?>

Method Types

Creating and destroying instances	±€initWithFrame:

Delegates	±€setDelgate:
± setDataDelegate:
± dataDelegate

Transmitting action	±€setTarget:
± setDoubleTarget:
± doubleTarget
± setAction:
± action
± setDoubleAction:
± doubleAction

± sendAction:to:forAllCells:
± sendAction:to:
± sendAction
± sendDoubleAction
± sendActionIfEnabled
± sendDoubleActionIfEnabled

± tracking

± clickedSlot:
± clickedRow
± clickedColumn
± clickedCell

Enabling and disabling	±€setEnabled:

Selection	± setSelectionMode:

± border:slotIsSelected:
± rowIsSelected:
± columnIsSelected:
± cellIsSelectedAtRow:column:

± selectedSlot:
± selectedRow
± selectedColumn
± selectedCell
± selectedSlotTags:
± selectedRowTags
± selectedColumnTags
± selectedSlots:
± selectedRows
± selectedColumns

± border:selectSlot:byExtension:
± border:selectSlot:
± selectRow:byExtension:
± selectRow:
± selectColumn:byExtension:
± selectColumn:
± border:selectSlotTags:byExtension:
± border:selectSlotTags:
± selectRowTags:byExtension:
± selectRowTags:
± selectColumnTags:byExtension:
± selectColumnTags:
± border:selectSlots:byExtension:
± border:selectSlots:
± selectRows:byExtension:
± selectRows:
± selectColumns:byExtension:
± selectColumns:
± selectAllSlots:
± selectAllRows
± selectAllColumns
± selectAll:

± border:deselectSlotTags:
± border:deselectSlots:
± clearSlotSelection:
± clearRowSelection
± clearColumnSelection

± hasSlotSelection:
± hasRowSelection
± hasColumnSelection
± hasMultipleSlotSelection:
± hasMultipleRowSelection
± hasMultipleColumnSelection
± numberOfSelectedSlots:
± numberOfSelectedRows
± numberOfSelectedColumns

± trackBy:
± trackingBy

± selectionChanged

Keyboard cursor	± border:setCursorSlot:
± clearCursorSlot:
± cursorSlot:
± hasValidCursorSlot:
± clearCursor
± clearCursorColumn
± clearCursorRow
± cursorColumn
± cursorRow
± disableCursor
± enableCursor
± hasValidCursorColumn
± hasValidCursorRow
± isCursorEnabled
± setCursorColumn:
± setCursorRow:

Incremental search	± incrementalSearch:
± doIncrementalSearch:column:
± getISearchColumn:
± doGetISearchColumn:

Scrolling	± scrollCellToVisibleAtRow:column:
± scrollColumnToVisible:
± scrollRowToVisible:
± scrollSelectionToVisible

± border:setFirstVisibleSlot:
± border:setLastVisibleSlot:
± border:slotIsVisible:
± firstVisibleSlot:
± lastVisibleSlot:
± numberOfVisibleSlots:

± columnIsVisible:
± firstVisibleColumn
± lastVisibleColumn
± numberOfVisibleColumns
± setFirstVisibleColumn:
± setLastVisibleColumn:

± rowIsVisible:
± firstVisibleRow
± lastVisibleRow
± numberOfVisibleRows
± setFirstVisibleRow:
± setLastVisibleRow:

Titles	± border:setSlotTitlesOn:
± setColumnTitlesOn:
± setRowTitlesOn:
± slotTitlesOn:
± columnTitlesOn
± rowTitlesOn

± border:setSlotTitleMode:
± setColumnTitleMode:
± setRowTitleMode:
± slotTitleMode:
± columnTitleMode
± rowTitleMode

± border:setSlot:title:
± setColumn:title:
± setRow:title:
± border:slotTitle:
± columnTitle:
± rowTitle:

Sizing	± border:setUniformSizeSlots:
± setUniformSizeColumns:
± setUniformSizeRows:
± uniformSizeSlots:
± uniformSizeColumns
± uniformSizeRows

± border:setSizeableSlots:
± setSizeableColumns:
± setSizeableRows:
± sizeableSlots:
± sizeableColumns:
± sizeableRows:

± border:setSlot:size:
± setColumn:size:
± setRow:size:
± border:slotSize:
± columnSize:
± rowSize:

± border:setSlot:minSize:
± setColumn:minSize:
± setRow:minSize:
± border:slotMinSize:
± columnMinSize:
± rowMinSize:

± border:setSlot:maxSize:
± setColumn:maxSize:
± setRow:maxSize:
± border:slotMaxSize:
± columnMaxSize:
± rowMaxSize:

± border:slotAdjustedSize:
± columnAdjustedSize:
± rowAdjustedSize:

± border:setSlot:expandsToData:
± setColumn:expandsToData:
± setRow:expandsToData:
± border:slotExpandsToData:
± columnExpandsToData:
± rowExpandsToData:
± border:setSlot:autosize:
± setColumn:autosize:
± setRow:autosize:
± border:slotIsAutosize:
± columnIsAutosize:
± rowIsAutosize:

± border:setSlot:sizeable:
± setColumn:sizeable:
± setRow:sizeable:
± border:slotIsSizeable:
± columnIsSizeable:
± rowIsSizeable:

± border:constrainMaxTotalSize:
± border:constrainMinTotalSize:
± border:setMaxTotalSize:
± border:setMinTotalSize:
± border:setSlot:dataSize:
± border:slotDataSize:
± columnDataSize:
± rowDataSize:
± constrainMaxTotalHeight:
± constrainMaxTotalWidth:
± constrainMinTotalHeight:
± constrainMinTotalWidth:
± constrainSize
± maxTotalHeight
± maxTotalHeightIsConstrained
± maxTotalSize:
± maxTotalSizeIsConstrained:
± maxTotalWidth
± maxTotalWidthIsConstrained
± minTotalHeight
± minTotalHeightIsConstrained
± minTotalSize:
± minTotalSizeIsConstrained:
± minTotalWidth
± minTotalWidthIsConstrained
± setMaxTotalHeight:
± setMaxTotalWidth:
± setMinTotalHeight:
± setMinTotalWidth:
± setColumn:dataSize:
± setRow:dataSize:
± totalHeight
± totalSize:
± totalWidth

± border:slotResized:

± border:setSlotTitlesSize:
± slotTitlesSize:
± setColumnTitlesHeight:
± columnTitlesHeight
± setRowTitlesWidth:
± rowTitlesWidth

Dragging	± border:setDraggableSlots:
± setDraggableColumns:
± setDraggableRows:
± draggableSlots:
± draggableColumns
± draggableRows

± border:setModifierDragSlots:
± setModifierDragColumns:
± setModifierDragRows:
± modifierDragSlots:
± modifierDragColumns
± modifierDragRows

± border:moveSlotFrom:to:
± moveColumnFrom:to:
± moveRowFrom:to:

± border:slotAtPosition:
± columnAtPosition:
± rowAtPosition:

± border:slotPosition:
± columnPosition:
± rowPosition:

± border:physicalToVisual:
± border:visualToPhysical:

± border:slotDraggedFrom:to:

Inserting and deleting	± numberOfSlots:
± numberOfColumns
± numberOfRows

± addSlot:
± addColumn
± addRow

± border:insertSlot:
± insertColumn:
± insertRow:

± border:removeSlot:
± removeColumn:
± removeRow:

± empty
± emptyAndReleaseCells
± renewRows:

Cell prototypes	± border:setSlot:cellType:
± setColumn:cellType:
± setRow:cellType:
± border:slotCellType:
± columnCellType:
± rowCellType:

± border:setSlot:cellPrototype:
± setColumn:cellPrototype:
± setRow:cellPrototype:
± border:slotCellPrototype:
± columnCellPrototype:
± rowCellPrototype:

Tags	± tag
± setTag:

± border:setSlot:tag:
± setColumn:tag:
± setRow:tag:
± border:slotTag:
± columnTag:
± rowTag:
± tagAtRow:column:

Drawing	± drawCellAtRow:column:
± border:drawSlot:
± drawRow:
± drawColumn:
± border:drawSlotTitle:
± drawRowTitle:
± drawColumnTitle:
± selectionChanged
± setAutodisplay:
± documentClipRect

Data control	± setLazy:
± isLazy
± cellAtRow:column:
± bufferCount
± empty
± emptyAndReleaseCells
± sizeToCells

± addSlot:
± border:insertSlot:
± border:removeSlot:
± numberOfSlots:

± addColumn
± insertColumn:
± removeColumn:
± numberOfColumns

± addRow
± insertRow:
± removeRow:
± numberOfRows
± renewRows:

± doRetireCell:atRow:column:
± doReviveCell:atRow:column:
± retireCell:atRow:column:
± reviveCell:atRow:column:

± tagAtRow:column:
± intValueAtRow:column:
± floatValueAtRow:column:
± doubleValueAtRow:column:
± stringValueAtRow:column:
± titleAtRow:column:
± stateAtRow:column:

Sorting	± autoSortColumns
± autoSortRows
± autoSortSlots:
± border:setAutoSortSlots:
± border:setSlot:sortDirection:
± border:setSlot:sortFunction:
± border:setSlot:sortType:
± border:setSlotSortVector:
± border:slotSortDirection:
± border:slotSortFunction:
± border:slotSortType:
± border:sortSlot:
± slotSortVector:
± columnSortDirection:
± columnSortFunction:
± columnSortType:
± columnSortVector
± compareSlotFunction
± rowSortDirection:
± rowSortFunction:
± rowSortType:
± rowSortVector
± setAutoSortColumns:
± setAutoSortRows:
± setColumn:sortDirection:
± setColumn:sortFunction:
± setColumn:sortType:
± setColumnSortVector:
± setCompareSlotFunction:
± setRow:sortDirection:
± setRow:sortFunction:
± setRow:sortType:
± setRowSortVector:
± sortColumn:
± sortColumns
± sortRow:
± sortRows
± sortSlots:

± slotsAreSorted:
± rowsAreSorted
± columnsAreSorted
± border:slotIsSorted:
± columnIsSorted:
± rowIsSorted:

± border:compareSlots::
± border:compareSlots::info:
± compareColumns::
± compareColumns::info:
± compareRows::
± compareRows::info:

± sortInfoInit:border:
± sortInfoDone:

Font	+ defaultFont
± font
± setFont:

Color	± backgroundColor
± color
+ defaultBackgroundColor
+ defaultSelectedBackgroundColor
+ defaultSelectedTextColor
+ defaultTextColor
± selectedBackgroundColor
± selectedTextColor
± setBackgroundColor:
± setColor:
± setSelectedBackgroundColor:
± setSelectedTextColor:
± setTextColor:
± textColor

Multicast	± makeCellsPerform:
± makeCellsPerform:selectedOnly:
± makeCellsPerform:with:
± makeCellsPerform:with:with:
± makeCellsPerform:with:selectedOnly:
± makeCellsPerform:with:with:selectedOnly:

Finding cells / tags	± border:slotWithTag:
± cellWithTag:
± columnWithTag:
± rowWithTag:
± getRow:column:ofCell:
± getRow:column:ofCellWithTag:

Save / restore	± border:setSlotOrder:
± border:setSlotOrderFromString:
± slotOrder:
± slotOrderAsString:
± border:setSlotSizes:
± border:setSlotSizesFromString:
± slotSizes:
± slotSizesAsString:
± columnOrder
± columnOrderAsString
± columnSizes
± columnSizesAsString
± rowOrder
± rowOrderAsString
± rowSizes
± rowSizesAsString
± setColumnOrder:
± setColumnOrderFromString:
± setColumnSizes:
± setColumnSizesFromString:
± setRowOrder:
± setRowOrderFromString:
± setRowSizes:
± setRowSizesFromString:

Pasteboard and services	± copy:
± cut:
± builtinCanWritePboardType:
± builtinReadSelectionFromPasteboard:
± builtinRegisterServicesTypes
± builtinValidRequestorForSendType:returnType:
± builtinStringForPboardType:
± builtinWriteSelectionToPasteboard:types:
± canWritePboardType:
± readSelectionFromPasteboard:
± registerServicesTypes
± validRequestorForSendType:returnType:
± stringForNSStringPboardType
± stringForNSTabularTextPBoardType
± stringForPboardType:
± writeSelectionToPasteboard:types:

Methods implemented by delegate	± tableScroll:allowDragOperationAtRow:column:
± tableScroll:backgroundColorChangedTo:
± tableScroll:border:slotDraggedFrom:to:
± tableScroll:border:slotPrototype:
± tableScroll:border:slotResized:
± tableScroll:border:slotSortReversed:
± tableScroll:border:slotTitle:
± tableScrollBufferCount:
± tableScroll:canWritePboardType:
± tableScroll:cellAtRow:column:
± tableScroll:tagAtRow:column:
± tableScrollIgnoreModifierKeysWhileDragging:
± tableScroll:intValueAtRow:column:
± tableScroll:floatValueAtRow:column:
± tableScroll:doubleValueAtRow:column:
± tableScroll:stringValueAtRow:column:
± tableScroll:titleAtRow:column:
± tableScroll:stateAtRow:column:
± tableScroll:draggingSourceOperationMaskForLocal:
± tableScroll:fontChangedFrom:to:
± tableScroll:selectedBackgroundColorChangedTo:
± tableScroll:selectedTextColorChangedTo:
± tableScroll:imageForDragOperationAtRow:column:
± tableScroll:preparePasteboard:forDragOperationAtRow:column:
± tableScroll:readSelectionFromPasteboard:
± tableScrollRegisterServicesTypes:
± tableScroll:retireCell:atRow:column:
± tableScroll:reviveCell:atRow:column:
± tableScroll:textColorChangedTo:
± tableScroll:validRequestorForSendType:returnType:
± tableScroll:stringForPboardType:
± tableScroll:writeSelectionToPasteboard:types:

Methods implemented by delegate	± tableScroll:retireAtRow:column:
± tableScroll:reviveAtRow:column:

Class Methods

+ (NSColor*)defaultBackgroundColor

Returns [NSColor lightGrayColor].  This is the default background color for new MiscTableScroll objects.

+ (NSFont*)defaultFont

Returns the user's preferred font at 12pt size.  This is the default font for new MiscTableScroll objects.

+ (NSColor*)defaultSelectedBackgroundColor

Returns [NSColor whiteColor].  This is the default selected background color for new MiscTableScroll objects.

+ (NSColor*)defaultSelectedTextColor

Returns [NSColor blackColor].  This is the default selected text color for new MiscTableScroll objects.

+ (NSColor*)defaultTextColor

Returns [NSColor blackColor].  This is the default text color for new MiscTableScroll objects.

Instance Methods

-  (void)abortEditing

Abort cell editing.  Does not go though the normal -control:textShouldEndEditing: validation method, nor does it go through the -controlTextDidEndEditing: method.

-  (SEL)action

Returns the action associated with a single click

-  (void)addColumn

Appends a new column.  See Usage Tips in the introduction for a more complete discussion.  Equivalent to: -addSlot:MISC_COL_BORDER.

-  (void)addRow

Appends a new row to the table.  If you know how many rows you will need in advance, you should use -renewRows: instead; it will be faster.  If you do not know the number of rows in advance, use this method.  This method is faster than -insertColumn:.  Internally, the table pre-allocates rows with a geometric growth pattern so there are only a logarithmic number of allocations.  See Usage Tips in the introduction for a more complete discussion.  Equivalent to: -addSlot:MISC_ROW_BORDER.

This method does no drawing, nor does it update the frames of the various subviews.  (This enhances performance when adding hundreds or thousands of rows.)  After you have finished adding rows, you must call -sizeToCells so that the MiscTableScroll can update the frames of the various subviews.

-  (void)addSlot:(MiscBorderType)b

Appends a new row or column to the table.  Appending rows is fast (geometric growth, logarithmic allocations, no shifting).  Appending columns is slower (linear growth, linear allocations, lots of shifting).  See Usage Tips in the introduction for a more complete discussion.

See also: -renewRows:

-  (BOOL)autoSortColumns

Indicates whether columns will be automatically sorted when the user drags rows.  Equivalent to -autoSortSlots:MISC_COL_BORDER.

-  (BOOL)autoSortRows

Indicates whether rows will be automatically sorted when the user drags columns.  Equivalent to -autoSortSlots:MISC_ROW_BORDER.

-  (BOOL)autoSortSlots:(MiscBorderType)b

Indicates whether or not slots on the given border will be automatically sorted when the user drags (rearranges) slots on the other border.

-  (NSColor*)backgroundColor

Returns the current background color for the MiscTableScroll object.  The background color is used as the background color of unselected cells in the table body as well as the exposure color for areas not covered by cells.

-  (int)border:(MiscBorderType)b compareSlots:(int)slot1 :(int)slot2

This method compares two slots.  Returns a value less than zero if slot1 should sort before slot2, zero if slot1 should sort equally with slot2, or greater than zero if slot1 should sort after slot2.  It calls -sortInfoInit:border: to compute the sorting information, then calls -border:compareSlots::info:, and finally cleans up with -slotInfoDone:.

See also:  -border:compareSlots::info:, -border:slotIsSorted:, -border:sortSlot:

-  (int)border:(MiscBorderType)b compareSlots:(int)slot1 :(int)slot2 info:(MiscSlotSortInfo*)sortInfo

This method compares two slots, given a pointer to the precomputed sorting information.  If you call this method, you are responsible for initializing sortInfo by calling -sortInfoInit:border:, and then releasing the resources by calling -sortInfoDone:.

See also:  -border:compareSlots::, -sortInfoDone:, -sortInfoInit:border:

-  (void)border:(MiscBorderType)b constrainMaxTotalSize:(BOOL)flag

This method instructs the MiscTableScroll object whether or not to tie the maximum total size of the border, b, to the corresponding size of the NSScrollView in which the table is displayed.  When flag is YES, the maximum total size will be constrained to match the corresponding size of the scroll view, and it will be automatically adjusted whenever the size of the scroll view changes.  When flag is NO, this will not happen.  Maximum sizes are not constrained by default.

See also:  -border:constrainMinTotalSize:, -maxTotalSizeIsConstrained:, -border:setMaxTotalSize:

-  (void)border:(MiscBorderType)b constrainMinTotalSize:(BOOL)flag

This method instructs the MiscTableScroll object whether or not to tie the minimum total size of the border, b, to the corresponding size of the NSScrollView in which the table is displayed.  When flag is YES, the minimum total size will be constrained to match the corresponding size of the scroll view, and it will be automatically adjusted whenever the size of the scroll view changes.  When flag is NO, this will not happen.  Minimum sizes are constrained by default for columns, but not for rows.

