
This is MiscTableCell.rtf in view mode; [Download] [Up]

Version 2.0, Copyright ©1995, 1996, 1997 by Paul S. McCarthy and Eric Sunshine.  All Rights Reserved.
Paul S. McCarthy and Eric Sunshine  --  July 4, 1997


Inherits From:	NSCell : NSObject

Conforms To:	NSCoding (NSObject), 
NSCopying (NSObject),
NSObject (NSObject)

Declared In:	MiscTableCell.h

Class Description

This is the cell class used by MiscTableScroll to display either text or an image.  This class provides a tag and separate text and background colors for normal and selected states.  Finally, it supports the concept of an owner, and inherited font and color values.

Owner and Inheritence of Colors and Font

This class implements the concept of an owner.  An owner provides the default font and colors used by the cells that it owns.  This makes it fast and easy to change the appearance of an entire table: set the font and colors of the owner, and all of the cells that it owns automatically inherit the new font and colors.  However, you can also set font and color values for individual cells.  Values that you explicitly set supercede values implicitly inherited from the owner.  You can use this feature to emphasize special cells while still using inherited values for normal cells.

Another benefit of inherited values is reduced memory usage.  Inherited values don't have to be stored in the individual cells.  They just ask their owner for the current value whenever it is needed.  This can lead to significant savings in large tables. 

Owner drawing

This class also supports a specialized concept of delegated drawing.  The MiscTableScroll class will draw cells that respond with YES to the -ownerDraw message.  This enables the MiscTableScroll object to eliminate many redundant font and color setting operations, greatly improving drawing performance.  See the description of owner drawing in MiscTableScroll for a more detailed discussion.

Extensible Memory Management

To minimize memory usage, storage for optional items is allocated on an as-needed basis.  Memory is allocated only for the values that are actually set.  If no optional items are set, then no extra memory at all is allocated.

The optional allocation scheme is extensible.  Subclasses of MiscTableCell can extend this allocation scheme by appending their own dynamic variables to the end of the list used by this class.  There is a strict ordering for the information stored in the variable length data.  This ordering is enumerated by the tc1_flags.  Subclasses should append their data after the last of the information stored by this class.  Methods are provided to determine whether or not a piece of information is stored in the data field as well as for finding its address.  Convenience methods for extracting a given piece of information complete the interface.

The methods which return the address of the piece of data in tc1_data are dynamic in nature.  For instance, text color is stored prior to background color in tc1_data so if both text color and background color have been set then the address of the storage for the background color will follow the text color.  However, if text color is never set ± that is it is inherited from the owner ± and the background color has been set then the address of the background color will be at a different location.  If text color gets set later then the storage for background color is shifted up to make room for the text color.  Ergo, the strict ordering is maintained.

For example, code to locate the address of  the selected background color is stored in the cell would look like this:

- (unsigned int)tc1SelectBackgroundColorPos
	unsigned int pos = [self tc1SelectedTextColorPos];
	if (tc1_flags & MISC_TC1_SELF_TEXT_COLOR_H)
		pos += [self tc1SelectedTextColorLen];
	return pos;

Since the selected background color is stored following the selected text color it first determines the location of the selected text color then adds the length of the selected text color to that address if the selected text color is in fact being stored locally.  The actual shifting of the dynamic memory is done in the -setUseOwner... methods.  For instance:

- (void)setUseOwnerSelectedBackgroundColor:(BOOL)flag
	if ([self useOwnerSelectedBackgroundColor] != flag)
		unsigned int const pos = [self tc1SelectedBackgroundColorPos];
		unsigned int const len = [self tc1SelectedBackgroundColorLen];
		if (flag)
			[[self selectedBackgroundColor] release];
			[self tc1DeleteDataPos:pos len:len];
			tc1_flags &= ~(MISC_TC1_SELF_BACKGROUND_COLOR_H);
		else // (!flag)
			NSColor* color = [[[self class] defaultSelectedBackgroundColor] retain];
			[self tc1InsertData:&color pos:pos len:len];

