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// MiscTableScroll HISTORY
// $Id: HISTORY.txt,v 1.78 97/07/11 17:49:20 sunshine Exp $

v0.129 Fri Jul 11 17:49:07 EDT 1997
    Fixed wording of "Errors" section.  Added a *FIXME* to MiscTableScroll.rtf.
    Synchronized mcgh2misc with version from OPENSTEP MiscTableScroll v128.1.
    Fixed wording in README.

    Changed Files:
    * MiscTableScroll.rtf
    * mcgh2misc.sh
    * README.rtf

v0.128 Tue Jul  1 10:27:08 EDT 1997
    Added a README file which details how to build & install the palette.
    Added missing descriptions for -borderTitlesSize:, -colTitlesHeight, and
	-rowTitlesWidth to documentation.
    Fixed bug: Delegate messages for text color and highlighted text color
	were reversed.  Was sending one when it should have been sending other.
    Published and documented the exception code which MiscTableScroll raises
	upon an assertion failure.
    For publication as standalone MiscKit palette, added new targets to 
	Makefile.postamble: install_lib, install_headers, install_docs, 
	install_all.  Added new variables to Makefile.preamble to support 
	customization of installation locations.  
    Fixed mcgh2misc script to handle new installation variables in
    Fixed mcgh2misc script so that new README.rtf doesn't get installed as one 
	of PUB_DOCS.  
    Fixed a number of places in documentation where conversion via mcgh2misc 
	results in poor wording, such as: "an MiscTableScroll" -->
	"an MiscTableScroll".  
    mcgh2misc conversion script now works off of RCS directory rather than 
	copying entire source tree.  Can now convert source tree which 
	includes subdirectories (subprojects and language projects).  
    mcgh2misc now makes the converted files read-only.
    Can now run mcgh2misc in an incremental fashion.

    Changed Files:
	* Makefile.{preamble|postamble}
	* MiscAssert.cc
	* MiscDelegateFlags.{h|cc}
	* MiscExporter.rtf
	* MiscIntList.rtf
	* MiscTableCell.rtf
	* MiscTableScroll.rtf
	* MiscTableTypes.h
	* mcgh2misc.sh
	+ README.rtf

v0.127 Tue Jun 10 05:58:36 EDT 1997
    MiscTableCell is now scrollable by default thus simplifying creation of
	editable columns.
    Fixed bug: -[MiscTableCell copyFromZone:] was making an allocation from
	the wrong zone.
    Fixed bug: -getRow:col:forPoint: was incorrectly returning 'self' when 
	point was outside of bounds.  Now returns 'nil' in this case to be 
	consistent with Matrix.  Updated documentation accordingly.  
    Fixed bug: Wasn't grabbing a copy of the cell when editing was started in
	lazy mode.  Was only latching a reference to cell.  If any scrolling
	occurred while editing was in progress (even the scroll-to-visible
	which happens when editing starts), the contents of the cell could
	be blasted -- since typically in lazy mode, a single cell is used for
	all drawing in a column.  The cell is now copied, so its contents are
	valid throughout the duration of the edit session.
    Fixed bug: Tabbing from cell to cell during editing wasn't adjusting the
	keyboard cursor -- it was lagging behind.
    First responder status is now returned to the TableScroll when cell
	editing ends via the Return key, rather than reverting uselessly to
	the window.
    Fixed bug: Keyboard cursor was being unconditionally drawn when 
	-setCursor{Row|Col}: was called -- even if it shouldn't have been 
	(for instance, if the MiscTableScroll was not first responder, or the 
	cursor had been disabled).  
    Fixed bug: Feedback from incremental-search was drawing outside of the
	MiscTableScroll's frame.  Consequently the portion outside of the frame
	was not getting erased.
    Added MiscAssert() macro which throws an exception rather than calling
	abort().  Thus assertion failures can now be caught and logged, unlike
	the standard assert().  Modified all source code to use this new macro.
    Did considerable work on all documentation (MiscTableScroll, 
	MiscTableCell, MiscExporter, MiscIntList): 
	- Added missing -getCellFrame:at::.
	- Added missing -getRow:andCol:forPoint: to method-list.
	- Fixed broken vertical formatting in method-list (thus reducing 
	  vertical size).  
	- Added a "Methods Implemented by Cell Subclasses" section to 
	  MiscTableScroll.rtf and moved descriptions of 
	  -tableScroll:retireAt:: and -tableScroll:reviveAt:: there from 
	  "Methods Implemented by Delegate" since they are not strictly 
	  delegate methods.  
	- Removed many more of the really obvious "See Also" entries.
	- Unified formatting *throughout*.
	- Synchronized with OPENSTEP version of each of the MiscTableScroll
	  documents in v125.9.
    The binary-file pack & unpack scripts no longer error out if tiffs or
	nibs are non-existent and are synchronized with MiscTableScroll v125.9
    Rewrote pack.sh script so that it knows about subprojects and lproj
	directories (so we can now easily localize if preferred).  Now
	synchronized with MiscTableScroll v125.9 for OPENSTEP.
    Copied unpack.sh from the MiscTableScroll v125.9 for OPENSTEP whichs 
	knows about subprojects and lproj directories and performs the RCS 
	check-out and .uu file unpacking (so we can now easily localize if 
    Moved build options from Makefile.preamble into PB.project.

    Changed Files:
	* Makefile
	* Makefile.preamble
	+ MiscAssert.{h|cc}
	* MiscBorderView.M
	* MiscExporter.rtf
	* MiscIntList.rtf
	* MiscLineWrapper.cc
	* MiscSparseSet.cc
	* MiscTableBorder.cc
	* MiscTableCell.{h|M|rtf}
	* MiscTableScroll.{M|rtf}
	* MiscTableScrollData.M
	* MiscTableScrollEdit.M
	* MiscTableScrollISearch.M
	* MiscTableScrollSort.M
	* MiscTableView.M
	* MiscTableViewPrint.M
	* pack.sh
	* pack_binaries.sh
	* PB.project
	+ unpack.sh
	* unpack_binaries.sh

v0.126 Sun May  4 18:35:11 EDT 1997 zarnuk
    Fixed several errors in the documentation.
    Fixed some minor compiler warnings.

    Changed Files:
	* MiscDelegateFlags.cc
	* MiscExporterDBF.M
	* MiscTableScroll.rtf
	* MiscTableTypes.h
	* MiscTableView.M

v0.125 Fri Mar 14 01:32:22 EST 1997 zarnuk
    Fixed v121 bug: fonts were not being restored properly in the
	-[MiscTableCell tableScroll:reviveAt::] method.  Optimized
	the method slightly.

    Changed Files:
	* MiscTableCell.{M|rtf}

v0.124 Wed Feb 12 12:58:57 EST 1997 sunshine
    Added clipping back to -[MiscTableView drawSelf::] so that we don't draw
	outside of the update rectangles passed in.  This way we don't clobber

    Changed Files:
	* MiscTableView.M

v0.123 Tue Feb 11 19:11:44 EST 1997 sunshine
    Added selection methods:
    Following methods no longer 'extend' selection:
    Added deselection methods:
    Documented all the new methods.
    Fixed bug: -border:selectSlots: was not checking for valid slots.  It was 
	allowing *any* slot to be added to the selection even if 
	non-existent.  (Also affected -selectRows: & -selectCols:.) 
    Fixed bug: Although MiscTableScroll was taking autoDisplay into account in
	-reflectSelection, neither MiscBorderView nor MiscTableView was.
    Got rid of -reflectSelection in favor of -selectionChanged since their
	functionality was identical.  Updated documentation accordingly.
    Published and documented -selectedCell.
    Cleaned up documentation some more.
    Inlined a use-owner-font check in MiscTableCell's high-frequency
	-tableScroll:reviveAt:: method.
    Removed the unused -putImage:atPoint: method from MiscTableViewPrint.M.
    Removed the unused -tooSmall method in MiscTableViewPrint.M.
    Fixed bug: MiscTableViewPrint was leaking every single NXImage that its
	-getImage... methods created.
    Removed the unnecessary code in MiscTableView's -drawSelf:: which sets up 
	a clipping rect if there are subviews.  It was not needed at all since 
	no drawing of subviews occurs inside of -drawSelf::.  
    Fixed bug: MiscDrawList was using the screen-font unconditionally -- even 
	when printing (not drawing to the screen).  
    Fixed bug: The delegate methods for printing -tableScrollWillPrint: and 
	-tableScroll:didPrint: were getting subverted if the -printPSCode:
	message was sent to the firstResponder rather than the 
	MiscTableScroll itself.  (The firstResponder is really the 
	MiscTableView.) This can easily happen if the Print...  item is 
	connected to First Responder in IB.  

