
This is SD_PageLayout.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]

//	Copyright (C) 1996-1997 by Paul S. McCarthy and Eric Sunshine.
//		Written by Paul S. McCarthy and Eric Sunshine.
//			    All Rights Reserved.
//	This notice may not be removed from this source code.
//	This object is included in the MiscKit by permission from the authors
//	and its use is governed by the MiscKit license, found in the file
//	"License.rtf" in the MiscKit distribution.  Please refer to that file
//	for a list of all applicable permissions and restrictions.
// SD_PageLayout.m
//	Custom subclass of NeXT's appkit PageLayout panel that adds
//	user controls for:
//		Margins
//		Pagination
//		Centering
// $Id: SD_PageLayout.m,v 1.2 97/04/25 20:01:30 sunshine Exp $
// $Log:	SD_PageLayout.m,v $
// Revision 1.2  97/04/25  20:01:30  sunshine
// v14.2: Ported to OPENSTEP 4.2 prerelease for Windows NT by working around
// incompatiblities between Mach and NT NSPageLayout implementations.
// Revision 1.1  97/03/23  02:07:06  sunshine
// v14.1: Page layout panel.
#import	"SD_PageLayout.h"

#import	<AppKit/NSApplication.h>
#import	<AppKit/NSButton.h>
#import	<AppKit/NSMatrix.h>
#import	<AppKit/NSPrintInfo.h>
#import	<AppKit/NSTextField.h>
#import	<Foundation/NSBundle.h>

@implementation SD_PageLayout
// loadAccessoryView
- (void)loadAccessoryView
    NSView* v;
    [NSBundle loadNibNamed:@"SD_PageLayout" owner:self];
    v = [[[accessoryWindow contentView] retain] autorelease];

    [accessoryWindow setContentView:0];
    [accessoryWindow close];
    [accessoryWindow release];
    [self setAccessoryView:v];

// pageLayout
+ (NSPageLayout*)pageLayout
    static id p = 0;
    if (p == 0)
	p = [[super pageLayout] retain];
	[p loadAccessoryView];
    return p;

// launch:
+ (void)launch:(id)sender
    [SD_PageLayout pageLayout];
    [NSApp runPageLayout:sender];

// convertOldFactor:newFactor:
//	Missing from OPENSTEP for Windows, so dummy one up.
#ifdef __WIN32__
- (void)convertOldFactor:(float*)old_factor newFactor:(float*)new_factor
    if (old_factor != 0) *old_factor = 1.0;
    if (new_factor != 0) *new_factor = 1.0;

// pickedUnits:
- (void)pickedUnits:(id)sender
    float old_factor, new_factor, scaler;

    [self convertOldFactor:&old_factor newFactor:&new_factor];
    scaler = new_factor / old_factor;

    [leftMarginField   setFloatValue:[leftMarginField   floatValue] * scaler];
    [rightMarginField  setFloatValue:[rightMarginField  floatValue] * scaler];
    [topMarginField    setFloatValue:[topMarginField    floatValue] * scaler];
    [bottomMarginField setFloatValue:[bottomMarginField floatValue] * scaler];

#ifndef __WIN32__	// Missing from OPENSTEP for Windows.
    [super pickedUnits:sender];

// pagination_to_slot
static int pagination_to_slot( int pg )
    int slot = 1;
    if (pg == NSFitPagination)
	slot = 0;
    else if (pg == NSClipPagination)
	slot = 2;
    return slot;

// slot_to_pagination
static int slot_to_pagination( int slot )
    int pg = NSAutoPagination;
    if (slot == 0)
	pg = NSFitPagination;
    else if (slot == 2)
	pg = NSClipPagination;
    return pg;

// readPrintInfo
- (void)readPrintInfo
    NSPrintInfo* pinfo;
    int pg_row, pg_col;
    float left,right,top,bottom;
    float old_factor, new_factor;
    [super readPrintInfo];
    pinfo = [self printInfo];

    left   = [pinfo leftMargin  ];
    right  = [pinfo rightMargin ];
    top    = [pinfo topMargin   ];
    bottom = [pinfo bottomMargin];
    [self convertOldFactor:&old_factor newFactor:&new_factor];

    [leftMarginField	setFloatValue:new_factor * left  ];
    [rightMarginField	setFloatValue:new_factor * right ];
    [topMarginField	setFloatValue:new_factor * top   ];
    [bottomMarginField	setFloatValue:new_factor * bottom];

    [centerMatrix selectCellAtRow:(int)[pinfo isVerticallyCentered]
			   column:(int)[pinfo isHorizontallyCentered]];

    pg_row = pagination_to_slot( [pinfo verticalPagination] );
    pg_col = pagination_to_slot( [pinfo horizontalPagination] );
    [paginationMatrix selectCellAtRow:pg_row column:pg_col];

// writePrintInfo
- (void)writePrintInfo
    NSPrintInfo* pinfo;
    float old_factor, new_factor;
    [super writePrintInfo];
    pinfo = [self printInfo];

    [self convertOldFactor:&old_factor newFactor:&new_factor];

    [pinfo setLeftMargin:  [leftMarginField   floatValue] / old_factor];
    [pinfo setRightMargin: [rightMarginField  floatValue] / old_factor];
    [pinfo setTopMargin:   [topMarginField    floatValue] / old_factor];
    [pinfo setBottomMargin:[bottomMarginField floatValue] / old_factor];

    [pinfo setVerticallyCentered:  [centerMatrix selectedRow   ]];
    [pinfo setHorizontallyCentered:[centerMatrix selectedColumn]];

    [pinfo setHorizontalPagination:
		slot_to_pagination([paginationMatrix selectedColumn])];
    [pinfo setVerticalPagination:
		slot_to_pagination([paginationMatrix selectedRow])];


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.