Finally, the -setSelectedBackgroundColor: method makes room for the data and then stores it:

- (void)setSelectedBackgroundColor:(NSColor*)c
	NSColor** p;
	[self setUseOwnerSelectedBackgroundColor:NO];
	p = [self tc1SelectedBackgroundColorPtr];
	[*p autorelease];
	*p = [c retain];

A subclass adding more data to the end of tc1_data would provide similar methods.  Its counterpart to -tc1SelectedBackgroundColorPos would first call -tc1SelectedBackgroundColorPos to determine its address and then add the correct offset returned by -tc1SelectedBackgroundColorLen as appropriate.

Instance Variables

id owner;
int tag;
unsigned tc1_flags;
void* tc1_data;

owner	The owner of this cell; queried for font and color information.

tag	A general purpose slot for your use.

tc1_flags	Bit flags describing the contents of tc1_data.

tc1_data	Variable length data which is allocated only as needed for storage of color values.

Method Types

Initializing, freeing, and copying	± initImageCell:
± initTextCell:
± dealloc
± copyWithZone:

Drawing	± drawInteriorWithFrame:inView:
± drawWithFrame:inView:
± isOpaque
± bgColor
± fgColor
± setSelected:
± isSelected
± ownerDraw
± setOwnerDraw:

Tag manipulation	± setTag:
± tag

Font manipulation	± font
± setFont:

Setting and querying colors	+ defaultBackgroundColor
+ defaultFont
+ defaultSelectedBackgroundColor
+ defaultSelectedTextColor
+ defaultTextColor
± backgroundColor
± selectedBackgroundColor
± selectedTextColor
± setBackgroundColor:
± setSelectedBackgroundColor:
± setSelectedTextColor:
± setTextColor:
± textColor

Setting and querying owner	± owner
± setOwner:

Colors and owner inheritence	± setOwnerBackgroundColor:
± setOwnerFont:
± setOwnerSelectedBackgroundColor:
± setOwnerSelectedTextColor:
± setOwnerTextColor:
± setUseOwnerBackgroundColor:
± setUseOwnerFont:
± setUseOwnerSelectedBackgroundColor:
± setUseOwnerSelectedTextColor:
± setUseOwnerTextColor:
± useOwnerBackgroundColor
± useOwnerFont
± useOwnerSelectedBackgroundColor
± useOwnerSelectedTextColor
± useOwnerTextColor

Archiving	± initWithCoder:
± encodeWithCoder:

Extensible conditional allocations	± tc1BackgroundColorLen
± tc1BackgroundColorPos
± tc1BackgroundColorPtr
± tc1DataSize
± tc1DeleteDataPos:len:
± tc1DestroyData
± tc1Flags
± tc1SelectedBackgroundColorLen
± tc1SelectedBackgroundColorPos
± tc1SelectedBackgroundColorPtr
± tc1SelectedTextColorLen
± tc1SelectedTextColorPos
± tc1SelectedTextColorPtr
± tc1InsertData:pos:len:
± tc1TextColorLen
± tc1TextColorPos
± tc1TextColorPtr

Class Methods

+ (NSColor*)defaultBackgroundColor

Returns [NSColor lightGrayColor] as the default background color.  This is the color which is returned by -backgroundColor if a custom color has not been set for this cell and no owner has been set or the owner does not respond to the -backgroundColor message.  This is also the color used upon receipt of a -setUseOwnerBackgroundColor:NO message.  Subclasses should override this method if this color is inappropriate.

See also:	± backgroundColor, + defaultSelectedBackgroundColor, + defaultSelectedTextColor, +€defaultTextColor, ± setBackgroundColor:, ± setUseOwnerBackgroundColor:

+ (NSFont*)defaultFont

Returns the user-font at point-size 12.0 as the default font.  This is the font which is used when initializing the cell as a text cell with ±initTextCell:.  Subclasses should override this method if this value is inappropriate.