    Changed Files:
	* MiscBorderView.{h|M}
	* MiscDrawList.cc
	* MiscTableBorder.{h|cc}
	* MiscTableCell.M
	* MiscTableScroll.{h|M|rtf}
	* MiscTableScrollKB.M
	* MiscTableScrollPrint.M
	* MiscTableView.{h|M}
	* MiscTableViewPrint.M

v0.122 Wed Feb  5 07:08:29 EST 1997 sunshine
    Fixed bug: Although setting cell's highlight flag during mouse tracking 
	is fine for eager-mode, it is insufficient for lazy-mode.  Fixed
	by adding 'tracking' flag which is used in lazy-mode to determine
	when cell should be drawn highlighted.
    Updated documentation accordingly.
    Clarified misleading documentation for -trackBy: and -trackingBy.

    Changed Files:
	* MiscTableScroll.{h|M|rtf}
	* MiscTableData.M
	* MiscTableScrollPrivate.h
	* MiscTableView.M

v0.121 Tue Feb  4 08:10:01 EST 1997 sunshine
    Fixed some #import/#include statements (<...> vs.  "...") so that the 
	palette once again compiles as part of the MiscKit distribution.  
    Updated to reflect which MiscKit versions contain which MiscTableScroll

    Changed Files:
	* MiscDrawList.cc
	* MiscTableCell.M
	* MiscTableView.M

v0.120 Tue Feb  4 04:56:51 EST 1997 sunshine
    Fixed bug: -[MiscTableView mouseDown:] was not sending the tracker a 
	-mouseUp:atPos: message if the mouse went up during tracking of the 
	cell in which it originally went down.  Thus trackers which have 
	non-empty -mouseUp:atPos: methods were malfunctioning.  For instance, 
	this broke deselect by shift-click in MiscRadioTracker.  (v113 bug)
    Fixed bug: When deleting the selected slot, MiscTableBorder::deleteAt() 
	wasn't coercing selectedSlot to a valid value.  Instead it was just
	setting it to -1.  This was inconsistent with other parts of the
	object which ensure that selectedSlot *always* points to a selected
	slot unless there are none in which case it is set to -1.
    Fixed bug: MiscTableBorder::moveFromTo() was adjusting the selectedSlot
	before it ensured that said slot was indeed in the selected-slot set.
	Since setSelectedSlot() calls MiscSparseSet::coerce(), wasn't
	necessarily set to what it was presumed to be set as.  (Switched the
	order of the statements around to fix it.)
    Fixed bug: MiscTableBorder::setCount() was incorrectly setting
	selectedSlot to -1 rather than coercing it to a valid slot in the
	selection set.
    Fixed bug: MiscTableBorder::setCount() was incorrectly clearing the
	selection when it should have been clearning the cursor.

    Changed Files:
	* MiscTableBorder.M
	* MiscTableView.M

v0.119 Thu Jan 23 22:36:01 EST 1997 sunshine
    Combined -setClickedRow: & -setClickedCol: since they are *always* called
	in combination.
    Added -resetSelection to MiscTableScroll and published it in
	MiscTableScrollPrivate.h.  It calls -resetSelection in the border
	and table views.
    Fixed bug: The "remembered" selection in border and table views was not
	being taken into account when adding/removing slots.  Hence the next
	selection reflection via -reflectSelection was incorrect.
    Removed unnecessary loop in MiscSparseSet::shiftDownAt().
    Fixed bug: MiscTableScroll's -border:setUniformSizeSlots: was setting the
	ScrollView's line-scroll amount to 0 if uniform-size was 0.  (This had
	the effect of making the line-scroll buttons inoperable.)
    Fixed bug: Cell wasn't scrolled to visible when editing was initiated, so
	it was possible, with tab and shift-tab, to edit a cell which was not
    Fixed bug: MiscTableView's -getCursorSlot would crash if the border had
	a selection but not a selected slot.  (This can actually happen if
	the selected slot gets deleted.  Maybe TableBorder should be modified
	so that it *always* has a selected-slot whenever it has a selection?)

    Changed Files:
	* MiscSparseSet.cc
	* MiscTableScroll.M
	* MiscTableScrollData.M
	* MiscTableScrollEdit.M
	* MiscTableScrollPrivate.h
	* MiscTableScrollSort.M
	* MiscTableView.M

v0.118 Wed Jan 22 07:02:00 EST 1997 sunshine
    Fixed bug: MiscSparseSet::remove(int) was not taking into account that
	insertAt() may have called realloc().  This led to (1) writing to
	memory which had been freed() by realloc(), and (2) failure to set
	the 'hi' anchor correctly (it was setting 'hi' in the old freed
	memory rather than at its new location after realloc()).
    MiscSparseSet::shiftDown() now folds out newly adjacent ranges.
    MiscSparseSet::dump() now detects corruption.

    Changed Files:
	* MiscSparseSet.cc

v0.117 Wed Jan 22 03:38:31 EST 1997 sunshine
    Fixed bug: MiscIntList's std_cmp() was returning 0 when (x > y).

    Changed Files:
	* MiscIntList.{h|M}

v0.116 Sun Jan 12 12:30:33 EST 1997 sunshine
    Fixed bug: MiscTableView's mouse tracking code was not taking non-opaque
	cells into account when [de]highlighting.
    Fixed bug: Mouse tracking code was not checking for disabled cell.
    The icon/image is no longer cleared when retiring cells.

    Change Files:
	* MiscTableCell.M
	* MiscTableScrollData.M
    	* MiscTableView.M

v0.115 Fri Jan 10 08:15:14 EST 1997 sunshine
    Fixed bug: MiscTableCell's -tableScroll:reviveAt:: wasn't latching the 
	owner's font in all cases.  It would only latch it if the owner 
	changed or if it was not already using owner-font, but not in the 
	most common case where the owner was the same and it was already 
	using owner-font.  (Bug introduced in v0.111.)

    Changed Files:
	* MiscTableCell.M

v0.114 Mon Jan 06 05:15:22 EST 1997 sunshine
    Fixed bug introduced in v0.112.  MiscTableView's -drawCol: was 
	incorrectly referring to row_border rather than col_border.  This bug 
	frequently resulted in crashes (assertion: x < num_slots) during 
	column dragging, as well as the failure to redraw a column if it was 
	dropped back where it started (after the "well" was removed).  
    Fixed messed up wording in documentation from v0.113.
    Fixed bug: mcgh2misc.sh wasn't publishing MiscExporter.h correctly.

    Changed Files:
	* MiscTableScroll.rtf
	* MiscTableView.M
	* mcgh2misc.sh

v0.113 Mon Dec 30 16:36:32 EST 1996 zarnuk
    Implemented text-cell editing.
    Added methods to set the sizes of the borders.
    Fixed bugs in the "clicked" stuff.

    Changed Files:
	* Makefile
	* MiscBorderView.{h|M}
	* MiscTableBorder.h
	* MiscTableScroll.{h|M|rtf}
	+ MiscTableScrollEdit.M
	* MiscTableView.{h|M}
	* MiscDelegateFlags.{cc|h}
	* PB.project

v0.112 Tue Dec 17 21:07:44 EST 1996 sunshine
    Added -borderClickedSlot:, -clickedRow, -clickedCol, and -clickedCell.
    To conform to OpenStep UI guidelines, keyboard-focuser is now drawn as
	a non-blinking dotted rectangle.
    Made physicalToVisual() and visualToPhysical() more robust by having them
	check for invalid slot rather than having to do so manually every
	place which calls either one.
    -drawRow:, -drawCol: no longer do any drawing if outside of visible rect.

    Changed Files:
	* Makefile
	* MiscBorderView.M
	* MiscTableBorder.{h|cc}
	- MiscTableFocus.{h|M}
	- MiscTableFocusPS.psw
	* MiscTableScroll.{h|M|rtf}
	* MiscTableScrollKB.M
	* MiscTableScrollPrivate.h
	* MiscTableView.{h|M}
	+ MiscTableViewPS.psw
	* PB.project

v0.111 Mon Dec 16 10:26:03 EST 1996 zarnuk
    Improved performance of methods that add/remove rows from the table scroll.