See also:  -border:constrainMaxTotalSize:, -minTotalSizeIsConstrained:, -border:setMinTotalSize:

-  (void)border:(MiscBorderType)b deselectSlot:(MiscCoord_P)slot

Deselects the indicated slot.

-  (void)border:(MiscBorderType)b deselectSlots:(NSArray*)slots

Deselects each slot in slots, which should be an array of NSNumber objects each containing a slot index.

-  (void)border:(MiscBorderType)b deselectSlotTags:(NSArray*)tags

Deselects all slots whose tag value can be found in tags, which should be an array of NSNumber objects.

-  (void)border:(MiscBorderType)b drawSlot:(int)n

Draws a single row or column.  This method locks focus on the view if needed.

See also:  -drawCellAtRow:column:, -drawColumn:, -drawRow:

-  (void)border:(MiscBorderType)b drawSlotTitle:(int)n

Draws the title cell for a single row or column.  This method locks focus on the view if needed.  You should never need to call this method in normal use, though it might be useful for subclasses.

See also:  -drawColumnTitle:, -drawRowTitle:

-  (void)border:(MiscBorderType)b insertSlot:(int)pos

Inserts a single row or column at the indicated position.  Position is a zero-based index.  The slot is inserted at physical index pos, and also at visual index pos.  This method performs linear allocation, and is slower than the corresponding -addRow method when adding new rows to a table.

-  (void)border:(MiscBorderType)b moveSlotFrom:(int)from_pos to:(int)to_pos

This is equivalent to the user dragging a slot from from_pos to to_pos.  Both from_pos and to_pos are zero-based indexes into the current visual ordering of the slots.

-  (NSArray*)border:(MiscBorderType)b physicalToVisual:(NSArray*)list

This method accepts an array of NSNumber objects each containing a physical (original) slot index, and returns an array containing the corresponding visual (current) slot indexes.  This is accomplished via a succession of calls to -border:slotPosition:.

See also:  -border:slotPosition:, -border:visualToPhysical:

-  (void)border:(MiscBorderType)b removeSlot:(int)pos

Removes a single row or column.  All cells are released and other internal resources for the slot are deallocated immediately.  If you are just emptying the table so that you can refill it with new data, use -renewRows: or -empty instead since these methods cache the cells for later re-use.  See Usage Tips in the introduction for a more complete discussion.

See also: -empty, -emptyAndReleaseCells, -renewRows:

-  (void)border:(MiscBorderType)b selectSlot:(MiscCoord_P)slot byExtension:(BOOL)flag

Selects the indicated slot.  If flag is YES then does not clear the previous selection, hence slot is added to the existing selection.  If flag is NO then the previous selection is cleared.

-  (void)border:(MiscBorderType)b selectSlot:(MiscCoord_P)slot

Equivalent to: -border:b selectSlot:slot byExtension:NO.

-  (void)border:(MiscBorderType)b selectSlots:(NSArray*)slots byExtension:(BOOL)flag

Selects each slot in slots, which should be an array of NSNumber objects each containing a slot index.  If flag is YES then does not clear the previous selection, hence slots are added to the existing selection.  If flag is NO then the previous selection is cleared.

-  (void)border:(MiscBorderType)b selectSlots:(NSArray*)slots

Equivalent to: -border:b selectSlots:slots byExtension:NO.

-  (void)border:(MiscBorderType)b selectSlotTags:(NSArray*)tags byExtension:(BOOL)flag

Selects all slots whose tag value can be found in tags, which should be an array of NSNumber objects.  If flag is YES then does not clear the previous selection, hence the slots found in tags are added to the existing selection.  If flag is NO then the previous selection is cleared.  This method is useful in conjunction with -selectedSlotTags: to save and restore the user's selection when you have tag values that uniquely identify the slots.

-  (void)border:(MiscBorderType)b selectSlotTags:(NSArray*)tags

Equivalent to: -border:b selectSlotTags:tags byExtension:NO.

-  (void)border:(MiscBorderType)b setAutoSortSlots:(BOOL)flag

Instructs the MiscTableScroll object whether or not to automatically sort the slots in border b, when the user drags a slot from the other border.  For example, when you tell the MiscTableScroll object to auto-sort rows, the rows will be automatically sorted every time the user drags a column to a new position.  AutoSort is off by default.

-  (void)border:(MiscBorderType)b setCursorSlot:(MiscCoord_P)slot

Sets the keyboard cursor to slot.

-  (void)border:(MiscBorderType)b setDraggableSlots:(BOOL)flag

Enables or disables reordering of the slots.  To let the user drag slots, the titles must be displayed, and the slots must be draggable.

See also:  -border:setModifierDragSlots:, -border:setSizeableSlots:, -border:setSlotTitlesOn:

-  (void)border:(MiscBorderType)b setFirstVisibleSlot:(int)n

Scrolls the table so that slot n is the first slot displayed if possible.

-  (void)border:(MiscBorderType)b setLastVisibleSlot:(int)n

Scrolls the table so that slot n is the last slot displayed if possible.

-  (void)border:(MiscBorderType)b setMaxTotalSize:(float)size

Sets the maximum total size for border b.  Whenever the normal total size of the border would be more than the maximum total size, all autosize slots shrink proportionately until either the total size meets the global maximum limit, or all autosize slots have shrunk to their minimum sizes.  Local, slot-specific minimum sizes take precedence over the global maximum size.

See also:  -border:constrainMaxSize:, -border:setMinTotalSize:, -maxTotalSize:

-  (void)border:(MiscBorderType)b setMinTotalSize:(float)size

Sets the minimum total size for border b.  Whenever the normal total size of the border would be less than the minimum total size, all autosize slots grow proportionately until either the total size meets the global minimum limit, or all autosize slots have grown to their maximum sizes.  Local, slot-specific maximum sizes take precedence over the global minimum size.

See also:  -border:constrainMinSize:, -border:setMaxTotalSize:, -minTotalSize:

-  (void)border:(MiscBorderType)b setModifierDragSlots:(BOOL)flag

This option controls whether an unmodified mouse-down initiates selection, or slot-dragging.  When flag is YES, an unmodified mouse-down initiates selection, and the user must hold down the command-key to drag a slot.  When flag is NO, an unmodified mouse-down initiates dragging, and the user must hold down the command-key to select a slot.  By default, columns are dragged with an unmodified mouse-down and selected when the command-key modifier is used.  By default, rows behave the other way; an unmodified mouse-down initiates selection, and a command-key modifier must be used to initiate dragging.

-  (void)border:(MiscBorderType)b setSizeableSlots:(BOOL)flag

Enables or disables user-sizing of the slots.  Many conditions must be met to enable the user to resize a particular slot.  See Slot Sizing in the introduction for details.

-  (void)border:(MiscBorderType)b setSlot:(int)n autosize:(BOOL)flag

Enables or disables autosizing for a particular slot.  When YES, the slot will be adjusted proportionately with all other autosize slots in the border to meet global minimum or maximum size restrictions for the border as a whole.  Currently, this only has effect for columns in narrow tables displayed in wide NSScrollViews.  See Slot Sizing in the introduction for more details.

-  (void)border:(MiscBorderType)b setSlot:(int)n cellPrototype:(id)cell

Set the cell prototype for a slot.  Currently, only column cell prototypes are used.  When new rows are allocated for the table, the cell prototype from each column is sent a -copyWithZone: message.  The newly created cell is placed into the newly created row.  Thus all prototype cells must implement the -copyWithZone: message appropriately.  (In general, this implies making a deep copy.)  The MiscTableScroll retains cell when this method is invoked and releases it when it is no longer needed.

See also:  -border:setSlot:cellType:

-  (void)border:(MiscBorderType)b setSlot:(int)n cellType:(MiscTableCellStyle)t

Sets the type of cell that will be used for a particular slot.  Currently, only column cell types have any effect; row cell types are ignored.  The cell type, t, can be any of the following (declared in MiscTableTypes.h):


When this method is called, the MiscTableScroll object will create a prototype cell for the indicated slot of the indicated type.  MISC_TABLE_CELL_TEXT creates a text-cell; MISC_TABLE_CELL_IMAGE creates an image-cell; MISC_TABLE_CELL_BUTTON creates a button-cell; and MISC_TABLE_CELL_CALLBACK instructs the MiscTableScroll object to ask the delegate for the for the prototype cell.  <???FIXME: What is the interaction with setting an explicit prototype cell?  What message is sent to the delegate to get the prototype?  When is the message sent?  Does it ask for the cell itself, or just a prototype?  Is it sent to the delegate, or the data-delegate?>

See also:  -border:setSlot:cellPrototype:

-  (void)border:(MiscBorderType)b setSlot:(int)n dataSize:(float)size

Sets the size of the data at slot n for slots which automatically size-to-data.  <???FIXME: Currently unimplemented.?>

-  (void)border:(MiscBorderType)b setSlot:(int)n expandsToData:(BOOL)flag

Sets the expands-to-data flag for slot n.  When flag is YES, the slot will expand as needed to accommodate the largest entry in that slot.  Only the adjusted-size of a slot is affected, and it can only be increased, never decreased.  Expansions resulting from expands-to-data will not exceed the maximum size for the slot.  When flag is NO, no such adjustment will be made.  See Slot Sizing in the introduction for more details.  <???FIXME: How is the largest size determined?  When does it get adjusted?>

-  (void)border:(MiscBorderType)b setSlot:(int)n maxSize:(float)size

Sets the maximum size for slot n.  The size argument is in units of screen pixels.  This limit affects user resizing of slots; the target size for a slot, and automatic slot expansions performed to accommodate the expands-to-data and autosize flags.  See Slot Sizing in the introduction for more details.

-  (void)border:(MiscBorderType)b setSlot:(int)n minSize:(float)size

Sets the minimum size for slot n.  The size argument is in units of screen pixels.  This limit affects user resizing of slots, and acts as a limit on the target size for a slot.  See Slot Sizing in the introduction for more details.

-  (void)border:(MiscBorderType)b setSlot:(int)n size:(float)size

Sets the target size for slot n.  The size argument is in units of screen pixels.  See Slot Sizing in the introduction for more details.

-  (void)border:(MiscBorderType)b setSlot:(int)n sizeable:(BOOL)flag

Sets the user-sizeable flag for slot n.  When flag  is YES, the user will be able to resize the slot.  When flag is NO, the user will not be able to resize the slot.  There are many conditions which must be met for a user to be able to resize a slot.  See Slot Sizing in the introduction for more details.

-  (void)border:(MiscBorderType)b setSlot:(int)n sortDirection:(MiscSortDirection)x

Indicates whether slot n should be sorted in ascending or descending order.  X must be one of the following two values from MiscTableTypes.h:


All other values are ignored.

See also:  -border:setSlot:sortType:, -border:setSlot:sortFunction:, -border:slotSortDirection:

-  (void)border:(MiscBorderType)b setSlot:(int)n sortFunction:(MiscCompareEntryFunc)func

Makes func the cell-to-cell comparison routine for the cells in slot n.  The function, func, must match the following prototype from MiscTableTypes.h:

typedef int (*MiscCompareEntryFunc)
	( int r1, int c1, int r2, int c2,
	MiscEntrySortInfo const* entry_info,
	MiscSlotSortInfo* sort_info );

The function is given the coordinates of the two cells, and two pointers to structures containing additional sorting information.  The function should return an integer that is: (a) less than zero if the cell at (r1,c1) should sort before the cell at (r2,c2), (b) equal to zero if the two cells should sort equally, or (c) greater than zero if the cell at (r1,c1) should sort after the cell at (r2,c2).

The sort direction (ascending or descending) is applied to the value returned by the cell-to-cell comparison function by the slot-to-slot comparison function.  So if you supply a custom cell-to-cell comparison function you should ignore the sort direction for that slot.  You should always return the ascending sort-order value.

Use this method when you need to perform custom sorting that the built-in sort-types cannot accommodate.

See also:  -border:setSlot:sortDirection:, -border:setSlot:sortType:, -border:slotSortFunction:

-  (void)border:(MiscBorderType)b setSlot:(int)n sortType:(MiscSortType)x

Sets the type of sorting to be used by the built-in cell-to-cell comparison function for cells in slot n.  The sort type, x, must be one of the following values from MiscTableTypes.h:


All other values are ignored.  Each of the types is described below.


The cells are compared as strings.  The string values are retrieved using the -stringValueAtRow:column: message. MISC_SORT_STRING_CASE_INSENSITIVE is the default sort-type.


The cells are compared as integers.  The integer values are retrieved using the -intValueAtRow:column: message.


The cells are compared as integers.  The integer values are retrieved using the -tagAtRow:column: message.  This feature is useful for sorting that is handled "behind-the-scenes".  For example, if the slot holds date information, you can put a numeric representation of the date (such as that obtained with -[NSDate timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate]) into the cell's tag, and format the string value any way you wish.  The slot will sort correctly regardless of the display format.  It is also useful for slots that hold keywords from an ordered set of values, like the following enumeration:

enum Severity { Notice, Warning, Error, Fatal };

Sorting these alphabetically does not make sense, but if you put the enum value into the tag of the cell, you can sort them correctly.  This sort type also makes it possible to sort slots that hold icons.


The cells are compared as single-precision floating point numbers.  The values are retrieved using the -floatValueAtRow:column: message.


The cells are compared as double-precision floating point numbers.  The values are retrieved using the -doubleValueAtRow:column: message.


The cells are not compared.  All cells in slots with the MISC_SORT_SKIP sort-type are considered equal.  This can be used for slots that should not affect the sorting.


The cells are compared as strings.  The string values are retrieved using the -titleAtRow:column: message.  This is provided to support NSButtonCells.


The cells are compared as integers.  The integer values are retrieved using the -stateAtRow:column: message.  This is provided to support NSButtonCells.

See also:  -border:setSlot:sortDirection:, -border:setSlot:sortFunction:, -border:slotSortType:

-  (void)border:(MiscBorderType)b tag:(int)tag

Sets the tag for slot n to tag.

-  (void)border:(MiscBorderType)b setSlot:(int)n title:(NSString*)title

Sets the title for slot n to title.  This method only works for borders with custom titles (that is, -border:b setSlotTitleMode:MISC_CUSTOM_TITLE).  If the border does not have custom titles, the request is silently ignored.

See also:  -border:setSlotTitleMode:

-  (void)border:(MiscBorderType)b setSlotOrder:(NSArray*)list

Rearranges the slots to match the order specified by list, which is an array of NSNumber objects.  The list is organized in the physical (original) order of the slots.  Each value in the list is the new visual position for the corresponding slot.  In other words, list is a physical to visual mapping.  This is useful for restoring the user's slot-order preference.

List also encodes the sort direction.  Negative values set the slot sort direction to descending.  Positive values set the slot sort direction to ascending.  Negative values are formed by using the 'C' bitwise complement operator (~). 

See also:  -border:setSlotOrderFromString:, -border:setSlotSizes:, -slotOrder:

-  (void)border:(MiscBorderType)b setSlotOrderFromString:(NSString*)s

This is a convenience method which invokes -border:setSlotOrder: using an NSArray constructed from s.

See also:  -border:setSlotOrder:, -border:setSlotSizes:, -slotOrder:

-  (void)border:(MiscBorderType)b setSlotSizes:(NSArray*)list

Sets the sizes of all slots to the values in list, which is an array of NSNumber objects.  List is organized in physical (original) slot order.  Each value is the size of the corresponding slot.  This method is useful for restoring the user's slot size preferences.

See also:  -border:setSlotOrder:, -border:setSlotSizesFromString:, -slotSizes:

-  (void)border:(MiscBorderType)b setSlotSizesFromString:(NSString*)s

This is a convenience method which invokes -border:setSlotSizes: using an NSArray constructed from s.

See also:  -border:setSlotOrder:, -border:setSlotSizes:, -slotSizes:

-  (void)border:(MiscBorderType)b setSlotSortVector:(NSArray*)v

Sets the order in which slots are considered when sorting.  Each value in v, which is an array of NSNumber objects, is the physical (original) position of a slot.  The slots will be compared in the order that they appear in v.  Use the one's complement (bitwise negation with the tilde, `~', operator) to reverse the sort direction (ascending / descending) of a slot.  The current visual slot order is used by default; use this method to specify a different ordering.  This method turns off auto-sort for the other border.  That is, setting a slotSortVector for the columns turns off auto-sort for the rows.  The auto-sort facility automatically sorts the table whenever a slot is dragged, so setting a slot sort vector invalidates the premise on which auto-sort works.

See also:  -slotSortVector

-  (void)border:(MiscBorderType)b setSlotTitleMode:(MiscTableTitleMode)x

Sets the title-mode for a border.  The title-mode, x, can be any of the following (declared in MiscTableTypes.h):

MISC_NO_TITLE,	// No titles on row/column cells.
MISC_NUMBER_TITLE,	// Titles are sequential numbers.
MISC_ALPHA_TITLE,	// Titles are sequential alphabetics...
MISC_CUSTOM_TITLE,	// Titles are user-supplied strings...
MISC_DELEGATE_TITLE	// Ask the delegate for titles.

See also:  -tableScroll:border:slotTitle: (delegate method)

-  (BOOL)border:(MiscBorderType)b setSlotTitlesOn:(BOOL)on_off

Determines whether titles will be displayed or not.  When on_off is YES, the titles will be displayed.  When on_off is NO, the titles will not be displayed.  The titles must be displayed to let the user resize and drag slots.  See Slot Sizing in the introduction for more details.

-  (void)border:(MiscBorderType)b setSlotTitlesSize:(float)size

For column titles, sets their height.  For row titles, sets their width.

-  (void)border:(MiscBorderType)b setUniformSizeSlots:(float)uniform_size

Sets or clears the uniform-size for a border.  If uniform_size is zero, then each slot on that border will be able to have individually varying sizes.  If uniform_size is non-zero, then every slot on that border will have the size, uniform_size.  When the slots on a border have a uniform size, the user will not be able to resize the slots.  See Slot Sizing in the introduction for more details.

-  (float)border:(MiscBorderType)b slotAdjustedSize:(int)slot

Returns the current display size of slot.

-  (int)border:(MiscBorderType)b slotAtPosition:(int)pos

Returns the original physical position of the slot in visual position pos.  This is the visual-to-physical conversion routine.

See also:  -border:moveSlotFrom:to:, -border:slotPosition:

-  (id)border:(MiscBorderType)b slotCellPrototype:(int)slot

Returns the cell prototype for slot.