See also:  ± font, ± initTextCell:, ± setFont:

+ (NSColor*)defaultSelectedBackgroundColor

Returns [NSColor whiteColor] as the default selected background color.  This is the color which is returned by -selectedBackgroundColor if a custom color has not been set for this cell and no owner has been set or the owner does not respond to the -selectedBackgroundColor message.  This is also the color used upon receipt of a -setUseOwnerSelectedBackgroundColor:NO message.  Subclasses should override this method if this color is inappropriate.

See also:	+ defaultBackgroundColor, + defaultSelectedTextColor, + defaultTextColor, ±€selectedBackgroundColor, ± setSelectedBackgroundColor:, ±€setUseOwnerSelectedBackgroundColor:

+ (NSColor*)defaultSelectedTextColor

Returns [NSColor blackColor] as the default selected text color.  This is the color which is returned by -selectedTextColor if a custom color has not been set for this cell and no owner has been set or the owner does not respond to the -selectedTextColor message.  This is also the color used upon receipt of a -setUseOwnerSelectedTextColor:NO message.  Subclasses should override this method if this color is inappropriate.

See also:	+ defaultBackgroundColor, + defaultSelectedBackgroundColor, + defaultTextColor, ±selectedTextColor, ± setSelectedBackgroundColor:, ± setUseOwnerSelectedBackgroundColor:

+ (NSColor*)defaultTextColor

Returns [NSColor blackColor] as the default text color.  This is the color which is returned by -textColor if a custom color has not been set for this cell and no owner has been set or the owner does not respond to the -textColor message.  This is also the color used upon receipt of a -setUseOwnerTextColor:NO message.  Subclasses should override this method if this color is inappropriate.

See also:	+ defaultBackgroundColor, +€defaultSelectedBackgroundColor, + defaultSelectedTextColor, ±€setSelectedBackgroundColor:, ±€setUseOwnerSelectedBackgroundColor:, ± textColor

Instance Methods

-  (NSColor*)backgroundColor

Returns the color that is used to draw the background of the cell in its normal (unselected) state.  This is the color which has been set with ±setBackgroundColor: if it was ever called.  If not, and the owner has been set and responds to ±backgroundColor then it is queried and that color is returned.  If both of the above fail then the value from +defaultBackgroundColor is returned.

See also:	+ defaultBackgroundColor, ± selectedBackgroundColor, ± selectedTextColor, ± setBackgroundColor:, ±€textColor

-  (NSColor*)bgColor

This method is used by cells that draw themselves rather than letting the owner draw them.  It returns the color that is used to fill the background of the cell during drawing.  If the cell -isSelected, then this method returns the value from -selectedBackgroundColor, otherwise it returns the value from -backgroundColor.  Subclasses should override this method if they have different criteria for determining the cell's background color during drawing.

See also:	± backgroundColor, ± fgColor, ± selectedBackgroundColor, ± isSelected

-  (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone*)zone

Allocates, initializes, and returns a copy of the receiving cell.  The copy is allocated from zone and is assigned the same contents as the receiver.

See also:	± copyWithZone: (NSCopying), ± initImageCell:, ± initTextCell:

-  (void)dealloc

Frees the memory used by the cell.

See also:	± copyWithZone:, ± initImageCell:, ± initTextCell:

-  (void)drawInteriorWithFrame:(NSRect)cellFrame inView:(NSView*)controlView

Draws the inside of the cell, but not the border, in cellFrame within controlView.  cellFrame should be the same rectangle passed to -drawWithFrame:inView:.  The PostScript focus must be locked on controlView when this message is sent.

See also:	- drawInteriorWithFrame:inView: (NSCell), - drawWithFrame:inView:, - lockFocus (NSView)

-  (void)drawWithFrame:(NSRect)cellFrame inView:(NSView*)controlView

Displays the cell in cellFrame within controlView.  The PostScript focus must be locked on controlView when this message is sent.  Draws the border of the cell, then invokes ±drawInteriorWithFrame:inView:.