    Changed Files:
	* MiscTableCell.{h|M|rtf}
	* MiscTableScrollData.M

v0.110 Thu Oct 24 22:50:17 EDT 1996 zarnuk
    NOTE: I tagged the RCS files for v109 with "TableScroll-v109",
    and the ones for v110 with "TableScroll-v110".
    Added rough-draft, initial version Printing.  Still needs work.
    Fixed bug: slot resized / reversed delegate messages were sending
	VISUAL coordinates instead of PHYSICAL coordinates.
    Fixed bug: New public headers (from v109) were not added to mcgh2misc.sh.

    Changed Files:
	* Makefile
	* mcgh2misc.sh
	* MiscDelegateFlags.{cc|h}
	* MiscTableScroll.{h|M}
	+ MiscTableScrollPrint.M
	* MiscTableScrollPrivate.h
	* MiscTableTypes.h
	* MiscTableView.{h|M}
	+ MiscTableViewPrint.M
	* PB.project

v0.109 Wed Sep 25 09:37:11 EDT 1996 zarnuk
    Added exporter.
    Slot dragging and resizing no longer clobber the selection.
    Fixed (mostly) drag-cache drawing for row-borders. (v105 bug).

    Changed Files:
	* Makefile
	* MiscBorderView.M
	+ MiscExporter.{h|M|rtf}
	+ MiscExporterAccessoryView.{h|M}
	+ MiscExporterASCII.M
	+ MiscExporterDBF.M
	+ MiscExporterPrivate.h
	* PB.project

v0.108 Wed Sep 25 05:06:39 EDT 1996 sunshine
    Ripped all image dragging out of TableCell and promoted it to TableView.
    Can now drag images from non-NX_ICONCELL cells as well.
    Delegate now has chance to respond to dragging protocol messages
	-draggingSourceOperationMaskForLocal:, and
    Updated documentation accordingly.
    Fixed bugs: Image origin and mouse offset for dragging were being
	incorrectly computed.  
    Added *temporary* -getCellInside:at:: to avoid places where the callers of
	-getCellFrame:at:: had to adjust for the border lines manually.  This
	can be removed when the whole cell-frame / intercell spacing issue is
	finally resolved.  
    Removed the -scroll hack from TableView which TableCell was using during
	image dragging.
    Fixed bug: SparseSet::coerce() was accessing array[-1].
    Fixed bug: pack.sh was checking in the PACKAGE_NUMBER file *before*
	the new version number was recorded.
    pack.sh no longer redundantly includes PACKAGE_NUMBER with the
	package since that file now exists in the RCS directory.

    Changed Files:
	* MiscDelegateFlags.{h|cc}
	* MiscSparseSet.cc
	* MiscTableCell.{h|M|rtf}
	* MiscTableScroll.{h|rtf}
	* MiscTableView.{h|M}
	* pack.sh

v0.107 Thu Sep 19 06:37:24 EDT 1996 zarnuk
    Fixed v104 bug: selectTags was not setting selectedSlot.
    Fixed v104 bug: alignment of the cell at (0,0) was getting clobbered
	on a mouseDown:
    Fixed v105 bug: cursor rects were not getting updated when autosort
    All access to the selection set now goes through the MiscTableBorder
    Restored pre-v104 "selectedSlot" behavior, so that selected_slot always
	points to a selected slot if any slots are selected.  It is only
	-1 if there are no selected slots.

    Changed Files:
	* MiscBorderView.{h|M}
	* MiscHighlightTracker.M
	* MiscListTracker.M
	* MiscMouseTracker.{h|M}
	* MiscRadioTracker.M
	* MiscSparseSet.{cc|h}
	* MiscTableBorder.{cc|h}
	* MiscTableScroll.M
	* MiscTableScrollISearch.M
	* MiscTableScrollPrivate.h
	* MiscTableScrollSort.M
	* MiscTableView.{h|M}

v0.106 Fri Sep 13 17:10:40 EDT 1996 zarnuk
    Fixed v104 bug: slot dragged delegate notification message was botched.
    Fixing bug: borderSelectedSlot: was not checking for a valid selection
	before mapping an invalid value through the visual to physical map.

    Changed Files:
	* MiscDelegateFlags.cc
	* MiscTableScroll.M

v0.105 09/07/96 12:00 EDT zarnuk
    Restored -border:slotMovedFrom:to: and -border:slotResized: to the
	public header so that PCSTableScroll will compile again.
    Added user-sort-direction-toggling.
    Fixed v104 bug where text was exceeding column width on some wide columns
	with a lot of text.
    New line-height calculations, completely point-size based, ignores
	broken NeXT font bounding box.  Font-change behavior is more
	predictable from the user's standpoint.
    Fixed drag-cache drawing.

    Changed Files:
	* MiscBorderCell.h
	* MiscBorderView.{h|M}
	* MiscDelegateFlags.{h|cc}
	* MiscDrawList.cc
	* MiscLineWrapper.cc
	+ MiscReverseCursor.tiff
	+ MiscSort{A|De}scend{H|}.tiff
	* MiscTableBorder.{cc|h}
	* MiscTableScroll.{h|M|rtf}
	* MiscTableScrollPrivate.h
	* MiscTableTypes.h
	* PB.project
	* Makefile
	* Makefile.postamble

v0.104 08/20/96 15:00 EDT sunshine
    Removed "cursor" from SparseSet making it a simple generic (and more
	widely useful) class.
    Added notion of selected-slot to TableBorder.  This was the old "cursor"
	from SparseSet.
    Implemented -selectedCell in TableScroll (for use during mouse-tracking --
	see below).
    TableScroll now gives cells a chance to participate in mouse tracking
	using standard -trackMouse:inRect:ofView:.
    TableCell now supports dragging of images directly out of ICON-style cells
	during mouse tracking.  Delegate/dataDelegate can allow/veto dragging,
	optionally supply the dragging image (vs. using the one in the cell),
	and provide the actual data for the dragging pasteboard.
    Documented support of image dragging in TableCell.
    Documented mouse tracking behavior in TableScroll.
    Documented new keyboard control added in v0.103.
    Documented selection modes.
    Fixed bug: TableConnInspector's -initScroll:numCols: was not returning
	a value though it had a non-void return type.
    Fixed bug: Two MiscGeometry were not returning a value when they should
	have been.  Corrected a few casts.
    Removed deviant semi-colons from -setColSortVector:len:,
	-setRowSortVector:len:, and -cursorRect:forPos: implementations.
    Paul added searching methods to IntList.
    Paul made optimizations to TableBorder's selectTags() method.
    Fixed pack.sh so that it checks the PACKAGE_NUMBER into RCS (so that the
	GNUmakefile can include it in the palette).
    Updated GNUmakefile so that it includes MiscTableConnector.strings and
	PACKAGE_NUMBER in the palette.
    Fixed bug: TableScroll's -border:setSlotSizes: was not respecting min/max
	slot size.
    Fixed broken next-text chain in inspector nib.
    Fixed bug: Setting the min-size greater, or the max-size smaller than the
	current-size in the inspector would crash IB.
    Fixed bug: TableScroll's border:selectSlot was checking for selection
	membership using selectedSlot() rather than slotIsSelected().
    Fixed bug: Using space to select from within incremental-search was
	not going through the normal mouse-tracker, and was therefore short-
	circuiting selection mode.
    Added cursor for display over draggable slots.
    Fixed bug: Cursor rectangles were not being clipped to the visible
	rectangle, which meant that cursor changes would occur when the cursor
	was not even over the TableScroll.
    Moved drawing of "intercell" border from TableCell into TableView.  (Cells
	no longer draw a border around them selves.)  *NOTE* This drawing
	code still needs to be optimized.  I did nothing more than relocate
	the code.  (Paul optimized it -- see below.)
    Added -setSelected and -isSelected to TableCell.  TableScroll now uses
	these methods to indicate that cell is part of the current selection
	rather than overloading the meaning of state and isHighlighted which
	have their own use during mouse-tracking.
    Pulled the *private* parts of the TableScroll interface out of
	TableScroll.h and placed them in the new unpublished
    Added MiscDelegateFlags which tracks which selectors the delegates
	respond to.  These are determined and cached *once* when the delegate
	are set up.
    Updated all code which deals with delegate and dataDeleate to use
	simplified MiscDelegateFlags interface.
    Started implementing text editing.