See also:  -border:setSlot:cellPrototype:, -border:setSlot:cellType:

-  (MiscTableCellStyle)border:(MiscBorderType)b slotCellType:(int)slot

Returns the cell type for slot.

See also:  -border:setSlot:cellPrototype:, -border:setSlot:cellType:

-  (float)border:(MiscBorderType)b slotDataSize:(int)slot

Returns the data size at slot for slots which automatically size-to-data. <???FIXME: Currently unimplemented.?>

-  (void)border:(MiscBorderType)b slotDraggedFrom:(int)from_pos to:(int)to_pos

Internal method, invoked whenever the user drags a slot to a new position.  Can be useful in subclasses to recognize a user-initiated slot drag event.

-  (BOOL)border:(MiscBorderType)b slotExpandsToData:(int)slot

Returns the state of the expands-to-data flag for slot.  See Slot Sizing in the introduction for more details.

-  (BOOL)border:(MiscBorderType)b slotIsAutosize:(int)slot

Returns the state of the autosize flag for slot. See Slot Sizing in the introduction for more details.

-  (BOOL)border:(MiscBorderType)b slotIsSelected:(MiscCoord_P)slot

Returns YES if slot is selected, else NO.

-  (BOOL)border:(MiscBorderType)b slotIsSizeable:(int)slot

Returns the state of the user-sizeable flag for slot. See Slot Sizing in the introduction for more details.

-  (BOOL)border:(MiscBorderType)b slotIsSorted:(int)slot

This method compares slot with its neighbors.  It returns YES if these slots are sorted relative to each other.  It returns NO if any of these slots are out of order with respect to the others.  This method can be useful for determining whether or not the table must be resorted when you are changing values in the table.

See also:  -border:sortSlot:, -slotsAreSorted:

-  (BOOL)border:(MiscBorderType)b slotIsVisible:(int)slot

Returns YES if any part of slot is visible in the scrolling display.  Returns NO otherwise.

-  (float)border:(MiscBorderType)b slotMaxSize:(int)slot

Returns the maximum size for slot. See Slot Sizing in the introduction for more details.

-  (float)border:(MiscBorderType)b slotMinSize:(int)slot

Returns the minimum size for slot. See Slot Sizing in the introduction for more details.

-  (int)border:(MiscBorderType)b slotPosition:(int)slot

Returns the current visual position of the slot whose original physical position was slot.  This is the physical-to-visual conversion routine.

See also:  -border:moveSlotFrom:to:, -border:slotAtPosition:

-  (void)border:(MiscBorderType)b slotResized:(int)n

Internal method called whenever the user resizes a slot.  Can be useful in subclasses to recognize user-initiated slot resizing.

-  (float)border:(MiscBorderType)b slotSize:(int)slot

Returns the target size for slot. See Slot Sizing in the introduction for more details.

-  (MiscSortDirection)border:(MiscBorderType)b slotSortDirection:(int)n

Returns the sort direction (ascending or descending) for slot n.

-  (MiscCompareEntryFunc)border:(MiscBorderType)b slotSortFunction:(int)n

Returns the custom sort function for slot n, if any, otherwise it returns 0.

-  (void)border:(MiscBorderType)b slotSortReversed:(int)n

Internal method, invoked whenever the user reverses the sort direction of a slot.  Can be useful in subclasses to recognize a user-initiated sort reverse event.

-  (MiscSortType)border:(MiscBorderType)b slotSortType:(int)n

Returns the sort type of slot n.

-  (int)border:(MiscBorderType)b slotTag:(int)slot

Returns the tag value associated with slot.

-  (NSString*)border:(MiscBorderType)b slotTitle:(int)slot

Returns the title for slot.

-  (int)border:(MiscBorderType)b slotWithTag:(int)x

Returns the index of the first slot whose tag is x, or -1 if no match was found.

-  (BOOL)border:(MiscBorderType)b sortSlot:(int)slot

Re-sorts a single slot.  This method can be used to restore the sort order after a single slot has been added or changed in such a way that it might not be in the correct sort position.  The results are unpredictable if the other slots are not already sorted.  Returns YES if the slot sorted to a new visual location, otherwise returns NO.

See also:  -sortSlots:, -sortColumn:, -sortRow:

-  (NSArray*)border:(MiscBorderType)b visualToPhysical:(NSArray*)list

This method accepts an array of NSNumber objects each containing a visual (current) slot index, and returns an array containing the corresponding physical (original) slot indexes.  This is accomplished via a succession of calls to -border:slotAtPosition:.

See also:  -border:slotAtPosition:, -border:slotPosition:

-  (int)bufferCount

This method is only meaningful for lazy tables.  If the delegate or dataDelegate provide multiple buffers for responding to -tableScroll:cellAtRow:column:, they are encouraged to respond to -tableScrollBufferCount: with the number of buffers that they provide.  If the delegate and dataDelegate do not respond, a default value of one (1) is returned, which indicates that all values from a call to -cellAtRow:column: must be copied before making a second call to -cellAtRow:column:.  This method is called internally during -sortInfoInit:border: to determine whether copying must be performed during sorting.  

See also:  -cellAtRow:column:, -isLazy, -setLazy:, -tableScrollBufferCount: (delegate method), -tableScroll:cellAtRow:column: (delegate method)

-  (BOOL)builtinCanWritePboardType:(NSString*)type

The built-in method for determining which data types can be placed on the pasteboard.  This method returns YES for NSStringPboardType and NSTabularTextPboardType.  Override this method in your subclass if you will provide additional pasteboard datatypes.  This method is called from -canWritePboardType:.

See also:  -canWritePboardType:

-  (BOOL)builtinReadSelectionFromPasteboard:(NSPasteboard*)pboard

This method merely returns NO.  The current implementation of MiscTableScroll never reads anything from the pasteboard.  Override this method in your subclass if you want to read data from the pasteboard.  This method is called from -readSelectionFromPasteboard:.

See also:  -readSelectionFromPasteboard:

-  (void)builtinRegisterServicesTypes

This method sends -registerServicesMenuSendTypes:returnTypes: to NSApp.  It registers NSTabularTextPboardType and NSStringPboardType send types, and no return types.  Override this method in your subclass if you want to send or return different data types.  Called from -registerServicesTypes.

See also:  -registerServicesTypes, -registerServicesMenuSendTypes:returnTypes: (NSApplication)

-  (id)builtinValidRequestorForSendType:(NSString*)t_send returnType:(NSString*)t_return

This method returns self if t_send is either NSTabularTextPboardType or NSStringPboardType, and t_return is 0, and there is a selection, otherwise it returns the value from a call to [super validRequestorForSendType:t_send returnType:t_return].  Override this method if your subclass can handle different combinations.  Called from -validRequestorForSendType:returnType:.

See also:  -validRequestorForSendType:returnType:

-  (NSString*)builtinStringForPboardType:(NSString*)type

If type is NSStringPboardType, then -stringForNSStringPboardType is called, else if type is NSTabularTextPboardType, then -stringForNSTabularTextPBoardType is called.  Otherwise it does nothing.  Override this method in your subclass if you can write additional datatypes to the pasteboard.  Called from -writeSelectionToPasteboard:types:.

See also:  -writeSelectionToPasteboard:types:

-  (BOOL)builtinWriteSelectionToPasteboard:(NSPasteboard*)pboard types:(NSArray*)types

Writes all of the types that can be written to the pasteboard.  Each entry in types is tested with -canWritePboardType:.  If the result is YES, and there is a selection, it is passed on to -writeSelectionToPasteboard:types:.  The data is written immediately, the MiscTableScroll object does not register a pasteboard owner.  Override this method in your subclass if you need different behavior.  Called from -writeSelectionToPasteboard:types:.

See also:  -canWritePboardType:, -writeSelectionToPasteboard:types:, -writeSelectionToPasteboard:types:

-  (BOOL)canWritePboardType:(NSString*)type

Responds to queries from -builtinWriteSelectionToPasteboard:types:.  First it gives the delegate an opportunity to answer via -tableScroll:canWritePboardType:.  If the delegate does not respond to that message, it gives the dataDelegate an opportunity to answer the same message.  If neither object responds, the built-in implementation, -builtinCanWritePboardType: is called.  Called from -builtinWriteSelectionToPasteboard:types:.

See also:  -builtinCanWritePboardType:, -builtinWriteSelectionToPasteboard:types:, -tableScroll:canWritePboardType: (delegate method)

-  (id)cellAtRow:(int)row column:(int)col

Returns a pointer to the cell located at row,col.

-  (NSRect)cellFrameRow:(int)row column:(int)col

Returns the frame of the cell at the specified coordinates.  If row or col are out of bounds, then returns the empty rectangle.  <??? FIXME: Currently the returned rectangle also includes the intercell grid lines which are below and to the right of the cell. ?>

-  (BOOL)cellIsSelectedAtRow:(MiscCoord_P)row column:(MiscCoord_P)col

Returns YES if the cell at row, col is selected.

-  (id)cellWithTag:(int)x

Returns the first cell in the body of the table with tag x, otherwise 0.


- (void)changeFont:(id)sender

Changes the font of the MiscTableScroll object as well all cells which inherit it.  The NSFontManager sends the -changeFont: message whenever the user changes the font using either the NSFontPanel or the Font menu.  sender must respond to the -convertFont: message and return an NSFont which is then passed to -setFont:.  This method sends -tableScroll:changeFont:to: and -tableScroll:fontChangedFrom:to: messages to the delegate.

See also:  - setFont:, ± tableScroll:changeFont:to: (delegate method), ± tableScroll:fontChangedFrom:to: (delegate method)

-  (void)clearColumnSelection

Equivalent to: -clearSlotSelection:MISC_COL_BORDER.

-  (void)clearCursor

Calls [self clearCursorColumn] and [self clearCursorRow].

-  (void)clearCursorColumn

Sets the column border's keyboard cursor slot to -1, effectively hiding it until it is next set to a valid position.

-  (void)clearCursorRow

Sets the row border's keyboard cursor slot to -1, effectively hiding it until it is next set to a valid position.

-  (void)clearCursorSlot:(MiscBorderType)b

Sets the border's keyboard cursor slot to -1, effectively hiding it until it is next set to a valid position.

-  (void)clearRowSelection

Equivalent to: -clearSlotSelection:MISC_ROW_BORDER.

-  (void)clearSelection

Calls [self clearRowSelection] and [self clearColumnSelection].

-  (void)clearSlotSelection:(MiscBorderType)b

Deselects all slots that were selected in border b.

-  (id)clickedCell

During mouse-tracking, returns the cell underneath the mouse, otherwise returns the cell which was under the mouse when tracking ended.  This method only really makes sense for eager-mode MiscTableScroll objects since a unique cell inhabits each row & column position, whereas in lazy-mode only one cell typically exists per column.

See also:  ± clickedSlot:, ± clickedColumn, ± clickedRow, ± tracking

-  (MiscCoord_P)clickedColumn

During mouse-tracking, returns the column underneath the mouse, otherwise returns the column which was under the mouse when tracking ended.

See also:  ± clickedSlot:, ± clickedCell, ± clickedRow, ± tracking

-  (MiscCoord_P)clickedRow

During mouse-tracking, returns the row underneath the mouse, otherwise returns the row which was under the mouse when tracking ended.

See also:  ± clickedSlot:, ± clickedCell, ± clickedColumn, ± tracking

-  (MiscCoord_P)clickedSlot:(MiscBorderType)b

During mouse-tracking, returns the slot underneath the mouse, otherwise returns the slot which was under the mouse when tracking ended.

See also:  ± clickedCell, ± clickedColumn, ± clickedRow, ± tracking

-  (NSColor*)color

Equivalent to: -backgroundColor.

-  (float)columnAdjustedSize:(int)col

Returns the current display width of col.  Equivalent to: -border:MISC_COL_BORDER slotAdjustedSize:col.

See also:  -border:slotAdjustedSize:

-  (int)columnAtPosition:(int)pos

Returns the original physical position of the column at the current visual position pos.  This is the visual-to-physical conversion routine.  Equivalent to: -border:MISC_COL_BORDER slotAtPosition:pos.

See also:  -border:slotAtPosition:, -border:slotPosition:, -columnPosition:

-  (id)columnCellPrototype:(int)col

Returns the cell prototype for column col.  Equivalent to: -border:MISC_COL_BORDER slotCellPrototype:col.

See also:  -border:setSlot:cellPrototype:, -border:slotCellPrototype:

-  (MiscTableCellStyle)columnCellType:(int)col

Returns the cell type for column col.  Equivalent to: -border:MISC_COL_BORDER slotCellType:col.

See also:  -border:setSlot:cellType:, -border:slotCellType:

-  (float)columnDataSize:(int)col

Equivalent to: -border:MISC_COL_BORDER slotDataSize:col.

-  (BOOL)columnExpandsToData:(int)col

Returns the state of the expands-to-data flag for column col.  Equivalent to: -border:MISC_COL_BORDER slotExpandsToData:col.

See also:  -border:setSlot:expandsToData:, -border:slotExpandsToData:

-  (BOOL)columnIsAutosize:(int)col

Returns the state of the autosize flag for column col.  Equivalent to: -border:MISC_COL_BORDER slotIsAutosize:col.

See also:  -border:setSlot:autosize:, -border:slotIsAutosize:

-  (BOOL)columnIsSelected:(MiscCoord_P)col

Returns YES if column col is selected, else NO.  Equivalent to -border:MISC_COL_BORDER slotIsSelected:col.

-  (BOOL)columnIsSizeable:(int)col

Returns the state of the user-sizeable flag for column col.  Equivalent to: -border:MISC_COL_BORDER slotIsSizeable:col.

See also:  -border:setSlot:sizeable:, -border:slotIsSizeable:

-  (BOOL)columnIsSorted:(int)col

Returns YES if col is sorted relative to its neighboring columns.  Returns NO otherwise.  Equivalent to -border:MISC_COL_BORDER slotIsSorted:col.

-  (BOOL)columnIsVisible:(int)col

Returns YES if any part of col is visible in the scrolling display.  Returns NO otherwise.  Equivalent to -border:MISC_COL_BORDER slotIsVisible:col.

-  (float)columnMaxSize:(int)col

Returns the maximum size for column col.  Equivalent to: -border:MISC_COL_BORDER slotMaxSize:col.

See also:  -border:setSlot:maxSize:, -border:slotMaxSize:

-  (float)columnMinSize:(int)col

Returns the minimum size for column col.  Equivalent to: -border:MISC_COL_BORDER slotMinSize:col.

See also:  -border:setSlot:minSize:, -border:slotMinSize:

-  (NSArray*)columnOrder

Equivalent to -slotOrder:MISC_COL_BORDER.

-  (NSString*)columnOrderAsString

Equivalent to slotOrderAsString:MISC_COL_BORDER.

-  (int)columnPosition:(int)col

Returns the current visual position of the column whose original physical position is pos.  This is the physical-to-visual conversion routine.  Equivalent to: -border:MISC_COL_BORDER slotPosition:pos.

See also:  -border:moveSlotFrom:to:, -border:slotAtPosition:, -border:slotPosition:, -columnAtPosition:,  -moveColumnFrom:to:

-  (BOOL)columnsAreSorted

Returns YES if all columns are sorted.  Equivalent to -slotsAreSorted:MISC_COL_BORDER.

See also:  -columnIsSorted:, -slotsAreSorted:

-  (float)columnSize:(int)col

Returns the target size for column col.  Equivalent to: -border:MISC_COL_BORDER slotSize:col.

See also:  -border:setSlot:size:, -border:slotSize:

-  (NSArray*)columnSizes

Equivalent to: slotSizes:MISC_COL_BORDER.

-  (NSString*)columnSizesAsString

Equivalent to -slotSizesAsString:MISC_COL_BORDER.

-  (MiscSortDirection)columnSortDirection:(int)n

Returns the sort direction (ascending or descending) of column n.  Equivalent to: -border:MISC_COL_BORDER slotSortDirection:n.

-  (MiscCompareEntryFunc)columnSortFunction:(int)n

Equivalent to: -border:MISC_COL_BORDER slotSortFunction:n.

-  (MiscSortType)columnSortType:(int)n

Equivalent to -border:MISC_COL_BORDER slotSortType:n.

-  (NSArray*)columnSortVector

Equivalent to: -slotSortVector:MISC_COL_BORDER.

-  (int)columnTag:(int)col

Returns the tag for column col.  Equivalent to: -border:MISC_COL_BORDER slotTag:col.

-  (NSString*)columnTitle:(int)col

Returns the title for column col.  Equivalent to: -border:MISC_COL_BORDER slotTitle:col.

-  (MiscTableTitleMode)columnTitleMode

Returns the title-mode for column col.  Equivalent to: -border:MISC_COL_BORDER slotTitleMode:col.

-  (float)columnTitlesHeight

Equivalent to: -slotTitlesSize:MISC_COL_BORDER.

-  (BOOL)columnTitlesOn

Indicates whether or not column titles are displayed.  Equivalent to: -slotTitlesOn:MISC_COL_BORDER.

-  (int)columnWithTag:(int)x

Returns the index of the first column with tag x, or -1 if no columns have tag x.

-  (int)compareColumns:(int)col1 :(int)col2

Compares two columns.  Equivalent to -border:MISC_COL_BORDER compareSlots:col1:col2.

-  (int)compareColumns:(int)col1 :(int)col2 info:(MiscSlotSortInfo*)sortInfo

Compares two columns.  Equivalent to -border:MISC_COL_BORDER compareSlots:col1:col2 info:sortInfo.

-  (int)compareRows:(int)row1 :(int)row2

Compares two columns.  Equivalent to -border:MISC_ROW_BORDER compareSlots:row1:row2.

-  (int)compareRows:(int)row1 :(int)row2 info:(MiscSlotSortInfo*)sortInfo

Compares two columns.  Equivalent to -border:MISC_ROW_BORDER compareSlots:row1:row2 info:sortInfo.

-  (MiscCompareSlotFunc)compareSlotFunction

Returns the slot comparison function.

-  (void)constrainMaxTotalHeight:(BOOL)flag

Equivalent to: -border:MISC_ROW_BORDER constrainMaxTotalSize:flag.

-  (void)constrainMaxTotalWidth:(BOOL)flag

Equivalent to: -border:MISC_COL_BORDER constrainMaxTotalSize:flag.

-  (void)constrainMinTotalHeight:(BOOL)flag

Equivalent to: -border:MISC_ROW_BORDER constrainMinTotalSize:flag.

