This is InfoView.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]
#import "InfoView.h" #import <math.h> #define RANDINT(n) (rand() % ((n)+1)) inline float restrictValue(float val, float max, float min) { if (val > max) return max; else if (val < min) return min; else return val; } @implementation InfoView - initWithFrame:(NSRect)frameRect; { [super initWithFrame:frameRect]; oldImage = frontImage = [NSImage imageNamed:@"OutOfTheWood"]; image = [NSImage imageNamed:@"Credits"]; bat = [NSImage imageNamed:@"bat"]; toggle = YES; imageSize = [image size]; batSize = [bat size]; buffer = [[NSImage alloc] initWithSize:imageSize]; [self compositeWithDissolve:NO andDelta:0.0]; frontPage = YES; animateTimer = nil; return self; } - (void)dealloc; { [self removeTimer]; [image release]; [oldImage release]; [buffer release]; [bat release]; return [super dealloc]; } - (void)compositeWithDissolve:(BOOL)aBool andDelta:(float)aDelta { NSPoint pt = {0.0,0.0}; [buffer lockFocus]; [oldImage compositeToPoint:pt operation:NSCompositeCopy]; if(aBool) [image dissolveToPoint:pt fraction:aDelta]; [buffer unlockFocus]; } - (void)compositeWithChecker:(BOOL)aBool andDelta:(float)aDelta { NSRect rects[64], r; NSSize imgSize,rectSize; NSPoint pt = {0.0,0.0}; float height,h; int x, y, index; id img; [buffer lockFocus]; [oldImage compositeToPoint:pt operation:NSCompositeCopy]; if(!aBool){ [buffer unlockFocus]; return; } imgSize = [image size]; img = [[NSImage alloc] initWithSize:imgSize]; rectSize.width = imgSize.width / 8; rectSize.height = imgSize.height / 8; height = 2 * aDelta * rectSize.height; h = height - rectSize.height; for(x = 0; x < 8; x ++){ for(y = 0; y < 8; y ++){ index = x + y * 8; if(height > rectSize.height){ if((x % 2) == (y % 2)){ rects[index] = NSMakeRect(x * rectSize.width, (y + 1) * rectSize.height - h, rectSize.width, h); } else { rects[index] = NSMakeRect(x * rectSize.width, y * rectSize.height, rectSize.width, rectSize.height); } } else { if((x % 2) != (y % 2)){ rects[index] = NSMakeRect(x * rectSize.width, y * rectSize.height, rectSize.width, height); } else { rects[index] = NSMakeRect(0, 0, 0, 0); } } } } [img lockFocus]; PSsetgray(0.0); PSsetalpha(0.0); r = NSMakeRect(0, 0, imgSize.width, imgSize.height); NSRectFill(r); PSsetalpha(1.0); NSRectFillList(rects,64); [image compositeToPoint:pt operation:NSCompositeSourceIn]; [img unlockFocus]; [img compositeToPoint:pt operation:NSCompositeSourceOver]; [buffer unlockFocus]; [img release]; } - (void)drawRect:(NSRect)rect; { NSPoint p = {0.0, 0.0}; PSsetgray(NSLightGray); NSRectFill([self bounds]); [buffer compositeToPoint:p operation:NSCompositeCopy]; } - (void)mouseDown:(NSEvent *)thisEvent { delta = 0.0; [self compositeWithDissolve:NO andDelta:delta]; [self display]; animationDissolve =YES; animationCrowl = NO; animationStep = 0; if(!animateTimer) animateTimer = [[NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:.03 target:self selector:@selector(animationClick:) userInfo:self repeats:YES] retain]; } - (void)start:sender { [self display]; [self removeTimer]; animationDissolve = NO; animationCrowl = YES; animationStep = 0; randDirection = 0; batRect.origin.y = 50.0; batRect.origin.x = 50.0; batRect.size.width = batSize.width; batRect.size.height = batSize.height / 4; if(!animateTimer) animateTimer = [[NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:.03 target:self selector:@selector(animationClick:) userInfo:self repeats:YES] retain]; } - (void)stop:(id)sender { [self removeTimer]; } - (void)animationClick:(NSTimer *)timer { if(animationCrowl) [self animateCrowl]; if(animationDissolve) [self animateDissolve]; PSWait(); } - (void)animateCrowl { NSRect tmpRect; int nr; [self lockFocus]; [self drawBackground:batRect]; if(animationStep % 11 == 0) randDirection = RANDINT(7); switch(randDirection){ case 0 :batRect.origin.x += 1; break; case 1 :batRect.origin.x += 1; batRect.origin.y += 1; break; case 2 :batRect.origin.y += 1; break; case 3 :batRect.origin.x -= 1; batRect.origin.y += 1; break; case 4 :batRect.origin.x -= 1; break; case 5 :batRect.origin.x -= 1; batRect.origin.y -= 1; break; case 6 :batRect.origin.y -= 1; break; case 7 :batRect.origin.x += 1; batRect.origin.y -= 1; break; } animationStep++; batRect.origin.x = restrictValue(batRect.origin.x,200,50); batRect.origin.y = restrictValue(batRect.origin.y,230,50); tmpRect = NSMakeRect(0, 0, batSize.width, batSize.height / 4); nr = animationStep % 8; switch(nr){ case 1: case 6: tmpRect.origin.y += batSize.height / 4; break; case 2: case 5: tmpRect.origin.y += batSize.height / 2; break; case 3: case 4: tmpRect.origin.y += 3 * batSize.height / 4; break; } [bat compositeToPoint:batRect.origin fromRect:tmpRect operation:NSCompositeSourceOver]; [[self window] flushWindow]; [self unlockFocus]; } - (void)animateDissolve { id dummy; delta = delta + 0.20; if(toggle) [self compositeWithDissolve:YES andDelta:delta]; else [self compositeWithChecker:YES andDelta:delta]; [self display]; if(delta < 1.0) return; toggle = !toggle; dummy = oldImage; oldImage = image; image = dummy; frontPage = (!frontPage); [self removeTimer]; if(frontPage) [self start:self]; } - (void)removeTimer { if(animateTimer){ [animateTimer invalidate]; [animateTimer release]; animateTimer = nil; } } - (void)drawBackground:(NSRect)rect { NSRect tmpRect = rect; tmpRect.origin.x = floor(NSMinX(tmpRect)); tmpRect.origin.y = floor(NSMinY(tmpRect)); if ([[NSDPSContext currentContext] isDrawingToScreen]) { PSsetgray(NSWhite); PScompositerect(NSMinX(tmpRect), NSMinY(tmpRect), NSWidth(tmpRect), NSHeight(tmpRect), NSCompositeSourceOver); } [frontImage compositeToPoint:tmpRect.origin fromRect:tmpRect operation:NSCompositeSourceOver]; } - (BOOL)windowShouldClose:(id)sender { id dummy; [self stop:self]; if(!frontPage){ toggle = !toggle; frontPage = YES; dummy = oldImage; oldImage = image; image = dummy; [self compositeWithDissolve:NO andDelta:0.0]; } return YES; } @end
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