    *** Paul's changes ***
    Created the MiscColorList, MiscRectList and MiscRectColorList C++ classes.
    Eliminated the convoluted selection-update "optimizations" from 
	MiscTableView.M which were not properly implemented; did not result in
	any noticable improvement in drawing performance; and which prevented 
	the consolidation of the drawing code.  
    Rewrote -[MiscTableView reflectSelection] to group contiguous cells into 
	rectangles for drawing.  
    Rewrote -[MiscTableView drawRect:] to collapse grid and background drawing
	into fewer operations.  
    Modified MiscTableCell so that -useOwner[Highlight]BackgroundColor makes 
	the cell transparent, so that the individual cells are not painting 
	their individual backgrounds, unless they have custom background 
    Added -ownerDraw and -setOwnerDraw: to MiscTableCell.
    MiscTableView now checks for -ownerDraw.
    New drawing mechanism for table view -- way, *way*, *WAY* faster!
    Added dump() routine to MiscSparseSet.
    Now propagates -reflectSelection methods even when drawing is disabled.
    Eliminated a few unnecessary function calls in BorderView.

    Changed Files:
	* MiscBorderCell.M
	* MiscBorderView.M
	+ MiscColorList.{h|cc}
	+ MiscDelegateFlags.{h|cc}
	+ MiscDrawList.{h|cc}
	* MiscGeometry.h
	* MiscHighlightTracker.M
	* MiscIntList.{h|M|rtf}
	+ MiscLineWrapper.{h|cc}
	* MiscListTracker.M
	* MiscRadioTracker.M
	+ MiscRectColorList.{h|cc}
	+ MiscRectList.{h|cc}
	+ MiscSlotDragCursor.tiff
	* MiscSparseSet.{h|cc}
	* MiscTableBorder.{h|cc}
	* MiscTableCell.{h|M|rtf}
	* MiscTableConnInspector.M
	* MiscTableScrollISearch.M
	* MiscTableScroll.{h|M|rtf}
	* MiscTableScrollData.M
	* MiscTableScrollInspector.{M|nib}
	+ MiscTableScrollPrivate.h
	* MiscTableScrollSort.M
	* MiscTableView.{h|M}
	* PB.project
	* Makefile
	* GNUmakefile
	* pack.sh

v0.103 05/05/96 11:30 EDT sunshine
    Created MiscGeometry which contains geometric types (point, size,
	rectangle) which are used by borders and know about their orientation.
    Removed all of the duplicated "type variation" code from BorderView and 
	TableView and replaced with MiscGeometry.  
    Fixed bug: Wasn't considering border orientation during slot resizing
	modal loop resulting in failure to auto-scroll in many cases when
	resizing rows.
    Fixed bug: Connection inspector was leaking connector objects when
	breaking connections.
    Fixed bug: Connection inspector was allowing non-target/action connections
	to First Responder.
    Fixed bug: Was crashing when trying to archive a connector whose
	destination was First Responder.  Now connection inspector treats
	First Responder as a special case.
    Replaced low-level Post Script drawing code with higher level NeXT
	drawing functions in BorderView.
    Replaced 8 trips to the Window Server in BorderCell's -drawSelf:inView:
	with 1 trip by using NXRectFillListWithGrays.
    Added all manner of keyboard movement commands: page-up, page-down, home,
	end, left, right -- for both numeric keypad and editing keypad.
    TableView's -firstVisibleSlot & -lastVisibleSlot now return the first and
	last *fully* visible slot if possible.  (This results in more 
	symmetric and intuitive page-scrolling via the new movement keys.) 
    Fixed problem: Incremental-search was going into modal event loop even if 
	it couldn't add the very first character.  Since it couldn't add the 
	first character, there was no feedback indicating that the modal loop 
	was active.
    For OpenStep conformance, selection of slots with a keyboard event (via 
	the space bar) is treated the same as selection with the mouse.
	This means that one now has to use the same modifiers with keyboard-
	based selection as one uses with mouse-based selection.
    Added alt-space (0x80) in -keyDown: methods to list of keys which perform 
	"selection" since alt-space is now meaningful with new OpenStep 
    Fixed bug: Was unable to shift-drag in List mode to deselect a range of

    Changed Files:
	* MiscBorderCell.M
	* MiscBorderView.{h|M}
	+ MiscGeometry.{h|cc}
	* MiscHighlightTracker.{h|M}
	* MiscListTracker.{h|M}
	* MiscMouseTracker.{h|M}
	* MiscRadioTracker.{h|M}
	* MiscTableConnInspector.M
	* MiscTableScrollISearch.M
	* MiscTableScrollKB.M
	* MiscTableView.M
	* PB.project
	* Makefile

v0.102 04/29/96 16:00 EDT zarnuk
    Moved keyDown: out of MiscTableView and into MiscScrollView.
    IB Connection Inspector no longer pre-selects an action if there is no
	existing connection.
    Slot dragged and resized notification messages are now sent to the
	dataDelegate also.
    Eliminated separate (DataDelegate) category, since all messages are
	now sent to both the delegate and the dataDelegate.
    Fixed bug introduced in v99 -- toggling lazy-mode in IB on non-empty
	table-scrolls screwed things up.
    Fixed some trivial bugs in incremental-search.
	No longer faked out by changes that leave the buff-length unchanged
	while drawing is disabled.
	Now treats case-sensitive expand properly.

    Changed Files:
	* MiscTableConnInspector.M
	* MiscTableScroll.{h|M}
	* MiscTableScrollInspector.M
	* MiscTableScrollISearch.M
	+ MiscTableScrollKB.M
	* MiscTableView.{h|M}
	* PB.project
	* Makefile

v0.101 04/25/96 22:00 EDT sunshine
    Replaced low-level Post Script code with higher-level (and portable)
	NXImage code in BorderView which grabs pixels off the screen.
    Fixed incorrect prototype specification in TableScroll documentation.
    Added calcCellSize:inRect: to BorderCell.
    Added visual feedback to incremental search.

    Changed Files:
	* MiscBorderCell.M
	* MiscBorderView.M
	* MiscTableScroll.rtf
	* MiscTableScrollISearch.M

v0.100 04/25/96 00:00 EDT zarnuk
    Added incremental search.
    -[MiscTableView keyDown:] now forwards unrecognized key strokes
	to the next responder (as it always should have).
    Slot sort vector now uses one's complement to indicate reversed direction.
    Setting a slot sort vector now turns off auto-sort.

    Changed Files:
	* Makefile
	* MiscTableScroll.{h|rtf}
	* MiscTableScrollSort.M
	+ MiscTableScrollISearch.M
	* MiscTableView.M
	* PB.project

v0.99 04/23/96 05:00 EDT zarnuk
    Added {get/set}{first/last}Visible{slot/row/col} routines.
    Cells are now "retired" before being freed in all cases.
    Reviewed the documentation.  Cleared up many FIXME items.

    Changed Files:
	* MiscTableScroll.{h|M|rtf}
	* MiscTableScrollData.M
	* MiscTableView.{h|M}

v0.98 04/23/96 03:00 EDT sunshine
    Fixed some memory leaks in the connector and connection-inspector code.
    Reorganized so that all FoundationKit specific code is contained in
	connection-inspector object file rather than connector file.  This
	allows nibs to be loaded on 3.2 machines (which don't have Foundation
    BorderView now always sends action before sending doubleAction to be
	consistent with TableView.
    Removed unused -refresh method from BorderView.

    Changed Files:
	* MiscBorderView.{h|M}
	* MiscTableConnector.{h|M}
	* MiscTableConnInspector.M

v0.97 04/13/96 05:00 EDT zarnuk
    Created custom IB connection inspector, so that doubleTarget and
	doubleAction: can be set inside of IB now.
    Added extern "Objective-C" declaration to MiscTableScrollPalette.h
    Fixed bug: was not setting cursor in MiscSparseSet::add().  This
	manifested itself by not setting -selectedRow when -selectRow:
	was called.
    Fixed bug: -selectRow: was not honoring radio-mode.
    Fixed bug: -selectRow: was not clearing the selection on the other border.
    Fixed bug: toggling titles on/off on IB inspector was not properly
	enabling/disabling slot controls.