-  (void)constrainMinTotalWidth:(BOOL)flag

Equivalent to: -border:MISC_COL_BORDER constrainMinTotalSize:flag.

-  (void)constrainSize

Internal method that checks and applies new slot counts and min/max constraints to update the frames of the components of the MiscTableScroll object.

-  (void)copy:(id)sender

Copies the selection to the pasteboard.  Calls -writeSelectionToPasteboard:types:, with NSTabularTextPboardType and NSStringPboardType for types that should be written.  Override this method in your subclass if you want to write different datatypes to the pasteboard.

See also:  -writeSelectionToPasteboard:types:

-  (MiscCoord_P)cursorColumn

Returns the column that the column keyboard cursor is on.  Meaningless if tracking is by rows.

-  (MiscCoord_P)cursorRow

Returns the row that the row keyboard cursor is on.  Meaningless if tracking is by columns.

-  (MiscCoord_P)cursorSlot:(MiscBorderType)b

Returns the index of the slot that the keyboard cursor is currently on, or -1 if the keyboard cursor is not on any slot.

-  (void)cut:(id)sender

Calls [self copy:sender].  Nothing is deleted.

-  (id)dataDelegate

Returns the data delegate of the MiscTableScroll object.

See also:  -setDataDelegate

-  (void)dealloc

Destroys the MiscTableScroll object, reclaiming all resources allocated by it.

-  (id)delegate

Returns the delegate of the MiscTableScroll object.

See also:  -setDelegate

-  (void)deselectAll:(id)sender

Calls [self clearSelection] followed by [self sendActionIfEnabled]. 

-  (void)deselectColumn:(MiscCoord_P)col

Equivalent to: -border:MISC_COL_BORDER deselectSlot:col.

-  (void)deselectColumns:(NSArray*)cols

Equivalent to: -border:MISC_COL_BORDER deselectSlots:cols.

-  (void)deselectColumnTags:(NSArray*)tags

Equivalent to: -border:MISC_COL_BORDER deselectSlotTags:tags.

-  (void)deselectRow:(MiscCoord_P)row

Equivalent to: -border:MISC_ROW_BORDER deselectSlot:row.

-  (void)deselectRows:(NSArray*)rows

Equivalent to: -border:MISC_ROW_BORDER deselectSlots:rows.

-  (void)deselectRowTags:(NSArray*)tags

Equivalent to: -border:MISC_ROW_BORDER deselectSlotTags:tags.

-  (void)disableCursor

Inhibits display of the keyboard cursor.  Calls to this method nest and should be balanced by calls to -enableCursor.  The keyboard cursor is a dashed rectangle drawn around a row or column indicating which slot keyboard actions will affect.  See the discussion of Keyboard Operations at the beginning of this document for further information.

See also:  ± isCursorEnabled, ± enableCursor

-  (NSRect)documentClipRect

Returns the frame of the NSClipView which contains the document view.

-  (BOOL)doGetISearchColumn:(int*)col

Built-in method to choose the incremental search column.  Returns YES if incremental search should be enabled and sets *col to the physical index of the column that should be searched,  otherwise returns NO.  To enable incremental search via this function, autoSortRows must be YES; the first sorting column must be string-based (stringValue or title); and there cannot be a custom sort function for the column.  This method works appropriately for normal tables, as long as autoSortRows is turned on.  Whenever the user drags a string-based column to the first position, incremental search will be enabled.  Non-sorting (skip) columns are ignored.  You can override this behavior by implementing the -tableScroll:getISearchColumn: method in your delegate.

See also:  -incrementalSearch:, -tableScroll:getISearchColumn: (delegate method)

-  (BOOL)doIncrementalSearch:(NSEvent*)event column:(int)col

Built-in method that performs incremental search.  Event must be the key-down event that invoked incremental searching.  Col must be the column that will be searched.  The table must be sorted in col order (ascending or descending).  The sort-type for col must be string-based (stringValue or title).  Col cannot have a custom sort function.  You are responsible for ensuring that the table is sorted in col order.  This method runs a modal event loop, processing keystrokes and scrolling the table appropriately.  Returns YES if col was acceptable and event was processed.  Returns NO if col failed any of the tests mentioned.

See also:  -incrementalSearch:, -tableScroll:getISearchColumn: (delegate method)

-  (id)doRetireCell:(id)cell atRow:(int)row column:(int)col

This built-in implementation tries to recover storage before the cell is idled.  An attempt is made to send the following messages to the cell in this order: -setTitle:@"", -setStringValue:@"".  If the cell responds to a message, that message is sent, otherwise the next message is tried.  Override this method in your subclass if you need to do different processing when cells are retired to the cache.  Called from: -retireCell:atRow:column:.  Returns cell. 

-  (id)doReviveCell:(id)cell atRow:(int)row column:(int)col

This method tries to reset the cell so that it will "useOwner..." values for font, textColor, backgroundColor, selectedTextColor, and  selectedBackgroundColor.  It tries to set the MiscTableScroll object as the owner of the cell.  Then it tries to initialize the font, textColor, backgroundColor, selectedTextColor, and selectedBackgroundColor by first trying the "setOwner..." value method, and then trying the straight "set..." method if the cell does not respond to the "setOwner..." version.  Override this method in your subclass if you need different behavior when a cell is brought into active service.  Called from -reviveCell:atRow:column:.  Returns cell.

-  (SEL)doubleAction

Returns the selector message that is sent to the doubleTarget on a double-click event.

-  (id)doubleTarget

Returns a pointer to the object which will receive the doubleAction message on a double-click event.

-  (double)doubleValueAtRow:(int)row column:(int)col

Returns the value of sending a -doubleValue message to the cell at row, col.  If the table is lazy, the delegate, and then the dataDelegate are given the opportunity to reply to the -tableScroll:doubleValueAtRow:column: message.  This gives lazy tables an opportunity to return this information directly, without the overhead of preparing and formatting a cell.  If the table is not lazy, or the delegate and dataDelegate do not respond to the -tableScroll:doubleValueAtRow:column: message, then the cell is retrieved via -cellAtRow:column:.  If the cell responds to the -doubleValue message, that value is returned; otherwise, zero is returned.

See also:  -cellAtRow:column:, -isLazy, -setLazy:, -tableScroll:doubleValueAtRow:column: (delegate method)

-  (BOOL)draggableColumns

Indicates whether or not the user will be allowed to drag (rearrange) the columns.  Equivalent to: -draggableSlots:MISC_COL_BORDER.

-  (BOOL)draggableRows

Indicates whether or not the user will be allowed to drag (rearrange) the rows.  Equivalent to: -draggableSlots:MISC_ROW_BORDER.

-  (BOOL)draggableSlots:(MiscBorderType)b

Indicates whether or not the user will be allowed to drag (rearrange) the slots on this border.  To enable the user to drag slots, the slots must be draggable, and the titles must be displayed.

- (void)drawCellAtRow:(int)row column:(int)col

Instructs the MiscTableScroll object to redraw the cell at position row, col.  This should be called whenever the contents of a single cell are changed and the screen should be updated to reflect the new state.  This method will lock focus on the view if needed.

See also:  -border:drawSlot:, -display (View), -drawColumn:, -drawRow:

-  (void)drawColumn:(int)col

Instructs the MiscTableScroll object to redraw all the cells in column col.  This method will lock focus on the view if needed.

See also:  -drawCellAtRow:column:

-  (void)drawColumnTitle:(int)n

Draws the title for column col.  This method will lock focus on the view if needed.  You should never need to call this method in normal use, though it might be useful for subclasses.

- (void)drawRow:(int)row

Instructs the MiscTableScroll object to redraw all the cells in row row.  This method will lock focus on the view if needed.

See also:  -drawCellAtRow:column:

-  (void)drawRowTitle:(int)n

Draws the title for row row.  This method will lock focus on the view if needed.  You should never need to call this method in normal use, though it might be useful for subclasses.

-  (void)editCellAtRow:(int)row column:(int)col

Starts editing the cell at row, col.

-  (void)empty

Resets the number of rows in the MiscTableScroll to zero.  Does not deallocate the rows, nor does it affect the number of columns.  The rows are retained in the cache for future use.  See Usage Tips in the introduction for more details.

See also:  -addRow, -border:removeSlot:, -removeRow:, -emptyAndReleaseCells, -renewRows:

-  (void)emptyAndReleaseCells

Resets the number of rows in the MiscTableScroll to zero; releases all cells stored in the cache, and deallocates all cache resources.  Does not affect the number of columns.

See also:  -addRow, -border:removeSlot:, -removeRow:, -empty, -renewRows:

-  (void)enableCursor

Re-enables display of the keyboard cursor after a call to -disableCursor.  Calls to this method should be made to balance previous calls to -disableCursor.  The keyboard cursor is a dashed rectangle drawn around a row or column indicating which slot keyboard actions will affect.  See the discussion of Keyboard Operations at the beginning of this document for further information.

See also:  ± disableCursor, ± isCursorEnabled

-  (BOOL)finishEditing

If cell editing is in progress, then this method attempts to finish it.  This method invokes the normal edit termination routines, and the -control:textShouldEndEditing: validation method gets an opportunity to veto the new value.  Returns YES if no cell editing was in progress to start with, or if the editing session terminated successfully.  Returns NO if the new cell value was rejected.

-  (int)firstVisibleColumn

Equivalent to: -firstVisibleSlot:MISC_COL_BORDER.

-  (int)firstVisibleRow

Equivalent to: -firstVisibleSlot:MISC_ROW_BORDER.

-  (int)firstVisibleSlot:(MiscBorderType)b

Returns the physical coordinate of the first fully visible slot, if any.  If there are two partially visible slots, it returns the physical coordinate of the last slot.  If there is one partially visible slot, it returns the physical coordinate of that slot.  If there are no slots (the MiscTableScroll is empty), it returns -1.

-  (float)floatValueAtRow:(int)row column:(int)col

Returns the value of sending a -floatValue message to the cell at row, col.  If the table is lazy, the delegate, and then the dataDelegate are given the opportunity to reply to the -tableScroll:floatValueAtRow:column: message.  This gives lazy tables an opportunity to return this information directly, without the overhead of preparing and formatting a cell.  If the table is not lazy, or the delegate and dataDelegate do not respond to the -tableScroll:doubleValueAtRow:column: message, then the cell is retrieved via -cellAtRow:column:.  If the cell responds to the -floatValue message, that value is returned; otherwise, zero is returned.

See also:  -cellAtRow:column:, -isLazy, -setLazy:, -tableScroll:floatValueAtRow:column: (delegate method)

-  (NSFont*)font

Returns the current font for the MiscTableScroll object.  The current font is used to initialize new cells in the table.

-  (BOOL)getISearchColumn:(int*)col

This method is responsible for determining whether incremental searching should be enabled, and identifying the column on which the table is sorted.  If the delegate responds to -tableScroll:getISearchColumn:, then it is called, otherwise, the dataDelegate is tried.  If neither object responds, the built-in -doGetISearchColumn: method is called.  Returns YES if incremental searching should be enabled, otherwise NO.

See also:  -doGetISearchColumn:, -incrementalSearch:, -tableScroll:getISearchColumn: (delegate method)

- (BOOL)getNext:(BOOL)forward editRow:(int*)row column:(int*)col

When forward is YES, this method returns the coordinates of the next cell that is editable.  When forward is NO, this method returns the coordinates of the nearest previous cell that is editable.  The search order is based on the visual order of slots in the MiscTableScroll.  Normally this method is used by assigning the physical coordinates of the cell that is currently being edited to row and col.  The method then searches for the next/previous cell that is editable and updates the values of row and col to the coordinates of the next/previous editable cell.  This method is used in the -textDidEndEditing: method to find the next / previous cell when the user presses TAB / SHIFT-TAB to terminate cell editing.  Returns YES if a new editable cell was found.  Returns NO if there are no other editable cells.

- (BOOL)getNextEditRow:(int*)row column:(int*)col

Equivalent to: -getNext:YES editRow:row column:col.

- (BOOL)getPreviousEditRow:(int*)row column:(int*)col

Equivalent to: -getNext:NO editRow:row column:col.

- (BOOL)getRow:(int*)row column:(int*)col forPoint:(NSPoint)point

Calculates the physical slot row and column coordinates for a point, which must be in the coordinate system of the receiving MiscTableScroll object.  If point is outside and left of the MiscTableScroll, or there are no columns, then col is set to -1.  If point is outside and right of the MiscTableScroll, col is set to the last valid column index.  Out of range values are handled similarly for row.  Returns YES unless point was out of bounds, in which case NO is returned.

-  (BOOL)getRow:(int*)row column:(int*)col ofCell:(NSCell*)cell

Finds the location of cell in the MiscTableScroll object.  If cell is found, row and col are set to the coordinates of the cell in the table and the method returns YES.  If cell is not found, row and col are set to -1, and the method returns NO.

-  (BOOL)getRow:(int*)row column:(int*)col ofCellWithTag:(int)x

Assigns the coordinates to row and col of the first cell in the table with tag x and returns YES.  If no cell in the table has tag x, row and col are set to -1, and NO is returned.

-  (BOOL)hasColumnSelection

Returns YES if any columns are selected, otherwise NO.

-  (BOOL)hasMultipleColumnSelection

Returns YES if more than one column is selected, otherwise NO.

-  (BOOL)hasMultipleRowSelection

Returns YES if more than one row is selected, otherwise NO.

-  (BOOL)hasMultipleSlotSelection:(MiscBorderType)b

Returns YES if more than one slot is selected, otherwise NO.

-  (BOOL)hasRowSelection

Returns YES if any rows are selected, otherwise NO.

-  (BOOL)hasSlotSelection:(MiscBorderType)b

Returns YES if at least one slot is selected, otherwise NO.

-  (BOOL)hasValidCursorColumn

Returns YES if the column keyboard cursor has a valid position in the body of the table, otherwise NO.

-  (BOOL)hasValidCursorRow

Returns YES if the row keyboard cursor has a valid position in the body of the table, otherwise NO.

-  (BOOL)hasValidCursorSlot:(MiscBorderType)b

Returns YES if the keyboard cursor is positioned on a valid slot, otherwise NO.

-  (BOOL)incrementalSearch:(NSEvent*)event

Invokes incremental searching if event is an appropriate keyboard event to start incremental search, and if -getISearchColumn: determines that incremental searching should be enabled.  Returns YES if incremental searching was invoked (and event was processed), otherwise returns NO.  This method should be called from within a -keyDown: method.

See also:  -doIncrementalSearch:col, -getISearchColumn:

-  (id)initWithFrame:(NSRect)frameRect

Initializes a newly allocated MiscTableScroll object.  This is the designated initializer for this class.  The newly allocated object will have the following properties set by default:

<???FIXME: write this.?>

-  (void)insertColumn:(int)pos

Inserts a new column at position pos.  Equivalent to: -border:MISC_COL_BORDER insertSlot:pos.

-  (void)insertRow:(int)pos

Inserts a new row at position pos.  Equivalent to: -border:MISC_ROW_BORDER insertSlot:pos.

-  (int)intValueAtRow:(int)row column:(int)col

Returns the value of sending a -intValue message to the cell at row, col.  If the table is lazy, the delegate, and then the dataDelegate are given the opportunity to reply to the -tableScroll:intValueAtRow:column: message.  This gives lazy tables an opportunity to return this information directly, without the overhead of preparing and formatting a cell.  If the table is not lazy, or the delegate and dataDelegate do not respond to the -tableScroll:doubleValueAtRow:column: message, then the cell is retrieved via -cellAtRow:column:.  If the cell responds to the -intValue message, that value is returned; otherwise, zero is returned.

See also:  -cellAtRow:column:, -isLazy, -setLazy:, -tableScroll:intValueAtRow:column: (delegate method)

-  (BOOL)isCursorEnabled

Indicates whether cursor display is enabled or disabled.  See the discussion of Keyboard Operations at the beginning of this document for further information.

See also:  ± disableCursor, ± enableCursor

-  (BOOL)isEditing

Returns YES if a cell editing session is in progress.

-  (BOOL)isEnabled

Indicates whether or not the MiscTableScroll object is enabled for user interaction.

-  (BOOL)isLazy

Indicates whether or not the MiscTableScroll object is using lazy-mode memory management.

-  (int)lastVisibleColumn

Equivalent to: -lastVisibleSlot:MISC_COL_BORDER.

-  (int)lastVisibleRow

Equivalent to: -lastVisibleSlot:MISC_ROW_BORDER.

-  (int)lastVisibleSlot:(MiscBorderType)b

Returns the physical coordinate of the last fully visible slot, if any.  If there are two partially visible slots, it returns the physical coordinate of the first slot.  If there is one partially visible slot, it returns the physical coordinate of that slot.  If there are no visible slots (the MiscTableScroll is empty), it returns -1.

-  (int)makeCellsPerform:(SEL)aSel

Calls [self makeCellsPerform:aSel selectedOnly:NO].

-  (int)makeCellsPerform:(SEL)aSel selectedOnly:(BOOL)flag

Calls [self makeCellsPerform:aSel with:0 with:0 selectedOnly:flag].

-  (int)makeCellsPerform:(SEL)aSel with:(id)arg1

Calls [self makeCellsPerform:aSel with:arg1 selectedOnly:NO].

-  (int)makeCellsPerform:(SEL)aSel with:(id)arg1 with:(id)arg2

Calls [self makeCellsPerform:aSel with:arg1 with:arg2 selectedOnly:NO].

-  (int)makeCellsPerform:(SEL)aSel with:(id)arg1 selectedOnly:(BOOL)flag

Calls [self makeCellsPerform:aSel with:arg1 with:0 selectedOnly:flag].

-  (int)makeCellsPerform:(SEL)aSel with:(id)arg1 with:(id)arg2 selectedOnly:(BOOL)flag

Sends the message aSel to the cells in the table.  When flag is YES, the message is sent only to selected cells.  When flag is NO, the message is sent to all cells.  First the cell is tested with -respondsToSelector:aSel.  If the cell responds to the message, then the message is sent.  Then the return value from the call is inspected.  If the cell returns any non-zero value, the process continues.  The first cell that returns 0 stops the process.  The process also terminates when all cells have been processed.  This method returns the number of cells that returned non-zero values. 

-  (float)maxTotalHeight

Equivalent to: -maxTotalSize:MISC_ROW_BORDER.

-  (BOOL)maxTotalHeightIsConstrained

Equivalent to -maxTotalSizeIsConstrained:MISC_ROW_BORDER.