See also:  - drawInteriorWithFrame:inView:, ± drawWithFrame:inView: (NSCell), - lockFocus (NSView)

-  (void)encodeWithCoder:(NSCoder€*)encoder

Encodes the receiver using encoder.

-  (NSColor*)fgColor

This method is used by cells that draw themselves rather than letting the owner draw them.  It returns the color that is used for the text in the cell during drawing.  If the cell -isSelected, then this method returns the value from -selectedTextColor, otherwise it returns the value from -textColor.  Subclasses should override this method if they have different criteria for determining the cell's text color during drawing.

See also:	± bgColor, ± selectedTextColor, ± isSelected, ± textColor

-  (NSFont*)font

Returns the Font used to display text in the cell.  Returns nil if the receiver isn't a text-type cell.

See also:	+ defaultFont, ± setFont:

-  (id)initImageCell:(NSImage*)image

Prepare a newly allocated cell that will display image.  Returns self.

-  (id)initTextCell:(NSString*)text

Prepare a newly allocated cell that will display text.  The font and colors will use inherited or default values until explicitly set.  Returns self.

-  (id)initWithCoder:(NSCoder*)decoder

Initializes a newly allocated instance from data in decoder. Returns self.

-  (BOOL)isOpaque

Returns NO if the cell uses the owner's background color, or YES if it does not.

-  (BOOL)isSelected

Returns the cell's MISC_TC1_IS_SELECTED flag.

See also:	± bgColor, ± fgColor, ± setSelected:

-  (id)owner

Returns the owner of the cell, or nil if there is none.

-  (BOOL)ownerDraw

Returns YES if the owner should perform the actual drawing for this cell, otherwise NO.

-  (NSColor*)selectedBackgroundColor

Returns the color that is used to draw the background of the cell in its selected state.  This is the color which has been set with ±setSelectedBackgroundColor: if it was ever called.  If not, and the owner has been set and responds to ±selectedBackgroundColor then it is queried and that color is returned.  If both of the above fail then the value from +defaultSelectedBackgroundColor is returned.

See also:	± backgroundColor, + defaultSelectedBackgroundColor, ± selectedTextColor, ±€setSelectedBackgroundColor:, ± textColor

-  (NSColor*)selectedTextColor

Returns the color that is used to draw the text in the cell in its selected state.  This is the color which has been set with ±setSelectedTextColor: if it was ever called.  If not, and the owner has been set and responds to ±selectedTextColor then it is queried and that color is returned.  If both of the above fail then the value from +defaultSelectedTextColor is returned.

See also:	± backgroundColor, + defaultSelectedTextColor, ± selectedBackgroundColor, ± setSelectedTextColor:, ± textColor

-  (void)setBackgroundColor:(NSColor*)c

Sets the color that the cell will use to fill its background.  This color will override any inherited value.

-  (void)setFont:(NSFont*)font

Sets the font of a text cell to font.  This will override any inherited value.

-  (void)setOwner:(id)obj

Sets the owner of the cell to obj.  The cell will inherit font and color values from obj.

-  (void)setOwnerBackgroundColor:(NSColor*)c

Informs the cell that the owner's backgroundColor value has changed to c.  The current implementation does nothing, since inherited owner values are not stored in the cells.  However, the MiscTableScroll class tests for, and sends this message in preference to the -setBackgroundColor: message when the table distributes colors to the cells, so that cells can distinguish between cell-specific color assignments and global color assignments.

-  (void)setOwnerDraw:(BOOL)flag

Sets a flag indicating whether or not the owner should perform the drawing for this object.  The default value for MiscTableCell objects is YES.

-  (void)setOwnerFont:(NSFont*)font

Informs the cell that the owner's font value has changed to font.  If the cell is using the font value inherited from its owner, it will change its font in response to this message.  Otherwise, it will ignore the message.  The MiscTableScroll class tests for, and sends this message in preference to the -setFont: message when the table distributes fonts to the cells, so that cells can distinguish between cell-specific font assignments and global font assignments.