    Changed Files:
	+ IBConnector.h
	* MiscSparseSet.cc
	* MiscTableScroll.M
	* MiscTableScrollPalette.h
	* MiscTableScrollInspector.M
	+ MiscTableScrollConnector.{h|M|strings}
	+ MiscTableScrollConnInspector.{h|M|nib}
	+ MiscTableRightArrow.tiff
	+ MiscTableDimple.tiff

v0.96 03/30/96 04:00 EST zarnuk
    Applied Eric's changes to the mcgh -> misc conversion scripts.
    Fixed some comments in MiscTableBorder.cc
    Fixed bug in MiscSparseSet::getTotalRange()
    	=> affected MiscTableBorder::hasMultipleSelection()
	=> affected -[MiscTableScroll borderHasMultipleSelection:]
	=> affected -[MiscTableScroll hasMultiple{Row|Col}Selection:]
    Totally revamped MiscSparseSet.  Operations are simpler and more efficient.
    Changed Files:
	* mcgh2misc.sh
	* MiscTableBorder.cc
	* MiscSparseSet.{h|cc}

v0.95 03/25/96 22:00 EST zarnuk
    Fixed bug: border:sortSlot: (sortRow:/sortCol:) was off by one position
	when sorting a slot from a lower-index position to a higher-index
	position.  This was a crasher when the resulting destination index
	was beyond the last slot.
    Modified behavior (not really a bug, per se).  MiscTableScroll now sends
	the single-action message immediately before sending the double-action
	message on a multi-click event.  This enables clients that use the
	single-action message to adjust controls to reflect any changes in
	the selection between the first click and the second click before
	dealing with the double-click event.

    Changed Files:
	* MiscTableScrollSort.M
	* MiscTableView.M

**** MiscKit 1.9.0 Release contains v0.94 *******

**** MiscKit 1.8.1 Release contains v0.94 *******

**** MiscKit 1.8.0 Release contains v0.94 *******

**** MiscKit 1.7.1 patch-1 contains v0.94 *******

v0.94 02/18/96 02:00 EST zarnuk
    Fixed bug introduced in last revision.  Was skipping slots that had
	a custom sort function.

    Changed Files:
	* MiscTableScrollSort.M

v0.93 02/14/96 06:00 EST zarnuk
    Created subclass of IBPalette, MiscTableScrollPalette.
    Removed IB-specific stuff from MiscTableScroll.M
    Fixed bug where reading a non-empty lazy table caused free to crash.
    Fixed bug where some pop-ups were inappropriately enabled on the
	inspector even when there were no slots.
    MiscIntList.h is no longer #import-ed in the MiscTableScroll header.
    Did another overhaul on sorting.  Even faster now.
    Fixed bug: slotsAreSorted: (rowsAreSorted,colsAreSorted) was not
	working properly.  It was checking the physical order of the slots,
	not the visual order.

    Changed Files:
	+ MiscTableScrollPalette.{h|M}
	* MiscTableBorder.cc
	* MiscTableScrollInspector.M
	* MiscTableScroll.nib
	* MiscTableScroll.{h|M}
	* MiscTableScrollData.M
	* MiscTableScrollPB.M
	* MiscTableScrollSort.M
	* MiscTableTypes.h
	* palette.table
	* PB.project
	* Makefile

**** MiscKit 1.7.1 Release contains v0.92 *******

v0.92 02/11/96 23:30 EST sunshine
    Fixed bug where -border:setSlot:sortType: was ignoring sort types "case-
	sensitive title", "case-insensitive title", "state", and "unsigned
	state".  This cause the default -stringValue variation to be used for
	those slots -- which is clearly incorrect.
    Row title width is now larger -- large enough to hold 5-digit numbers.
	(This still needs to be reworked so as to be sizeable and dynamic.)

    Changed Files:
	* MiscTableScrollSort.M
	* MiscBorderView.M

v0.91 01/17/96 05:30 EST sunshine
    Fixed crasher.  Drag cache window was being allocated from the border-
	view's zone even though the cache window is allocated once and never
	freed (the pointer is kept in a static variable).  When the zone got
	freed that the border-view was in, the pointer ceased to point at valid

    Changed Files:
	* MiscBorderView.M

v0.90 01/17/96 02:15 EST sunshine
    Completely rewrote mcgh2misc conversion scripts.  They now also
	(optionally) handle conversion of example applications.  Consequently
	the mcgh2misc scripts were removed from the example directories.
    Published -changeFont: in MiscTableScroll.h.
    Added -changeFont: to documentation.

    Changed Files:
	* mcgh2misc.{el|sh}
	* MiscTableScroll.{h|rtf}

v0.89 01/16/96 21:15 EST zarnuk
    Added PACKAGE_NUMBER to "Other Resources" in Project Builder.
    -[MiscTableScroll free] now calls [self setAutodisplay:NO] at the
	beginning to avoid drawing while the object is being freed.
    Eliminated huge amounts of unnecessary drawing while dragging and
	dropping slots.  Set up for dragging slots is much faster now.
    Published -selectionChanged.
    Increased the SLOP factor for calculating drop position when dragging.
	Must now have leading edge at least 4 pixels into destination slot.

    Changed Files:
	* Makefile
	* MiscBorderView.M
	* MiscTableScroll.{h|M}
	* PB.project

v0.88 01/14/96 01:00 EST zarnuk
    Fixed errors in MiscIntList documentation.
    Fixed bug: lazyCellAt:: was not calling the dataDelegate.
    Fixed bug: Now ignores "-selectAll:" in radio mode.
    Applied MiscKit 1.7.0 changes to Makefile.{pre|post}depend
    Make library target now depends on $(OFILES) so it gets rebuilt when
	individual files are modified.
    Now using allocFromZone for everything inside MiscTableScroll.M,
	MiscTableScrollData.M, MiscTableScrollPB.M, MiscBorderView.M,
	MiscTableView.M, and MiscNullView.M
    Fixed bug: Was letting user resize slots 10 pixels beyond max size.
	which resulted in failed assertion `r.size <= r.max_size'.
    Fixed bug: Was leaking an MiscIntList with each pasteboard copy operation.
    Eliminated most of the flicker during resizing.
    Drop location when dragging slots is now determined by the "leading edge"
	(left edge when dragging to the left, right edge when dragging to the
	right, and likewise for up/down).
    Fixed bug where -selectedRow:n would generate an assertion failure if
	n was out of range.
    New delegate notification message: -tableScroll:changeFont:to: is sent
	only in response to user-initiated font changes (-changeFont:), not
	programmatic changes (-setFont:).
    setFont: messages are no longer sent to cells when the table is in lazy
    Revamped set...Color: methods.
    set...Color: messages are no longer sent to cells when the table scroll 
	is in lazy mode.
    Added delegate notification messages for color changes:
    Fixed bug: was not freeing cells when table-scroll was freed.
    Renamed emptyAndFree -> emptyAndFreeCells to clarify function and
	eliminate ambiguity concerning freeing the table scroll itself.
    Fixed bug: was leaking memory in -read:cells: when the table being read
	was empty (which it usually is).  An allocation request for zero bytes
	was actually allocating some memory, which never got freed.
    Isolated sorting support in MiscTableScroll(Sort) category.
    Fixed bug: was leaking an MiscTableView with every nib load.
    MiscBorderView now sets the name of the resize cursor images.
    Totally revamping sorting.
    Micro-optimization: does not resort if a "skip" slot is dragged.
    Added: intValueAt::, floatValueAt::, doubleValueAt::, stringValueAt::,
	tagAt::, titleAt::, stateAt::, and corresponding delegate messages.
    Added: buffCount, and tableScrollBuffCount:.
    MiscTableCell no longer allocates the tag dynamically.
    Finished a first draft of the MiscTableCell documentation.
    TODO: version for and table-scroll.

    Changed Files:
	* Makefile.{pre|post}depend
	* MiscBorderView.M
	* MiscIntList.rtf
	* MiscNullView.M
	* MiscTableBorder.{cc|h}
	* MiscTableCell.{h|M|rtf}
	* MiscTableScroll.{h|M|rtf}
	* MiscTableScrollData.M
	+ MiscTableScrollSort.M
	* MiscTableScrollPB.M
	* MiscTableView.M

**** MiscKit 1.7.0 Release contains v0.87 *******

v0.87 12/19/95 23:15 EST sunshine
    Fixed bug which crashed IB running on Intel whenever a TableScroll was 
	initialized (such as when displaying the palette).  The bug 
	"MiscTableBorder.cc:1107: failed assertion `0 <= min_total_size'" was 
	caused by the contentView having -NaN for the y and height values of 
	its frame.  It turns out this was because the frame was being 
	initialized with an argument of zero.  It was just "luck" that this bug
	never showed up on the Motorolla.  

    Changed Files:
	* MiscTableScroll.M

v0.86 12/17/95 15:30 EST zarnuk
    Added -border:sortSlot:, -sortCol:, -sortRow:
    Corrected spelling mistakes in documentation.