-  (float)maxTotalSize:(MiscBorderType)b

Returns the global size limit for the border.

-  (BOOL)maxTotalSizeIsConstrained:(MiscBorderType)b

Returns YES if the maximum total size is constrained to the size of the NSScrollView in which the table is displayed, otherwise NO.

See also:  -border:constrainMaxTotalSize:

-  (float)maxTotalWidth

Equivalent to: -maxTotalSize:MISC_COL_BORDER.

-  (BOOL)maxTotalWidthIsConstrained

Equivalent to: -maxTotalSizeIsConstrained:MISC_COL_BORDER.

-  (float)minTotalHeight

Equivalent to: -minTotalSize:MISC_ROW_BORDER.

-  (BOOL)minTotalHeightIsConstrained

Equivalent to: -minTotalSizeIsConstrained:MISC_ROW_BORDER.

-  (float)minTotalSize:(MiscBorderType)b

Returns the minimum total size for the border.

-  (BOOL)minTotalSizeIsConstrained:(MiscBorderType)b

Returns YES if the minimum total size for border b is constrained to the size of the NSScrollView in which the table is displayed, otherwise NO.

See also:  -border:constrainMinTotalSize:

-  (float)minTotalWidth

Equivalent to: -minTotalSize:MISC_COL_BORDER.

-  (BOOL)minTotalWidthIsConstrained

Equivalent to: -minTotalSizeIsConstrained:MISC_COL_BORDER.

-  (BOOL)modifierDragColumns

Indicates whether or not the command-key must be held down to drag columns.  It is NO by default.  Equivalent to: -modifierDragSlots:MISC_COL_BORDER.

See also:  -border:setModifierDragSlots:,-modifierDragSlots:

-  (BOOL)modifierDragRows

Indicates whether or not the command-key must be held down to drag rows.  It is YES by default.  Equivalent to: -modifierDragSlots:MISC_ROW_BORDER.

See also:  -border:setModifierDragSlots:,-modifierDragSlots:

-  (BOOL)modifierDragSlots:(MiscBorderType)b

Indicates whether or not the command-key must be held down to drag the slots on this border.

-  (void)moveColumnFrom:(int)from_pos to:(int)to_pos

Moves the column at visual position from_pos to visual position to_pos.  Equivalent to -border:MISC_COL_BORDER moveSlotFrom:from_pos to:to_pos.

-  (void)moveRowFrom:(int)from_pos to:(int)to_pos

Moves the row at visual position from_pos to visual position to_pos.  Equivalent to -border:MISC_ROW_BORDER moveSlotFrom:from_pos to:to_pos.

-  (int)numberOfColumns

Returns the number of columns in the MiscTableScroll object.  Equivalent to: -numberOfSlots:MISC_COL_BORDER.

-  (int)numberOfRows

Returns the number of rows in the MiscTableScroll object.  This is the number of active rows currently being displayed.  The MiscTableScroll object performs caching on a row-oriented basis.  There may be additional rows allocated, and stored in the cache.  Equivalent to: -numberOfSlots:MISC_ROW_BORDER.

-  (unsigned int)numberOfSelectedColumns

Returns the number of selected columns.

-  (unsigned int)numberOfSelectedRows

Returns the number of selected rows.

-  (unsigned int)numberOfSelectedSlots:(MiscBorderType)b

Returns the number of slots that are selected.

-  (int)numberOfSlots:(MiscBorderType)b

Returns the number of slots for the border b.

See also:  -addSlot:, -border:removeSlot:, -border:insertSlot:, -numberOfColumns, -numberOfRows

-  (int)numberOfVisibleColumns

Returns the number of columns visible in the scrolling display.  A column is visible if any part of the column (even a single pixel) appears in the scrolling display.  Equivalent to: -numberOfVisibleSlots:MISC_COL_BORDER.

-  (int)numberOfVisibleRows

Returns the number of rows visible in the scrolling display.  A row is visible if any part of the row (even a single pixel) appears in the scrolling display.  Equivalent to: -numberOfVisibleSlots:MISC_ROW_BORDER.

-  (int)numberOfVisibleSlots:(MiscBorderType)b

Returns the number of slots visible in the scrolling display.  A slot is visible if any part of the slot (even a single pixel) appears in the scrolling display.

-  (BOOL)readSelectionFromPasteboard:(NSPasteboard*)pboard

This method is invoked when a service returns some data.  If the delegate responds to the -tableScroll:readSelectionFromPasteboard: message, it is sent to the delegate.  If not, then the dataDelegate is given the opportunity.  If neither responds to the message, -builtinReadSelectionFromPasteboard: is called.  Returns the results of the subroutine that was called.  Override this method in your subclass if you need different behavior.

See also:  -builtinReadSelectionFromPasteboard:, -tableScroll:readSelectionFromPasteboard: (delegate method), -readSelectionFromPasteboard: (NSServicesRequests), -writeSelectionToPasteboard:types: (NSServicesRequests)

-  (void)registerServicesTypes

If the delegate responds to the -tableScrollRegisterServicesTypes: message, the message is sent to the delegate.  If not, the dataDelegate is tried.  If neither responds to the message, -builtinRegisterServicesTypes is called.  This method is invoked when an instance of MiscTableScroll object is initialized.  Override this method in your subclass if you need different behavior.

See also: -builtinRegisterServicesTypes, -tableScrollRegisterServicesTypes: (delegate method) 

-  (void)removeColumn:(int)pos

Deletes column n.  Equivalent to: -border:MISC_COL_BORDER removeSlot:n.

-  (void)removeRow:(int)pos

Deletes row n.  Equivalent to: -border:MISC_ROW_BORDER removeSlot:n.

-  (void)renewRows:(int)count

Sets the number of active rows in the MiscTableScroll object to count; does not affect the number of columns.  This is the fastest way to change the size of a MiscTableScroll object when you know the number of rows in advance.  See Usage Tips in the introduction for more details.

See also:  -addRow, -addSlot:, -border:removeSlot:, -border:insertSlot:, -removeRow:, -empty, -emptyAndReleaseCells, -insertRow:

-  (id)retireCell:(id)cell atRow:(int)row column:(int)col

Internal method called whenever a cell is being removed from active use.  The method must return cell, or a suitable replacement object to place in the cache.  This method provides an opportunity to substitute a different object for cell before it is placed in the cache.  This method also provides an opportunity to reclaim storage when a cell is no longer active.  If the delegate responds to the -tableScroll:retireCell:atRow:column: message, it is sent to the delegate.  If not, the dataDelegate is tried.  If the dataDelegate also does not respond to the message, the cell itself is checked.  If none of these objects responds to the message, a built-in default method, -doRetireCell:atRow:column: is called.  Override this method in your subclass if you need different behavior.

See also:  -doRetireCell:atRow:column:, -tableScroll:retireCell:atRow:column: (delegate method)

-  (id)reviveCell:(id)cell atRow:(int)row column:(int)

Internal method called whenever a cell is is being moved into active use.  This method is applied to both newly created cells returned by the -copyWithZone: method of the column's cell prototype and cells retrieved from the cache.  If the delegate responds to the -tableScroll:reviveCell:atRow:column: message, it is sent to the delegate.  If not, the dataDelegate is checked.  If neither the delegate nor the dataDelegate respond to the message, the cell itself is checked.  If none of these objects respond to the message, a built-in default method -doReviveCell:atRow:column: is called.  Override this method in your subclass if you need different behavior.

See also:  -doReviveCell:atRow:column:, -tableScroll:reviveCell:atRow:column: (delegate method)

-  (float)rowAdjustedSize:(int)row

Returns the current display height of row.  Equivalent to: -border:MISC_ROW_BORDER slotAdjustedSize:row.

-  (int)rowAtPosition:(int)pos

Returns the original physical position of the row at the current visual position pos.  This is the visual-to-physical conversion routine.  Equivalent to: -border:MISC_ROW_BORDER slotAtPosition:pos.

-  (id)rowCellPrototype:(int)row

Returns the cell prototype for row row.  Equivalent to: -border:MISC_ROW_BORDER slotCellPrototype:row.

-  (MiscTableCellStyle)rowCellType:(int)row

Returns the cell type for row row.  Equivalent to: -border:MISC_ROW_BORDER slotCellType:row.

-  (float)rowDataSize:(int)row

Equivalent to: -border:MISC_ROW_BORDER slotDataSize:row.

-  (BOOL)rowExpandsToData:(int)row

Returns the state of the expands-to-data flag for row row.  Equivalent to: -border:MISC_ROW_BORDER slotExpandsToData:row.

-  (BOOL)rowIsAutosize:(int)row

Returns the state of the autosize flag for row row.  Equivalent to: -border:MISC_ROW_BORDER slotIsAutosize:row.

-  (BOOL)rowIsSelected:(MiscCoord_P)row

Returns YES if row is selected, otherwise NO.

-  (BOOL)rowIsSizeable:(int)row

Returns the state of the user-sizeable flag for row row.  Equivalent to: -border:MISC_ROW_BORDER slotIsSizeable:row.

-  (BOOL)rowIsSorted:(int)col

Returns YES if row is sorted relative to its neighboring rows.  Returns NO otherwise.  Equivalent to: -border:MISC_ROW_BORDER slotIsSorted:row.

-  (BOOL)rowIsVisible:(int)row

Returns YES if any part of row is visible in the scrolling display.  Returns NO otherwise.  Equivalent to: -border:MISC_ROW_BORDER slotIsVisible:row.

-  (float)rowMaxSize:(int)row

Returns the maximum size for row row.  Equivalent to: -border:MISC_ROW_BORDER slotMaxSize:row.

-  (float)rowMinSize:(int)row

Returns the minimum size for row row.  Equivalent to: -border:MISC_ROW_BORDER slotMinSize:row.

-  (NSArray*)rowOrder

Equivalent to: -slotOrder:MISC_ROW_BORDER.

-  (NSString*)rowOrderAsString

Equivalent to: -slotOrderAsString:MISC_ROW_BORDER.

-  (int)rowPosition:(int)row

Returns the current visual position of the row whose original physical position is pos.  This is the physical-to-visual conversion routine.  Equivalent to: -border:MISC_ROW_BORDER slotPosition:pos.

-  (BOOL)rowsAreSorted

Returns YES if all rows are sorted.  Equivalent to -slotsAreSorted:MISC_ROW_BORDER.

-  (float)rowSize:(int)row

Returns the target size for row row.  For the actual current display size, use -rowAdjustedSize:.  Equivalent to: -border:MISC_ROW_BORDER slotSize:row.

-  (NSArray*)rowSizes

Equivalent to: -slotSizes:MISC_ROW_BORDER.

-  (NSString*)rowSizesAsString

Equivalent to: -slotSizesAsString:MISC_ROW_BORDER.

-  (MiscSortDirection)rowSortDirection:(int)n

Equivalent to: -border:MISC_ROW_BORDER slotSortDirection:n.

-  (MiscCompareEntryFunc)rowSortFunction:(int)n

Equivalent to: -border:MISC_ROW_BORDER slotSortFunction:n.

-  (MiscSortType)rowSortType:(int)n

Equivalent to: -border:MISC_ROW_BORDER slotSortType:n.

-  (NSArray*)rowSortVector

Equivalent to: -slotSortVector:MISC_ROW_BORDER.

-  (int)rowTag:(int)row

Returns the tag for row row.  Equivalent to: -border:MISC_ROW_BORDER slotTag:row.

-  (NSString*)rowTitle:(int)row

Returns the title for row row.  Equivalent to: -border:MISC_ROW_BORDER slotTitle:row.

-  (MiscTableTitleMode)rowTitleMode

Returns the title-mode for row row.  Equivalent to: -border:MISC_ROW_BORDER slotTitleMode:row.

-  (BOOL)rowTitlesOn

Indicates whether or not row titles are displayed.  Equivalent to: -slotTitlesOn:MISC_ROW_BORDER.

-  (float)rowTitlesWidth

Equivalent to: -slotTitlesSize:MISC_ROW_BORDER.

-  (int)rowWithTag:(int)x

Returns the index of the first row with tag x, or -1 if no row has tag x.

-  (void)scrollCellToVisibleAtRow:(int)row column:(int)col

Scrolls the display as necessary until the cell at position row, col is visible.

-  (void)scrollColumnToVisible:(int)col

Scrolls the display as necessary until col is visible.

-  (void)scrollRowToVisible:(int)row

Scrolls the display as necessary until row is visible.

-  (void)scrollSelectionToVisible

Scrolls the display as necessary until the selection is visible.

-  (void)selectAll:(id)sender

Calls [self selectAllRows] followed by [self sendActionIfEnabled]. 

-  (void)selectAllColumns

Equivalent to: -selectAllSlots:MISC_COL_BORDER.

-  (void)selectAllRows

Equivalent to: -selectAllSlots:MISC_ROW_BORDER.

-  (void)selectAllSlots:(MiscBorderType)b

Selects all the slots in border b.  Does not send the action to the target.

See also:  -selectAll:

-  (void)selectColumn:(MiscCoord_P)col byExtension:(BOOL)flag

Equivalent to: -border:MISC_COL_BORDER selectSlot:col byExtension:flag.

-  (void)selectColumn:(MiscCoord_P)col

Equivalent to: -selectColumn:col byExtension:NO.

-  (void)selectColumns:(NSArray*)cols byExtension:(BOOL)flag

Equivalent to: -border:MISC_COL_BORDER selectSlots:cols byExtension:flag.

-  (void)selectColumns:(NSArray*)cols

Equivalent to: -selectColumns:cols byExtension:NO.

-  (void)selectColumnTags:(NSArray*)tags byExtension:(BOOL)flag

Equivalent to: -border:MISC_COL_BORDER selectSlotTags:tags byExtension:flag.

-  (void)selectColumnTags:(NSArray*)tags

Equivalent to: -selectColumnTags:tags byExtension:NO.

-  (NSColor*)selectedBackgroundColor

Returns the current selectedBackgroundColor.

-  (id)selectedCell

Returns the cell at the intersection of -selectedColumn and -selectedRow or nil if there is no selected cell.  This method really only has meaning in eager-mode, though it can be used in lazy-mode as well.

-  (MiscCoord_P)selectedColumn

Equivalent to: -selectedSlot:MISC_COL_BORDER.

-  (NSArray*)selectedColumns

Equivalent to: -selectedSlots:MISC_COL_BORDER.

-  (NSArray*)selectedColumnTags

Equivalent to: -selectedSlotTags:MISC_COL_BORDER.

-  (MiscCoord_P)selectedRow

Equivalent to: -selectedSlot:MISC_ROW_BORDER.

-  (NSArray*)selectedRows

Equivalent to: -selectedSlots:MISC_ROW_BORDER.

-  (NSArray*)selectedRowTags

Equivalent to: -selectedSlotTags:MISC_ROW_BORDER.

-  (MiscCoord_P)selectedSlot:(MiscBorderType)b

Returns the index of the currently selected slot, or -1 if no slots are selected.

-  (NSArray*)selectedSlots:(MiscBorderType)b

Returns an array of NSNumber objects containing indexes of all currently selected slots.

-  (NSArray*)selectedSlotTags:(MiscBorderType)b

Returns an array of NSNumber objects containing the tags of all currently selected slots.  This method is useful in conjunction with -border:selectSlotTags: to save and restore the user's selection when you have tags that uniquely identify the slots.

-  (NSColor*)selectedTextColor

Returns the current selectedTextColor.

-  (void)selectionChanged

Invalidates those portions of the display which need to be redrawn in order to reflect the current selection.  When the selection is modified programmatically or via user-interaction this method is called automatically to reflect the new selection.  You need never call this method directly, but subclasses may want to override it.

-  (MiscSelectionMode)selectionMode

Returns the current setting of the selection mode.

-  (void)selectRow:(MiscCoord_P)row byExtension:(BOOL)flag

Equivalent to: -border:MISC_ROW_BORDER selectSlot:row byExtension:flag.

-  (void)selectRow:(MiscCoord_P)row

Equivalent to: -selectRow:row byExtension:NO.

-  (void)selectRows:(NSArray*)rows byExtension:(BOOL)flag

Equivalent to: -border:MISC_ROW_BORDER selectSlots:rows byExtension:flag.

-  (void)selectRows:(NSArray*)rows

Equivalent to: -selectRows:rows byExtension:NO.

See also:  ±border:selectSlots:, ±selectColumns:, ±selectRows:byExtension:

-  (void)selectRowTags:(NSArray*)tags byExtension:(BOOL)flag

Equivalent to: -border:MISC_ROW_BORDER selectSlotTags:tags byExtension:flag.

See also:  ±border:selectSlotTags:, ±selectColumnTags:, ±selectRowTags:

-  (void)selectRowTags:(NSArray*)tags

Equivalent to: -selectRowTags:tags byExtension:NO.

See also:  ±border:selectSlotTags:, ±selectColumnTags:, ±selectRowTags:byExtension:

-  (BOOL)sendAction

Sends the action message to the target object.  Implemented via -sendAction:to:.  Returns YES if the action is successfully sent, otherwise returns NO.

-  (BOOL)sendAction:(SEL)theAction to:(id)theTarget

Uses the NSApplication class's -sendAction:to:from: method to send the message theAction to the object theTarget from the MiscTableScroll object itself.  Returns YES if the action is successfully sent, otherwise returns NO.

-  (void)sendAction:(SEL)aSelector to:(id)anObject forAllCells:(BOOL)flag

Sends the message aSelector to anObject for each cell in the table.

-  (BOOL)sendActionIfEnabled

If [self isEnabled] returns YES then [self sendAction] is called.  Returns YES if the action is successfully sent, otherwise returns NO.

-  (BOOL)sendDoubleAction

Sends the doubleAction message to the doubleTarget object.  Returns YES if the action is successfully sent, otherwise returns NO.

-  (id)sendDoubleActionIfEnabled

If [self isEnabled] returns YES then [self sendDoubleAction] is called.  Returns YES if the action is successfully sent, otherwise returns NO.

-  (void)setAction:(SEL)new_sel

Sets the action method to new_sel.  The action message is sent to the target upon a single mouse click.  The argument of an action method is the table scroll.

-  (void)setAutoSortColumns:(BOOL)flag

Equivalent to: -border:MISC_COL_BORDER setAutoSortSlots:flag.

-  (void)setAutoSortRows:(BOOL)flag

Equivalent to: -border:MISC_ROW_BORDER setAutoSortSlots:flag.