-  (void)setOwnerSelectedBackgroundColor:(NSColor*)c

Informs the cell that the owner's selectedBackgroundColor value has changed to c.  The current implementation does nothing, since inherited owner values are not stored in the cells.  However, the MiscTableScroll class tests for, and sends this message in preference to the -setSelectedBackgroundColor: message when the table distributes colors to the cells, so that cells can distinguish between cell-specific color assignments and global color assignments.

-  (void)setOwnerSelectedTextColor:(NSColor*)c

Informs the cell that the owner's selectedTextColor value has changed to c.  The current implementation does nothing, since inherited owner values are not stored in the cells.  However, the MiscTableScroll class tests for, and sends this message in preference to the -setSelectedTextColor: message when the table distributes colors to the cells, so that cells can distinguish between cell-specific color assignments and global color assignments.

-  (void)setOwnerTextColor:(NSColor*)c

Informs the cell that the owner's textColor value has changed to c.  The current implementation does nothing, since inherited owner values are not stored in the cells.  However, the MiscTableScroll class tests for, and sends this message in preference to the -setTextColor: message when the table distributes colors to the cells, so that cells can distinguish between cell-specific color assignments and global color assignments.

-  (void)setSelected:(BOOL)flag

Sets the cell's MISC_TC1_IS_SELECTED flag.

See also:	± bgColor, ± fgColor, ± isSelected

-  (void)setSelectedBackgroundColor:(NSColor*)c

Sets the color that will be used to fill the background of a text cell when the cell is selected.  This will override any inherited value.

-  (void)setSelectedTextColor:(NSColor*)c

Sets the color that will be used to draw the text of a text cell.  This will override any inherited value.

-  (void)setTag:(int)x

Sets the cell's tag value to x.

See also:	± tag

-  (void)setTextColor:(NSColor*)c

Causes the cell to render its text with the color, c.  This overrides any textColor value inherited from the owner.

-  (void)setUseOwnerBackgroundColor:(BOOL)flag

If flag is YES, the cell will discard any backgroundColor value that it is currently storing, and begin using the backgroundColor value provided by the owner.  If the owner has not been set, or the owner does not respond to the -backgroundColor message, then the value returned by +defaultBackgroundColor will be used.  If flag is NO, the cell will make room to store a backgroundColor value, and initialize it to the value returned by the +defaultBackgroundColor method.

-  (void)setUseOwnerFont:(BOOL)flag

If flag is YES, the cell will use the font value inherited from its owner.  If flag is NO, the cell will continue using its current font, or fonts set via the -setFont: message rather than the font inherited from the owner.  This method also updates the MISC_TC1_SELF_FONT bit of the tc1_flags bit mask.

-  (void)setUseOwnerSelectedBackgroundColor:(BOOL)flag

If flag is YES, the cell will discard any selectedBackgroundColor value that it is currently storing, and begin using the selectedBackgroundColor value provided by the owner.  If the owner has not been set, or the owner does not respond to the -selectedBackgroundColor message, then the value returned by +defaultSelectedBackgroundColor will be used.  If flag is NO, the cell will make room to store a selectedBackgroundColor value, and initialize it to the value returned by the +defaultSelectedBackgroundColor method.

-  (void)setUseOwnerSelectedTextColor:(BOOL)flag

If flag is YES, the cell will discard any selectedTextColor value that it is currently storing, and begin using the selectedTextColor value provided by the owner.  If the owner has not been set, or the owner does not respond to the -selectedTextColor message, then the value returned by +defaultSelectedTextColor will be used.  If flag is NO, the cell will make room to store a selectedTextColor value, and initialize it to the value returned by the +defaultSelectedTextColor method.

-  (void)setUseOwnerTextColor:(BOOL)flag

If flag is YES, the cell will discard any textColor value that it is currently storing, and begin using the textColor value provided by the owner.  If the owner has not been set, or the owner does not respond to the -textColor message, then the value returned by +defaultTextColor will be used.  If flag is NO, the cell will make room to store a textColor value, and initialize it to the value returned by the +defaultTextColor method.

