This is MiscClockView.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]
// // MiscClockView.m -- a simple view class for displaying date/time // Written by Scott Anguish Copyright (c) 1993 by Scott Anguish. // Version 1.0. All rights reserved. // // This notice may not be removed from this source code. // // This object is included in the MiscKit by permission from the author // and its use is governed by the MiscKit license, found in the file // "LICENSE.rtf" in the MiscKit distribution. Please refer to that file // for a list of all applicable permissions and restrictions. // // Aug 30, 1996 Converted to OpenStep by Jeremy Bettis <> #import <AppKit/NSView.h> @class NSImage, NSTimer, NSCalendarDate; @interface MiscClockView:NSView { NSImage * theImage; NSRect clockbase; NSRect imageA; NSRect imageP; NSRect imageColon; NSRect YearColon; NSRect imageAM; NSRect imagePM; NSRect DigitalNumbers[10]; NSRect DateNumbers[10]; NSRect YearNumbers[10]; NSRect DayNames[7]; NSRect MonthNames[12]; NSPoint colonPosition; int seconds; int minutes; int hours; int date; int month; int year; int weekday; int meridian; BOOL militaryTime; BOOL showYear; BOOL keepingTime; BOOL hidden; NSTimer *timedEntry; } - initWithFrame:(NSRect)frameRect; - (void)dealloc; - (void)setTime:(struct tm *) theTime; - (void)takeMinuteOfHourFrom:sender; - (void)takeHourOfDayFrom:sender; - (void)takeDayOfWeekFrom:sender; - (void)takeDayOfMonthFrom:sender; - (void)takeMonthOfYearFrom:sender; - (void)setSecondOfMinute:(int)theSeconds; - (void)setMinuteOfHour:(int)theMinutes; - (void)setHourOfDay:(int)theHours; - (void)setDayOfWeek:(int)theWeekday; - (void)setDayOfMonth:(int)theDate; - (void)setMonthOfYear:(int)theMonth; - (void)setYearOfCommonEra:(int)theYear; - (void)setMeridian:(int)theMeridian; - (void)setDate:(NSCalendarDate *)dateObj; - (int)yearOfCommonEra; - (int)monthOfYear; - (int)dayOfWeek; - (int)dayOfMonth; - (int)hourOfDay; - (int)minuteOfHour; - (int)secondOfMinute; - (NSCalendarDate *)calendarDate; - (BOOL)militaryTime; - (BOOL)showYear; - (void)setShowYear:(BOOL)state; - (void)setMilitaryTime:(BOOL)state; - (BOOL)keepingTime; - (void)setKeepingTime:(BOOL)yesno; - (void)startClock:sender; - (void)stopClock:sender; - (void)setToCurrentTime:sender; - (void)setHide:(BOOL)hide; - (BOOL)isHidden; - (void)sizeToFit; @end
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