-  (void)setBackgroundColor:(NSColor*)value

Sets the backgroundColor.  The backgroundColor is used to initialize new cells, and also to paint the background of areas that are not covered by cells of the table.  By default, this is the value returned by +defaultBackgroundColor.

See also:  +defaultBackgroundColor

-  (void)setColor:(NSColor*)value

Equivalent to: -setBackgroundColor:value.

-  (void)setColumn:(int)col autosize:(BOOL)flag

Sets the autosize flag for column col.  Equivalent to: -border:MISC_COL_BORDER setSlot:col autosize:flag.

-  (void)setColumn:(int)col cellPrototype:(id)cell

Sets the cell prototype for column col to cell.  Equivalent to: -border:MISC_COL_BORDER setSlot:col cellPrototype:cell.

-  (void)setColumn:(int)col cellType:(MiscTableCellStyle)type

Sets the cell type for column col to type.  Equivalent to: -border:MISC_COL_BORDER setSlot:col cellType:type.

-  (void)setColumn:(int)col dataSize:(float)size

Equivalent to: -border:MISC_COL_BORDER setSlot:col dataSize:size.

-  (void)setColumn:(int)col expandsToData:(BOOL)flag

Sets the expands-to-data flag for column col to flag.  Equivalent to: -border:MISC_COL_BORDER setSlot:col expandsToData:flag.

-  (void)setColumn:(int)col maxSize:(float)size

Sets the maximum size of column col to size.  Equivalent to: -border:MISC_COL_BORDER setSlot:col maxSize:size.

-  (void)setColumn:(int)col minSize:(float)size

Sets the minimum size of column col to size.  Equivalent to: -border:MISC_COL_BORDER setSlot:col minSize:size.

-  (void)setColumn:(int)col size:(float)size

Sets the target size of column col to size.  Equivalent to: -border:MISC_COL_BORDER setSlot:col size:size.

-  (void)setColumn:(int)col sizeable:(BOOL)flag

Sets the user-sizeable flag for column col to flag.  Equivalent to: -border:MISC_COL_BORDER setSlot:col sizeable:flag.

-  (void)setColumn:(int)n sortDirection:(MiscSortDirection)x

Equivalent to: -border:MISC_COL_BORDER setSlot:n sortDirection:x.

-  (void)setColumn:(int)n sortFunction:(MiscCompareEntryFunc)x

Equivalent to: -border:MISC_COL_BORDER setSlot:n sortFunction:x.

-  (void)setColumn:(int)n sortType:(MiscSortType)x

Equivalent to: -border:MISC_COL_BORDER setSlot:n sortType:x.

-  (void)setColumn:(int)col tag:(int)tag

Sets the tag for column col to tag.  Equivalent to: -border:MISC_COL_BORDER setSlot:col tag:tag.

-  (void)setColumn:(int)col title:(NSString*)title

Sets the title for column col to title.  Equivalent to: -border:MISC_COL_BORDER setSlot:col title:title.

-  (void)setColumnOrder:(NSArray*)list

Equivalent to: -border:MISC_COL_BORDER setSlotOrder:list

-  (void)setColumnOrderFromString:(NSString*)s

Equivalent to: -border:MISC_COL_BORDER setSlotOrderFromString:s.

-  (void)setColumnSizes:(NSArray*)list

Equivalent to: -border:MISC_COL_BORDER setSlotSizes:list.

-  (void)setColumnSizesFromString:(NSString*)s

Equivalent to: -border:MISC_COL_BORDER setSlotSizesFromString:s.

-  (void)setColumnSortVector:(NSArray*)v

Equivalent to: -border:MISC_COL_BORDER setSlotSortVector:v

-  (void)setColumnTitleMode:(MiscTableTitleMode)x

Sets the title-mode for column col to x.  Equivalent to: -border:MISC_COL_BORDER setSlot:col titleMode:x.

-  (void)setColumnTitlesHeight:(float)height

Equivalent to: -border:MISC_COL_BORDER setSlotTitlesSize:size.

-  (BOOL)setColumnTitlesOn:(BOOL)on_off

Turns the column titles on or off.  When on_off is YES, column titles will be displayed.  When on_off is NO, column titles will not be displayed.  Column titles are displayed by default.  Equivalent to: -border:MISC_COL_BORDER setSlotTitlesOn:on_off.

-  (void)setCompareSlotFunction:(MiscCompareSlotFunc)f

Makes f the slot comparison function to be used for sorting.  It must conform to the following prototype from MiscTableTypes.h:

typedef int (*MiscCompareSlotFunc)( int slot1, int slot2, MiscSlotSortInfo* );

The function must return an integer value which is: (a) less than zero if slot1 should come before slot2, or (b) equal to zero if slot1 should sort equally with slot2, or (c) greater than zero if slot1 should come after slot2.  This function is responsible for comparing the cells of the two slots in the order defined by the slotSortVector, or visual order if no explicit slotSortVector has been set.  This function is also responsible for applying the sort direction to the individual cell-wise comparisons.  This function is also responsible for calling user-installed custom slot sorting functions, or interpreting and applying the sort-type for slots that do not have a custom function.  The default, built-in implementation of this function is MiscDefaultCompareSlotFunc.

See also:  -border:setSlot:sortDirection:, -border:setSlot:sortFunction:, -border:setSlot:sortType:, -border:setSlotSortVector:, -compareSlotFunction, -sortInfoDone:, -sortInfoInit:border:

-  (void)setCursorColumn:(MiscCoord_P)col

Equivalent to: -border:MISC_COL_BORDER setCursorSlot:col.

-  (void)setCursorRow:(MiscCoord_P)row

Equivalent to: -border:MISC_ROW_BORDER setCursorSlot:row.

-  (void)setDataDelegate:(id)obj

Makes obj the data delegate for the MiscTableScroll object.  Does not retain obj.

See also: -setDelegate:, -setLazy:

-  (void)setDelegate:(id)obj

Makes obj the delegate for the MiscTableScroll object.  Does not retain obj.

See also: -setDataDelegate:

-  (void)setDoubleAction:(SEL)new_sel

Sets the double-action method to new_sel.  The double-action message is sent to the doubleTarget upon a double mouse click.  The argument of an action method is the table scroll.

-  (void)setDoubleTarget:(id)obj

Makes obj the doubleTarget of the MiscTableScroll object.  Does not retain obj.

-  (void)setDraggableColumns:(BOOL)flag

Enables or disables user-dragging of columns.  When flag is YES, columns will be user-draggable.  When flag is NO, columns will not be user-draggable.  The column titles must be displayed to enable the user to drag columns.  Equivalent to: -border:MISC_COL_BORDER setDraggableSlots:flag.

-  (void)setDraggableRows:(BOOL)flag

Enables or disables user-dragging of rows.  When flag is YES, rows will be user-draggable.  When flag is NO, rows will not be user-draggable.  The row titles must be displayed to enable the user to drag rows.  Equivalent to: -border:MISC_ROW_BORDER setDraggableSlots:flag.

-  (void)setEnabled:(BOOL)flag

Enables or disables user-interaction with the MiscTableScroll object.  The only feature affected by this flag is the dispatch of the action and doubleAction.  When flag is YES, action and doubleAction are sent as appropriate.  When flag is NO, neither messsage is sent.  All other operations are unaffected and remain available.  These include, pasteboard and service operations, selection, column reordering & sizing, etc.

-  (void)setFirstVisibleColumn:(int)col

Equivalent to: -border:MISC_COL_BORDER setFirstVisibleSlot:col.

-  (void)setFirstVisibleRow:(int)row

Equivalent to: -border:MISC_ROW_BORDER setFirstVisibleSlot:row.

-  (void)setFont:(NSFont*)newFont

Sets the font for the MiscTableScroll object.   The font is used to initialize new cells in the table.  If rows are uniformly sized, the uniform row size is adjusted proportionately based on the sizes of the old font and the new font.  Then all the cells are updated.  If the cells respond to the -setOwnerFont: message, that message is sent.  Otherwise the -setFont: message is tried.  Then the -tableScroll:fontChangedFrom:to: message is sent to the delegate if the delegate responds to it.  Finally, the display is invalidated.

See also:  -tableScroll:fontChangedFrom:to: (delegate method), -setOwnerFont: (MiscTableCell), -setFont: (NSCell, MiscTableCell)

-  (void)setLastVisibleColumn:(int)col

Equivalent to: -border:MISC_COL_BORDER setLastVisibleSlot:col.

-  (void)setLastVisibleRow:(int)row

Equivalent to: -border:MISC_ROW_BORDER setLastVisibleSlot:row.

-  (void)setLazy:(BOOL)flag

Enables or disables lazy-mode memory management.  When flag is YES, the MiscTableScroll object will use lazy-mode memory management, asking the delegate, and then if necessary the dataDelegate to provide the cells in the body of the table.  When flag is NO, the MiscTableScroll object will use eager-mode memory management, maintaining a dense, 2-D array of cell pointers, one pointer for each cell in the table, and caching cells on a row-wise basis.  MiscTableScroll uses eager-mode memory management by default.  See Usage Tips, and Lazy vs. Eager, in the introduction for more details.

See also:  -dataDelegate, -isLazy, -setDataDelegate:

-  (void)setMaxTotalHeight:(float)size

Equivalent to: -border:MISC_ROW_BORDER setMaxTotalSize:size.

-  (void)setMaxTotalWidth:(float)size

Equivalent to: -border:MISC_COL_BORDER setMaxTotalSize:size.

-  (void)setMinTotalHeight:(float)size

Equivalent to: -border:MISC_ROW_BORDER setMinTotalSize:size.

-  (void)setMinTotalWidth:(float)size

Equivalent to: -border:MISC_COL_BORDER setMinTotalSize:size.

-  (void)setModifierDragColumns:(BOOL)flag

Sets whether or not the command-key must be held down to drag columns.  By default, columns require the command-key to perform selection.  Equivalent to -border:MISC_COL_BORDER setModifierDragSlots:flag.

-  (void)setModifierDragRows:(BOOL)flag

Sets whether or not the command-key must be held down to drag rows.  By default, rows do not require the command-key to perform selection.  Equivalent to -border:MISC_ROW_BORDER setModifierDragSlots:flag.

-  (void)setRow:(int)row autosize:(BOOL)flag

Sets the autosize flag for row row.  Equivalent to: -border:MISC_ROW_BORDER setSlot:row autosize:flag.

-  (void)setRow:(int)row cellPrototype:(id)cell

Sets the cell prototype for row row to cell.  Currently, only column cell prototypes are used.  Equivalent to: -border:MISC_ROW_BORDER setSlot:row cellPrototype:cell.

-  (void)setRow:(int)row cellType:(MiscTableCellStyle)type

Sets the cell type for row row to type.  Equivalent to: -border:MISC_ROW_BORDER setSlot:row cellType:type.

-  (void)setRow:(int)row dataSize:(float)size

Equivalent to: -border:MISC_ROW_BORDER setSlot:row dataSize:size.

-  (void)setRow:(int)row expandsToData:(BOOL)flag

Sets the expands-to-data flag for row row to flag.  Equivalent to: -border:MISC_ROW_BORDER setSlot:row expandsToData:flag.

-  (void)setRow:(int)row maxSize:(float)size

Sets the maximum size of row row to size.  Equivalent to: -border:MISC_ROW_BORDER setSlot:row maxSize:size.

-  (void)setRow:(int)row minSize:(float)size

Sets the minimum size of row row to size.  Equivalent to: -border:MISC_ROW_BORDER setSlot:row minSize:size.

-  (void)setRow:(int)row size:(float)size

Sets the target size of row row to size.  Equivalent to: -border:MISC_ROW_BORDER setSlot:row size:size.

-  (void)setRow:(int)row sizeable:(BOOL)flag

Sets the user-sizeable flag for row row to flag.  Equivalent to: -border:MISC_ROW_BORDER setSlot:row sizeable:flag.

-  (void)setRow:(int)n sortDirection:(MiscSortDirection)x

Equivalent to: -border:MISC_ROW_BORDER setSlot:n sortDirection:x.

-  (void)setRow:(int)n sortFunction:(MiscCompareEntryFunc)x

Equivalent to: -border:MISC_ROW_BORDER setSlot:n sortFunction:x.

-  (void)setRow:(int)n sortType:(MiscSortType)x

Equivalent to: -border:MISC_ROW_BORDER setSlot:n sortType:x.

-  (void)setRow:(int)row tag:(int)tag

Sets the tag for row row to tag.  Equivalent to: -border:MISC_ROW_BORDER setSlot:row tag:tag.

-  (void)setRow:(int)row title:(NSString*)title

Sets the title for row row to title.  Equivalent to: -border:MISC_ROW_BORDER setSlot:row title:title.

-  (void)setRowOrder:(NSArray*)list

Equivalent to: -border:MISC_ROW_BORDER setSlotOrder:list.

-  (void)setRowOrderFromString:(NSString*)s

Equivalent to: -border:MISC_ROW_BORDER setSlotOrderFromString:s.

-  (void)setRowSizes:(NSArray*)list

Equivalent to: -border:MISC_ROW_BORDER setSlotSizes:list.

-  (void)setRowSizesFromString:(NSString*)s

Equivalent to: -border:MISC_ROW_BORDER setSlotSizesFromString:s.

-  (void)setRowSortVector:(int const*)v

Equivalent to: -border:MISC_ROW_BORDER setSlotSortVector:v

-  (void)setRowTitleMode:(MiscTableTitleMode)x

Sets the title-mode for row row to x.  Equivalent to: -border:MISC_ROW_BORDER setSlot:row titleMode:x.

-  (BOOL)setRowTitlesOn:(BOOL)on_off

Turns the row titles on or off.  When on_off is YES, row titles will be displayed.  When on_off is NO, row titles will not be displayed.  Row titles are not displayed by default.  Equivalent to: -border:MISC_ROW_BORDER setSlotTitlesOn:on_off.

-  (void)setRowTitlesWidth:(float)size

Equivalent to: -border:MISC_ROW_BORDER setSlotTitlesSize:size.

-  (void)setSelectedBackgroundColor:(NSColor*)value

Sets the selectedBackgroundColor for the MiscTableScroll object.  The selectedBackgroundColor is used to initialize new cells added to the table.  This information is propagated to the cells of the table as follows.  If the cells respond to the -setOwnerSelectedBackgroundColor: message, that message is sent, else if the cells respond to the -setSelectedBackgroundColor: message, that message is sent instead.  If the cells do not respond to either of these messages, no message is sent to the cell.  Finally, the display is invalidated.

See also:  -setSelectedBackgroundColor: (MiscTableCell), -setOwnerSelectedBackgroundColor: (MiscTableCell)

-  (void)setSelectedTextColor:(NSColor*)value

Sets the selectedTextColor for the MiscTableScroll object.  The selectedTextColor is used to initialize new cells added to the table.  This message is also propagated to the existing cells of the table as follows.  If the cells respond to the -setOwnerSelectedTextColor: message, that message is sent, else if the cells respond to the -setSelectedTextColor: message, that message is sent.  If the cells do not respond to either of these messages, no message is sent to the cell.  Finally, the display is invalidated.

See also:  -setSelectedTextColor: (MiscTableCell), -setOwnerSelectedTextColor: (MiscTableCell)

-  (void)setSelectionMode:(MiscSelectionMode)x

Sets the selection mode for the MiscTableScroll object.  The selection mode, x, can be any of the following:


The modes each correspond to the similarly named selection modes declared in the NSMatrix class.  The MiscTableScroll object extends the highlight mode selection by implementing the Alternate-key modifier in the same fashion that it works in list mode.

-  (void)setSizeableColumns:(BOOL)flag

Enables or disables user-sizing of columns.  Equivalent to: -border:MISC_COL_BORDER setSizeableSlots:flag.

-  (void)setSizeableRows:(BOOL)flag

Enables or disables user-sizing of rows.  Equivalent to: -border:MISC_ROW_BORDER setSizeableSlots:flag.

-  (void)setTag:(int)x

Sets the tag of the MiscTableScroll object to x.

See also:  -border:setSlot:tag:, -setColumn:tag:, -setRow:tag:, -tag

-  (void)setTarget:(id)obj

Makes obj the object which will receive the action message whenever there is a single mouse-click on the body of the table.  Does not retain obj.

-  (void)setTextColor:(NSColor*)value

Sets the textColor for the MiscTableScroll object.  The textColor is used to initialize new cells added to the table.  The message is propagated to existing cells as follows.  If the cell responds to the -setOwnerTextColor: message, that message is sent, else if the cell responds to the -setTextColor: message, that message is sent.  If the cell does not respond to either of these messages, no message is sent to the cell.  Finally, the display is invalidated.

See also:  -setOwnerTextColor: (MiscTableCell), -setTextColor: (NSCell, MiscTableCell)

-  (void)setUniformSizeColumns:(float)uniform_size

Sets or clears the uniform-size property for columns.  When uniform_size is a non-zero value, all columns will have the same, fixed (uniform) size.  When uniform_size is zero, each column can be assigned sizes individually.  By default, columns are not uniformly sized.  Equivalent to: -border:MISC_COL_BORDER setUniformSizeSlots:uniform_size.

-  (void)setUniformSizeRows:(float)uniform_size

Sets or clears the uniform-size property for rows.  When uniform_size is a non-zero value, all rows will have the same, fixed (uniform) size.  When uniform_size is zero, each row can be assigned sizes individually.  By default, row are uniformly sized.  Equivalent to: -border:MISC_ROW_BORDER setUniformSizeSlots:uniform_size.

-  (BOOL)sizeableColumns

Indicates whether or not columns can be resized by the user.  Equivalent to: -sizeableSlots:MISC_COL_BORDER.

-  (BOOL)sizeableRows

Indicates whether or not rows can be resized by the user.  Equivalent to: -sizeableSlots:MISC_ROW_BORDER.

-  (BOOL)sizeableSlots:(MiscBorderType)b

Indicates whether or not the user can resize the slots on border b.

-  (void)sizeToCells

Instructs the MiscTableScroll object to adjust the frames of its subviews.

See also:  -addRow

-  (BOOL)slotsAreSorted:(MiscBorderType)b

Returns YES if the slots are sorted, NO otherwise.

See also:  -border:slotIsSorted:, -border:sortSlot:, -sortSlots:

-  (NSArray*)slotOrder:(MiscBorderType)b

Returns an array of NSNumber objects containing the current slot order.  The list is organized in physical (original) slot order.  Each value in the list is the current visual position of the corresponding slot.  In other words, returns the physical to visual mapping.  This method is useful for saving the user's slot order preference.