-  (id)tableScroll:(MiscTableScroll*)scroll retireAtRow:(int)row column:(int)col

MiscTableCell's implementation of the MiscTableScroll call-back method.  This method is called whenever the cell is removed from active use by the MiscTableScroll as the result of any of the methods that reduce the number of active rows (ex: -renewRows:, -empty, etc.).  The current implementation clears the string value of the cell.  Unfortunately, since the overhead of performing these reset operations is quite high, the behavior of this method might change in the future.  Returns self.

-  (id)tableScroll:(MiscTableScroll*)scroll reviveAtRow:(int)row column:(int)col

MiscTableCell's implementation of the MiscTableScroll call-back method.  This method is called whenever the cell is brought into active use by the MiscTableScroll as the result of any of the methods that expand the number of active rows (ex: -renewRows:, -addRow, etc.).  This method sets scroll as the owner of the cell, then ensures that all attributes are set to the use-owner values.  Unfortunately, since the overhead of performing these initializations is quite high, the behavior of this method might change in the future.  Returns self.

-  (int)tag

Returns the cell's tag value.

See also:	± setTag:

-  (unsigned int)tc1BackgroundColorLen

Returns the length of the backgroundColor value in the variable-length tc1_data field.  This is currently sizeof(NSColor*).

-  (unsigned int)tc1BackgroundColorPos

Returns the current offset of the backgroundColor value in the variable-length tc1_data field.  This value changes whenever preceeding values are added or removed.

-  (NSColor**)tc1BackgroundColorPtr

Returns a pointer to the backgroundColor value in the variable-length tc1_data field which is, itself, an NSColor*.  The value returned is only valid if -useOwnerBackgroundColor returns NO.

-  (unsigned int)tc1DataSize

Returns the current total size of the variable-length tc1_data field.  This value changes as optional values are added and removed.

-  (void)tc1DeleteDataPos:(unsigned int)pos len:(unsigned int)len

Deletes len bytes at offset pos from the variable-length tc1_data field.  All following data is shifted down by len bytes.  This method is called internally whenever an optional value no longer needs to be stored because the inherited value from the owner is going to be used.

See also:	± tc1InsertData:pos:len:

-  (void)tc1DestroyData

This method is provided as a hook for subclasses that need to perform special actions (destructors) before the variable-length tc1_data field is freed.  The MiscTableCell implementation of this class clears the tc1_flags bit mask to zero.

See also:	± tc1FreeData

-  (unsigned int)tc1Flags

Returns the current value of the tc1_flags field.  This is a bit-mask indicating which optional values are currently stored in the variable-length tc1_data field.  The flags also indicate whether or not the corresponding values inherited from the owner are used, since any value that has been set (and stored) in the cell overrides the inherited value.  The values of the individual bits are declared in MiscTableCell.h as follows:

#define MISC_TC1_HAS_TAG	(1 << 0)  /* obsolete */
#define MISC_TC1_SELF_FONT	(1 << 1)
#define MISC_TC1_SELF_TEXT_COLOR	(1 << 2)
#define MISC_TC1_SELF_TEXT_COLOR_H	(1 << 4)
#define MISC_TC1_IS_SELECTED	(1 << 6)
#define MISC_TC1_SELF_DRAW	(1 << 7)  /* !ownerDraw */
#define MISC_TC1_LAST_BIT	(1 << 7)

-  (void)tc1FreeData

Frees the variable-length tc1_data variable.  This method is invoked from within the -dealloc method, and also within the -initWithCoder: method.

See also:	± tc1DestroyData

-  (void*)tc1InsertData:(void const*)data pos:(unsigned int)pos len:(unsigned int)len

Inserts data at offset pos in the variable-length tc1_data field, shifting all following data by len bytes.  This method is used internally to allocate the storage for optional values that do not already have storage allocated.

