TabMatrix: bugs and to do OK - truncate titles when too long for available space - doesn't like more than one row ______ _____ _/______Y_____| Y Y \ - problem with display (garbage) when loosing firstResponder OK - problem when having only one tab: _____ / : OK - Double width horizontal white line under "disabled" cells - should change row order when clicking on upper rows? OK - outline of left part when disabled OK - outline of upper part missing OK - height of a cell is not an integer value OK - shows if firstResponder (dotted outline) NO NEED - height proportional to font height - do not draw anything for unused tab indexes - implement methods like EOPopupAssociation methods (setTitles, ...) OK - title alignement OK - allow to set font to matrix or cells OK - allow different fonts, styles, ... OK - resize matrix cells if setFont to matrix - set max cols -> autocalculate matrix size when adding a list of titles OK - also allows images -> like buttonCells - allow vertical tabView - allow row reordering OK - Don't resize tabHeight according to font; let user do it manually -> don't call/subclass setFont: OK - use #define for STRICT_OPENSTEP (attributed strings, first responder, ...) - Do not select automatically the firstResponder: select it when clicked, or when or is pressed. -> modify isSelected by checking also if isHighlighted - Inspector: background color, draw background (uniquement si NSMatrix est sous-classee!) OK - use NSControlColors (+colorWithDevice:White:alpha:) Pour l'orientation right ou left, on peut utiliser PSrotate et PStranslate avant de dessiner la ButtonCell -> affiche verticalement!