    Changed Files:
	* MiscTableScroll.{h|M}
	* MiscTableScroll.rtf

v0.85 11/12/95 23:30 EST sunshine
    Fixed bugs where TableBorder selection and cursor methods where not taking
	invalid coordinates into account, and were calling visual/physical
	conversion methods with bad values.  This fixes a problem where
	selectedSlot() was returning "random" and possibly out-of-range values.
    Fixed bug in sample code in documentation: -setRowTag: ->> -setRow:tag:.

    Changed Files:
	* MiscTableBorder.{h|cc}
	* MiscTableScroll.rtf

v0.84 11/12/95 07:00 EST sunshine
    Fixed bug in Makefile.postamble where it was unconditionally referring to
	m68k_obj rather than $(OFILE_DIR).

    Changed Files:
	* Makefile.postamble
	* BUGS.txt

v0.83 10/20/95 13:30 EDT sunshine
    Fixed mcgh2misc.csh so that it creates a "dummy" Makefile in the "dummy"
	.subproj directory since NeXT's 'make clean' in the parent directory
	tries to unconditionally perform 'make clean' in the .subproj too.

    Changed Files:
	* mcgh2misc.csh

v0.82 10/20/95 04:00 EDT sunshine
    Modified Makefile.preamble and Makefile.postamble to work correctly in the 
	MiscKit environment.  Got rid of the scroll_lib target and added
	$(LIB_NAME) to OTHER_PRODUCT_DEPENDS which builds library 
	automatically whenever the palette is built.
    Extended mcgh2misc script so that it goes the whole distance now and
	creates the entire MiscKit directory structure and deletes files which
	are not part of the MiscKit distribution -- in addition to converting
	all the files from mcgh to Misc, as it did in the past.
    PB.project was still referring to old Palette class.
    BorderView.M was using "" to include TableScroll.h instead of <>.
    TableBorder.cc was using "" to include TableScroll.h instead of <>.
    TableScroll.M was using "" to include TableScroll.h and TableCell.h instead
	of <>.  
    TableScrollData.M was using "" to include TableScroll.h and TableCell.h 
	instead of <>.  
    TableScrollInspector.M was using "" to include TableScroll.h instead of <>.
    TableView.M was using "" to include TableScroll.h instead of <>.
    Pack script now has one-line What's Locked built into it instead of relying
	on external script.

    Changed Files:
	* MiscBorderView.M
	* MiscTableBorder.cc
	* MiscTableScroll.M
	* MiscTableScrollData.M
	* MiscTableScrollInspector.M
	* MiscTableView.M
	* Makefile.preamble
	* Makefile.postamble
	* mcgh2misc.csh
	* pack.sh
	* PB.project
	* Makefile
	* BUGS.txt
	* TODO.txt

v0.81 10/19/95 03:30 EDT sunshine
    Fixed up FontManager messaging so that it is correctly updated whenever
	the TableScroll is first responder in a running application.
    Removed unused -startReadIB, -endReadIB, -startWriteIB, and -endWriteIB.
    Default slot for columns no longer has 'autosize' turned on.
    Default palette object now has one 'autosize' column only.
    Fixed inspector inter-locks and a number of bugs.  Now controls are 
	enabled/disabled at more appropriate times.  
    Updated mcgh ->> misc conversion scripts so that they convert header
	inclusions of the form <Miscxxxx.h> to <misckit/Miscxxxx.h>.
    Got rid of mcgh specific installation rules from Makefile.preamble and
	.postamble (such as /Net/devlibhost/...) since that functionality has
	been moved to GNUmakefile.

    Changed Files:
	* MiscTableBorder.cc
	* MiscTableScroll.M
	* MiscTableScrollInspector.M
	* MiscTableView.M
	* mcgh2misc.{el|csh}
	* Makefile.preamble
	* Makefile.postamble
	* BUGS.txt
	* TODO.txt

v0.80 10/15/95 23:15 EDT zarnuk
    Made one complete pass through the documentation.
    Removed unnecessary "make clean" from the pack.sh script.

    Changed Files:
	* MiscTableScroll.rtf
	* pack.sh

v0.79 10/15/95 03:30 EDT zarnuk
    Filled in some more documentation.
    Changed Files:
	* MiscTableScroll.rtf

v0.78 10/14/95 17:00 EDT zarnuk
    Fixed bug: -renewRows: was getting cell prototype from wrong column.
    Added #defines for max values of enumerations in MiscTableTypes.h
    Added range-checking asserts on all sets/reads of enumerated values
	in MiscTableBorder.cc
    Prototype cells are now allocated from the table-scroll's zone.
    Fixed problem in -[MiscTableCell initTextCell:] where Cell's
	implementation of -initTextCell: was calling -setFont:, thus
	turning off "useOwnerFont".
    Fixed GNUmakefile to add -I. before other include directories.

    Changed Files:
	* MiscTableScrollData.M
	* MiscTableTypes.h
	* MiscTableBorder.cc
	* MiscTableCell.M
	* GNUmakefile

v0.77 10/10/95 11:00 EDT zarnuk
    Now checks, applies auto-sort when a new slot order is set.
    Changed Files:
	* MiscTableScroll.M

v0.76 10/09/95 00:30 EDT zarnuk
    Updated documentation quite a bit.
    Converted (Cell*) return types to (id).
	- (int) border:(MiscBorderType)b findSlotWithTag:(int)x;
	- (int) findColWithTag:(int)x;
	- (int) findRowWithTag:(int)x;
	- findCellWithTag:(int)x;
	- findCellWithTag:(int)x row:(int*)row col:(int*)col;
	- findCell:cell row:(int*)row col:(int*)col;

    Changed Files:
	* MiscBorderView.M
	* MiscTableBorder.{cc|h}
	* MiscTableScroll.{h|M|rtf}
	* MiscTableScrollData.M
	* MiscTableScrollPB.M
	* MiscTableTypes.h
	* MiscTableView.M
	+ pack.sh
	+ pack_binaries.sh
	+ unpack_binaries.sh

v0.75 10/07/95 15:00 EDT zarnuk
    Just packaged up and moved master directory to charm.

v0.74 10/05/95 07:00 EDT zarnuk
    Fixed: -sortSlots: now checks for count > 1 before proceeding.
    Fixed: MiscTableBorder::find_slot_for_offset() fixed limit-check.
    Fixed: MiscTableBorder::setPMap() null-checking.
    Fixed: -selectAll: now sends action to target.
    Fixed: MiscTableScroll does a flushWindow after in all public draw methods.
    Added: sendActionIfEnabled / sendDoubleActionIfEnabled.

    Changed Files:
	* MiscTableBorder.cc
	* MiscTableScroll.{h|M}

v0.73 10/05/95 06:00 EDT sunshine
    Fixed bugs where TableView and BorderView wouldn't always draw selection
	correctly.  Both keep a list of cells which were drawn highlighted last
	time -reflectSelection was called but that "old list" was not being
	upkept correctly.  The "old list" is used to optimize drawing of the
	selection in -reflectSelection by only re-drawing the cells whose
	selection state have changed.  Specifically, the problems were:
	    1) -reflectSelection was updating it even if [self canDraw] 
		returned NO and no drawing occured; whereas it should have been
		updating it only upon YES.  
	    2) The other drawing methods were not updating the "old list" at
		all.  They would draw a cell (and even if its selection state
		had changed -reflectSelection would think the cell was still
		drawn with the old state).
    Paul added a call to constrainSize in -border:setSlotSizes: in TableScroll.

    Changed Files:
	* MiscBorderView.M
	* MiscTableView.M
	* MiscTableScroll.M

v0.72 10/05/95 04:00 EDT sunshine
    Fixed bug in TableView and BorderView.  Mouse tracking was asking for
	invalid slot when mouse was beyond extent of view
    This also fixed the bug where the keyboard cursor didn't jump to the 
	correct cell if the mouseUp was off the end of the view (in either 

    Changed Files:
	* MiscBorderView.M
	* MiscTableView.M

v0.71 10/04/95 15:30 EDT zarnuk
    Fixed bug introduced in v0.63 where the standard method of resetting the
	visual / physical mapping was broken.
    Fixed up MiscTableBorder::setCount().  Now it always resets the visual /
	physical mapping, even when the new count is the same as the old
	count.  This will make -renewRows: always reset the mapping, not
	just when the number of rows has changed.
    Fixed bug in MiscTableBorder::setVMap() -- was not remapping most of
	the arrays.