List also encodes the sort direction.  Negative values indicate slots that are sorted in descending order.  The negative value is computed by using the 'C' bitwise complement operator (~).

See also:  -border:setSlotOrder:, -border:setSlotSizes:, -slotOrderAsString:

-  (NSString*)slotOrderAsString:(MiscBorderType)b

Returns a string representation of the array returned by -slotOrder:.  This is useful for saving and restoring user slot order preferences.

See also:  -border:setSlotOrder:, -slotOrder:

-  (NSArray*)slotSizes:(MiscBorderType)b

Returns an array of NSNumber objects containing the sizes of all slots.  The list is organized in physical (original) slot order.  The values are the sizes of the correspond slot.  This method is useful for saving the user's slot size preferences.

See also:  -border:setSlotSizes:, -slotOrder:, -slotSizesAsString:

-  (NSString*)slotSizesAsString:(MiscBorderType)b

Returns a string representation of the array returned by -slotSizes:.  This is useful for saving and restoring user slot size preferences.

See also:  -slotSizes:

-  (NSArray*)slotSortVector:(MiscBorderType)b

Returns the current slotSortVector for border b, which is an array of NSNumber objects.

See also:  -border:setSlotSortVector:

-  (MiscTableTitleMode)slotTitleMode:(MiscBorderType)b

Returns the title-mode for slot.

-  (BOOL)slotTitlesOn:(MiscBorderType)b

Indicates whether or not the titles for border b are displayed.

-  (float)slotTitlesSize:(MiscBorderType)b

Returns either the height of column titles or the width of row titles, based upon b.

-  (void)sortColumn:(int)n

Re-sorts a single column.  Equivalent to: -border:MISC_COL_BORDER sortSlot:n.

See also:  -border:sortSlot:, -sortSlots:

-  (void)sortColumns

Equivalent to: -sortSlots:MISC_COL_BORDER.

See also:  -sortSlots:

- (void)sortInfoDone:(MiscSlotSortInfo*)sortInfo

This method reclaims temporary storage held in the sortInfo structure.  You must call this method whenever you are finished using a sortInfo object.

See also:  -sortInfoInit:border:

- (void)sortInfoInit:(MiscSlotSortInfo*)sortInfo border:(MiscBorderType)b

This method precomputes the sorting information needed by the sorting methods.  If you call any of the sorting methods that accept an info: argument, you must initialize the sortInfo structure by calling this method first.  After you have finished using the sortInfo structure, you must reclaim the storage by passing the sortInfo structure to -sortInfoDone:.  NOTE: The sortInfo structure stores the current sorting information for the table.  Any changes made to the sorting environment after the sortInfo structure has been initialized will not affect the contents of the sortInfo structure, and therefore will not affect comparisons made using the sortInfo structure.  Actions that affect the sorting environment include: rearranging columns/rows, installing a slotSortVector, installing a custom slot comparison function, changing the sort-type or sort-direction of a slot.  Actions which alter the structure of the "other" border (like removing columns/rows) can potentially cause catastrophic failures.

See also:  -border:compareSlots::info:

-  (void)sortRow:(int)n

Re-sorts a single row.  Equivalent to: -border:MISC_ROW_BORDER sortSlot:n.

See also:  -border:sortSlot:, -sortSlots:

-  (void)sortRows

Equivalent to: -sortSlots:MISC_ROW_BORDER.

See also:  -sortSlots:

-  (void)sortSlots:(MiscBorderType)b

Sorts the slots in border b.

See also:  -border:setSlot:sortDirection:, -border:setSlot:sortFunction:, -border:setSlot:sortType:, -border:setSlotSortVector:, -setCompareSlotFunction:

-  (int)stateAtRow:(int)row column:(int)col

Returns the value of sending a -state message to the cell at row, col.  If the table is lazy, the delegate, and then the dataDelegate are given the opportunity to reply to the -tableScroll:stateAtRow:column: message.  This gives lazy tables an opportunity to return this information directly, without the overhead of preparing and formatting a cell.  If the table is not lazy, or the delegate and dataDelegate do not respond to the -tableScroll:doubleValueAtRow:column: message, then the cell is retrieved via -cellAtRow:column:.  If the cell responds to the -state message, that value is returned; otherwise, zero is returned.

See also:  -cellAtRow:column:, -isLazy, -setLazy:, -state (NSButtonCell), -tableScroll:stateAtRow:column: (delegate method)

-  (NSString*)stringForNSStringPboardType

Returns a string of the selected cells as ASCII text.  Columns are separated by tab characters (ASCII decimal 9).  Rows are terminated with newline characters (ASCII decimal 10).  The text is retrieved from the cells by first trying the -title message.  If the cell does not respond to the -title message, then the -stringValue message is tried.  Each tab character in the text retrieved from the cell is replaced with a single space character (ASCII decimal 32) before the text is written to string.  The selection is written in the current (visual) ordering.  Called from -builtinStringForPboardType:, and -stringForNSTabularTextPBoardType.  Override this method in your subclass if you want different behavior.

See also:  -builtinStringForPboardType:, -stringForNSTabularTextPBoardType

-  (NSString*)stringForNSTabularTextPBoardType

Calls [self stringForNSStringPboardType].  Called from -builtinStringForPboardType:.  Override this method in your subclass if you want different behavior.

See also:  -builtinStringForPboardType:, -stringForNSStringPboardType

-  (NSString*)stringValueAtRow:(int)row column:(int)col

Returns the value of sending a -stringValue message to the cell at row, col.  If the table is lazy, the delegate, and then the dataDelegate are given the opportunity to reply to the -tableScroll:stringValueAtRow:column: message.  This gives lazy tables an opportunity to return this information directly, without the overhead of preparing and formatting a cell.  If the table is not lazy, or the delegate and dataDelegate do not respond to the -tableScroll:doubleValueAtRow:column: message, then the cell is retrieved via -cellAtRow:column:.  If the cell responds to the -stringValue message, that value is returned; otherwise, zero (a NULL pointer) is returned.  NOTE: If you are using NSButtonCells, you probably want -titleAtRow:column:, not this method.

See also:  -cellAtRow:column:, -isLazy, -setLazy:, -tableScroll:stringValueAtRow:column: (delegate method), -titleAtRow:column:

-  (int)tag

Returns the tag of the MiscTableScroll object.

See also:  -border:slotTag:, -columnTag:, -rowTag:, -setTag:

-  (int)tagAtRow:(int)row column:(int)col

Returns the value of sending a -tag message to the cell at row, col.  If the table is lazy, the delegate, and then the dataDelegate are given the opportunity to reply to the -tableScroll:tagAtRow:column: message.  This gives lazy tables an opportunity to return this information directly, without the overhead of preparing and formatting a cell.  If the table is not lazy, or the delegate and dataDelegate do not respond to the -tableScroll:doubleValueAtRow:column: message, then the cell is retrieved via -cellAtRow:column:.  If the cell responds to the -tag message, that value is returned; otherwise, zero is returned.

See also:  -cellAtRow:column:, -isLazy, -setLazy:, -tableScroll:tagAtRow:column: (delegate method)

-  (id)target

Returns a pointer to the object which receives the action message on a single mouse-click event.

-  (NSColor*)textColor

Returns the current textColor.

-  (NSString*)titleAtRow:(int)row column:(int)col

Returns the value of sending a -title message to the cell at row, col.  If the table is lazy, the delegate, and then the dataDelegate are given the opportunity to reply to the -tableScroll:titleAtRow:column: message.  This gives lazy tables an opportunity to return this information directly, without the overhead of preparing and formatting a cell.  If the table is not lazy, or the delegate and dataDelegate do not respond to the -tableScroll:titleAtRow:column: message, then the cell is retrieved via -cellAtRow:column:.  If the cell responds to the -title message, that value is returned; otherwise, zero (a NULL pointer) is returned.  NOTE: NSButtonCell implements the -stringValue message by formatting the integer value of its state as a string.  To retrieve the text label displayed on the button, you must use the -title method.

See also:  -cellAtRow:column:, -isLazy, -setLazy:, -tableScroll:titleAtRow:column: (delegate method), -title (NSButtonCell)

-  (float)totalHeight

Equivalent to: -totalSize:MISC_ROW_BORDER.

-  (float)totalSize:(MiscBorderType)b

Returns the total display size.   The sum of -border:b slotAdjustedSize: for all slots on the border.

See also:  -border:slotAdjustedSize:

-  (float)totalWidth

Equivalent to: -totalSize:MISC_COL_BORDER.

-  (void)trackBy:(MiscBorderType)b

Sets the orientation by which the mouse is tracked for selection.  If b is MISC_ROW_BORDER then selection is performed on a row-wise basis.  If b is MISC_COL_BORDER then selection is performed on a column-wise basis.

See also:  ± trackingBy

-  (BOOL)tracking

Returns YES if the mouse is currently being tracked by a cell, else NO.  Technically, this method returns YES after the cell which will track the mouse has been highlighted, and NO after it has been unhighlighted.  The cell which is tracking the mouse can be accessed via -clickedCell, -clickedColumn, or -clickedRow.  Although setting a Cell's highlight flag is sufficient during mouse tracking in eager-mode, it is not sufficient in lazy-mode.  Therefore MiscTableScroll uses this method in lazy-mode to determine when a cell should be drawn highlighted.  You should rarely need to call this method, though it might be useful in subclasses.

See also:  ± clickedCell, ± clickedColumn, ± clickedRow, ± clickedSlot:

-  (MiscBorderType)trackingBy

Returns the current orientation of keyboard tracking.

See also:  ± trackBy:

-  (float)uniformSizeColumns

Returns the uniform size for columns.  If columns are not being sized uniformly, this method will return zero.  Any non-zero value indicates the size that all columns have the same size as the value returned by this method.  By default, columns are not uniformly sized.  Equivalent to: -uniformSizeSlots:MISC_COL_BORDER.

-  (float)uniformSizeRows

Returns the uniform size for rows.  If rows are not being sized uniformly, this method will return zero.  Any non-zero value indicates the size that all rows have the same size as the value returned by this method.  Rows are uniformly sized by default.  Equivalent to: -uniformSizeSlots:MISC_ROW_BORDER.

-  (float)uniformSizeSlots:(MiscBorderType)b

Returns the uniform size for slots in border b.  If slots are not being sized uniformly, this method will return zero.  Any non-zero value indicates the size that all slots have the same size as the value returned by this method.

-  (id)validRequestorForSendType:(NSString*)t_send returnType:(NSString*)t_return

This method is called by the services system to update the services menu.  If the delegate responds to the -tableScroll:validRequestorForSendType:returnType: message, it is sent to the delegate.  If not, the dataDelegate is checked.  If neither object responds,  -builtinValidRequestorForSendType:returnType: is called.  Override this method in your subclass if you need different behavior.  Returns the result of the called method.

See also:  -builtinValidRequestorForSendType:returnType:, -tableScroll:validRequestorForSendType:returnType: (delegate method)

-  (void)writeSelectionToPasteboard:(NSPasteboard*)pboard type:(NSString*)type

This method is responsible for writing data to the pasteboard.  If the delegate responds to -tableScroll:writeSelectionToPasteboard:types:, the message is sent to the delegate.  If not, the dataDelegate is tried.  If neither object responds to the message, the default method, -builtinStringForPboardType:, is called.  Called from -builtinWriteSelectionToPasteboard:types:.  Override this method in your subclass if you want different behavior.

See also:  -builtinStringForPboardType:, -builtinWriteSelectionToPasteboard:types:, -tableScroll:writeSelectionToPasteboard:types: (delegate method), -readSelectionFromPasteboard: (NSServicesRequests), -writeSelectionToPasteboard:types: (NSServicesRequests)

Methods Implemented by Cell Subclasses

-  (id)tableScroll:(MiscTableScroll*)scroll retireAtRow:(int)row column:(int)col

If neither the delegate nor the dataDelegate respond to -tableScroll:retireCell:atRow:column: then the MiscTableScroll tries sending this message to the cell itself to give it the opportunity to perform special handling when it is being retired from active use and returned to the cache.  Must return self, or a suitable replacement object for storage in the cache.

See also:  -retireCell:atRow:column:, -tableScroll:retireCell:atRow:column: (delegate method)

-  (id)tableScroll:(MiscTableScroll*)scroll reviveAtRow:(int)row column:(int)col

If neither the delegate nor the dataDelegate respond to -tableScroll:reviveCell:atRow:column: then the MiscTableScroll tries sending this message to the cell itself to give it the opportunity to perform special handling when it is being brought into use for the first time, or is being retrieved from the cache for reuse.

See also:  -reviveCell:AtRow:column:, -tableScroll:reviveCell:atRow:column: (delegate method)

Methods Implemented by the Delegate

-  (void)tableScroll:(MiscTableScroll*)scroll abortEditAtRow:(int)row column:(int)col

Notifies the delegate that a cell editing session has been aborted.  This means that the normal -control:textShouldEndEditing: validation did not take place.

See also:  Cell Editing (Introduction)

-  (void)tableScroll:(MiscTableScroll*)scroll backgroundColorChangedTo:(NSColor*)newColor

This message is sent to the delegate and then the dataDelegate when the MiscTableScroll receives a -setBackgroundColor: message that actually changes the background color.

-  (void)tableScroll:(MiscTableScroll*)scroll border:(MiscBorderType)b slotDraggedFrom:(int)from_pos to:(int)to_pos

Notifies the delegate whenever the user drags a slot to a new position.

-  (void)tableScroll:(MiscTableScroll*)scroll border:(MiscBorderType)b slotPrototype:(int)slot

Sent to the delegate whenever the MiscTableScroll object needs the prototype cell for a column which has the MISC_TABLE_CELL_CALLBACK cell type.  If the delegate does not respond to the message, the dataDelegate is tried.

See also:  -border:setSlot:cellType:

-  (void)tableScroll:(MiscTableScroll*)scroll border:(MiscBorderType)b slotResized:(int)n

Notifies the delegate whenever the user resizes a slot.

-  (void)tableScroll:(MiscTableScroll*)scroll border:(MiscBorderType)b slotSortReversed:(int)n

Notifies the delegate whenever the user reverses the sort direction of a slot.

-  (NSString*)tableScroll:(MiscTableScroll*)scroll border:(MiscBorderType)b slotTitle:(int)slot

Sent to the delegate whenever the MiscTableScroll object needs a title for a border which has the MISC_DELEGATE_TITLE title mode.  If the delegate does not respond to the message, the dataDelegate is tried.

See also:  -border:setSlotTitleMode:

-  (int)tableScrollBufferCount:(MiscTableScroll*)scroll

Gives the delegate and dataDelegate of a lazy-mode MiscTableScroll the opportunity to report the number of buffers used for each slot.  This information can be used to optimize-away string copying during sorting.  This is a micro- optimization for sorting lazy-mode tables based on string values.

Sorting retrieves the values of two cells from the same slot to compare them.  In eager mode, it is sufficient to perform the comparison in a manner similar to this:

[[cell1 stringValue] isEqualToString:[cell2 stringValue]]

However, it is common for lazy-mode delegates to simply recycle a single cell to handle the -tableScroll:cellAtRow:column: message.  In that case, the first value is no longer valid when the second value is retrieved, so the MiscTableScroll object needs to copy the first value before retrieving the second value.  By default, the MiscTableScroll object makes the pessimistic (but safe) assumption that it needs to copy the first string value before retrieving the second string value.  Sophisticated delegates can eliminate this copy operation if they provide at least two buffers for each slot, or if they implement the string retrieval methods (-tableScroll:stringValueAtRow:column: and/or -tableScroll:titleAtRow:column:) in a way that makes it possible to retrieve a second string value from the same slot without invalidating the previous string value retrieved from that slot.

If the value returned is greater than or equal to two (2), the string values will not be copied.

See also:  -bufferCount

-  (BOOL)tableScroll:(MiscTableScroll*)scroll canEdit:(NSEvent*)event atRow:(int)row column:(int)col

Gives the delegate the opportunity to decide whether or not an editing session should be started for the cell at row, col.  This method is invoked from both a -mouseDown: event, in which case event is the mouse-down event itself, and also from keyboard events in which case event is 0.  This message is sent both on single-click events and multi-click events.  It is the responsibility of the delegate to decide whether or not editing should begin.  If the delegate returns YES, an editing session will begin for the cell.  If the delegate returns NO, no editing session will begin.  This message is tested with the delegate, dataDelegate and the cell itself.  The first object that responds to the message decides the outcome.  If none of those objects respond to the message, the default behavior will allow editing only on a double-click or keyboard event, and only if the cell is both editable and enabled.

See also:  Cell Editing (Introduction)

-  (BOOL)tableScroll:(MiscTableScroll*)scroll canWritePboardType:(NSString*)type

If the delegate responds to this message, the delegate has the opportunity to select which datatypes will be written to the pasteboard.  If the delegate does not respond, the dataDelegate is given the opportunity.

See also:  -canWritePboardType:

-  (id)tableScroll:(MiscTableScroll*)scroll cellAtRow:(int)row column:(int)col

If the table scroll is in lazy mode this message is sent first to the delegate and then to the dataDelegate (if delegate does not respond) whenever the cell at row, col is needed.  You must implement this method in either the delegate or the dataDelegate whenever you use a MiscTableScroll in lazy mode.  The table scroll does not manage the cells for itself in lazy mode; the delegate or the dataDelegate must.

See also:   ± setLazy:, ± isLazy

-  (void)tableScroll:(MiscTableScroll*)scroll changeFont:(NSFont*)oldFont to:(NSFont*)newFont

This message is sent to the delegate and then the dataDelegate whenever a -changeFont: message is received and the new font is different than the current font.  The NSFontManager sends the -changeFont: message whenever the user changes the font using either the Font Panel or the Font menu.  This is distinguished from programmatic changes via the -setFont: method so that you can record user preferences.  This notification message is sent after the font change has been applied, but before the new font is displayed.

See also:  -changeFont:, -setFont:, -tableScroll:fontChangedFrom:to: (delegate method)

- (void)tableScroll:(MiscTableScroll*)scroll didEdit:(BOOL)changed atRow:(int)row column:(int)col

Notifies the delegate that a cell-editing session terminated, and whether or not the value in the cell changed.  This is a notification-only message.  The delegate is not given any veto power at this point.  Veto power is available in the -control:textShouldEndEditing: (NSControl) delegate message.  This message is sent immediately after the -tableScroll:abortEdit:atRow:column: messages and the -tableScroll:setStringValue:atRow:column: messages, so this message is always sent in all cases when a cell editing session terminates.