See also:	± tc1DeleteDataPos:len:

-  (unsigned int)tc1SelectedBackgroundColorLen

Returns the length of the selectedBackgroundColor value in the variable-length tc1_data field.  This is currently sizeof(NSColor*).

-  (unsigned int)tc1SelectedBackgroundColorPos

Returns the current offset of the selectedBackgroundColor value in the variable-length tc1_data field.  This value changes whenever preceeding values are added or removed.

-  (NSColor**)tc1SelectedBackgroundColorPtr

Returns a pointer to the selectedBackgroundColor value in the variable-length tc1_data field which is, itself, an NSColor*.  The value returned is only valid if -useOwnerSelectedBackgroundColor returns NO.

-  (unsigned int)tc1SelectedTextColorLen

Returns the length of the selectedTextColor value in the variable-length tc1_data field.  This is currently sizeof(NSColor*).

-  (unsigned int)tc1SelectedTextColorPos

Returns the current offset of the selectedTextColor value in the variable-length tc1_data field.  This value changes whenever preceeding values are added or removed.

-  (NSColor**)tc1SelectedTextColorPtr

Returns a pointer to the selectedTextColor value in the variable-length tc1_data field which is, itself, an NSColor*.  The value returned is only valid if -useOwnerSelectedTextColor returns NO.

-  (unsigned int)tc1TextColorLen

Returns the length of the textColor value in the variable-length tc1_data field.  This is currently sizeof(NSColor*).

-  (unsigned int)tc1TextColorPos

Returns the current offset of the textColor value in the variable-length tc1_data field.  This offset changes as other values are set or cleared.

-  (NSColor**)tc1TextColorPtr

Returns a pointer to the location of the textColor value stored in the variable-length tc1_data field which is, itself, an NSColor*.  The value returned is only valid if -useOwnerTextColor returns NO.

-  (NSColor*)textColor

Returns the color that is used to draw the text in the cell in its normal (unselected) state.  This is the color which has been set with ±setTextColor: if it was ever called.  If not, and the owner has been set and responds to ±textColor then it is queried and that color is returned.  If both of the above fail then the value from +defaultTextColor is returned.

See also:	± backgroundColor, + defaultTextColor, ± selectedBackgroundColor, ± selectedTextColor, ±€setTextColor:

-  (BOOL)useOwnerBackgroundColor

Returns YES if the cell uses the backgroundColor inherited from its owner, otherwise NO.

See also:	±€setBackgroundColor:, ± setUseOwnerBackgroundColor:

-  (BOOL)useOwnerFont

Returns YES if the cell uses the font inherited from its owner, otherwise NO.

See also:	± setFont:, ± setUseOwnerFont:

-  (BOOL)useOwnerSelectedBackgroundColor

Returns YES if the cell uses the selectedBackgroundColor inherited from its owner, otherwise NO.

See also:	± setSelectedBackgroundColor:, ± setUseOwnerSelectedBackgroundColor:

-  (BOOL)useOwnerSelectedTextColor

Returns YES if the cell uses the selectedTextColor inherited from its owner, otherwise NO.

See also:	±€setSelectedTextColor:, ± setUseOwnerSelectedTextColor:

-  (BOOL)useOwnerTextColor

Returns YES if the cell uses the textColor value inherited from its owner, otherwise NO.

See also:	± setTextColor:, ± setUseOwnerTextColor:

Constants and Defined Types

#define MISC_TC1_HAS_TAG	(1 << 0)  /* obsolete */
#define MISC_TC1_SELF_FONT	(1 << 1)
#define MISC_TC1_SELF_TEXT_COLOR	(1 << 2)
#define MISC_TC1_SELF_TEXT_COLOR_H	(1 << 4)
#define MISC_TC1_IS_SELECTED	(1 << 6)
#define MISC_TC1_SELF_DRAW	(1 << 7)  /* !ownerDraw */
#define MISC_TC1_LAST_BIT	(1 << 7)

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