    Changed Files:
	* MiscTableBorder.{h|cc}
	* MiscTableScroll.M

v0.70 10/03/95 23:30 EDT zarnuk
    Fixed bug where Inspector was accessing an object IB had already
	(silently) freed in -textDidEnd:endChar:.
    Fixed bug where -scrollCellToVisible:: was screwed up.
    Eric added more to MiscTableCell.rtf documentation.

    Changed Files:
	* MiscTableScrollInspector.{h|M}
	* MiscTableView.M
	* MiscTableCell.rtf

v0.69 10/03/95 05:10 EDT zarnuk
    Fixed compile bug in MiscIntList.M
    Changed Files:
	* MiscIntList.M

v0.68 10/03/95 05:00 EDT sunshine
    Fixed MiscTableCell so that it implements -copyFromZone: instead of -copy.
    Fixed MiscTableCell so that it makes all of its own memory allocations from
	[self zone] instead of the default-malloc-zone.
    Fixed MiscIntList so that it allocates its Storage array from [self zone]
	instead of the default-malloc-zone.
    Implemented copyFromZone:, addIntList:, and initFromString: to MiscIntList.

    Changed Files:
	* MiscTableCell.{h|M|rtf}
	* MiscIntList.{h|M|rtf}

v0.67 10/03/95 04:20 EDT sunshine
    Fixed bug in -read: in MiscTableScroll.  It was asking for the typed stream
	class version using [[self class] name] instead of the correct
	[[MiscTableScroll class] name].

    Changed Files:
	* MiscTableScroll.M

v0.66 10/03/95 04:00 EDT sunshine
    Added MiscIntList documentation.
    Added preliminary MiscTableCell documentation.
    Reverted MiscTableScroll class version number back to zero and removed all
	of the version-conditional code from -read:.
    MiscTableScroll now archives action and doubleAction.
    Fixed bug where MiscIntList was unable to parse negative numbers in

    Changed Files:
	+ MiscIntList.rtf
	+ MiscTableCell.rtf
	* MiscTableScroll.M

v0.65 10/03/95 02:30 EDT zarnuk
    Removed unnecessary custom IBPalette subclass.
    Changed Files:
	- MiscTableScrollPalette.{h|M}
	* Makefile
	* PB.project
	* palette.table
	* MiscTableScroll.nib

v0.64 10/01/95 15:30 EDT sunshine
    Fixed mcgh2misc conversion to handle *.psw files.
    TableCell now has optional explicit settings for highlighted text and
	background color rather than using the "reverse-video" scheme (which
	always turns out being extremely ugly).  (The default background color
	is light-gray once again.  Paul hatez it but it is much more consistent
	with the rest of the AppKit.)
    TableScroll now publishes methods for setting highlighted text and
	background colors.
    TableScroll inspector now allows setting of text, background, and
	highlighted text and background colors in IB.
    Fixed bug where color was not working in IB.  Problem was lazy mode cell
	was not getting -setOwner:.
    Tested cell color settings.  They work!  Cells which have had colors set
	manually do not inherit the TableScroll's colors.

    Changed Files:
	* mcgh2misc.csh
	* MiscTableCell.{h|M}
	* MiscTableScroll.{h|M}
	* MiscTableScrollData.M
	* MiscTableScrollInspector.{h|M|nib}

v0.63 09/30/95 19:00 EDT zarnuk
    Added support for saving/restoring preferences...
    Added -readFromString: -writeToString[:size:[canExpand:]] methods
	to MiscIntList.

    Changed Files:
	* MiscIntList.{h|M}
	* MiscTableBorder.{h|cc}
	* MiscTableScroll.{h|M}

v0.62 09/29/95 16:00 EDT zarnuk
    Improved cell stuff:
	- lazy allocation for tags, colors.
	- useOwner options for font, colors.

    Changed Files:
	* MiscTableCell.{h|M}
	* MiscTableScroll.{h|M}
	* MiscTableScrollData.M

v0.61 09/29/95 03:00 EDT zarnuk
    Added preliminary color stuff.
    MiscTableScrollData updates the frame when rows/columns 
	are inserted/deleted.
    The Misc GNUmakefile mf.{pre/post}depend files in ".." have been
    evolving quite a bit.  The current PB Makefile is probably out of date.
    Moved Files:	/Net/devlibhost/system/include/mcgh/RCS

    Changed Files:
	* MiscTableCell.{h|M}
	* MiscTableScroll.{h|M}
	* MiscTableScrollData.M

v0.60 09/27/95 09:00 EDT zarnuk
    Checked-in source at Misc in:

    Moved Files:	/Net/devlibhost/system/include/MiscTableScroll/RCS

    Changed Files:
	- NOTES.txt		<-- Out-of-date and incorrect.
	- ARCHITECTURE.txt	<-- Out-of-date and incorrect.
	- MiscTableAdaptor.[hM]	<-- Please make sure this doesn't come back!
	* PB.project		    This is the second time I've deleted it.
	* Makefile*

v0.59 09/27/95 03:30 EDT sunshine
    Removed the newly obsolete BorderRange class.  It was only used by
    SparseSet now uses (int) internally instead of MiscCoord since MiscCoord is
	going away.  Also this makes it a more general-purpose class.
    Removed MiscCoord to avoid name conflict with class in GISKit.
    SparseSet now much a much more concerted effort to supply a meaningful
	"cursor" by taking an active role in manipulating it.  In the past it
	only assured that it had a valid value.  This was done so that methods
	called by the client of TableScroll can execute -selectRowAt:, for
	instance, and get a meaningful value from -selectedRow.  Previously
	only mouse-tracking would provide a meaningful value for the selection
    Removed MiscTableCell protocol.  Now MiscTableCell header is public so
	clients know what messages it responds to.

    Changed Files:
	- MiscBorderRange.{h|cc}
	* MiscBorderView.M
	* MiscSparseSet.{h|cc}
	* MiscTableBorder.{h|cc}
	* MiscTableTypes.h
	* mcgh2misc.el
	* MiscTableAdaptor.{h|M}
	* MiscTableCell.{h|M}
	* MiscTableScroll.{h|M}
	* MiscTableScrollData.M
	* MiscTableView.M

v0.58 09/26/95 08:00 EDT sunshine
    Compiles under NEXTSTEP 3.3 again.
    TableView no longer stores the keyboard-cursor.
    Each border now has the notion of a current keyboard-cursor.  Is now much
	more tightly integrated with slot manipulation -- gets updated as slots
	are manipulated in border.
    Caught a few more cases in TableBorder where selection needed to get
	updated as slots are manipulated.
    Added methods to TableScroll to allow client to control keyboard cursor 
    Mouse events now turn off flashing keyboard-cursor during tracking.  This
	is much more aesthetically pleasing especially during dragging, sizing,
	and selection.
    Flashing keyboard-cursor now jumps to mouse-up location.
    Keyboard-cursor and mouse tracking in TableView can now be configured to be
	either row-wise or column-wise (instead of being hard-coded as row-wise
    Keyboard-cursor now draws correctly after scrolling.  It is always drawn
	within the visibleRect of the TableView, but previously it wasn't
	getting updated upon scrolling (at which time the visibleRect changes).
    Using -setImage: in TableCell no longer leaves the 'contents' icon name
	with its last value.  Now every effort is made to install a meaningful
	value or null if necessary.

    Changed Files:
	* MiscTableScrollData.M
	* MiscTableScroll.{h|M}
	* MiscBorderView.M
	* MiscTableBorder.{h|cc}
	* MiscTableView.{h|M}
	* MiscTableFocus.M
	* MiscTableCell.M

v0.57 09/25/95 02:30 EDT zarnuk
    Reversed sense of autoSortSlots. '-autoSortRows' now means autoSort *rows*!
	Likewise for cols.  Fixed inspector to reflect this.
    Fixed -renewRows so that it actually 'retire's cells now.
    Fixed the -doRetireCell:at:: method to check -respondsTo: before
	sending messages and to avoid sending -setStringValue: to icon cells.
    Selection now gets cleared every time -empty or -renewRows: is called.
    Selection now gets updated when slots are inserted / deleted / moved.
    Changed Files:
	* MiscTableScroll.M
	* MiscTableScrollData.M
	* MiscTableScrollInspector.M
	* MiscTableBorder.{h|cc}
	* MiscSparseSet.{h|cc}

v0.56 09/24/95 01:00 EDT zarnuk
    Selection methods now update the display if isAutodisplay,
	else setNeedsDisplay:YES.
    Added -replaceIntAt:with:, -sort, -sortUsing:data: methods to MiscIntList.
    Added pasteboard / services stuff...
    Added -border:visualToPhysical:, -border:physicalToVisual: to
    Changed Files:
	* PB.project
	* MiscTableScroll.{h|M}
	+ MiscTableScrollPB.M
	+ MiscIntList.h
	* MiscIntList.M

v0.55 09/24/95 04:00 EDT sunshine
    Fixed *lib targets in Makefile.postamble so that they depend on the palette
    Renamed MiscTextCell to MiscTableCell.
    Added icon functionality to MiscTableCell and fixed MiscTableBorder to use
	the new icon stuff.
    Speeded up sorting by making a lot of high frequency functions inline.
    Added MiscTableCell protocol which all the cells returned by TableScroll
	respect since we use private cell types internally and do not otherwise
	specify what messages they respond to.  All methods throughout have
	been converted.

