
This is MiscSubprocess.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

//  MiscSubprocess.h -- a Obj-C wrapper around Unix child processes
//		Originally written by Drew Davidson
//		Copyright (c) 1994 by Drew Davidson.
//		Modified by Don Yacktman for inclusion into the MiscKit.
//		Fixed up by Carl Lindberg, Don Yacktman, and Steve Hayman.
//				Version 1.3.  All rights reserved.
//		This notice may not be removed from this source code.
//	This object is included in the MiscKit by permission from the author
//	and its use is governed by the MiscKit license, found in the file
//	"LICENSE.rtf" in the MiscKit distribution.  Please refer to that file
//	for a list of all applicable permissions and restrictions.


  This subprocess object sends/receives data to/from any UNIX
  subprocess asynchronously (via vfork/pipe).
  Its delegate, if any, will receive the following messages:

	- subprocess:sender done:(int)status :(MiscSubprocessEndCode)code;
    	Sent when the subprocess exits.  If code indicates what status
		will be:
				status is the exit code returned by the process.
				status is the signal that caused the subprocess
				to stop.
				status is the signal that caused the subprocess to
				status == 0.
	- subprocess:sender output:(NSString *)output;
		sent whenever there is data on the standard output pipe;
		buffer is only valid until next call

	- subprocess:sender outputData:(NSData *)output;
		sent whenever there is data on the standard output pipe;
		buffer is only valid until next call

	- subprocess:sender stderrOutput:(NSString *)output;
		sent whenever there is data on the standard error pipe;
		buffer is only valid until next call.

	- subprocess:sender stderrOutputData:(NSData *)output;
		sent whenever there is data on the standard error pipe;
		buffer is only valid until next call.

	- subprocess:sender error:(NSString *)errorString;
		sent when an error occurs;
		if it ever happens, it's usually only at startup time
		(has nothing to do with errors in the subprocess, but
		rather in starting/stopping/etc. the process)

	The object keeps a NSMutableDictionary of strings to be used as the
	environment for the exec'd subprocess.  It is accessible through
	the environment method.

#import <foundation/NSObject.h>
#import <stdio.h>   // For FILE

typedef enum
} MiscSubprocessEndCode;

@class NSMutableDictionary;

@interface MiscSubprocess:NSObject
	id		delegate;

	NSMutableDictionary	*environment;

	NSString *execArg1;
	NSString *execArg2;
	NSString *execArg3;

	FILE	*fpToChild;
	FILE	*fpFromChild;
	int		stdoutFromChild;
	int		stderrFromChild;
	int		dpsStdoutFromChild;
	int		dpsStderrFromChild;
	int		childPid;
	int		masterPty;
	int		slavePty;

	BOOL	paused;
	BOOL	running;
	BOOL	usePtys;
	BOOL	asynchronous;

	BOOL	stdoutIsDone, stderrIsDone;

 * Designated initializer for MiscSubprocess.  If aString is nil
 * then nothing is executed.  Normally you will want envFlag==YES, but
 * we leave you the option, Just In Case(TM).  If you use async=NO
 * then we don't return until the subprocess exits.
- init:(NSString *)aString

 * Externally callable routine to initiate the execution of
 * the command aString.
- execute:(NSString *)aString withPtys:(BOOL)ptyFlag asynchronously:(BOOL)async;

 * Called by execute: to perform the exec function.
 * Override to call something other than the default execle().
- execChild:(NSString *)aString;

- setExecArgs:(NSString *)a0 :(NSString *)a1 :(NSString *)a2;

- setDelegate:anObject;
- delegate;

- environment;

- send:(NSString *)string withNewline:(BOOL)wantNewline;
- send:(NSString *)string;
- terminateInput;

- (int)pid;

- pause:sender;
- resume:sender;
- (BOOL)isPaused;
- (BOOL)isRunning;

// *DO NOT* send SIGSTOP or SIGCONT via this method -- use -pause: or -resume:
- sendSignal:(int)signalNum;
- terminate:sender;

- (BOOL)usePtys;
- setUsePtys:(BOOL)flag;
- (BOOL)asynchronous;
- setAsynchronous:(BOOL)flag;


- init;
- init:(NSString *)aString;
- init:(NSString *)aString withDelegate:(id)theDelegate;
- init:(NSString *)aString keepEnvironment:(BOOL)envFlag;
- init:(NSString *)aString withDelegate:(id)theDelegate keepEnvironment:(BOOL)envFlag;
- init:(NSString *)aString withPtys:(BOOL)ptyFlag;
- init:(NSString *)aString withDelegate:(id)theDelegate withPtys:(BOOL)ptyFlag;
- init:(NSString *)aString keepEnvironment:(BOOL)envFlag withPtys:(BOOL)ptyFlag;
- init:(NSString *)aString withDelegate:(id)theDelegate keepEnvironment:(BOOL)envFlag withPtys:(BOOL)ptyFlag;
- init:(NSString *)aString asynchronously:(BOOL)async;
- init:(NSString *)aString withDelegate:(id)theDelegate asynchronously:(BOOL)async;
- init:(NSString *)aString keepEnvironment:(BOOL)envFlag asynchronously:(BOOL)async;
- init:(NSString *)aString withDelegate:(id)theDelegate keepEnvironment:(BOOL)envFlag asynchronously:(BOOL)async;
- init:(NSString *)aString withPtys:(BOOL)ptyFlag asynchronously:(BOOL)async;
- init:(NSString *)aString withDelegate:(id)theDelegate withPtys:(BOOL)ptyFlag asynchronously:(BOOL)async;
- init:(NSString *)aString keepEnvironment:(BOOL)envFlag withPtys:(BOOL)ptyFlag asynchronously:(BOOL)async;

- execute:(NSString *)aString;
- execute:(NSString *)aString withPtys:(BOOL)ptyFlag;
- execute:(NSString *)aString asynchronously:(BOOL)async;


@interface NSObject(MiscSubprocessDelegate)

- subprocess:sender done:(int)status :(MiscSubprocessEndCode)code;
- subprocess:sender output:(NSString *)output;
- subprocess:sender outputData:(NSData *)output;
- subprocess:sender stderrOutput:(NSString *)output;
- subprocess:sender stderrOutputData:(NSData *)output;
- subprocess:sender error:(NSString *)errorString;


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.