See also:  -tableScroll:willEditAtRow:column: (delegate method), Cell Editing (Introduction)

- (double)tableScroll:(MiscTableScroll*)scroll doubleValueAtRow:(int)row column:(int)col

Lazy tables send this message to the delegate and then the dataDelegate to retrieve the value for -doubleValueAtRow:column:.  If the delegate or dataDelegate respond to this message, that value is returned.  If neither responds to the message, or if the table is not lazy, the cell is retrieved via -cellAtRow:column:.  If the cell responds to the -doubleValue message, that value is returned; otherwise zero is returned.  This method gives lazy tables the opportunity to provide the information content of cells without the overhead of preparing and formatting a cell.  You should implement this method in your delegate or dataDelegate if you have any slots that contain double values.

See also:  -cellAtRow:column:, -doubleValueAtRow:column:, -isLazy, -setLazy:

-  (void)tableScroll:(MiscTableScroll*)scroll edit:(NSEvent*)event atRow:(int)row column:(int)col

Gives the delegate the opportunity to control the cell editing session.  This message is tested with the delegate, dataDelegate and cell itself.  The first object that responds to the message is responsible for establishing an editing session for the cell.  If none of these objects respond to this message, the MiscTableScroll object will establish an editing session with the cell using the normal NSCell methods.  Event is either the mouse event that caused editing to begin, or 0 if editing was invoked from a keyboard event.

See also:  Cell Editing (Introduction)

- (float)tableScroll:(MiscTableScroll*)scroll floatValueAtRow:(int)row column:(int)col

Lazy tables send this message to the delegate and then the dataDelegate to retrieve the value for -floatValueAtRow:column:.  If the delegate or dataDelegate respond to this message, that value is returned.  If neither responds to the message, or if the table is not lazy, the cell is retrieved via -cellAtRow:column:.  If the cell responds to the -floatValue message, that value is returned; otherwise zero is returned.  This method gives lazy tables the opportunity to provide the information content of cells without the overhead of preparing and formatting a cell.  You should implement this method in your delegate or dataDelegate if you have any slots that contain float values.

See also:  -cellAtRow:column:, -floatValueAtRow:column:, -isLazy, -setLazy:

-  (void)tableScroll:(MiscTableScroll*)scroll fontChangedFrom:(NSFont*)oldFont to:(NSFont*)newFont

This message is sent to the delegate and then the dataDelegate whenever a -setFont: message is received and the new font is different than the current font.  This notification message is sent after all font changes, both user-initiated and programmatic.  This message is sent after the font change has been applied, but before the new font is displayed.

See also:  -changeFont:, -setFont:, -tableScroll:changeFont:to: (delegate method)

-  (BOOL)tableScroll:(MiscTableScroll*)scroll getISearchColumn:(int*)col

First the delegate and then the dataDelegate is tested for response to this message whenever a keystroke is received that could start incremental searching.  If the delegate responds, the message is sent to the delegate.  Otherwise, if the dataDelegate responds, the message is sent to the dataDelegate.  Return YES if incremental searching should be enabled, and set *col to the physical index of the column that the table is sorted on, otherwise return NO.  The delegates have the opportunity to decide whether or not incremental searching should be enabled, and indicate which column the table is sorted on.  If you want to enable incremental searching and you do not use the auto-sort facilities, then you must implement this method to tell the MiscTableScroll object which column the table is sorted on.  The table must be sorted in col order (ascending or descending).  -doIncrementalSearch:column: calls [self border:MISC_COL_BORDER slotSortType:col] to determine the sort-type.  The sort-type for col must be one of the string-based sort-types: MISC_SORT_STRING_CASE_INSENSITIVE, MISC_SORT_STRING_CASE_SENSITIVE, MISC_SORT_TITLE_CASE_INSENSITIVE or MISC_SORT_TITLE_CASE_SENSITIVE.  Col must not have a custom sort function.  You are responsible for ensuring that the table is sorted in col order.  -doIncrementalSearch:column: calls [self border:MISC_COL_BORDER slotSortDirection:col] to determine the sort-direction.  If the table is sorted in the other direction, use the complement of the column's physical index (~col).

See also: -doGetISearchColumn:, -doIncrementalSearch:column:, -getISearchColumn:, -incrementalSearch:

- (int)tableScroll:(MiscTableScroll*)scroll intValueAtRow:(int)row column:(int)col

Lazy tables send this message to the delegate and then the dataDelegate to retrieve the value for -intValueAtRow:column:.  If the delegate or dataDelegate respond to this message, that value is returned.  If neither responds to the message, or if the table is not lazy, the cell is retrieved via -cellAtRow:column:.  If the cell responds to the -intValue message, that value is returned; otherwise zero is returned.  This method gives lazy tables the opportunity to provide the information content of cells without the overhead of preparing and formatting a cell.  You should implement this method in your delegate or dataDelegate if you have any slots that contain int values.

See also:  -cellAtRow:column:, -intValueAtRow:column:, -isLazy, -setLazy:

-  (BOOL)tableScroll:(MiscTableScroll*)scroll readSelectionFromPasteboard:(id)pboard

If the delegate responds to this message, the delegate has the opportunity to take over the process of reading data from the pasteboard.  If the delegate does not respond to this message, the dataDelegate is tried.  The delegate should return YES if the data was successfully read from the pasteboard, else it should return NO.

See also:  -readSelectionFromPasteboard:

-  (id)tableScroll:(MiscTableScroll*)scroll retireCell:(id)cell atRow:(int)row column:(int)col

If the delegate responds to this message, the delegate has the opportunity to perform special handling of cells that are being retired to the cache.  If the delegate does not respond, the dataDelegate is tried.  If the dataDelegate does not respond either, the cell itself is tried (with -tableScroll:retireAtRow:column:).  Must return cell, or a suitable replacement object for storage in the cache.

See also:  -retireCell:atRow:column:

-  (id)tableScroll:(MiscTableScroll*)scroll reviveCell:(id)cell atRow:(int)row column:(int)col

If the delegate responds to this message, the delegate has the opportunity to perform special handling of cells that are being brought into use for the first time, or are being retrieved from the cache for reuse.  If the delegate does not respond, the dataDelegate is tried.  If the dataDelegate does not respond either, the cell itself is tried (with -tableScroll:reviveAtRow:column:).

See also:  -reviveCell:atRow:column:

-  (void)tableScroll:(MiscTableScroll*)scroll selectedBackgroundColorChangedTo:(NSColor*)newColor

This message is sent to the delegate and then the dataDelegate when the MiscTableScroll receives a -setSelectedBackgroundColor: message that actually changes the background color.

-  (void)tableScroll:(MiscTableScroll*)scroll selectedTextColorChangedTo:(NSColor*)newColor

This message is sent to the delegate and then the dataDelegate when the MiscTableScroll receives a -setSelectedTextColor: message that actually changes the background color.

- (BOOL)tableScroll:(MiscTableScroll*)scroll setStringValue:(NSString*)s atRow:(int)row column:(int)col

This message is sent from within -textDidEndEditing: when a cell editing session has successfully finished (not aborted) and the string value for the cell was actually changed.  This method provides the delegate with an after-the-fact veto option.    If the delegate returns NO, then the MiscTableScroll object assumes that the change was rejected, and that the cell retains its previous contents.  If the delegate returns YES, then the MiscTableScroll object assumes that the delegate stored the new string value into the appropriate cell, and that slot needs to have its sort position reevaluated.  This method is optional for delegates of eager MiscTableScroll objects.  This method is mandatory for delegates of lazy MiscTableScroll objects that allow cell editing.  If the delegate implements this method, the delegate is responsible for setting the string value in the appropriate cell in the MiscTableScroll object.  

See also:  Cell Editing (Introduction)

- (int)tableScroll:(MiscTableScroll*)scroll stateAtRow:(int)row column:(int)col

Lazy tables send this message to the delegate and then the dataDelegate to retrieve the value for -stateAtRow:column:.  If the delegate or dataDelegate respond to this message, that value is returned.  If neither responds to the message, or if the table is not lazy, the cell is retrieved via -cellAtRow:column:.  If the cell responds to the -state message, that value is returned; otherwise zero is returned.  This method gives lazy tables the opportunity to provide the information content of cells without the overhead of preparing and formatting a cell.  You should implement this method in your delegate or dataDelegate if you have any slots that contain state values.

See also:  -cellAtRow:column:, -stateAtRow:column:, -isLazy, -setLazy:, -state (NSButtonCell)

- (NSString*)tableScroll:(MiscTableScroll*)scroll stringValueAtRow:(int)row column:(int)col

Lazy tables send this message to the delegate and then the dataDelegate to retrieve the value for -stringValueAtRow:column:.  If the delegate or dataDelegate respond to this message, that value is returned.  If neither responds to the message, or if the table is not lazy, the cell is retrieved via -cellAtRow:column:.  If the cell responds to the -stringValue message, that value is returned; otherwise zero is returned.  This method gives lazy tables the opportunity to provide the information content of cells without the overhead of preparing and formatting a cell.  You should implement this method in your delegate or dataDelegate if you have any slots that contain string values.

See also:  -cellAtRow:column:, -stringValueAtRow:column:, -isLazy, -setLazy:

- (int)tableScroll:(MiscTableScroll*)scroll tagAtRow:(int)row column:(int)col

Lazy tables send this message to the delegate and then the dataDelegate to retrieve the value for -tagAtRow:column:.  If the delegate or dataDelegate respond to this message, that value is returned.  If neither responds to the message, or if the table is not lazy, the cell is retrieved via -cellAtRow:column:.  If the cell responds to the -tag message, that value is returned; otherwise zero is returned.  This method gives lazy tables the opportunity to provide the information content of cells without the overhead of preparing and formatting a cell.  You should implement this method in your delegate or dataDelegate if you have any slots that contain tag values.

See also:  -cellAtRow:column:, -tagAtRow:column:, -isLazy, -setLazy:

-  (void)tableScroll:(MiscTableScroll*)scroll textColorChangedTo:(NSColor*)newColor

This message is sent to the delegate and then the dataDelegate when the MiscTableScroll receives a -setTextColor: message that actually changes the background color.

- (NSString*)tableScroll:(MiscTableScroll*)scroll titleAtRow:(int)row column:(int)col

Lazy tables send this message to the delegate and then the dataDelegate to retrieve the value for -titleAtRow:column:.  If the delegate or dataDelegate respond to this message, that value is returned.  If neither responds to the message, or if the table is not lazy, the cell is retrieved via -cellAtRow:column:.  If the cell responds to the -title message, that value is returned; otherwise zero is returned.  This method gives lazy tables the opportunity to provide the information content of cells without the overhead of preparing and formatting a cell.  You should implement this method in your delegate or dataDelegate if you have any slots that contain title values.

See also:  -cellAtRow:column:, -stringValueAtRow:column:, -isLazy, -setLazy:, -title (NSButtonCell)

-  (id)tableScroll:(MiscTableScroll*)scroll validRequestorForSendType:(NSString*)t_send returnType:(NSString*)t_return

If the delegate responds to this message, the delegate has the opportunity to interact with the services system using different combinations of send and return types than the MiscTableScroll object alone normally does.  If the delegate does not respond, the dataDelegate is tried.

See also:  -validRequestorForSendType:returnType:

-  (void)tableScroll:(MiscTableScroll*)scroll willEditAtRow:(int)row column:(int)col

Notifies the delegate that a cell editing session is about to start.  This is a notification-only message.  There is no veto option associated with this message.  A veto option is provided with the -tableScroll:canEdit:atRow:column: message.  This message, and its counterpart, -tableScroll:didEdit:atRow:column:, bracket cell editing sessions for delegates that want to perform extra operations before and after cell editing sessions without interfering with any of the begin/end decisions.  This message is offered to the delegate, and then the dataDelegate if the delegate does not respond.

See also:  -tableScroll:didEdit:atRow:column:, Cell Editing (Introduction)

-  (BOOL)tableScroll:(MiscTableScroll*)scroll writeSelectionToPasteboard:(NSPasteboard*)pboard types:(NSArray*)types

If the delegate responds to this message, the delegate has the opportunity to completely take over the writing of data to the pasteboard.  If the delegate does not respond, the dataDelegate is tried.

See also:  -writeSelectionToPasteboard:types:

-  (void)tableScrollRegisterServicesTypes:(MiscTableScroll*)scroll

If the delegate responds to this message, the delegate has the opportunity to register different datatypes with the services system.  If the delegate does not respond, the dataDelegate is tried.

See also:  -registerServicesTypes:

Delegate Methods For Dragging Source Operations

-  (BOOL)tableScroll:(MiscTableScroll*)scroll allowDragOperationAtRow:(int)row column:(int)col

This message is sent to the delegate or the dataDelegate if necessary by the MiscTableScroll to determine whether or not dragging an image from a cell should be allowed.  The appropriate delegate should return YES if dragging the image from the cell at row and col is allowed, or NO if it is not.

-  (NSDraggingOperation)tableScroll:(MiscTableScroll*)scroll draggingSourceOperationMaskForLocal:(BOOL)isLocal

This message is sent to the delegate or the dataDelegate if necessary in order to give the delegate a chance to respond to NSDraggingSource's -draggingSourceOperationMaskForLocal: method.

-  (BOOL)tableScrollIgnoreModifierKeysWhileDragging:(MiscTableScroll*)scroll

This message is sent to the delegate or the dataDelegate if necessary in order to give the delegate a chance to respond to NSDraggingSource's -ignoreModifierKeysWhileDragging method.

-  (NSImage*)tableScroll:(MiscTableScroll*)scroll imageForDragOperationAtRow:(int)row column:(int)col

This message is sent to the delegate or the dataDelegate if necessary to give the delegate a chance to provide the image used  for the dragging operation.  This method is required for non-image cells.  It is optional for image cells, in which case, if the delegate does not implement it or if it returns 0, then the image stored in the cell is used for dragging instead.

-  (void)tableScroll:(MiscTableScroll*)scroll preparePasteboard:(NSPasteboard*)pb forDragOperationAtRow:(int)row column:(int)col

This message is sent to the delegate or the dataDelegate if necessary in order to have the NSPasteboard pb prepared for the dragging operation.  The appropriate delegate must send a -declareTypes:num:owner: message to the NSPasteboard followed by appropriate -set...:forType: or -write... messages if needed.  Extra precaution should be taken when declaring a non-null pasteboard owner as discussed in the Image Dragging section of this document.

Constants and Defined Types

typedef int MiscPixels;
typedef int MiscCoord_V;	// Visual coordinate.
typedef int MiscCoord_P;	// Physical coordinate.

#define MISC_MIN_PIXELS_SIZE ((MiscPixels) 10)
#define MISC_MAX_PIXELS_SIZE ((MiscPixels) 0x7FFF0000)

typedef enum
    } MiscBorderType;


typedef struct
    NSSize      page_size;      // [NSPrintInfo paperSize]
    NSRect      print_rect;     // MiscTableView rect.
    MiscCoord_V first_print_row;// one's comp if started on prev page.
    MiscCoord_V last_print_row; // one's comp if ends on later page.
    MiscCoord_V first_print_col;// one's comp if started on prev page.
    MiscCoord_V last_print_col; // one's comp if ends on later page.
    int         print_page;     // 1 <= print_page <= num_print_pages
    int         print_row;      // 1 <= print_row <= num_print_rows
    int         print_col;      // 1 <= print_col <= num_print_cols
    int         num_print_pages;
    int         num_print_rows;
    int         num_print_cols;
    double      scale_factor;
    BOOL        is_scaled;
    } MiscTablePrintInfo;

typedef enum
    MISC_NO_TITLE,	// No titles on row/col cells.
    MISC_NUMBER_TITLE,	// Titles are sequential numbers.
    MISC_ALPHA_TITLE,	// Titles are sequential alphabetics...
    MISC_CUSTOM_TITLE,	// Titles are user-supplied strings...
    MISC_DELEGATE_TITLE	// Ask the delegate for titles.
    } MiscTableTitleMode;


typedef enum
    } MiscSelectionMode;


typedef enum
    } MiscTableCellStyle;


#define MISC_SIZING_SPRINGY_BIT	(1 << 0) // Adjusts for global limits.
#define MISC_SIZING_DATA_BIT	(1 << 1) // Expands to size of data.
#define MISC_SIZING_USER_BIT	(1 << 2) // User can resize.

typedef enum
    } MiscTableSizing;


typedef enum
    } MiscSortDirection;


typedef enum	// Selector used to get data:
    MISC_SORT_INT,	// -intValue
    MISC_SORT_UNSIGNED_INT,	// -intValue
    MISC_SORT_TAG,	// -tag
    MISC_SORT_FLOAT,	// -floatValue
    MISC_SORT_DOUBLE,	// -doubleValue
    MISC_SORT_SKIP,	// Don't compare cells in this slot.
    MISC_SORT_STATE,	// -state
    } MiscSortType;

#define MISC_SORT_CUSTOM	((MiscSortType)(int(MISC_SORT_TYPE_MAX) + 1))

@class MiscTableScroll;

typedef struct MiscEntrySortInfo MiscEntrySortInfo;
typedef struct MiscSlotSortInfo MiscSlotSortInfo;

typedef int (*MiscCompareEntryFunc)
	( int r1, int c1, int r2, int c2, 
	MiscEntrySortInfo const* entry_info,
	MiscSlotSortInfo* sort_info );

typedef int (*MiscCompareSlotFunc)
	( int slot1, int slot2, MiscSlotSortInfo* );

extern int MiscDefaultCompareSlotFunc
	( int slot1, int slot2, MiscSlotSortInfo* );

	typedef TYPE (*MISC_TS_##NAME##_AT)(id,SEL,id,int r,int c, ...);


typedef union

typedef TYPE (*MISC_TS_##NAME##_VAL)(id,SEL);


typedef union

// *** WARNING ***
// The sizes of these structures are likely to change between versions.
// *** WARNING ***

struct MiscEntrySortInfo
	int slot;
	int ascending;
	MISC_TS_VAL_AT_FUNC value_func;
	id  value_target;
	SEL value_sel;
	id  value_obj;
	IMP cell_at_func;
	id  cell_class;
	SEL cell_sel;
	MISC_TS_VAL_FUNC cell_func;
	MiscSortType sort_type;
	MiscCompareEntryFunc compare_func;

struct MiscSlotSortInfo
	MiscTableScroll* table_scroll;
	NSZone* zone;
	MiscBorderType border_type;
	int num_entries;
	MiscEntrySortInfo const* entry_info;
	BOOL need_copy;

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.