v0.54 09/21/95 00:30 EDT zarnuk
    Added revive/retire methods for data-cells.  Font gets fixed in revive.

v0.53 09/20/95 15:16 EDT zarnuk
    Fixed more font stuff...
	Changing the uniformSize of a border now gets the frame updated.
	Changing the uniformSize of rows updates the line-scroll and
		page-scroll values.
	Display is disabled while fonts are being changed.
    Removed obsolete MiscTableBorderOwner.*
    Added libMiscTableScroll.a to OTHER_GARBAGE in Makefile.preamble.

v0.52 09/20/95 06:45 EDT sunshine
    Got rid of abbreviations in selMode, setSelMode:, and reflectSel. They are
	now selectionMode, setSelectionMode:, and reflectSelection,
	respectively.  Updated documentation.
    Added all manner of -scroll*ToVisible methods to TableScroll.
	-scrollCellToVisible::, -scrollRowToVisible:, -scrollColToVisible,
    Fixed Makefile.preamble.  It was adding -ObjC++ to CFLAGS.  This should not
	be done since it causes problems with PS-wraps, *plus* it should not be
	necessary since we are using the proper file extensions .M and .cc.  
	The reason this was done was because the NeXT makefile used for 
	palettes (/NextDeveloper/Makefiles/app/specialrules.make) has a bug in
	it and does not add the -ObjC++ flag to files with .cc extension.  I 
	fixed the problem by overriding their buggy implicit rule for .cc in 
	our local Makefile.postamble.  
    Added keyboard control.  Rows can be selected via the keyboard in all
	selection modes, in a sensible manner.  Works but still needs a bit
	tighter integration with other operations such as mouse tracking,
	changing num-rows, etc.  Added TableFocus class for showing keyboard
	focus.  It displays a blinking dashed box.
    Keyboard controls are:
	Arrow keys move selection cursor.
	Space selects/deselects slot and sends action.
	Return sends doubleAction.
	Tab sends -selectText to nextText.
	Shift-Tab sends -selectText to previousText.

v0.51 09/19/95 07:30 EDT zarnuk
    Added -makeCellsPerform: methods.
    Fixed -sendAction:to:forAllCells: to match behavior documented in Matrix.
    Added font stuff.
    Created new archive version.  Added support for reading old versions.

v0.50 09/18/95 15:15 EDT zarnuk
    Sorting was not honoring descending direction.
    -sortSlots: now generates an error if called re-entrantly.
    Added delegate call-backs for slot-dragged, slot-resized.
    Implemented auto-sort.

v0.49 09/18/95 07:45 EDT zarnuk
    Fixed some compilation problems.

v0.48 09/15/95 05:30 EDT sunshine
    Mouse down methods in BorderView and TableView now send action and double
    Added programmatic selection interface.
    Added MiscIntList to support selection of multiple rows/tags at one time.
    Modified mouse tracking behavior so that it acts more like Matrix upon
	double-click.  That is, now you can double-click-drag and the double-
	action is sent upon the mouse-up from the double-click-drag.
    Fixed 'lib' targets in Makefile.postample to use 'cc -ObjC++ -r -nostdlib'
	instead of 'ld -r' since ld can't handle multiple architectures.
    Fixed mcgh ->> Misc conversion scripts to also convert Makefile.*.

v0.47 09/14/95 05:45 EDT zarnuk
    Applied Eric's fix to the -findImageNamed: stuff so that the resize
	cursors can be found at runtime.
    Added scroll_lib target to the Makefile.postamble to create the library.
    Added -sizeToCells method.
    Added sorting.
    Added -tag and -setTag: to MiscTextCell.

v0.46 09/13/95 13:45 EDT zarnuk
    Fixed compile problem.

v0.45 09/13/95 03:00 EDT zarnuk
    Plugged memory leak in MiscTableBorder::setCount() when shrinking
	uniform-size borders that had custom titles or prototype cells.
    Added -setAutodisplay:
    Added -border:drawSlot: (counter-part of -drawCol:, -drawRow:).
    Added -border:drawSlotTitle:, -drawColTitle:, -drawRowTitle:
    Added -[MiscBorderView drawSlot:].
    Fixed up these methods to -update the display:
    Converted all 'col' and 'row' methods to use the generic 'slot' methods.
    Expanded size of 'size' fields in inspector to accomodate new larger max.
    Fixed up implementation of -sendAction methods.
    Added {get/set}{slot/col/row}data-size methods.

v0.44 09/12/95 15:30 EDT zarnuk
    Fixed assertion failure min_total_size <= max_total_size.
    Increased MISC_MAX_PIXELS_SIZE from 0x3FFF -> 0x7FFFF0000
	(Note that 0x7FFFFFFE -- (LONG_MAX-1) Had problems from the
	long -> float -> long conversions.  This value seems to be working.)
    Removed fascist policy of always forcing at least one column to autosize.
    Re-organized {get/set}{min/max} constrained stuff to be more consistent
	with the rest of the interface.
    Added {get/set}{min/max} total-size methods.
    Added get total-size methods.
    Published -constrainSize method.

v0.43 09/11/95 04:15 EDT zarnuk
    Fixed botched declarations in MiscTableScroll.h.  These were all
    mis-spelled as "Cols" instead of "Rows".
    - (BOOL) sizeableRows;
    - (BOOL) draggableRows;
    - (BOOL) modifierDragRows;

    Renamed xxxViewOn methods to xxxTitlesOn.
    Fleshed out most of the documentation.
    Added -tag, and -setTag:
    Added stubs for -sendAction, -sendAction:to:, -sendAction:to:forAllCells:,
	    -sendDoubleAction, -cellIsSelected::
    Added -constrain {min/max} {width/height} methods.
    Added constrain {min/max} constrols to the inspector.
    Columns are now autosize by default.
    Eric added outlets to palette nib so connections can be made from Table
	Scroll to other objects in IB.

v0.42 09/10/95 22:00 EDT sunshine
    Finished mcgh ->> Misc conversion scripts.  They now handle nibs, tiffs,
    and the documentation.
    Incorporated Paul's changes to the documentation.

v0.41 09/10/95 21:00 EDT sunshine
    Converted back to mcgh from Misc.  Added scripts to convert to Misc upon
    demand.  The scripts are currently incomplete since they don't deal with
    nibs or tiffs.

v0.40 09/03/95 06:00 EDT sunshine
    Changed all prefixes to Misc or MISC_ as appropriate in preparation for
    inclusion in the MiscKit.  Modified copyright notices to mention the
    MiscKit and its license.

    Fixed up the two public headers TableScroll.h and TableTypes.h so that they
    can be included by non-C++ clients (in other words, probably *all* MiscKit
    users) as well as C++ clients.

    Started writing preliminary class documentation.

    Added missing -doubleTarget and -setDoubleTarget: methods.

    Added a TODO file.

v0.39 08/30/95 23:52 EDT sunshine
    Fixed up the icons on the "up" and "down" buttons on the inspector.	 They
    now support both color and gray.

    Added missing "to-do" stuff to the BUG file.  Should make a TODO file.

v0.38 08/30/95 22:17 EDT sunshine
    Fixed bug where drawing got all messed up during auto-scroll when resizing
    columns/row.  Problem was that instance-drawing was ON during auto-scroll.

    Fixed bug where automatic column/row titles were "reordering" themselves
    automatically after dragging instead of sticking to original columns/rows.
    Problem was that visual coordinates were being used in auto-generation
    instead of physical coordinates.

    Added copyright notice to all files.  Normalized comment headers.

v0.37 08/27/95 04:00 EDT sunshine
    Fixed the problem with list-mode selection where it "leaked" selected cells
    when you dragged the mouse back and forth very quickly.

    Fixed the problem where the scrollers and document frame were not being
    updated when a column/row was resized.

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.